Sunday, September 17, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 9/1733

 Happy Sunday to all!  Hope this finds you all safe and well.
We are starting with another very cool morning - and I am loving it.  We have had a great weather week.  This coming week to get back closer to normal temps - which means a little warm up.  Other than a tiny chance of rain today - no rain in the projected forecast for the week.

I still have a couple of hummingbirds!  I love watching and hearing the geese fly over a couple times a day.  The birds and squirrels are active.  I am starting to see mice in the vines and flowers around the perimeter of the house.  I need to get something to get rid of them.  Blackie could care less!  I don't want them trying to get in!!!!!!!

My week:
  • Lots of yard work this week.  Did a big clean out of the front walk and flower bed.  Back fence area all cleaned.  Lots of pulling and cutting!
  • Fixed a feeder and fixed a rail on the greenhouse deck
  • Airing the house - NO AC all week
  • Placed some scrap out back for heavy trash day (they didn't come) - someone picked it up - so all is good!
  • Had some very old apples in the crisper - so I made fried apples
  • The gal across the street had another yard sale - I got 3 high end tops (she has great taste), a small evening bag and a Christmas CD for $9
  • I picked several pounds of tomatoes this week - needing to do more canning this week
  • Used an older jar of homemade salsa and soup base to make chili - I have been craving!!!!!
  • Another neighbor brought me a serving of homemade chocolate bread pudding - yum
  • Making progress on the paper piles!  Two piles down and ready to go in trash.  Some set aside to shred or burn.  More to do!!!!!!
  • I now have 3 boxes of stuff to donate so far
  • Ordered and received homeopathic stuff and flea meds for Blackie for the winter
  • Using what I have and cooking at home
  • Laundry in cold and used dehumidifier water
                                   My live forever sedum - can you see all the different bees?

Meals this past week:
Meatball/pizza sauce sandwich and salad
Stir fry veggies (cabbage/onion/zucchini) over rice and slice toms
Fish soft tacos - topped with shredded cabbage, toms and cheese
Burger with grilled onion and a fresh veggie plate
Chili - 2X

How was your week?  What has everyone been doing to get ready for fall and winter?  Geesh, it will be here sooner than later!!!!!  Any good deals?  What are you eating this week?
Hope you all check in - missing several of you!!!!!!

I hope you have a great week ahead, and that you are all safe and healthy.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

O Lord, be gracious to us: we wait for thee, be our arm every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble.
Isaiah 33:2

Dear Lord,  Thank You for guiding us and directing through this life.  We need and want you in our every moment.  Please continue to keep us in Your protective arms.  Amen


  1. Good morning Cheryl, Sounds like you have had a great week! I'll be back later :-)

    1. Good morning my sweet friend. Look forward to it!
      Have a wonderful day!!!!

    2. Well, I had to think about what I might write since I don't really give much thought to the things I do all the time. Never been very good at writing stuff down or taking pictures.
      We are still picking a few things from the garden lettuce, peppers, basil and other herbs. I think I planted too much, I feel overwhelmed.
      We have been stuck in the house for several days because our air quality is so high from all the smoke from the fires in the area.
      So just been doing piddly things in the house. I did can some chicken broth and might have mentioned that I did cranberry sauce too, but maybe not. I've been thinking about other things to make up for Christmas gifts cause it's coming fast!

    3. I plan on sharing your lovely picture of your day trip this week. So pretty.
      Glad you are still getting goodies. Visions of grandeur - it gets a lot of people. So much stuff and what to do with it all.
      Bummer that the air quality is so poor. Sure do feel for all the people right there in the fire zones.
      Good going on the chicken broth and cranberries - that will be good this winter.
      Have a fantastic week!!!

  2. Good morning Cheryl, I am a bit envious of your changing weather! Although now here in Phoenix we are starting to get our version of fall (100 degrees). I had lots of hummingbirds at my old house, I need to create a feeding place here for them, it has been hectic getting furniture moved around in anticipation of renovation. I just located my feeders and sugar, so that is my first step. Have a good week next week. Hilogene in Az

  3. There were 2 celebrations this week - a celebration of life for our 91 yr old neighbor & a 50th wedding anniversary. Both were an opportunity to meet with old friends & neighbors. The 91 yr old had been married for 61 yrs & I can't imagine what it's like for his widow to be alone for the first time in so many yrs. I've been going for a 2-mi walk this past week. The road is lined with chokecherry & pin cherry bushes. It's obvious the bears have been enjoying a feeding frenzy as the road is littered with bear scat. In all the years of walking through the bush & on the road, I've yet to come across a bear. The closest I've come is the bear on the deck this spring; nothing that close since. The landline is still not fixed. l did upgrade the cell phone plan. I'm looking for a used 4x4 light truck. The only thing I like shopping for is food! I bought tomatoes from a local supplier & canned 7 qts. A distant relative refers to the canning process as jarring. And he's right as we're preserving in jars not cans. Apparently jarring is a common term in eastern Canada. Today I'll make the delicious black bean/corn salsa. In the kitchen: granola cookies; sauteed zucchini w/ roasted Italian sausage; lasagna. Squash soup will be made today. Have a good week.

