Sunday, June 16, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 6/16

 Hello all.  Happy Sunday.  Can you believe we are halfway through June?  OK - last week I had to edit post, as I jumped the gun.  So today I say - Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there and the mommas who stepped up to be both mom & dad.  May the day be special.

It is a lovely morning, cool and sunny.  Mornings have been blissful.  Yesterday I was out mowing again at 8:30 AM, as it was so cool and breezy and there was no one drop of dew!  Once done with this post - I will go sit on the porch a bit, just to enjoy the cool, as the heat really starts coming in later today and ALL week!
The tulip poplar leaves have started their first messy drop.  Every June and early July it happens.  Such a mess.  The other day I went in the kitchen and the inside door was open and my storm door is glass to the bottom - there stood a squirrel on its back feet standing up and looking in the door!  I can imagine him saying "nut lady - we need you!"  LOL.  It was just so cute.

My frugal week:
  • I did go out to lunch with childhood school chums on Monday.  Meal was reasonable and fun times and conversation were wonderful.  Laughed so much.
  • While out, on the way home, I stopped at the GW Boutique! (Goodwill).  I have an event this Friday evening celebrating all high school classmates turning or have turned 69 this year and 1969 - the year we started high school.  Dress accordingly!!!  I did find a couple 'groovy' goodies.  No extremes for me, but I will try to dress for fun!
  • Pulled, cut and killed LOTS more weeds - just no end.
  • Mowed 2 times this week and trimmed once. Yesterday's mow was because I guarantee it isn't happening this week in the heat!
  • I received a gift from the owner of a house on the block - his late SIL used to live there, and she was a 'cat lady'.  He gave me some cute salt & peppers shakers that are cats and a Boyd's bear that is a cat!  She and I were friends.
  • I sprayed the greenhouse, doghouse and deck area with natural flea stuff.  It will help the neighbor's cat that hangs out and it will help me!
  • Made a gallon of homemade Miracle Grow
  • Picked flowers
  • Renewed library books online
  • Cut mint, basil and lemon balm to dry
  • Been using the air fryer often - instead of oven
  • Cleaned the outdoor unit of the AC.  Sprayed well to remove dust and pollen - should help it run better
  • Mailed all bills I had
  • I did go out to store and got some fruit and milk.  Stocked up on laundry soap B1G1, medicinal herbs B1G1, and got extra furnace filters
  • Made little cages around my tomato plants and peppers - to protect
  • Cooking from home and using up leftovers
  • Lots of dusting!  I love windows open - but it sure makes things dusty.  I WILL gladly dust to have fresh air.
Meals this past week:
Roasted cheese bread and a pasta/veg salad
Out to eat - McAlister's
Nacho's deluxe
Open face sloppy Joe and onion rings
Pepperoni/cheese/sauce calzone (made with pizza dough).  Salad
Jalapeno/cheeseburger and salad
Hominy/veg, skillet 

How was your week?  Did you get any deals?  How are those gardens doing?  Any new frugal things happening in your home?
It is going to be a hot one this week in many, many places.  Please stay well and safe.  Don't overexert yourself.  I do believe I will be home until Friday this week.
I send blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Keep your heart with all vigilance; for from it flow the springs of life.  Put away from you crooked speech, and put devious talk far from you.  Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.  Take heed to the path of your feet, then all your ways will be sure.
Proverbs 4:23-26

Lord, help us each to live and do the right things.  The world needs us all to be kind and the world needs You at every point.  Help us each to guide the young and the lost in the ways of good.  May our days continue to be blessed with Your ways and gifts.  Amen


  1. Once again, an excellent devotional! Proverbs is so good for instructions on how to live, how to get along with people. I found similar teachings in 1 Timothy 5 this morning in my scripture study.

    Glad you had fun with your school friends! Did you go to the McAlister's on 31?

    What a sweet gift from your neighbor!

    The Farmer replaced our furnace filter and we finally turned on the a/c. Much prefer open windows but it doesn't seem possible this week. Going out to work while it is still cool. Enjoy your day! See you Tuesday.

    1. Thanks. Yes, Proverbs is just a good life lesson whether a person is spiritual or not.
      We went to the one on 135 in Greenwood. Good food.
      I have had the AC on a few afternoons before now, but sure want to be ready for the heat. Early morning windows open, but after that doubtful. Stay safe!
      Have a great week.

  2. I'm happy to hear you had a fun time with old friends. It's so important to stay connected with people. For us and them. Your meals sound good as always. Funny about the squirrel. Where were the cats?? Binx would not appreciate a squirrel coming to the door. lol

    1. Thanks - I am really enjoying re-connecting with many people.
      Kitties were napping, I would have loved to have seen them see it! It happens now and then at the front door.
      Have a wonderful week.

  3. Friday there was a mama bear and 2 cubs working on something behind the garage. It was a bag of bagels. Where did they get that? No idea. Someone's deck or car or garbage. Not mine. I don't know when to feel safe in my own yard. Getting very skittish. :(


    1. Goodness that is just scary. A momma with cubs is even more dangerous - they are so protective.
      Please wear a whistle or something that makes noise when you are out. We want you to stay safe.
      Have a good week.

  4. Mary B, of all of the wildlife I have to say most don't scare me they sometimes startle me....but bears....uh NO WAY. I can look at them in pictures or from a distance but they do scare me.

    Cheryl, MacAlister's is about the only place I go to eat out. We are getting one in my small city and I will be there eventually, once the newness wears off. It is a "hometown" version as it is a smaller city.
    It is really nice out this AM, but the weather dude says a hot, possibly stormy week ahead. I will have to do any outside work early and or later in the day as I cannot take the heat with humidity.

