Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Life is Full of Transformations

I was sitting here going through pictures the other day, and it just really dawned on me how many times in our lives we go through transformations of our self.  We have each had many versions of ourselves.  Some may think not - but think about it.  You had the single gal at home, then perhaps a college gal, then married, then maybe children and grandchildren, maybe a career woman, maybe a widow.  Just so many changes in one life.

I do believe that whatever role I was in, I was always trying to please others.  Just kind of became a way of life.  I guess maybe we all do that.
I was that girl at home, carefree and having a pretty good life.  I dated as a teen, had fun with friends, got into trouble a little, and had a pretty good life.  I always wanted mom & dad to proud though.

I then got engaged and married.  Too young!  We thought we were all grown up and that was exciting.  We played hard and partied hard and spent a lot of money!  Not a good idea for a young (fairly clueless) couple.  Stuff happened and we went our separate ways.

Only spent a little time single again.  Spent most of that time trying to get out of that crazy debt we made earlier.

Met my love, and boom - decided marriage WAS a good thing.  Swore it wouldn't happen again and then it did.  We had such a good life together.  We had fun, we had dreams, we had goals and we worked on all of those things together.  We both had our heads on straight and knew life could very well be different in the future, because of probable handicaps - we planned for that.  I worked hard, and tried to be the best wife I could.  I wanted to make my husband happy.  I took care of him and things when the time came.  That was my life.  Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Oh my goodness, look at these two young kids!!!!!!  Good golly, we weren't even married yet.  This was the Christmas before we married in January.  Young and happy - looking forward to the future together.  By the way - Glen hardly ever smiled in pictures unless acting goofy!  Gosh what a hunky looking lumberjack of a fellow he was - my big teddy bear.

Today - I am a widow.  Alone.  Yet another transformation in life.  Today I do whatever I feel like doing - if people don't like it - well, I don't care much.  I am old enough and have been through enough, that I can be whatever form of me I want to be.  I am still not sure what that is!!!!!!

I would love to still be a wife to Glen - but I wouldn't wish him back to go through those final hours again for anything.  I wouldn't wish him back, knowing what he would have had to go through had that one day been different.  He was still somewhat dependent and that would have changed over time.  He would never want that.
I miss him and nothing is the same - yet it is.  That is when we wonder how can life continue and go on the same every day when someone so special is gone.  Yet it does - the world just continues.

I guess the point of all of this is, no matter where we are in life - each step is a transformation of who we are becoming and who we will end up being.  It makes us who we are.  Life is full of changes - good and bad - and here we are.
We get up and we go through the steps each day.  We mean something to someone else out there and that is good.  
Would I have changed anything is this life?  Hmmmm that is a tough one.  Sincerely wish I hadn't had some experiences - but then I wouldn't be who I am today.  Each thing and experience in life has formed me into who I am.  AND I am OK with that.  I like me.

Just try to be the best you can be, make a difference for someone else in this world, and SMILE!  
Don't wallow in self-pity and worry - it changes nothing for the good.  

Just be your best self!  
THAT is what would make all those lost in our lives happy!!!!!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks - we have sure been through some things! All of us.

    2. Surely many have! I am grateful every single day. Hubster's grandfather dropped at age 50, MI. I couldn't wait to be 51. His Dad had an MI at 60. I couldn't wait to be 61. Hubster has high BP-managed well with 2 meds which I would love to see him be able to dump. I am hopeful he will develop some new healthier habits as I am working on mine. Live by example, right?

      I have so many young widows in my life as well as many in my online life. I don't take my husband for granted. And my heart goes out to every woman and man moving forward without their life partner. I hope to be so brave should it happen to me.

    3. When my sister passed at 48 - she was a mom of 3 and a young grandma, I was devastated. She was also my best friend too. I felt so guilty hitting 48 and a bit scared. No, I wasn't her - but we lived a lot alike. Her daughter has said the same thing - she dreaded 48. Life can sure throw us some knocks - we deal with it.

  2. LOVE the picture, Cheryl. You look so happy and Glen was such a handsome young man! I'm smiling at the package of socks... it's just not Christmas without new socks. :-)

    About 5 yrs. after we moved from TX, I was back for a brief visit and a friend drove past our former house. The 1st house we bought. He asked if I felt like I was home. I said, "No. I feel like I'm looking at the house of a woman I once knew very well."