    1. Oh how sad. What a long marriage. My oldest sis lost her hubby after 56 years of marriage - amazingly she remarried 2 1/2 years later. She said she married for companionship - hated being alone. Her kids are scattered near and far.
      Oh bears. Glad we don't have those around here! That would be scary walking the roads knowing they had been there.
      I always wondered why we called it canning - because yes, it is jarring! I have heard that said a lot.
      You are doing such a great job putting things up!
      Have a lovely week!

  4. Our hummingbirds have been zipping around for the last week or two fighting for the feeder. They aren't afraid at all and will get really close to us when we're out there. I also noticed the squirrels are stocking up. The weather has been wonderful. I even made our first pot of soup to celebrate. Have a wonderful Sunday Cheryl.

    1. Yep, the hummies have been busy. Mine get pretty close too.
      It has been soup weather. I had such a craving for chili - I only make it fall/winter. Goodness, it was good.
      Happy soup weather!!!!
      Have a great week.

  5. On my drive to Chattanooga the other day I saw about a dozen geese take off in flight and form their V shape. It was so neat to see. Sounds like you had a very nice week. Decluttering paperwork can be tedious. My dad told me the other day that the filing cabinets in the office downstairs still have the papers and files from when we moved here from Illinois in 1986! My Mom and Dad were/are both hoarders. 😂

    1. How cool. They are neat - I guess because we don't deal with their mess!
      File cabinets haven't even been touched! That is another day!
      Tell dad good luck!!!
      Have a good week.

    2. When I cleaned out my parents house after my mom passed two years ago, I found their tax return from the year I was born. I am 69 years old. I am a CAP so I thought that was kind of cool.

    3. Nancy that is really something. I know hubs was one who was adamant about keeping tax returns. I am sure they are all here - up or down stairs! It is amazing the things we keep!

  6. The leaves are turning quickly here and the mornings are definitely cool. The geese and ducks are still around but I expect they'll be making their way south soon.
    I got some packing done this week, and along with that more garage sale, donations and plain garbage was identified. I'm planning to hold the garage sale this week and anything that doesn't go will be donated.
    Check the exterior of your home for any places a mouse could enter. Vents or small holes in the foundation. Those little buggers can get through very small entry points. In an old house I had them coming through a crack in the wall behind the kitchen sink. After catching a dozen or so (!) my brother and I sealed it up with some expanding foam. Good luck!

    1. Good luck with packing and decluttering. I hope you sell lots.
      Oh I know - last fall I went around and stuffed steel wool into every tiny crack I could see. It worked. Need to make the rounds and checked everything again.
      Have a great week.

  7. -A beautiful week of morning temps from 59-64. Windows and doors wide open until late morning. Then 90s! We made "Double Pyramids" Salsa. 32 pints stacked on the counter for a photo op ;-) My freezer is full, that is more than enough salsa for until next year and here is my garden deciding to go into full-on production. Now what?
    -Sedum Autumn Joy is in full color now. Out my kitchen window are my tomato trees and behind them, the sedum. It's a beautiful site!
    -College Football yesterday for the win (yes, we're season ticket holders at our Alma Mater).
    -Walked, walked, walked. I've been hoofing a lot in this amazing morning weather and it may be time to replace the shoes I bought in May. I'm at 412 miles and that's when I remember to have my phone in my pocket for tracking.
    -Good eats: tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh apples, bell peppers, salmon, chicken, grilled burger patty w/cheese (of course!). I'm a whole foods girl as much as possible.

    I'm looking forward to another great week, more of the same.

    Today is a new life. Wishing ya'll a terrific one ❤️

    1. Same here on morning temps or cooler. Loving it. It sure makes for good sleeping.
      That is a lot of salsa. Maybe make something different this time around. My toms are going strong too - round 2. Crazy!
      Nice that you are walking so much. That is great free exercise. Mmmmm - those are good eats!
      Have a great one!

  8. Congratulations on the new tops! That is great. What nice neighbors you have! That is really missing for many of us in this time of ours.

    It sounds like you have been decluttering major and that is sooooo wonderful, such a good feeling to do that.

    I did get my 'fall' on pretty much, this week so I'm loving that! Our youngest has put some things out too. Hope to post a little on that soon.

