Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Life in the Fast Lane - LOL!!!

 Life in the fast lane - NOT me!!!!!  LOL!  Anything but the fast lane.  I just take each day as it comes, and do what I feel is important or necessary that day - and punt the rest.
So, grab a coffee or tea or a bucket of beans that need popped and let's have a chat about whatever!

                                             This was how it was in my growing up days!!!!

My mind wonders today - as it does most often!
Just the odds and ends in life that make me ponder.

I had a quiet weekend - did very little actually.  The neighborhood was really quiet for some reason.  No excessive 4 wheelers or dirt bikes going up and down the road - no loud music or noisy neighbors - just quiet.  There were fireworks at the park up the road on Sunday - they do it then since every brother's uncle does them in July!  I sat at my living room window, in the cool with no mosquitoes and watched.  They were pretty and far enough away not to be too noisy!

I recorded some oldies and some classics this weekend to watch at some point.  I have a hard time watching movies, as it is such a block of time.  As it get cooler - I will watch them.  I recorded a couple oldies - The Pit and the Pendulum and House on Haunted Hill - both old Vincent Price movies.  I also got Fried Green Tomatoes and Stand By Me - both classics in their time.  I have watched years ago - I need a refresher.
Found a new (to me) channel that has some neat stuff.  It is called EarthX.  Not a fan of all the stuff - but there are a couple of fun shows I liked.  Bike to Bites is a neat one - a guy goes to different towns and cities - some small, some ethnic, some artsy fartsy - and bikes all around and eats the food.  Most everything is local or organic and it is just a fun 'ideas' show.
Another is a show out of the UK called Money for Nothing.  She takes people throw-aways from the dump and refashions them into nice things and sells.  The original owner gets the profits.  I remember seeing this a long time ago - and it is just fun.  Both of those shows can be found on You Tube as well.

I ran to Big Lots on Monday, as they were having a summer clearance sale.  Looking for hoses (soaker) - nothing like that to be found.  A few pieces of lawn furniture were about it.  Of course, the sale started on Friday - so I might have missed out.
Lots of fall and Halloween stuff out - as to be expected.  Then there were lit and decorated Christmas trees and many decorations coming out!!!!!!!  Geesh - they just can't let one season end before promoting the next.
The cashier told me that this week, the directors are going to decide if they should start staying open on Christmas Day!  IDIOTS!!!!!  The only day of the year that the store is now closed - and they want to change that.  Greedy Gusses!!!!  Just like so many others.  People need 'at least' one day a year to have celebrations with their families without worrying about work.
She said Thanksgiving Eve they stay open until midnight - then reopen at 5AM Thanksgiving morning!  That is just nuts.
As for the Christmas Day thing - people have 364 other days a year to find a gift or a deal - if you didn't - well TOUGH!  You don't need it that bad. (just my opinion)
Things that make me go Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!

Spent some time thinking about back in the day - how we spent Labor Day weekend camping.  My goodness, the fun we used to have.  Lots of friends camped together - meals together - farm markets and just plain old partying and mayhem around the campfire!!!  We would also spend one whole day at the town (small) wide yard sales nearby.  That was a huge event every year.  The people saved up stuff all year for the droves that showed up - and there were food trucks and lots of walking and just plain fun.  Then we would go back and share a huge pot of beans or stew that had cooked all day.

So, now that I have relieved my mind of some thoughts - I am going to work on cleaning and organizing and decluttering a bit again today.  It sure never ends here - so much stuff to go through and to get rid of.  Yep, we have spent years being packrats!!!!!!
It is still pretty warm outside today - so inside I stay entertaining myself with the dust and clutter I call HOME! LOL
                  I sure hope so!!!  I need to make big difference.  I keep plugging away at it.
Are you back to work today?  Taking it easy?  What's up and on your mind?

Have a great day whatever you endeavor to do!!!!!!!!


  1. Love the quote! Yup, a little at a time adds up. I'm still playing catch-up from when I broke my ribs earlier in the summer.

    Think we will take advantage of the warm weather and wash and clean out at least one vehicle. They both need it.

    Erin says she has been putting out Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas at the Speedway Big Lots where she works part-time. She also marks down slightly out of date items. The work there is definitely varied.