    Change is the one constant in life. Everything changes. Including us. We're continually transformed. You write: "Just be your best self!" Such wise words. Thank you. --Elise

    1. Elise, what a great phrase…a woman I used to knew very well! And Cheryl, this is such a good post and every line seemed like it fit me. Now as I start a life without Stu, I look back at the various chapters and see the flow over my life. Thank you, great and thought provoking post today! I am beginning to get excited about the next chapter in my life with only small bursts of guilt at being happy ;). Hilogene in Az.

    2. Indeed change is the one constant in life. we learn, we grow and we change. Nothing stays the same as badly as we would like it to.

    3. Hilogene - that makes me happy to hear you say that. Yep, I still have those small bursts of guilt too. We have to move on and we have to grow - you and I both know that would have made them happy!!! We shall move forward!!!!!!

    4. There is so much truth in that. I like to go back to a deli in our old neighborhood where we lived for 35 years. They have the best potato salad and it's become a staple at various gatherings. When I went for to pick up an order for the 4th of July BBQ I was hosting for friends, I made the mistake of driving past my old house (sold it 6 years ago). I used to know the family that lived there, but it's not the same house any more and I've told myself I won't drive past again, even when going to the deli for a pick-up order.

    5. Chapter closed - good for you. That is a big step Lori K

  3. Great picture of the two of you!

  4. We do go through many transformations in our lives. I guess that is a good thing in that we learn from our mistakes (or should!). Fabulous picture of you and Glen.

    1. Yes mam. Some don't - but I think most people learn from the mistakes or falters we encounter. That is a good thing.
      Thank you!

  5. Cheryl, you have the look of the cat that ate the canary!! Adorable!!

    I resist change with every fiber of my being lol. For me, change was always painful, even when it might've looked pretty on the outside. Marriage was a good change, but my family sure made it harder. Bless my hubs' heart for not fleeing as many men would have!!

    I have never been an optmist for that reason. That light at the end of the tunnel?? No doubt it's a train. Loaded down. Going fast. Engineer passed out drunk. Yup, that's me!!!

    I'm very much the same person I've always been. I changed for the worse between 7 and 9 yo. It was gradual, but in retrospect, it's very obvious that there was a significant change. And that was the change that made me HATE and dread change.

    1. LOL - thanks! I kind of felt like I had won the lottery!
      I am not a fan of change - big change - but it happens whether I like it or not. I have always been kind of a Pollyanna - so I have been told! I try to believe the best - until proven it isn't.
      Sorry you have such a tough time with it all.

  6. This is a wonderful post Cheryl and I LOVE the picture of you two. You look so happy!! Change is the one constant thing in this life. When someone asks me if I would have done anything differently I say no because if one thing changed, who knows how life would have turned out. I really admire you for the way you've handled the changes in your life. Happy Wednesday.

    1. Exactly!!!!! We grow from the changes and any one thing would make life different. Even the bad stuff.
      Thank you - I just try to move forward as I think Glen would expect.
      I was so very happy!!!!!!!

  7. Excellent post, Cheryl. Sometimes we have a choice about the transformation, other times we don't. And with each opportunity, we get to decide our direction. I started out 2023 with some paths I wanted to explore in mind, and low and behold, I've decided against that course. How we react to change is what makes us into who we are. I never once thought I'd be where I am today, but I have some new goals for the future -- not sure if it will be 2024 or 2025 when I get there. Only God knows. Hugs across the miles.

    1. Thanks. I never imagined being where I am either - oh, I knew there was a good possibility - but I could not imagine it.
      I am glad you have set some goals and looking to make them happen. Maybe not this year, maybe not next - but it will. Goals keep us on the right track! It all happens when it is supposed to happen!!! Thanks for the hug!!!!

  8. Yes, life happens and constantly changes. I lost my dear sister suddenly back in 2017 at the age of 58, she would of been 59 that year. Boy, do I miss her. Today, I turned 59 . Lost my mom last November. Things are sure different when you lose dear loved ones. Life does go on , However, some days are harder than others. I enjoy your blog. Great picture of you and Glen. : )

    1. Janie so sorry for your losses. It is so difficult at times to trudge ahead and trudge it seems like at times!
      Some days are much harder - but through strength we go on. We must!
      Happy birthday to you.
      Glad to have you here and thank you!