    Good deals? Well, I too am stocking up for Christmas and such. I did find nice deals at Sam's Wholesale. I bought beautiful Carter's holiday plaid button down boys shirts with matching khaki pants sets for a little over $10.00. And all cotton too! Mimi is a stickler for comfort! lol I also found a knit four piece 'cottage core' look darling set for our little gal tot. Around same price. This will be part of their Christmas and plenty of room for a nice quality toy too. I found my mom a pair of Isotoner red indoor-outdoor house shoes there as well for $12 something. She's hard to buy for, loves her comfort, loves red. I also purchased a Susan Winget, 'The Lord is my Shepherd' calendar from for my mom, it was a hit last year and she'll love it again. Sam's is very good for gifts if you find what you want. I know I could have gotten the house shoes cheaper but not as good of quality (I'm not a name-brander at all) but these could be used for regular shoes too, like clogs and they are my mom's favorite color, *red*. The children's clothing there is a great value for gifts.

    Last week I made a very good veggie soup for my mom when she was here, and sent her an empty washed almond milk carton full home too. I saute an onion, 3 garlic cloves in olive oil. Add frozen spinach, can of lentils, frozen zuchini, and a big jar of Classico pasta gravy with plenty of water and 3 T. of dried basil. It was so good too. I froze the rest for another day when all the grands and my mom are here. I serve it with brown rice or pasta.

    Thank you for the great reminders Cheryl to stock up, it's never too early!

    Wonderful scripture and prayer. ...Oh such a heartfelt cry for us all I'm sure. Have a good one! ~Amelia P.S. Hoping to get a new blog up soon, have some skirt makes, fall decor etc. It's been so busy lately with everything but I haven't forgotten! : )

    1. You have had a good shopping week with all those gifts. That is wonderful. You got some great deals. The soup sounds good. Look forward to the new post!!!
      Have a great week.

  9. We need the Father's protective arms. The security of the knowledge that He cares for us is priceless.

    You always have a very productive week. You're making the rest of us look bad, you know. ha!

    I am going to sort through the box of pictures/papers today. Brought in a small box and will find another couple containers to help with the organizing. Alana (my oldest) sent me a nice scanner to facilitate the sharing of pictures. Apparently she has one like it to use for her work. She can be my tech support.

    We still have tomatoes but not sure if there is enough for a canner. We are still digging potatoes so some of those may be canned also. So far the fingerlings have been my favorite. We did sit down and make a list of what we would like to plant next spring and if we have seeds or need to order a supply. We have a sunflower that is at least 16 feet tall. I need to cut it down so the chickens can have the seeds.

    Loving this cooler weather. Seriously thinking about switching wardrobes around. Enjoy your day!

    1. It sounds busier than it is!
      Good for you on going through photos and papers. It is sure a job - I know that. It accumulates like rabbits!!!!!
      I bet those fingerlings are good. I just love that we have all done so well with gardens this year.
      The cooler weather is fantastic.
      Have a good week.

  10. LOTS of good eats mentioned here and great scripture to feed the soul! Beautiful weather here as well. My favorite time of year too like many have mentioned.
    Cheryl, could you please tell where you buy your homeopathic supplies. I'm interested in your experience with homeopathic remedies. A possible post for the future?
    Thank you
    Central Az

    1. Thank you - this lovely weather is just fantastic.
      I have been buying them at Chewy - they have prescription meds and they have several homeopathic items. I get the drops for sinus/allergies and some for worms. Both have worked wonderfully. Now the flea meds are the regular skin application (not homeopathic). They have the items for all kinds of things for both dogs and cats. Just need to look around their site a little.
      Have a great week.

  11. We have been enjoying some very welcome lower temps this week, too. One night we had a strong, cool breeze that to me always signals the end of summer's reign. It happens every year and I am always thrilled to witness it.
    My only gesture to fall so far has been to install mums in my planters. That's enough for now.
    I had a really enjoyable day yesterday; it both lightened my heart and made me realize that my physical abilities are not as limited as I thought. Fear and despair have been unwelcome companions for a while now, and yesterday helped give them a good shove aside. I am grateful for the evidence that all CAN become well again! God is good.

    1. Glad you are having good temps as well. Those evening breezes are nice.
      How wonderful you had such a good day. Sometimes we get a good dose of 'all will be fine' just when we need it! I am happy you had such an enjoyable experience.
      Blessings to you for a great week.

  12. Very timely verse and prayer (for me) right now. Thank you for sharing them. Yes, you've had a busy week again with tasty meals! Mice can be an issue; I hope you find a safe, effective solution to keep them out of your house.

    Just over 2 weeks have passed since surgery. Basically, I'm hanging out in the house and will be for the next month. Thankfully, I'd had enough to get us through the first handful of weeks, more if you include ingredients in the freezers and pantry. The only needs will be perishables. Healing up is a job in itself, so I'm cutting myself some slack vs. feeling like a slacker. ;-)

    Best wishes to all for a wonderful week ahead. --Elise

    1. Mice can be a real issue - I always worry about my food stores. So far I have been a lucky girl and avoided a problem.
      Time is clicking away for you. Just continue to take things easy! Glad there has been plenty for good eating for you all.
      Don't over do it and don't feel like a slacker. You NEED to heal!
      Have a great week.