    The Farmer brought in a cuke and a zuke from his late plantings. We still have potatoes to dig.

    Enjoy your day. We complain about the heat but it is one more day we won't have to have the heat on.

    1. Donna, have your ribs healed up all the way? Yes, now that we're retired, stuff can wait. It'll still be there later and will eventually get dealt with. Congrats on your amazing bounty of potatoes this year!!! --Elise

    2. Ribs are not entirely healed but I am able to move around ever so much better. How are you?

    3. Hey Donna. Yep, a little here and a little there and it gets done. Maybe later than sooner!!!!!
      Still pretty warm today and maybe tomorrow- then YAY it cools some!!!!!
      Glad to hear you are still getting harvest. Take care of yourself - don't do too much!

    4. Continued prayers your ribs heal up fully, Donna. I've got a long recovery ahead (12 weeks), but am vastly better today than I was on Friday. Able to get around a little better. Being careful not to overdo. It's a juggling act, isn't it? (((Hug)))

  2. I was going to go get some groceries, but here I sit. 😂 I remember the good days from my youth when my grandparents were alive and we would go camping with them regularly. Always beans to break as my grandfather had multiple big gardens at home and at the campsite. Always plenty of food to eat too and such great memories of fishing and swimming. Good times for sure!

    1. Some days I just sit and reminisce about days gone by. Good memories for sure. I remember sitting on the front porch and popping beans with mom.
      Glen and I had such fun camping - I miss that!

  3. My wildest dream would be that the entire world spend $0 on Black Friday. Shopoholics would be in ERs for sedatives but oh wouldn't it be amazing for everyone to be off work 2pm Thanksgiving Day until Saturday morning? Now, I'm a Surgery RN and I know many people don't get that luxury but we go into our professions with our eyes wide open so it's OK.

    Or the good old days when there was zero retail/food service open, only emergency services working. It's a pipedream but they say a girl can dream..............

    1. As one who comes from a long line of shoppers, my mother the original "shop 'till you drop", I agree 100%, Elle. It took me years to convince the women in my family that Black Friday sales are nowhere near the best deals you can find, and that it's NOT worth the risks to life and limb. I'd only add to your wildest dream that mine would include a return to holidays as they once were: one special gift + only basics. Seriously scaled back. No need for a Christmas tree in *every* room of the house. More homemade cookies and caroling, less consumerism. Heck, an annual Christmas card in the mail vs. boxes on the doorstep of stuff you don't need and don't really have storage space for.

      As someone who had surgery last week, please allow me to thank you--and every other surgical nurse--for the work you do. --Elise

    2. Elle and Elise, I agree - let's go back to those simpler holiday celebrations when the important thing was to spend time with family and friends. I miss those days for sure.

    3. Elise, yes, things have gotten out of hand! For our grandchildren we usually buy one larger toy like a big toy tool set etc. or equivalent money value and a sensible clothing item or pajamas, something like that! Our grown kids receive money. Hubs and I quite giving each other gifts, we're okay with that and made the decision together.

      I finally got smart a few years ago and went with a inexpensive four foot tree I place on my childhood coffee table, I got another little tree very inexpensively on clearance I set on my old pine chest near the breakfast table. White lights on those, and the one on the coffee table has pale pink dollar tree ornaments with doggy and kitty ones but not over done, I do old fashioned icicles and that makes me smile hugely...So vintage. My bigger tree is up in the attic with a huge box of beautiful vintage ornaments but I can't help it, it makes me sad sometimes to think of those old family ornaments stuffed in a box. But I like having the ability to get the little trees out myself and put it all up easily and enjoy my "vintage" tree and "children's reading books" tree. My house looks like a neat coffee house at Christmas. And of course I have a traditional manger scene. I keep my light-up Wonderful Life houses up *all* year long! Yiippee! I say good morning to them (George, Annie and Bert) on most days as I light them up in the dark morning!

      I'm so very glad you are better Elise!

    4. Elle, when I was in my twenties, my side of the family decided no gifts for adults, just good eats! Only gifts for the children. I actually talked with a young man that works at a large Walmart and this is in a very civil polite town too...He broke a bone by getting trampled on Black Friday! I can't figure out how Christmas has gotten so overblown! It's pathetic even what people spend, just the idea of "norm" is disgusting to me. Reading in my old Reminisce magazines, I see how sadly things have changed. I'm glad here, ladies have good sense.

