Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Stuff and Need Opinion!

 Happy Tuesday all.  It is 75F this morning - going to about 90.  This is to be the coolest of the week.  Maybe some rain - that would be nice.  It is a bit overcast this morning, and I like that!  It sure was muggly yesterday!
Hope this finds you all well and safe.  Miss seeing some of you.  If you are having troubles commenting (Debby), maybe re-sign in or reboot your computers or something.  Not sure why some are having problems.  Seems every day something changes on my computer, and it is so aggravating.

YAY, they are starting to bloom!  Birdie planted and approved.  There are a lot of blooms and buds out front - so pretty and cheery!  I have to spray them every few days with a little soapy water, to keep the squirrels from eating them.  It seems to be working (knock wood!).
Poor critters are so HOT!  They lay out cooling themselves, wherever they find shade.  The feeders, the jar, the fence rail, the handrail, the yard - wherever the shade is.  The birds sure do love the waterers - drinking and bathing. 
I have been emptying everything in the evenings (water too), to deter racoons.  Hopefully that will become normal for them, and they stay away.
Buddies!  They are so precious.  Blackie is pretty much living his best life!  He eats, sleeps and cuddles some with mommy and his Bits.  He deserves it, after all the years defending himself outdoors.  Bits is just a ball of fun!  If not sleeping, he is playing.  If he sees a gnat, a fly, a tiny ant, or even a spider - he stalks, attacks and EATS it!  LOL. Quite the hunter.  
They sure bring me a lot of joy and laughs.

Now for your OPINION!  I have this 60's thing on Friday and trying to dress a little appropriately.  I know I will win no prize, but this is fun.  I have had a pair a hip hugger bells for years and years and they still fit!  I have a paisley little shoulder bag, a choker, and a pair of big hoop earrings.  Also, a long butterfly print scarf to tie around band of pants, to hang down my side.
Now for the shirt.
I got these 2 - both are fun.
The tie dye - I will alter the neckline a little (scooping it) - as I don't like t-shirt necklines.  I remember tie dye and also open weave and crocheted tops.  Which should I choose?  The lacy one I can wear the white spaghetti strap top under it (or any color), the tie dye would probably have a tank under it as well (once I alter neckline).  I like both and will utilize them both in the future.
You can see the jeans in the center.
This should be fun.  60's music and attire - and friends and acquaintances from back in the day.
I have really been spreading out from my comfort zone a little and growing into a 'newer' version of me.  Sometimes we just have to change it up a little.

OK, that is it for today.  I look forward to your answers.  You can click on the picture to enlarge it a little.  
I plan on staying in most of the day. There is always plenty to do inside.  I spent a half hour or so outside this AM already tending to things.
Stay cool and have a great and groovy day!!!!!


  1. Oh, I like the tie dye shirt, but either one would be a good choice as both fit the era. I hope you have a blast!

    Good idea on spraying the sunflower with soapy water to deter animals from eating them.

    1. Thanks - I like them both so much.
      They ate a few blooms, and a neighbor suggested the soapy water and it seems to work.


  2. Hey, hipster: The tie dye is definitely an attention grabber but I think the lace is more feminine. Good for you still fitting into your jeans.
    Sunflowers already! Always cheerful.
    Hot and humid here in the north, as well. I can jump in the lake if I need to.
    Have fun on Friday.

    1. I know, I like them both. Both will be worn over the summer, so it is a win-win. The jeans - well, let's say if they weren't hip huggers, no way would they fit. The waste has changed over the years!
      The lake would feel nice. It started raining a bit ago, I went out and stood in it like a kid!

  3. Tie Dye for the win! Of course, we wear it all summer long here. At 63 I tell my 74yo sister we were swapped birth years. I love all things 60s (music, clothes etc) and she didn't then and doesn't now! Silly girl.

    Have sooooo much fun!!

    1. Thanks - it is pretty & bright isn't it. I love everything about those times - the clothes, and the music. That is still the music I listen to in the car and sing along with - like I know how!! LOL
      It will be fun.

  4. It is very hot and humid here. I'm avoiding going out as much as I can right now. I'm so glad that Blackie made the adjustment to being inside so well. He sounds like he's living his best life right now. Both of them actually. I like both shirts but I would choose the blue one. It's very pretty and looks to go with the jeans really well. I'm so glad you're getting out and about a bit with old friends again. It is so good for you. I can't wait to hear about the party. Stay cool!!

    1. I agree, staying in as much as possible. Yes, they are truly living the best life and seem to enjoy it! Neither one ever tries to get out the doors.
      Thanks - I just love them both. Both will be worn this summer for sure.
      I am trying to move forward some. Friends and family really do make a difference when you are alone.

  5. Though both shirts are great, I would go with the lace one. I believe a lot of people will wear tie dye. Have fun. Jean from Manitoba

    1. Never thought of that. That may be a good point.

  6. Both shirts are great but I vote tie dye!

  7. i like both too. Which top goes best with bell bottoms?

    1. this is Maureen in MO, it won't let me answer as me!!!

    2. They both look good with the jeans. Oh my, see why I couldn't decide?

  8. I love both shirts, lace one is very pretty.
    *When we moved to our present local I thought I had stepped back in time to the 60's. Lots of people here dress like it's the 60's. I think GP is kind of hipster type.
    *It was 40 when we got up today but climbing to 80's. Our area is heating up to the high 90's also this week. Maybe I can get some indoor things done.

