Thursday, March 6, 2025

Keeping the Pantry Active - Make it!

 Happy Thursday to you all.  Hope this finds you all safe - there sure has been some nasty weather the past day or two all over the place!  Two days ago, we were near 65 - yesterday the winds were blowing (very briskly late in day), and we had rain - then sleet and flurries!  Crazy stuff.  There was a dusting on 'things' this morning, nothing on the ground.  Skies are supposed to clear today - so sunglasses will be in order.
I saw another robin this morning - that is promising.  So is the weather forecast.  70*F by Tuesday!  EEK
I sure love these little tastes of spring.

           Indeedy do!  That is how we should all feel.  Being able to live and get by is a blessing.
You may have little to some - and you may super wealthy to others.  It is all perspective.  Make yours a positive attitude and influence.

Today is just a few more idea/recipes that can be done right in your kitchen and you don't have to go out and buy something special.  No more 'one thing' runs!
I know I have shared some of these in the past, but there may be some new people who can use these, and they are just reminders for the rest of us.
As always - click on the recipe to enlarge for easier reading!


              I love this stuff.  I keep a batch on hand all the time.  It is super on salads

So easy to make and have on hand.  No more cans necessary.  You can make it into whatever type you want.  You can use beef bouillon as well. 

No more ingredients you can't pronounce.  Make you own cake mix and keep the dry ingredients in a jar on the shelf ready to go.  Bake as you would a cake mix purchased at the store.
Good to have - as many cake mixes are smaller now, and this like the original size.

You can also add spices or ginger to change it up a bit.  This makes a good basic sauce for a tasty stir fry

Just a couple ideas to help your wallet and your pantry shelves.  I love being able to just mix up something from what I have at home.  Most of my whims can be covered with the supplies in the pantry.

Use what you have and make new things.  Stop spending and start making!

Have a lovely and safe day.  Hope all are well and warm!!!
Many blessings to all.


  1. Love the homemade and healthy recipes! We are always amazed when we pass by the bottled salad dressing aisle. Even the so-called "healthy" renditions are not so much. The Farmer is a big label reader and I tell him, "Don't bother, you know it's all junk.".

    Noticed the dusting of snow (?) this morning when I got up. We knew it was bound to happen.

    Have a good weekend. Looking forward to those warmer days!

  2. This is a great list. I will be writing down the cake mix recipe. I'm constantly finding recipes I want to try that use a 'box mix' and I don't buy them so this will be perfect. So thank you!
    I like to make everything myself now because seeing so many ingredients and 'may contain bioengineered ingredients' on the label is a hard no for me. It's just crazy what is allowed in our 'food'.
    Enjoy the rest of your week.

  3. Thinking about storing the cake mix in canning jars so the rest of the house can use it. I know they should be able to put 4 ingrediants togother but alas they can't.