    5. I have a big family. When I was 14 we migrated to a name drawing. You get one person and that's it. No craziness, no debt. That was 48y ago and we have continued and the next generation joined us as they entered their 20s. No expectations. Simply follow your heart and do what you are moved to make/buy/gift.

      I was at lil sis last year. Upstairs tree and tons of gifts (her 2 kids/spouses, 1 set of grandparents and several Aunts). It was ridiculous. Then there was a Downstairs tree with more gifts. If I had to guess, I'd bet $3000 changed hands and I probably undershot that since I don't shop. It was insane and didn't at all feel like a joyful holiday. Dinner was lovely though ;-)

    6. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN to all that has been said.
      I remember when nothing (other than emergency stuff) was open on holidays OR Sunday!!!!!! Even our neighborhood pharmacy was closed! You planned ahead or did without.
      I hate where things have gotten. I have a gr niece and a nephew who spend thousands every year - seriously! It is insane.
      We had simple Christmas's - I had a lot of packages, but everything was wrapped separate - coloring books, crayons, slinky, etc.
      I have a tiny tree (when I put it out) that sits on my grandmas library table - where mom's tree always was when she was little.
      AMELIA - I have It's a Wonderful Life plates that are in the hutch all year. That was Glen's favorite holiday movie ever!
      I have taken a huge crystal bowl I have, and placed many of the old family heirloom ornaments in it with battery operated lights at bottom - for a centerpiece. That might be an idea for you Amelia.

    7. It's a Wonderful Life" was my Pop's favorite Holiday movie. My in-laws' too. Brings back so many good memories. --Elise

    8. Cheryl, Oh I bet the Wonderful Life plates are beautiful! I wanna see a photo of them this Christmas. : ) Awww...I can see why it was Glenn's favorite, it's mine too.

      Oooooooooooo Cheryl! I LIKE THAT! A lit up crystal or glass bowl with my vintage ornaments! ....I'm wondering if I have a large glass bowl around here...Hmmmm...Need to check into that. The lights at the bottom must make it so beautiful!

    9. Elise, Oh yes, I just LOVE that movie...It brings back memories for me too. I remember when it was popular at Target in the 90s I had come in, I think I had bought the Wonderful Life boardgame and came in, my dad called and we had such a wonderful chat that evening.

    10. Elle, yes, name-drawing is great too. Our four adult daughters do that and they have kept the gift to homemade or small, like a lip gloss or something like that, maybe an apron they found on sale at Hobby Lobby.

      Oh my goodness....Thousands eh? That is sickening. I don't get the giant Christmas trees in every room either....It's the EMPOROR'S NEW CLOTHES! Monkey see, monkey do! And they had gifts under both too? Oh dear me...

    11. I'm not sure I've ever shopped on Black Friday - other than making a short grocery run for milk or something. Don't like crowds, and it just feels wrong somehow.
      In my family we also stopped with gifts when people became adults. My husband's family gave gifts (multiple) to everyone and it was a Real Big Job to figure out multiple gifts for people we saw maybe twice in a year.

    12. The first time i saw a house with TWO inside trees 🎄, I asked the family about them. The smaller tree was one they bought when stationed in Germany. They were young, and money was tight, but they sacrificed for that tree. 🤗. I'm sure it was a reminder of their early struggles.

    13. I remember the first time I was in a house with multiple trees. I was married to my ex and his boss had a big holiday party. Fancy smancy kind of thing. I think there were 5 trees in this humongous house. All themed of course. I was dumbfounded. Mind you I was in my 20's! The house had candles in every single window front, back and sides. (that was pretty). Shoot they served caviar (my first and last) 0h my. Even had a maid running around emptying ash trays and such. I wasn't so much impressed as blown away that someone would spend so much money on a party!!!!!! Mainly to show off!!!!!!

