Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Use What You Have - Get Creative

 Happy Tuesday to all.  Hoping this finds you safe and well.  Prayers for those in need.
It looks to be a lovely day here, so I hope to get some outdoor things done.  Tomorrow is supposed to rain - then back to cooler and pretty again.  I am digging this weather!

Today a couple ideas of getting a bit creative and using what you have.  There are so many things we can do every day with things on hand.

I love sausage/bacon egg biscuits.  I made them last week for dinner one day.  I like the way they look at the fast-food shops.  You know, the egg that fits the biscuit!
My trick to make that happen.
I use wide mouth rings from mason jars as a mold.  Sometimes just a little will seep out under - but mostly the egg stays inside.  I grease them really well and when I think the bottom is done, simply flip it over.  Works every time!
I soak and scrub when done.  They can still be used for canning.
                 My end result.  Sausage, egg and biscuit sandwiches!  The egg fits perfectly!  

I told you about cleaning the siding on the back of the house last week.  I still do not have a power washer - so I used what I had.  It was a little more work (maybe), but it worked.  Mainly the lower part of the house was affected - so this worked fine.
This is what I used to clean the siding.  One of those dish scrubbers that you put dish soap in - it was stiff enough to remove the moss, yet soft enough to not harm the siding.  Wet it and scrub.  Then rinse off.  
This is what it looked like before.  This happens over the winter.  It is shady in this area and on the north side of the house.  Generally, down on the lower parts of house.
A scrubby, a little dish soap, and a hose - is what it took.  Oh, and a little elbow grease.  What a difference.
Here is my fix and the homemade rain barrel.  I bought the spicket for about $6 - I added washers and a nut and some sealant.  Works perfectly.  I had the hardware guy explain what I needed, and then I just did it.  I will need to repair the store bought one come fall.  It broke, so now I still have to use the bucket on that one.  I need it to be full, to transfer water to this one (it has an overflow spout).  By next spring I will be good on both barrels!

It is amazing the things we can do, if we just think about it for a moment.  A little muscle work and creativity and it can get done.  We don't have to spend a lot of money for special devices.
Use what you have laying around - you will be amazed.  Life doesn't have to be complicated, sometimes the simplest things work wonderfully!
What have you re-used or gotten creative with lately?

Have a wonderful day my friends!


  1. I still believe the best cleaner is elbow grease.

  2. Funny, my daughter and I were just talking about putting together sausage/egg muffins, some for breakfast and some to freeze for future breakfast. I don't particularly like eggs on my English muffin, but sausage and cheese sounds good too. Using canning lids is a great idea.
    Good work on both the siding and the spigot. We have a large garbage can that we are using to catch rainwater. I had emptied it when we moved - in the winds we had last week it was blown all over the yard. I used bungee cords to strap it to the fence. Once it is filled, that won't be a concern.
    Have a wonderful day!

    1. I love sausage egg biscuits. Always have - might as well make them at home! Sure is cheaper. It works like a charm!
      Smart using the garbage can - might as well. There is always a way if there is a will to do something.

  3. If our house had that mossy stuff on it, this is what I would do too. It looks great after you finished it! Soooo many houses need this too. I like the way your eggs turned out, great tip on getting them to be round. :)

    1. Oh that stuff is so unattractive! Lots of homes around here have it - not many clean. It just looks so nice.
      Thanks - sure makes them nice and round!

  4. There is something very creative and satisfying about using your brain to get around a problem without having to go out and buy something made especially to do the job.

    1. You betcha! Most always I can figure out something or some way and it is fun in my book!

  5. Love your idea for the egg on the sausage biscuit. What particular brand of biscuits do you use? The wall looks great.
    *I've been in the yard a lot, Sunday I deadheaded the lilac bushes yesterday I got started on the rhododendron bushes, got 1 done. There are 3 bushes left. Our weather is heating up so I'll finish the week out with indoor projects.

    1. Thanks. Those are homemade biscuits - just mix them up - roll out and cut. I truly love drop biscuits too!
      You have gotten a lot done - it is only Tuesday! Good job. I is hot here today too - I went out and weeded some - but will wait till end of week mow - too dang hot!
      Always something to do isn't there?

  6. Your biscuit sandwich looks yummy! We had turkey sausage and turkey bacon sandwiches this morning with goat kefir, and fresh strawberries and fresh red raspberries from the yard.

