Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Heat is On!

 Happy Thursday all.  I sure hope all are well and safe.  It is another glorious morning in the neighborhood.  Sunny, cool and just delightful.  I went out earlier and the bluejays were yelling at me "where is our food?".  Other birdies are chirping and singing away.
Have a window open at the moment and the kitties are loving the fresh air.
All in all, a beautiful start to the day.

I do believe that is about to change here and has changed in many areas already.  The extreme heat is coming!!! SOON.
You really need to take care of yourself, any animals and your home during these times.  Be prepared!

Make sure your inside unit has clean air filters - good air flow is important.
Make sure your outdoor unit is clean, free from any debris and not blocked in any way.
Keep the thermostat at a higher number in the extreme heat.  Do not turn it too low - or your unit can work too hard and easily freeze up or just stop!!  Trust me 80F inside without humidity will feel wonderful compared to 95F+ and humidity!!! (for example)
Getting help to repair or replace a unit will take much longer than usual.  (If a senior, make sure you let the repair people know).
Keep blinds and curtains closed more during the heat of the day.
Keep doors and windows closed.  Do not go in and out a lot.  
Just try to stay home and not drive! Vehicle emissions not good for the ozone levels.
Do not use the oven.  Keep the extra heat to a minimum. This is when an air fryer comes in handy!!!
Now is a good time for cool meals!!!!

Drink plenty of fluids - especially if you have to be outdoors much.  Stay away from sugary drinks and those with high salt count. (alcohol and soda pop not good choices during this time)
Wear natural fibers and lightweight clothing.
This is not the time to be mowing or doing heavy yard work.  (I feel so sorry for those who work in that heat)!!!
If you start to feel funny outdoors, get in the shade and cool, drink fluids and place a cool compress on your forehead or neck.  If too bad - call 911 - heat stroke is serious business!

Make sure there is water outdoors for ALL animals (nature & strays will need water too)
If you have pets outdoors - bring them in or find them shady/cooler cover and leave tons of water for them.
If you have hummingbird feeders out - change the nectar more often.  Sugar water will go skunky really quickly - birds won't drink it.  You don't want them getting sick either. 

Keep your plants watered well. Try not to get the water on the leaves, as it will tend to burn the leaves when evaporating.  Water EARLY.
Expect garden plants to lose blossom sets - many blossoms fall off in such heat.

It appears that this heat wave in going to be covering much of the nation and more and it is going to last a week or two.
This too shall pass - but be careful until it does.

Have a joyful day!!


  1. We are headed out to do some watering. The Farmer says there is a chance of rain tonight but who know if it will happen and how much. Tomatoes need tying up and leaves trimmed. Need to harvest turnips. The Farmer put shade cloth over the green beans so they won't get scalded from the heat.

    Who knew mice were carnivores? The Farmer set a mousetrap with hamburger and less mouse in the house.

    Enjoy your weekend...stay cool!

    1. Sounds like a busy day at your house. I hope for a little rain tonight - but who knows.
      Good to shade the green beans.
      I think mice will take advantage where they can! Glad one less.

  2. I guess it's coming your way. It has been unseasonably warm here for about a week, cooling down some for a few days and them back up in the 80's. Cooler today so maybe I can get some other things planted.

    1. Yep, it coming this way this weekend and planning on sticking around for a bit. I can do 80's just fine - I just hate the 90's+ stuff. We were cold all winter - so I guess beggars can't be choosey!!! Hope you can get some things done, stay cool and hydrated!

  3. These cooler temperatures and low humidity have been so nice. It started heating up here yesterday and will continue for awhile. Not a fan but what can you do?

    1. Yes indeed, they have been wonderful. It should hit us big in a day or so. Yep, it is what it is. Just do our best to stay cool!

    2. Thank heaven today is still decent temps so I can work a bit more outdoors. But tomorrow I expect to travel where it will be 10 degrees warmer than it will be here, and the temps are supposed to rise overnight, ugh.

      The bears have dug up some of the paving stones from my path. Gee whiz, is nothing off limits?

    3. Glad you have been able to work outside - I did a little too. Sunday starts our real heat wave. I hope you get a nice visit and not too much heat.
      They must be looking for grubs or something. Good grief there sure have been a lot of bears this year.
      Safe travels.

  4. Good ideas Cheryl. We don't get the heat here, for a sustained period as you do, but we definitely get some very hot days. I keep the thermostat at 76F while running the a/c, and use the fan to bring air up from the cooler basement to help moderate the temperature upstairs.
    Watering early in the morning is so much more beneficial for the plants. Plus it is nice to get outside before the temperatures get too high.

    1. Thanks. We don't usually get such a long stretch of super hot - but sometimes. I keep mine about 76 as well. Ceiling fans keep air moving. I stay nice and cool.
      Yes indeed, it is nice to get out on those cooler days.

  5. The heat is turning on tomorrow here. We already have air quality alerts because we haven't had much rain. It is worth every penny to have heat pumps and central air units serviced in the Spring. It's not too late to get it done!

    1. We got a little rain over night - not a lot, but some. Stay in when you can - those air alerts really should be followed.
      I agree - always get your units checked. It can save $$!

  6. You always look out for us. Thanks Cheryl. Cindy

    1. Just reminders. Don't want anyone getting sick! Thanks.

  7. When the ac did not work, the first thing Tommy said was that we were elderly and the heat inside the house was making us feel ill. Of course, someone had turned thermostat to HEAT. Neither of did it according to each of us. And, it cost $89.

    1. It is always good to mention being a senior citizen when having a problem like that. Must have been that little cartoon ghost "not me"!! LOL

  8. The birds, chipmunks and squirrels around my house always seem to be singing a continuous chorus of "feed us"!

    1. LOL they sure do don't they? I wake to birds singing early every day! What a great way to wake up!