  4. Good morning! I moved into this condo in mid May. Once I got the basics unpacked, I stopped, since I knew I would have to move everything back out when they replaced my tile floors, countertops and painted. Well, it is time to repack, the new tile is on order and the work starts next week. I can stay here for most of the work, just need to leave for the floors and the paint work. So yesterday I started repacking. I don’t need to pack the kitchen or one bedroom, so it is just my closet and a few things on shelves. I am so glad I went through most of my stuff when I sold our house…I still have 15 boxes in the garage! Perhaps I should just take them to the dump if I haven’t needed to open them in three months ;). But I won’t. I should have all the work inside done in the next two months, then can finally unpack ;). Have a good week, Hilogene in Az

    1. So happy for you, Hilogene!!! Soon it will be DONE. we were pretty ruthless, too, when packing up for our move here and we still have 20+ unpacked boxes in the storage shed. Our plan is to bring them in one by one when I'm in the boot (and can bear weight again), then load most of it (after looking through) for donation or the dump. By then we'll have been moved in 1-1/2 years. :-O

    2. Happy to hear that all is coming together with the new place. Yay - it should all be done before the holiday!!!!! It will be nice for you to get all unpacked, and get on with just living life. You have done so well. I am proud of you.

  5. Such a fitting post and quote today, Cheryl. YES. I updated at the end of Sunday's post earlier this morning. Doing *much* better. Listed lessons learned there.

    Today my mind went from the spectacular sunrise and autumn chilled morning, to counting blessings and loving life as it is today. Yesterday I stood on one foot at the kitchen sink and washed my hair with Dawn dish soap. Hubs was aghast!! I told him they use it to remove diesel oil from wildlife, so it ought to be able to get the grease out of my hair. Later he told me I smelled like clean dishes.

    Our son in CA let me know he'll be coming for Thanksgiving. What a happy thought!! I love all things fall, and the season is starting to let us know of its impending arrival. For those of us in the mountain region of AZ, this is the time of year the "flatlanders" return to Phoenix and Tucson; traffic returns to normal, there are far fewer accidents, etc. Wild sunflowers are blooming everywhere. Soon it will be time for pumpkins and apple-everything. :-)

    1. So glad to hear you're doing well. How wonderful that your son is coming for Thanksgiving. I love all things fall, too - my favorite time of year.

    2. Glad to hear you are feeling much better. Thank you for the updates over the weekend.

    3. Glad to hear that you are doing so much better. It is amazing what a difference a few days can make. I have used Dawn to wash hair before. I have used it for about everything. Soap is soap!!! Like you say - they can use it on animals - why not humans!
      So glad you son will be there for TDay that is just wonderful. Sure something to look forward to. Nice the region is getting back to normal.

    4. Very good to hear that you are doing better.
      Yes, when tourists go home things do tend to settle down - I also live in a touristy area. ;)

  6. Little by little everything gets done around here. Just don't have the energy for those marathon cleaning days any longer, nor do I even want to do them. For the last few days our temps have been in the 90s and humid. Today it's to be 89, and tomorrow fall moves in with temps in the 70's, and I sure hope it stays around for a long time. It's my favorite time of year. Tomorrow morning our Bible study is starting up again (we take the summer off). We'll be studying 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Our teacher is a retired pastor, and we learn so much. On Friday our seniors group from church is having a brunch, then doing an afternoon cruise down the river on a paddlewheel boat. It'll be a lovely way to spend the afternoon!

    1. I agree!!!! I go gung-ho for a few hours - then I crash.
      Kind of the same weather here. Tomorrow will still be upper 80's then we get cooler. YES!!!!!
      Oh what a lovely week you have planned. It sounds like you will be learning, fellowshipping and enjoying sooooo much!!!!

    2. Your Friday plans sound fantastic and FUN, Wanita. Enjoy!

  7. I took the 3-day weekend off from everything but the essentials. Got the laundry caught up. Read over 750 pages. Watched a movie (DVD). Napped. Prayed. Quit obsessively keeping track of every calorie I eat. Quit taking the Dr.-recommended stomach meds (which were making things worse), and the stomach is starting to feel better. Just have to watch what I eat and, most importantly, keep the stress under control.

    Speaking of stress, I am dealing with a stubborn yellow jacket nest at the very back of my lot. I've treated it twice (in the dark) with foam pesticide specifically for yellow jackets. It killed some of them, but the numbers seem to be increasing again. I'm running out of options and am almost to the point of paying a professional (@$350) to deal with it just to get it over with. At least they're not in the wall of my house like they were last year.