    1. That should read location not local.

    2. It is pretty isn't it? I know I will get a lot of wear out of it.
      LOL - well you are PNW - land of the hippies!! It is funny how some areas are like that. We have an area north of here, that is kind of like that. All natural stuff, hippy stuff, bars, just a total different kind of atmosphere. It is kind of fun to visit (or used to be).
      Wow, 40. That is cool. I would love that. Hope you get some things done outside.

  9. I like both tops and both of them would work really well with the jeans, so I would say wear whichever feels right on the night. Animals aren't stupid, are they? They instinctively know to stay out of the sun to keep themselves cool. They can sure teach us a thing or two!

    1. I have changed my mind a dozen times already - so that is a good point. Just wait and see what feels right.
      Yes, animals are very smart. No such thing as 'dumb animals' in my book.

  10. I like both tops. However, the crocheted top is back in style. I know a lot of people will probably wearing tie-dye, but what could be more 60's. I vote for the tie-dyed top. Now, you just need to arrive in a VW van with flowers painted on it to complete the look!!! Have fun.

    1. Oh I would love to have a VW!!!! Always wanted one. That is funny.
      Yes, the crochet is very in style again. True, tie dye does scream 60's. I have some funky shades too!

  11. I like the tie-dye top! Be sure to knot it at the front bottom, so you look extra cool! :^) :^)

  12. I like them both! I'd have a hard time deciding too.
    I'd be happy to share the heat with you. It's cool and rainy here again. The forecast is for a low of 4C (39F) tonight. I do so want summer to come. I'm sure you are tired of me whining about the weather...sorry.

    1. I can understand how tired you must be of the cool temps and rain. Wish we could share.
      It really has been a difficult decision! Silly, how something so simple could be so hard!

  13. The tie-dye shirt would make the most impact. Granny glasses would be cool but that's hard to to do when you need your regular glasses to see. ha! I just looked on Pinterest and there is an outfit almost identical to what you are planning. https://topgurl.com/60s-outfit-ideas/

    Soapy water to deter the varmints! Brilliant!

    The cats are definitely chilled out.

    We got about a 1/4 of rain this morning. Supposed to get a bit more later. Take what we can get. The Farmer harvested some cucumbers so I'll fix them with onions and vinegar for a side for lunch.

    Enjoy your day!

    1. No granny glasses, but I do have fun shades. I just need the glasses to read - hmmm now I am thinking again. Oh no. I need John Lennon glasses!! LOL
      We got a really nice rain this morning too. It was a good soaking one. Hasn't gotten too hot yet today, just muggy.
      I guess the varmints don't like the soap flavor. It seems to be working. I sprayed my garden too the other day. Will need to do that again now.
      Yum cukes and onions!

  14. Tie dye and we want a picture!!!!!

  15. Gosh. When I think 60s, I think MiniSkirts and Hotpants! ... and wouldn't be caught dead in either one now! :D :D :D

    I'd have a hard time choosing between your two shirts, they're both cool. :)


    1. Yeah I used to do both of those back in the day - and yeah, it aint happening now!! LOL
      I like them both too.

  16. Oh, da kittehs are so precious. They do deserve all the comfy coziness they have and all the fun of a buddy.
    I’m so glad you take such good care of outdoor critters, too…it sure has been hot for them🥹
    Wow, you can fit into your old jeans 👖 wowza! and kudos! Both tops are perfect; sort of depends on how you’re feeling the day of. I love the lace one, but that’s just me.
    Have fun and, yes—picture please.
    It’s warm and verry windy in OK today.

    1. The kitties are just such spoiled babies now! I love it for them.
      I worry about all the animals.
      I can wear them still but because they are hip huggers. My bum hasn't changed, but my waist sure has! A lot more rolls there. We will see which I decide.
      I will try on pics.
      Stay safe and cool.

  17. I like the tie dye....but that's me. I always like tie dyed stuff. 8-)

    1. I have always liked it too - just so many pretty colors.

  18. Tie dye. I don't remember knotting the tshirt in front. Do you have some fringe to put somewhere. Wear a flower in your hair. Can you sew a flower on your jeans? It could be just temporary.

    1. I remember the knots on shirts. No fringe, just a long scarf. I do have a flower - I have debated on that. I do have a couple floral patches, I thought about sewing on jeans temporarily.

  19. Guess I agree with everyone else, I like the brightness of the tie dye! I hope you'll take a selfie in your outfit and share it with us. Sounds like it will be a fun event. Enjoy!

    1. I like the brightness too. I don't have a camera phone, but will try to get a picture! It should be fun.

  20. I say tie dye, and don't forget the headband. Definitely a picture of you in whatever you choose.

    God bless.

    1. Dang, forgot about headbands. So many things I hadn't thought about. Thanks

  21. I'm not reading the other comments yet. I think the crochet one would be the better choice. Cooler! Plus, there will probably be a LOT of others wearing tie dye. You will look more unique, and still just as groovy ; )

    1. Like Jackie, I am not reading the other replies ;). And I second what Jo says, I like the “not tie dye” since that will be seen on everyone else ;). Hilogene in Az

    2. Thanks guys. I am still deciding. I love the participation!! I really like them both!

  22. My first choice would be tie dye, since that is so 60's. Definitely tie the scarf around your head and let it hang down. What a fun event! Please take a picture!!

    1. It does scream 60's! Hmmm, I thought about scarf as an accessory around the jeans - but around the head is an option too! Thanks.
