Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Random Day

 Happy Wednesday to all. Here we are at mid-week again.  Yesterday afternoon we had a doozy of a windstorm come through.  We got some rain a couple times yesterday, but my goodness the wind!  South of here, there was a lot of tree damage.  Lots and lots of trees down - from a microburst.  No tornado, but there were still almost 80 mph winds.  Luckily here, it was just a few branches down.  A lot of the dropped leaves from my yard are gone!  Oopsy - someone else has them now.

The temps are supposed to stay in the low 80's for a week or so, which is gladly received.  Tired of the 90's and the humidity.  It feels pretty humid this AM, but that is supposed to change over the next few hours.  Have a bit of drizzle at the moment.  More rain later today maybe.
I need to get out and mow and pull weeds soon.  I sure hope I get a good opportunity this week.

Some of my pretties at the moment.  These were both taken out front.  It sure makes it look pretty out there.  The gold finches are really enjoying both of these!

I have been watching a few You Tube videos of people living small and off grid over the past few days.  I sure do admire these folks.  It is absolutely amazing to me what people REALLY need to survive.  These folks are in all different regions and even countries and they are basically 95% self-sufficient.  
Talk about a simplified lifestyle!  It sure frees them up to enjoy all that is around them and to use the earth for their nourishment and needs.  I am totally fascinated by this. 
I doubt that I could ever be that sufficient, but it sure is good to know the basics.  Jackie has been talking about making salves and oils from what most people consider weeds over on her blog,  In The Land of the Living Skies II.  It is pretty cool, to use what the earth has provided.  At one time all medicinal needs came from nature.
I just love how so many are getting back the basics and getting creative with what they have.
We all need to be learning and figuring out alternatives.

I haven't been grocery shopping for a bit now.  Just using things I have here.  I have such a nice pantry and freezer reserve, that I can do this for a long while without putting a dent in things.  Really, I can't see any difference.  There have been no great deals in the ads lately, so I have not felt an urgency to shop.  Oh, I know many vloggers and bloggers and FB groups say shop, shop, shop NOW!  All because of the what-ifs!  Well, I know I am good.  I do not panic!  AT ALL!
I feel sure things may get worse as far as prices, supply, and demand - but I am not sure how panicking is going to help that.  Well, I am sure - it isn't going to help. 
Just go forward and stay the path and know you are prepared for what may come.  That is all we can do.
Panic and fear mongering doesn't help one tiny bit!  I can't stress that enough.

Yesterday, I didn't feel like cooking.  I was hungry, yet just wanted something simple.
I made tuna salad for my meal.  A can of tuna from the pantry (I am sure it was gotten cheaply), added a hard-boiled egg, a couple green onions from the garden, some homemade relish from what I made last year, a little mayo.  Served on toasted sourdough bread - that I got FREE a couple weeks ago and froze for later.  Oh, I added some home-grown lettuce to the sandwich.  What salad that didn't go on the sandwich was eaten later in day with crackers.  I am sure that meal cost very, very little - probably under $2.
I was full and satisfied.  I got my protein, my carbs and a few veggies.  I had a piece of fruit later in the day as well.
Meals don't have to be complicated or fancy.  They can be simple, tasty, and inexpensive.

Bits is being a hoot this morning.  He obviously found my loofa in the bathroom!  He came out carrying it in his mouth.  LOL.  I sat here a bit ago watching him catch a gnat and eat it.  Every time I walk into another room, he follows and talks to me and loves on me.  He is so spoiled.  Blackie had breakfast, took his bath, and is now in his assumed position for the morning - on the back of the couch!  Oh, these babes make me smile.  I do not have a throw rug that is safe from Bits - he attacks them over and over during the day and they end up in a heap, and walks away as if to say "that is better, my work is done".
Fun times.

Well, there you have my random thoughts and ways this morning.  Life is full of simple joys - we just need to pay attention and delight in them.  Life is really sweet, and we are the ones that complicate it.

Keep it simple and keep it joyful.  SMILE!
Have a wonderful day all.


  1. A cloudy cool-ish day here in Victoria BC ... great for my small balcony garden. I love your kitty posts. I can't have pets here in my building, so reading about yours stirs up fond memories for me. Thanks! - Madelyne

    1. Hoping your balcony garden does excellent!!!!
      They make me laugh so often, so I figure maybe it will give someone else a smile too. Glad you enjoy hearing about them.

  2. When I was young, I used to think I'd like to retire to an island in Northern Saskatchewan and live off the grid. Now, at 65 that sounds down right frightening. Electricity and heating/cooling are two musts for me. If I had a source of water, (and an outhouse) I think I could manage to live without running water though it would be a lot of work.
    Bits sounds like a real hoot, still very much a kitten, while Blackie sounds like he's quite content to lay around and enjoy his nap.
    Glad you didn't have nearly as much damage as some, and it was nice the leaves blew away...though the wind could have been much less!

    1. I have thought about going to the country and a cabin and less pampered life a lot - but yes, at this age it isn't going to happen. It is still fun to watch.
      Oh, he is a ball of fun. Loves to play and Blackie goes along with it to a point, then just smacks him. Blackie has decided THIS is the good life. Very content indeed. They sure make me smile.