    2. Happy Birthday, Janie! Today is my husband's 92nd birthday. It's been a very difficult year for us, but I'm glad he's still here and able to celebrate.
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

    3. FRANCES - happy birthday to your hubby!!!!!!!! A great day to celebrate!!!!!
      Glad you posted - I was getting worried!

    4. Been concentrating on my physical and mental healing recently. Strengthening myself for the next crisis.

    5. Happy Birthday Janie! Nice to meet you! Yes, life can be hard when we have painful losses in our lives.

      And Happy Birthday to your husband, Frances! Glad you are resting.

    6. Happy Birthday, Janie! And Happy Birthday to your husband, Frances! Glad to "see" you. --Elise

  9. What a fantastic picture! Debby in Kansas is right--your expression clearly says, "Yummy--all MINE!!!"

    Yes, life is fully of changes. It's like innertubing down a river. We can splash and enjoy, nervously try to kick ourselves away from rocks, bump hard into other innertubers. But that river just keeps moving us along. Best to enjoy what we can.

    2023 is proving to be particularly hard for me, mentally, physically, spiritually. Hopefully the river soon takes me past these rocky rapids into a calmer stretch.

    Thanks for some good thoughts today, Cheryl! Your words are so often a good, hearty feast for the mind and the soul...

    1. Prayers for you.

    2. LOL - thank you!!! I did feel that way! I just thought he was so stinking handsome!
      I am sorry your year has been rough. Great analogy! I hope things level out for you and that it gets better.
      Yes we all need to enjoy the moments as they come - they are indeed precious.
      Thank you for your kind words. Prayers to lift you up in joy!

    3. Cheryl and Anonymous, thank you very much for your prayers. I am grateful to you both!

  10. If I had known that I would have this genetic disease that keeps me homebound most of the time I would have taken advantage of being mobile so much more. But, we did go and do all the time and then BAM it was over. Nor could we know that Hubby would suffer a brain injury and that would also keep us tethered to not more than 3 hours from home. All I can say to you all is love life to the fullest!

    1. Thank you, Lana. And (((Hug))) --Elise

    2. Lana, thanks for the reminder to "love life to the fullest!" Wanita

  11. What a great post just what I needed.

    1. I am glad. You got this kiddo - you really do!!!!! Time gets us through.

  12. Fabulous post Cheryl, I agree with these sentiments 100%. Louise

  13. Beautifully written Cheryl. The photo of you and Glen is adorable, you were sure two cute peoples!

    I'm going to have to come back and read here again, lots of truth here. Today was a difficult one, my mom is just not doing that great to make a long story short, she imagines things now. I've had more than one painful loss.

    And yes, sometimes I think about packing our four little girls in the van back when and going to sweet piano lessons in little town. Their older teacher was my friend and confidant. I miss her so very much, she passed away after we moved to the burbs. Now we're back and she's gone. Sometimes the house walls are so quiet, our youngest is here but a busy young woman and that is totes fine, we have nice conversations and our third born calls when she can. I can't complain. Hubs has a full head of silver hair now and I plop mine on top of my head in a messy bun these days or a side ponytail...We have nice simple suppers and lately watch Monk or a 40s movie at night. A quiet life that I appreciate. Yes, I was a good kid but had my turn at the disco dance club back in the 80s being influenced by a young med student back then from a well to do family who I almost married, he was already showing signs of alcoholism. Whew. Glad I escaped that one! Life is funny, hubs and I were sitting in front of an ice cream shop in a historic district and he pulled up to the curb in front of us parking parallel in a cadillac suv and looked like a *very* old man. It was so strange. Apparantly he works at that nearby hospital. It was the weirdest thing...I think God shows us things yes?

    You are brave and of good character Cheryl, you have handled things so beautifully in your life. Yes, we must be a first class version of ourselves. And you do a good job of it! You are an inspiration to me Cheryl, just the way you handle things on a daily basis and respond to people.

    Take care now, prayers for all ......Love that photo. A hug. ~Amelia

    1. Thanks - I am really glad I found that picture. Another good thing about working on all that paper!!!!
      Life sure throws us some curves. I remember disco!!! I was more the hippy part before that! LOL
      It is amazing the things that we got pushed away from. Yep, God knows better than we do.
      Thank you - I just keep going because I have no other choice. We need to always be our best self.
      Thank you for your kind words.
      "It is a Wonderful Life" !!