    We have the heat (90sF) and humidity for two more days before getting some relief. I can't wait to open the windows again and breathe deeply. Been having to use the rain barrel to keep the tomato plants alive.

    Saw pre-lit Christmas trees in Costco last week and just scratched my head. I wholeheartedly agree that we as a society need to go back to a much simpler celebration of the holiday with much less consumerism and much more emphasis on the aspects that really matter: Christ's birth, family, friends, providing for the less fortunate. It will have to happen one family at a time.

    --Frances in the hot and sultry Trailer Park

    1. Glad you took some much needed time off. You know your body and what works - I am a firm believer of doing what my mind and body tell me!!!!!!
      Geesh, it might just be worth paying to get rid of those things. They are nasty. We had bees in between windows one year and called a bee wrangler - I don't think they charged us - because they were going to relocate to a hive. Yellow jackets - that is different. I think I would pay.
      I agree, things need to go back to simpler times. We truly need to stop the crazy consumerism and simple ways.

      I must say to you THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!!!!!!! I received your package today - I was dumbfounded. You are so sweet, and it will surely be used to the point I probably wear it out!!!!!!!!! What a surprise!!!!! Again, thank you!!!!!

    2. Oh, Frances, I'm glad you're listening to your own body and going with the flow. Like Cheryl said, I'd pay for Yellow Jacket removal. Ask for a Senior Discount. You never know!

      Hubs said he saw Christmas stuff out already in some places. Yikes!! Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer to take one holiday at a time. LOL!

      Hope you get a cool off soon. (((Hug))) --Elise

    3. Contacted the company I used last year to kill the yellow jackets in the house, and they are coming out later this week or early next week. $250 for removal of a ground nest is a good price in my opinion. They are so busy this time of year that they are not taking new clients, so I'm glad I was able to get them to come out.

      Cheryl, glad you like the CD. You're quite welcome! I had two of them and thought of you when we were discussing music a couple of weeks ago.

    4. Frances - glad you called and that they will take you. It will be worth the $$ to get rid of those nasty buggers.

      I will listen to that a lot!!!! I also found a John Denver CD today as I was going through stuff - I had forgotten about it. I just loved him too. Oh, I may get nothing done now - or I will do it calmy and blissfully!!!!!! LOL

    5. Frances, so glad you were able to get someone to take care of those yellow jackets. Like Cheryl said, it will be worth the money to get care of those buggers. They are nasty!

  8. I'm heading out to do a bit of grocery shopping. I don't need a lot, just some basics, and a few sale items. Then it is home to do a bit of yard work and likely some knitting/crocheting too.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Enjoy your shopping excursion. I hope you find what you need. Those home days are just nice. ENJOY!

  9. Love that meme!....haha ....So great... And SO true! It was such a sweet time and I tried to raise our girls like that too. I'm so grieved so many times on what has become of our culture. I just keep plugging along here doing what is right in my little world as most of you do too.

    I like how you put that, that you do the important things first and punt the rest. Yes, I do too... That is a great way to say that. : )

    I too am plugging away at decluttering, a little at a time, just put several yards of yellow hawaiian print rayon in the donate bag. As one of our daughters and I were discussing, she doesn't want to be a minimalist or a maximalist...We both like to decorate sensibly and seasonally without going overboard. Why can't we just be the first class versions of ourselves right?

    I'm tired out today, family was here yesterday and the noise level gets pretty loud with the littles being littles. lol Finally the two four year olds decided they wanted to watch Mickey Mouse and that worked, they are such cute little boys, giggling innocently covering their mouths like old fashioned children, sitting with each other in little chairs.

    Yes, Cheryl, I've been a pack rat and am trying so hard to do better. I try to really study each purchase before buying, usually waiting overnight to buy if possible. Now I view things as potential clutter, it has to earn it's keep. : )

    So many simple, old fashioned things too work well for under eye care and facial cleaning, vaseline, almond oil and off brand Noxema (doesn't have parabens I just found out when comparing brands) for washing face. No need to complicate things right?

    You have a great day, Cheryl! I'll be plugging along today cleaning up, and hopefully finishing a gingham, very simple top to go with the gingham skirt I made plus can be worn with a black skirt too etc. mix and match type of thing. Leftovers for supper.