    I have a lot of squirrels also, they are cute but so destructive. I have to watch them on my clotheslines because they will try to chew on clothespins and clothes !

    Haave a lovely day and upcoming week.

    1. Bears scare me, although I *know* that our black bears are not *gnerally* dangerous... but Mama and cubs, that's a Big Danger becaues the mama always sees a threat to the littles... rather like human moms. And I'm not ready to explain to an angry bear that I'm just weeding my garden! :D.


    2. Yes, bears would scare the bajeesus out of me too. don't want any interaction.
      The squirrels are fed and watered, so they don't mess with much around here. Racoons on the other are very destructive. They can stay away.
      MacAlister's is a very good restaurant and not badly priced. This was my 2nd time and I really enjoyed it.
      Nice here as well, but it is just now starting to increase in temperatures. Going to get muggy too. Stay in and stay safe.
      Have a lovely week.

  5. Sounds busy for you this week keeping up the yard work, it is never ending, isn't it? The squirrel sounds cute. One of my cats left me a big squirrel the other day right outside the back door, ugh! Your 69 high school event sounds fun. You are one smart cookie to go to Goodwill to find something to fit in from that time period. Yum on the McAlister's, I really like their BLT on a croissant with honey mustard. It's delicious. I hope you have another good week and have fun on Friday!

    1. Yard work is never ending and a pain! I used to have a neighbor cat that did that, but he left them for me!
      I think it will be fun. I figured that would be the best place to get some vintage clothing, then I ran in Shopper's World and found big hoop earrings!! 3 pair for 1.99. Remember those? LOL. It will be a blast to see what everyone does and wears.
      Have a good week.

    2. I thought you were a pet free home, no?

  6. I'm sitting here wishing for heat - it's only 50F and very windy at the moment, and won't get a whole lot warmer today. The forecast says more normal temps next week, but I'd sure love to trade a few degrees with you.
    What a hoot to see the squirrel looking in the window. Had Blackie or lil Bit seen it, I bet there would have been a rush to the door. :)
    Weeds grow faster than anything else!

    1. I would be more than happy to switch up some weather with you. Wish we could that.
      The squirrel was just looking all around, as if trying to see me or something! No the cats were sleeping. Bits has seen one at the front door before and gets all excited. Blackie, just looks up and goes back to sleep! Lazy boy.
      I wish we could cross weeds with veggies! That would be nice.
      Have a lovely week.

  7. Like you I've enjoyed the nice cool breezes ...not wanting this heat to come. I guess we don't get a choice though.
    You sound like you in for a fun time. Enjoy!

    1. We should be happy after the winter -guess we are never satisfied! It should be a fun time.
      Have a good week.

  8. Cool, windy, wet weather prevails. The tractor mower is on the fritz so I had to cut grass with the push mower. It took 3 rounds & now it's time to start at the beginning again! Good exercise. My cousins camped at a nearby lake & invited me for bbq steak one evening. We did some sprucing up at the family cemetery. Another trip to the dentist; good now until next May. The neighbor little celebrated her 3rd birthday. She even got a bouncy castle! Some fun! I'm getting very close to finishing the spring yard work. Good thing with the official start of summer only 5 days away. I keep telling myself that all is well. I hope all is well with you too. In the kitchen: falafel, rhubarb/strawberry & cherry pie. I've been "jungle lunching" it, i.e. eating what's quick & easy (peanut butter, bologna sandwiches) 'cause I just haven't had the energy to prepare a proper meal. Tonight, roast trout.

    1. I wish we were still cool, windy, and wet! Sorry you had to mow it all by hand, but yes, it is good exercise. Good attitude!
      Sounds like a nice week. The BBQ sounds fun and oh my, a bouncy house! How fun is that!
      Your pie sounds delish. I hear you on quick meals - when it is hot or I am very busy, that is the way to go.
      Have a lovely week.

  9. Looks like you had quite the week.. all your meals sound delicious.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment.
      Have a great week.

  10. Cheryl your week sounds fun! Out with friends and a visit from a squirrel!!!
    Your meals sound delish, such variety.
    Meals here have been easy, a lot pulled from the freezer. I do believe when my foot heals I will have a lot work to replace everything that’s been taken out of both the freezers and pantry.
    Take care and enjoy your 60’s night. I hope we get a photo or at least a very good description. Louise

    1. LOL - yes fun things last week. Thanks.
      I bet your meals have been great too. I have been using the freezer and pantry for quite a while - hasn't put a dent in it! Take your time and heal completely.
      Thanks - I hope someone posts some pics I can get ahold of - they said they would. It should be fun - but it is going to be so hot.
      Have a wonderful week.

  11. Going out with old school friends is such fun. Laughter, laughter!

    1. Yes it is. We have so many stories and experiences to share.
      No phones back then to record our every move!!
      Have a good week.

  12. We are very cool here, with lots of rain. It seems like we get one day with no rain or wind and decent temperatures, then back to early spring weather.

    You had a wonderfully frugal and productive week.

    God bless.

    1. I will trade you a little weather. Funny how we are never happy with what we have. I shouldn't complain - it will be winter before we know it.
      Thanks. Hope you have a lovely week.

  13. I really can picture that squirrel in my mind! Haha! 🐿😂 Sounds like your class event will be fun! It’s great that you and your classmates get together often!

    1. I know - it was so cute. Would have loved a picture of him!
      We do have a nice time. Just nice to keep in touch, so many are gone already as we get older.
      Have a lovely week.