    2. Yes. "Its is a Wonderful Life"!! Oh my heart! : )

  14. P.S. Just wanted to mention we are very blessed to have four of our daughters and their children come on most Wednesdays, it's hectic and loud, I don't receive much fellowship, I'm too busy running around but thank God I can, plus my mom but like I said...I can't complain. (It just didn't sound right for me not to mention that).

    1. So happy you get to have your family around. That harried and crazy kind of day - makes it all the more lovely. That makes the world cheerful and of good heart. I am so sorry you are having such problems with your mom. Bless her heart. How frustrating for you both. Hugs.

  15. I really do believe that God speaks through you, Cheryl. Thanks for all the time you take to boost us all up. xo Cindy/WV

    1. Oh my goodness, what a humbling comment. Thank you - I just follow where my heart leads. Your words are precious to me.

  16. Cheryl, Thanks for this post. What a sweet picture of you and Glen. Looking back over our lives and seeing how the Lord has worked and also protected us is a good thing to do. I did some of those wild things when I was young, too, and my life could have turned out very differently had the Lord not been watching over me. The first three years of our marriage were pretty rocky, and the Lord sent a neighbor to share the love of Christ with me. Long story short, the neighbor invited us to church the following Sunday, and husband and I both asked the Lord to be our Savior, me at the morning service, and him at the evening service. (Do any churches even have Sunday evening services any more?) Talk about a change in a couple's life. We have been married for 54 years. So thankful the Lord never gave up on us and never will. And so many more things I can look back on and see now how the Lord has worked it out for my good, but I didn't see that until after I had walked through that difficulty - my health issues, husband's heart attack, my older brother's suicide, a mom who had dementia and dad who died suddenly at the age of 70 - and I could go on, but you get the idea, I'm sure. Like you said, all these things make us who we are today. Life is hard, but the Lord is faithful and keeps giving us those new mercies every morning and strength to get through each day. He is continuing to transform us for His glory. Sometimes it's hard, but it will be worth it all. Wanita

    1. AMEN! Yes mam, life is hard, but each day we wake we endure and grow. I sit and think back on those younger days and realize I am alive by the grace of God. I sure had some moments that I am not proud of now.
      God works in mysterious ways. A neighbor, a family member, a stranger - it could be anyone that leads us where He wants us to be.
      I am sorry you have endured so many losses as well. We miss them all and love them - but we still have work to do here! Hugs

    2. You are surely doing His work here, Cheryl.

  17. Hiya Cheryl, here is my take on your post. I left home at 16yrs as we HAD to live in the nurse home so life was full of had to. Got married and had five kids , when kids were a bit bigger when back to work so really didn’t know myself. Hubs died three and half years ago and that was the 1st time ever I lived by myself. What got me through this new life…,family, neighbours,friends and garden. About 6 months ago my mind set change.I realised I was now living a really good life.
    Oh that makes happy and fulfil. I love living on my own now as well.
    If someone asks me would like to do something ….I say yes please.
    I’m pleased you have found your happy place as well Cheryl.
    Yes it takes a few years to get Sylvia

    1. Thank you for your testimonial! Being alone for the first time in forever or for many, many years is daunting to say the least. It is also empowering. We can do whatever it pleases us to do at any time we please to do it. Don't want to clean house - don't. Want to go to bed at 7PM - do it. YES, still lonesome, but new experiences are happening.
      I am glad you have reached a happier point in life as well.
      Thank you!!!!

  18. Such a true sentiment. Life is full of transformations, as I call "seasons" and there's only one way to go...through it all. I would definitely go back and change some things in the first 22 years of my life. I didn't find Jesus until I was almost 23 and I regret a lot of things that were just stupid. But the year I found HIM, is the same year I found my husband (of 34 years now) and my church family and started the best season of my life. 35 years later and we've walked through parenthood, in-laws, job losses, moves, illnesses, and now grand parenting. We're also in the "sandwich" season of being caught between aging parents and our own kids who still need help. Life is an adventure, for sure. I can't imagine making the journey without Jesus. I would have given up a long time ago :)

    1. YES! I can't imagine that journey either without Jesus in my life. What a difference. "Life is an adventure" - yes it is indeedy!!!! We never know what tomorrow may bring, but we can embrace it and move ahead! One step at a time!