    So nice to check in and read thoughts this morning!


    1. "First class versions of ourselves' - I like that. Yeah, I am not minimalist for sure - but I don't want all I have - so may as well bless someone else with it. I am trying to do better too.
      I bet it was fun with the kiddos. I just love being around the little ones. They can sure make a person smile and plain old belly laugh.
      I use just the basics too - actually I use no soap on my face at all. Even medicated soap will break me out - a soft cloth and water - does the job! That is pretty simple.
      Thanks, just plugging away here as well. Stopped to get on here and was amazed at all the posts!!!!!
      Happy sewing.

  10. Ugh, I am also so against a consumerist Christmas. I want it to be about a twinkling tree, snow, and family time. Oh, and cookies and delicious special breakfasts featuring bacon and maple syrup. That's it. I don't need anything, and I am trying to reduce the clutter from "wants" in my past. I just want memories to cherish.

    1. YES!!!!! Same here. We are at the point in life that we really need nothing. They kids always say "what do you want?". My answer is - I just want family time. Spending a day with them - is all I need.
      I just want a simple life!

  11. All of the stores here are filled with Fall and Christmas decorations. It's crazy to me. I love October thru January with the four holidays to celebrate but we do it in a more old fashioned, less commercial way. I like living at a slower, more intentional pace too. I am back at work today after a peaceful 3 day weekend. I hope you enjoy your week!!

    1. I want each holiday to be separate too - not all crammed together. I try to be more old fashioned - goodies made - special cookies and candies (mom used to make) and just trying to have gifts be useful and meaningful.
      Hope work isn't too much - glad you had a quiet weekend.

  12. Great post Cheryl, and lots of great comments from everyone. It certainly took me a whole cup of coffee to read them and nod in agreement.
    This year we are actually planning a bigger Christmas, more people to invite that will otherwise be alone, and I’m trying to think of a way to ensure everyone gets a gift. Anyway, still lots of time for planning. Louise

    Elise, glad you are doing much better.

    1. Aren't you sweet - so many have no families to be with - that is wonderful that you are including them. Just some nice token gift would be wonderful. I warm stocking hat, gloves, some nice candy, or some homemade cookies, etc.
      I think this is just lovely.

  13. I love the photo of the snap chat! It reminds me of peaceful times when life was simpler. It does seem like their employees should have a day off to celebrate with their families- not just Christmas but Thanksgiving too!

    1. I thought the photo might bring up some memories for some - it sure did me.
      I agree - I think there should some times just for family and friends NOT work!

  14. I'm SO with all of you on the holiday craziness. I sometimes feel like I'm alone in rejecting this nonsense. I giggled at the sedatives for the shopoholics. Awhile back I reassessed and I no longer do a Christmas tree. I never enjoyed taking it down and that chore always fell to me. So, I eliminated what I don't enjoy and put more emphasis on what is meaningful to me. Very little decoration for me. Favorite foods. Time together. A birthday cake for Jesus.
    Someone here mentioned, awhile back, that one Christmas they gave a family member (maybe their Mom) a small gift each day before Christmas. I decided to do that for my chickadees. I've been collecting all year and bought the last small gift last week. I'm pretty much done wrapping them too. (with wrap from the after holiday clearance.).
    Even life in our slow lane seems busy enough. I've been tackling a shelf at a time to declutter. Small victories.
    Thanks for the recommendations of programs, Cheryl.
    Central Az

    1. YOU GO GIRL! I love it when people make a decision that is best for them and sticks with it. "Eliminated what I don't enjoy" - that should be our motto for life!!!!!!
      Goodness, you have things wrapped as well! You are on the ball.
      I love the slow lane. I too am tackling a bit here and there - it all adds up!

    2. Ellie, it takes my Sis a week *every* year to get all her decorations out and set up. She has 3 full sized Christmas trees, and more Santa's, Nativities, you name it than one could count. She loves it and says it's worth it. Like you, taking down the décor always fell to me. One year, in early February. our oldest son asked if he could take it all down... "Mom, it's almost Valentines Day!!!"
      That was the last year I went all out.