    After reading Miss LaurieS's comment about deadheading the lilacs I need to check into that. Although the lilacs are huge so it would take a while to deadhead. I do have a re-bloomer which is quite a bit smaller so maybe deadhead it so it will bloom again. Has anyone had experience with dianthus? I deadheaded mine and I don't know how long it will be before they bloom again. Same way with the salvia. It looks naked after removing the spent blooms.

    Enjoy this gorgeous day!

    1. Your breakfast sounds tasty.
      I try to deadhead about everything. I like when things rebloom.
      Not sure about the dianthus - they should rebloom. Funny my neighbor have me some seed from her Sweet William's this morning. They smell so good, yesterday I was standing there talking to her and just kept smelling her flowers!
      I hate when the blooms are gone - it does look bare.

  7. It's Debby in Kansas. I haven't been able to post in weeks! I'm alive!

    1. I am so glad you are OK!!!!! I have been worried to pieces about you. Hopefully you can post more. Both test and this one showed up!!!

  8. Love that idea for the eggs! And what a difference in the house after a good scrubbing! I always love your good ideas!

    1. Thanks Mandy. It doesn't take much to make things look nice. Some people just don't get it.

  9. Use what you've got and make it work ... the best way to save! If I'm making sliders for a get-together, I'll press my ground meat into the appropriate burger thickness and use a biscuit cutter to cut out mini meat patties, then gather up the scraps and do the same thing until all of the the meat has been used. And, do you remember the 1980s Salad Shooter? Is it sitting on a shelf in the garage or in other storage? It works perfectly for grating zucchini for zucchini bread.

    1. You are one smart cookie. I like the idea of the meat. That is clever. Super idea for the salad shooter - it is amazing how many ways one thing can be used.

    2. I still use my Salad Shooter but it is a newer model.

  10. Does it count that the cleaning lady used Tommy's back brush he uses in the shower for scrubbing the tub and shower wall? By the way, there was a brush for the shower.

    1. Hey, we use what we have or can find. I am sure I have done similar.

  11. Tommy has a little device on his arm--Dexcom G7. It is so tiny that I knew it would get lost in chair, under chair, in car, just too tiny. So, I gave him a lingerie bag, about 11x11 inches. He can easily find the white mesh bag. It is soft and will fit in his pocket. It has a loop if he wants to hang it. I use a similar one for the remote on my bed to raise feet and head. I tied a piece of ribbon to the loop and it is ties to leg of bedside table. I can use the ribbon to find the bag where the remote is located. Otherwise, neither of us could find it behind the head of the bed.

    1. The remote is so tiny, not the device on his arm.

    2. That is creative. It makes it easier to keep track of small items. I like that. We do have some creative minds here.

  12. I have a bright pink ribbon tied to my car key. That key is black and if it falls in the car or in my purse it is very hard to find. The ribbon is a lifesaver! :)

    1. That is smart! Mine always falls to bottom of my purse, and I dig for it. Great idea.

  13. I too use ribbons on keys. It is easier to grab the key and not drop it, as I find it difficult to pick up small things (neuropathy). Nice improvement on your siding, Cheryl. I wonder if you could treat it with something to prevent the mildew or discoloration from happening again.
    We love egg and cheese on an English muffin; very filling.
    A little garden work today. Could use some rain but still garden looks promising. I keep finding volunteer potatoes and move them to rows.
    Bear in the neighborhood; must stay vigilant when walking to mailbox or working in garden. I saw it a few days ago and it walked on when I shouted.

    1. The ribbon idea is great! Thanks - I am not sure if there is anything that works against moss - will have to check.
      Glad your garden is doing good. That sure will be nice soon. Love going out to pick food.
      You gals and your bears. Oh my goodness. That is so scary. I guess there are more advantages than I thought living further south!

  14. I have used those jar rings as well!!! Harvey thought I was crazy but they work really well.

    I really like how you use what you have to clean, or fix something. A very talented lady.

    God bless.

    1. They sure do make a nice round egg.
      Thanks - I just hate leaving the house very often. If I think of doing something, I just want to get it done.

  15. I use a cloth pencil holder for my victoza and the needles to use with it. It is a slim blue item and those little needles would be hard to keep together. Tommy has two remotes for the tv. Don't ask. In order to keep them together and pass them back and forth, we keep those in another cloth pencil holder with a zipper.
    I kept my keychain on the flip cell phone. I never left the house without my phone, so I put the keys on the phone.

    1. Good ideas. I have 2 remotes as well - I understand. I just keep mine in a little decorative dish by the couch - of course it is just me.
      Good idea keeping the keys and phone together - unless you lose them when out! That would be bad. My flip doesn't have anything to fasten keys to. Thanks.