  3. I used to dream of a little homestead and garden etc, mostly self-sufficient. Well, at my age it's not happening in this lifetime if I can avoid it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How long did I think my wrists, elbows, shoulders, fingers would hold out if I had to chop wood just to cook my food and heat my house? How far do I want to tote buckets of water so I can wash my body or my dishes? etc. etc.

    What a joke. If something permanent happens to the grid, I'm dead! ;)


    1. I used to think about that too. I think I am too old for such fun - yet there are older people out there doing it.
      If the grid goes down, I think I would be OK as long as my health maintained. I can do a lot - just don't want to at this age!

  4. I have often though of living in a cabin by a lake, but now I think I am a bit too old for that. Hey, some days just keeping the house reasonably tidy and working in the garden tire me out.

    God bless.

    1. I understand that totally! Yes, it has been a thought before, but now.........
      Some days you just never know what the energy levels will be.

  5. It was a pleasure to read about your day, Cheryl. You belong where you are and are well adapted.
    I think that we carry our ability to survive inherently. Lose a job; lose a spouse; lose a home... you have no choice but to get on with it. Life is change and we are meant to adapt. When your life is simple and needs are few, you are already armed with the means to survive tough times.
    I can remember when a hot bath was the most luxurious event. A cup of tea from one's own peppermint plant...delicious.
    Pleasure is as near as the one's we love whether they are human or furry.
    I always loved Tasha Tudor's expression, "Take joy!"

    1. Thank you Rita, very kind of you to say. I have learned, the hard way, to totally appreciate each and every day. You are so right, we have to adapt. Life can sure throw us some zingers, and yet we continue. It is just human nature.
      I think living a simple life aids one IF something big ever does happen.
      I love that "Take Joy".

  6. Cheryl, you always remind me of the good things in life. Thanks ! Cindy

  7. Wasn't today lovely? So enjoying the cooler temps and lower humidity. Love your sunflower! Are the other flowers Echinacea?

    Tuna salad, yum! It's about time for a good egg salad around here, too.

    Bits is a riot! Funny kitty!

    I think some folks do not rely on the Father to provide their needs and decide to take it on themselves. He gives us the good sense to know what to do.

    We went to the Farmer's eye specialist in Avon, which is far better than driving on the interstate to Carmel. Fifteen minutes as opposed to thirty minutes or more, depending on traffic. I will whole-heartedly agree with Miss Cindy: you always remind us of the good things in life.

    1. It is going to be another pretty day. I got some needed rain yesterday. Yes mam, Bits is a riot.
      The Interstates are such a mess from what I hear at the moment, glad you visit was close to home.
      Thank you.

  8. You sure have some adorable kitties, that is so great. They truly add spice to life, we now have a new little dumped doggy. Our youngest was driving and almost hit her, the doggy hopped in the car with our daughter and hopped in the back seat like she's been in the family for years. She's a young junior puppy, a beautiful pattern like a tiger.

    It's good to be prepared but it's not good to get into fear as I know you so agree. Little by little it's nice to gather extras and be aware of forever foods, I think it's wisdom.

    I have a Level I from Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing, and learned some things. I like tea tree oil, arnica gel, frankincense oil, lavender, oregano oil...There are so many oils that are helpful. It's very interesting to read how to make things. I need to spend some time and do that, thanks for referring us to the blog.

    I think the most important thing is to pray about everything and ask God for guidance and protection, and we must be quiet to hear His voice as I know you also do. No prayer is too small.

    It sounds like you are in a sweet neighborhood with others who care for each other and that is a blessing.

    Blessings to you, take care, God is the husband to the widow.

    1. Congratulations on the new puppy! animals know who their people should be. They are very good judges of people. My neighbor has the sweetest little dog and it is so friendly and loving, one day I saw a person walking down the street walk up to pet her, and she backed up and started growling! Made me wonder about the person. I have never seen her do that before.
      Natural items are wonderful and we need to use more. God has given us all we need on earth if we just pay attention. He always guides us where we should be.
      I do have some very lovely neighbors.
      Thank you and take care.

  9. Your flowers are beautiful! It has been 101F here for last two days, and over 90F predicted for the next 7 days.

    1. Thank you. Take care in that heat - it can be dangerous.

  10. Something my late hubs did when making tuna salad -- chop a few green olives and stir them into the mix. Adds a unique sweetness to the tuna.

    1. That sounds good. I sometimes add frozen type peas to mine as well. Mom always did that.
      I love olives and will try that. Thanks

  11. So strange...I did not see any more than normal wind...we did get a doozy of a downpour yesterday afternoon. Enough to really give things a drink....but at the time, I thought wow, the wind isn't bad. But in Terre Haute it must have been terrible two...Roger's cousin's daughter had a tree fall on car and on roof...limb came through the roof to where she usually sleeps but they were huddled in the bathroom I think. I know no one was hurt.

  12. I'm so glad you have those kitties, too! I know they are just the best company! We got an amazing downpour of rain here, too, yesterday! I was so thankful for it! It's gotten so dry in this heat! Your tuna sandwich sounds so good! I need to make myself some! A good, economical meal for sure. Your flowers look so pretty!