  15. I just finished reading ALL these posts. Chatty today, huh?! I'm overwhelmed so I'll just see what I remember.

    Elle, that was me that did the daily little gifts for my mom. I did it for years, but had originally only planned on the one lol. She went bananas over it. When she moved in with us, she asked if I was still gonna do it. Of course! It was just a lot easier to bring in a laundry basket of gifts than having to ship a big box!!! I just took the Advent calendar to a higher level.

    Frances, glad you're getting a yellow jacket dude out to help. Those things are just MEAN!! One of my older friends was attacked when she turned on her hose. The nest was underneath her faucet. Her hand just swelled like a balloon from all the stings. She had to be treated at ER. Nasty little buggers.

    I'm of the mindset that kids get more than enough gifts and extended family gatherings should ban them altogether. Kids just get way too much . Better, have them take some flowers for Auntie Sue who doesn't have any kids or people that buy her gifts. When we were growing up, we got gifts ONLY on our birthday or Christmas. If there was something I wanted in September? Tough noogies..."make sure you write it down and tell Santa.". Far cry from parents running to stand in line at the bookstore for 2 days to get the latest fad...and if it's Harry Potter? Each kid gets their own copy?! That's crazy. My mom would've dumped over her chair laughing lol. Delayed gratification is a good thing, especially if you save up for something yourself. It better prepares you to be a responsible adult. Sorry about the soapbox lol.

    1. It was the same in our house growing up, Debby. You got an allowance... maybe a couple of dollars... for chores done. If you wanted something between holidays and birthdays, you saved up for it. Speaking of, does anyone remember the Christmas Club savings at banks? You made regular deposits during the year to have Christmas shopping money at Christmas time. --Elise

    2. Hi Debby - there you are. I was wondering.
      Yes, delayed gratification here as well. Christmas and birthday was it and then it wasn't crazy. If a kid mentions it today - parents feel the NEED it! Odds are it will be tossed aside in no time and money was wasted anyway!
      Kids need to give to less fortunate kids, or do something nice for someone like you said. Maybe learn something that has meaning other than "all about ME"!

    3. Thank you for the suggestion. I'm only planning to do it one year. Guilty as charged. I know we spoil our grands, the chickadees,. So far, they appreciate us in return. In our family MANY are choosing not to have families. So much so that there will be no one to carry on the family name. Makes me sad. There will be no babies to snuggle and cherish.

  16. I saw the lighted trees at Costco the other day. I said (out loud, I guess) is it Christmas already? Someone answered me back!!! (saying NO!) ha-ha

    I have gotten simpler with decorating too. I have my mom's full Christmas village. I have decided I will just put up the lighted church. The grands don't seem that interested, and they do not help setup/take down either! Let's see if they mention it this year :)

    1. I painted an entire Christmas village back in the late 80s. It was my therapy when my parents were having a knock down divorce lol. That is my husband's absolute favorite decoration. He spends hours setting it up just so! It looks so pretty when he's done. We leave it up thru winter because its lights really cheer up the darkness. Plus, it's a lot of work lol.

    2. I'll bet it's beautiful, Debby. --Elise

    3. I love the idea of the Christmas village. I used to paint and sell buildings for villages and the lighted Christmas trees and ornaments. People need to get back to the simple things. Last couple years I put up the painted and lighted tree - a couple pretties others have made for me and I am done. Not like I have a lot of company - I just like the lights. I do have little lights in my bigger houseplant too!

  17. I do unashamedly miss my big tree and my big house all decorated for Christmas. I have pictures. I miss having the nuclear family all at home at Christmas. But, the family home is no more with both parents and one sibling dead. But, Christmas is a happy time for me with all the lights and food, even if I don't make or eat the food. I remember how it was, and that is good enough for me. I only got toys at Christmas and birthdays. My children never got toys except on birthdays and Christmas. Girls only got one doll and that was at Christmas. I am appalled at the toys kids get these days.

    1. I love all the memories too. When we all went home to mom & dads - it was lovely. The spread of food was better than any gourmet restaurant. Just being together and having fun. I still have a couple times a year that family gets together - and I remember most the love and laughter!

  18. Hi Cheryl! I love the snapchat meme :) I used to sit with my grandmother and snap beans. Great memories.

    1. Thanks - I remember sitting on the front porch with mom, snapping away. The good old days!