  13. Good morning, and thank you for your post. It's been raining here since some time overnight. I just got a CodeRED alert on my phone that my area is under alert for flooding in low-lying areas. I'm at a high enough elevation that it won't impact me directly, though some roads I regularly use will likely be closed due to having water across them. Got lots of cleaning done this past week and put out most of my autumn decor. Still need to clear the dining room table and change the tablecloth and runner and swap out a couple of other runners. At some point this coming week, I think I need to start finalizing my deck-box harvesting and get the plants cut back for the winter. I've got probably a 1/2 dozen peppers (green and red), one or two remaining pickles, and a bunch of tomatoes (though many will likely have blossom end rot, so not sure how many will be edible). There's also basil, thyme, parsley, and oregano, though growth is slowing with the cooler temps, and chives need to be cut back again. I'll leave my leeks and lone rutabaga until after the first freeze. Have a great day!

    1. Wow that much rain? We had a soft rain about noon and it is spitting right now - nothing major. Be safe on any traveling you have to do - watch for the high waters.
      Sounds like you are still getting good harvest. With warmer temps coming this week - I am leaving my 'growing' things alone!
      Have a fun week cleaning!!!
      Have a good one.

  14. I have pretty much everything out of my garden except there's still some turnips, okra and a few winter squash. Got the last of the tomatoes and most of the winter squash yesterday. My beautiful mammoth sunflower was stolen. Glad I took a picture of it a couple of weeks ago. Someone cut the head off with one clean cut. They didn't take the second mammoth or the 2 smaller sunflowers I planted with seeds my grandson gave me. I'm at a community garden. This is the first time in 8 or 9 years that I've been there that has happened. I lost a head of lettuce in the spring. It was cut off at the base. And this week 6 yellow squash I was planning to harvest were also gone. Already considering where I can plant sunflowers in my yard next spring as I just love them. Our yard doesn't get much sun but hubs thinks there one spot that would.

    1. How crummy someone would do that! I guess you have to figure they needed it worse that you did - or thought so. I can't believe people think it is OK to steal from others - no matter what it is.
      I hope you can figure a spot at home to plant next year. That way you can enjoy them to their fullest.
      Have a good week.

  15. Mice are always a nuisance. This time of year they're looking for a nice warm place for the winter. I have had good success with the bucket and pop can type trap. 2 1/2 or 5 gallon pail. drill two holes near the rim opposite each other. Drill a hole in the bottom of a pop can. Run a wire through the pop can hole and the can's top opening. Connect each end of the wire through the holes in the bucket so that the can can spin freely on the wire. Half fill the pail with water. Smear peanut butter on the can. Lay a stick or branch from the ground to the edge of the bucket where the wire is attached. Mouse runs up the branch; tries to reach the peanut butter and falls into pail. Wait for them to drown. I've taken as many as 5 in one evening. For the tender hearted... mice are rodents that carry disease and destroy food in storage. They are pooping and peeing continuously as they travel through your home. They are as welcome as cockroaches even though they look so cute.
    I give away a lot of my garden produce as many gardeners do but I would be very upset to see something stolen or vandalized. Sorry that you experienced that, Margaret.
    Feels good to start putting the garden to bed, doesn't it, Cheryl? I'm letting my asparagus jungle go for a few more weeks but dug potatoes. Pulled some bean plants to make room for the turnips to grow more. I have a gorgeous crop of bug free cabbages that are really plumping up now. Apples are big and perfect this year. Too much food really but that's better than it was in June and July.
    Life is good.

    1. Thanks for the plans and details of that trap. They are nasty and do carry disease. They can sure do havoc on food stores as well.
      It does and it doesn't. The work will be ending soon in the garden, ten there is thinking about winter - ick!
      wonderful on the cabbages and apples. Sounds like a good harvest.
      Fall foods are wonderful.
      Yes indeedy, life is good. Have a fantastic week.

  16. Got home and started on harvesting and processing the garden again. I really do not want to waste anything this year. I am going to give a try to some new tomato recipes as well. May as well use up all we can. I will be starting to put my deck flowers to bed over the next few weeks (probably a pretty long time).

    God bless.

    1. So happy to have you back home! Enjoying your pics.
      Yes, use it all up as much as possible. No need to waste things. Sometimes those new recipes turn out to be favorites.
      Have a wonderful week.

  17. I turned the air conditioner off last night and so far have not needed it, but it was 99 here on Saturday!

    1. Holy cow - 99! Yikes. I think we are done with that kind of heat. Glad you got the AC off for a while.
      Have a great week.
