Good morning all. Boy oh boy, it is cold out there this morning. It will get colder in the next day or so, then warm a little, and they get waaaaaaayyy cold! UGH
Sure had a beautiful sunrise this morning, and yesterday before dawn, the moon was really something to see. I glanced through the blinds and thought "who has a spotlight on?" It was pretty incredible.
Today just a few words about purchasing! Have you ever really thought about it? In my opinion we have been programmed all our lives to buy, buy, buy!
All the phrases have been used for year. Deals, specials, sale, lowest, best, unbelievable.........
They want your attention! Once they get your attention, they insert the hook and pull! Even as children we were learning. There was peer pressure - Sally got go-go boots, why can't I? Billy got the newest version of a toy - I want one too. Yep - we didn't realize it was happening, but it was.
THEN there were the big shiny pages of that ever famous "WISH" book that came right to our doors!! Oh goodness, how many hours we all spent wishing and wanting.
It happened with everything. New cars, new clothes, toys, the best cereal, the neighbors yards, new appliances to make life easier, it went on and on.
We all watched cartoons - what did we see? Commercials for the newest sugary cereal, the fun new toys and games - they had out attention! They still do.
They used the kiddoes to get Mom's attention to buy grocery items. I mean, everyone wanted their children to be happy.
Enticed moms and housewives with the newest shiniest appliances and items to work around the house. From an iron to a TV, to a fancy vacuum, to the whole bundle of the most modern kitchen! (I love this kitchen!)
Now never mind the crazy low prices, from back in the day - just look at the ad. Today that would not really catch your eye. People don't seem to want to 'read' the ads - they want 'look at' the ads. The ads today are nothing but colorful photographic type pictures. People shop with their eyes. Boy did the advertisers figure it out!
It worked with the 'wish' books, and it worked with the ads in the likes of Life magazine (and others) - so make it work on everything else.
They can now entice us with beautiful, lush looking pictures of the oranges - not just the price!!
We fall for it too. We 'read' the pictures first - then the prices. It happens to all of us. It happens on the computer as well. They sure aren't going to sell you the latest gadget or get you to come into the store to see it, without a picture. A description no longer works alone.
It has also made people dependent on them. You don't have to think about a way store your extra stuff - there is a picture of a fancy new box that will do it. You don't have to think of an old fashioned way to save food in the frig - there is a special 'keeper'. Buy the newest deodorant, toothpaste, medicine, even phone - all because you saw an ad for it, and they make it enticing! People dancing, singing, playing, etc.. What a joke!
I am one of those people that HATE commercials to the Nth degree. If you advertise it, especially 5X during every program, I will NOT be purchasing it!! I do not find them entertaining nor informative. I will do my own research and then buy if I need to. We are bombarded every day with new things to get. When you watch a TV program, an hour show is generally half or more commercials. That is why I DVR anything I would like to watch. I can just skip all the commercials with the forward button! They aren't getting me!
So it isn't all your fault! We have been subjected to advertising our entire lives and we have been conditioned to think we need the newest, biggest and best!
Just use YOUR own computer - your brain - and come up with your ideas of how to do things, what to eat, and what you need. It doesn't have to be fancy, it doesn't even have to be easy. It sure would save a lot of people a lot of money!
If you are on the train of wanting to SAVE a little money - turn off the noise. Use your brain and get back to doing things in a different way. Do not be CONDITIONED!
Just my two cents worth! What say you?
Sending love, light and many blessings to you today!