Thursday, June 20, 2024

Want Something Different? Easy and Tasty!

 Hello all - here it is Thursday already.  It might just be me, but this week seems to be going by slowly.  Maybe because I have not been outside much and have stayed home.  It is going to be another hot one, and today looks to be sunny.  The past couple days had a lot of clouds which worked for me!  June is usually wet here in my area, but not so much this year.  Did have a good rain on Tuesday, but nothing else for many days.
Today is the first day of summer!!!!  

I have made some different meals as of late and thought I would share the ideas.  I know I sometimes get tired of the same old things and look for something different.  BUT I like easy and inexpensive.
So here are 2 or 3 dishes I made fairly quickly, with what I had here at home.

Hominy Skillet
I know many say they don't like hominy, I used to not.  Tastes change over the years.  
This was simply one can of hominy (drained), a little chopped pepper, broccoli. and onion, and 2 ground sausage patties cooked up.  Seasoned with some Worcestershire sauce.
You could add any veggies you have or basically any meat.  It could also be topped with cheese.  Serve over rice if wanting to extend.
It was so very tasty and super easy.   Nothing bad for me in it!!!!

Alice Springs Chicken (like Outback)
I love the Alice Springs chicken from Outback.  I haven't been there in many years.  So, I made my own!!
I had some dehydrated mushrooms, that I rehydrated early in the day.
Cooked a seasoned chicken breast until almost done, added mushrooms and some of the water I rehydrated them in - to skillet.  Also added a little Worcestershire sauce.  Once cooked through, I topped with a slice of Swiss cheese.  (water cooks down to sauce like).  Made some oven fries (in air fryer).  YUM!
I think I actually liked this better than the restaurant style!

Mexican Pizza (like Taco Bell)

I cooked up a little ground meat into taco seasoned meat.  Made up a small batch of refired beans.
Bottom - hard shell tostada spread with beans, added some grated cheese and a bit of salsa (you could add taco sauce).
Top - tortilla spread with a little more beans and some of the taco meat.  Place on top of the bean/tostada - 2 layers.  **I placed it before adding meat - just easier.  I used some cheese dip on top, but you could add more grated cheese.  Topped with chopped tomato and more sauce if desired.
I had 2 of these and I was stuffed.  Have meat and beans leftover for another meal.
Super easy-peasy!

Different can be fun and it doesn't have to be complicated or expensive.
I am a lover of food - and sometimes I just get bored.  I know we all get in a rut now and then.
GOOD food does not have to be EXPENSIVE food.

Hope this gives someone a couple ideas.  Have fun and play with your food!

Have a great day my friends.


  1. The little pizzas made with tortilla shells are just perfect for us. We can dress them however we wish and it makes a nice thin crust pizza. I had Alice Springs Chicken at Outback and was not impressed. Will have to make it myself. The last time we were at Outback our lunch tab was $63.00 and I said no more. Think what we could have purchased at the store for that amount of money. We have always liked hominy but have cut out certain things in our daily diet. This is the best time of year as we can pick "grow-ceries" from the backyard.

    Gonna be a hot one. It's summer so what do we expect? lol Have fun at your 60's party tomorrow. See you Sunday!

    1. I love tortillas and tostadas. Both are fun and cheap.
      THAT is exactly why I have not been to Outback in years! Soooo expensive. It can all be made at home cheaper. They used to have great Alice Springs chicken here. I just like the combo.
      Not many 'grow'ceries to pick here as of yet. It will be a while for me.
      Thanks. Stay cool.

  2. Great ideas!

    Sometimes for inspiration I'll go online and look at the menus for trendy restaurants. Usually a description of the dish's ingredients is included on the menu and that's enough for me to try to copy it or I can search for a similar recipe.

    1. YES. I don't have any exact recipes, I always just kind of wing it and it turns out pretty good. I like making 'restaurant' food - it makes me feel like I am splurging!! LOL

  3. I've never even heard of hominy, I needed to look it up. Isn't it interesting how where you live has an impact on what you eat? I guess it relates to what grows best in those regions.
    One of my favorite winter meals is hamburger stew. I never make it the same way twice, but add various spices, a bit of soya sauce, frozen veg. It can be served with potatoes or rice. I do make homemade pizza at least every two weeks. It's so less expensive than delivery and gives us enough for at least two to three meals. And of course, it can be made as one prefers. Taco meat, too, is very adaptable - we like salads (even my son!) and in wraps.

    1. Hominy is a corn product. Kind of the consistency of garbanzo beans (chickpeas). I know, I see things all the time mentioned on blogs that I have no clue what they are.
      I love hamburger stew/soup as well in the winter. Use what you have, and it is always a new taste sensation.
      Homemade pizza just tastes so much better and is so much cheaper. Delivery is crazy in price.

  4. Good morning, Good use of groceries!.
    * I just wanted to give a heads up to anyone who his interested; I rediscovered the Dollar Stretcher site. I used to follow them when it was just email. But they have a FB presence also. They have some good ideas, recipes etc.

    1. Thank you. Good morning to you!
      I remember Dollar Stretcher - I will have to check it out. Always nice to have other sites and locations to follow along. Thanks for the heads up!

  5. Oh my I must try your little pizza ideas. Thanks for sharing your ideas with all of us.

    God bless.
