Sunday, March 23, 2025

Weekly Wrap Up 3/23

 Hello to all!  Happy Sunday.  I hope this finds you all doing well.  Goodness, here we are starting the last week of the month.  It sure doesn't seem possible.
It is a cool morning here, with chances of rain and winds today.  I am so over the windy days!  It seems to be normal anymore - I guess that is March, huh?  We are in what they call third winter here!!  We go from those wonderfully warm days to cold overnight.  Looks like most of the week will be in the 50's.  Very seasonal.  The sky was a pretty pink this morning as the sun was rising.

Things around here are coming back to life.  I see buds on so many trees.  The rhubarb is up, and the peonies are poking upwards.  The Indiana magnolia trees are starting to bloom.  Maybe, just maybe, this year they will get to be enjoyed, as it doesn't look like any nights at freezing or below for this week.  It is always a joy to see them.

My week was fairly quiet around here.
My frugal week:
  • Last weekend I caught up on TV and research
  • Did a little more yard work, on the nicest and driest days
  • Got to air the house a couple days and have heat off for a couple days
  • Picked a lovely bouquet of daffodils - they last so well
  • Cooked up fresh asparagus, and saved the tough ends in the freezer for asparagus soup at a later time
  • I thawed and cooked a pound of sausage.  Fried into patties and then refroze for future use
  • Did a root touch-up on hair
  • Did go to feed store and Ollies.  Ollies I got a new longer hose for the front of house and a pair of jeans for 9.99!
  • Feed store - stocked up on feed and refilled all the cans
  • No groceries to speak of.  I did run in for 2 more strawberries at 1.88/lb. and oranges.  Found a gallon of orange juice (marked in April) for clearance of 3.50.  That is it.
  • Kind of going through the pantry goods and re-analyzing what I have for the long term. Will post about this later in the week.
  • Cleaning continues and working a little on declutter
  • Looked for a device I knew G had and just happened to think about - didn't find what I was looking for but found another thumb drive that is just a wonder to me.  So much work and info he did is on it.  He is still giving me presents after all this time!  I know, who would think such a small house could hide so many treasures?  Still going through things and finding little goodies!  He is still making me smile!
Meals this past week:
Pork chop, Brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes
Grilled Rueban sandwich and fries
Veggie fried rice
Leftover rice, 2 sausage patties and asparagus
'Taco flavored' goulash and leftover asparagus
L/O goulash and fruit
Tomato soup and grilled cheese/summer sausage sandwich

Sis is doing pretty good.  She is home with her doggy, has some help coming in each day, and PT 2-3 times a week.  She is in such a better frame of mind being home.  Just chipper!  Time will tell what happens in the future.

Today may be a nap day.  I slept terribly last night for some reason.  That doesn't happen often, and I am thankful.  It is now cloudy and dreary looking now - so a good nap day!

How was your week?  What have you been up to?  Any good shopping deals, or are you finding new ways to use what you have?  How has your weather been?
I hope you all have a safe and healthy week ahead.  
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have; for he has said "I will never fail you nor forsake you."  Hence we can confidently say, "the Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid; what can man do to me?"
Hebrews 13:5-6

Dear Lord, again we come to express our thanks for all the blessings we receive each day.  Help us each to wise in our ways and with the things we have.  Help us to each learn and value new and old ways.  Let us not show greed or envy.  We know that You will always be by our side and guide us, when we seek.  AMEN


  1. Sorry you got a bummer of a sleep. Hopefully the nap helps and tonight is better. We are told we might get an Ollies closer by. We have one further out. Wonderful you got a deal on the hose.

    1. Yeah, well those nights happen every now and then. Never sure why!
      Ollies is a fun store. They have a lot of neat items and some pretty good prices. The hose was half of what I would pay elsewhere.
      Have a super week.

  2. Been chilly and windy here. Looks like it will warm up slightly this week thank goodness.

    Got clearance body wash, shampoo, ground turkey, almond butter, a meat thermometer (good timing as mine broke a couple of weeks ago), and two toys (put up for great nieces for Christmas). Got free coffee creamer, lots of free canned food, and free kid plates. My oldest was given a brand new shirt, hoodie, and two hats.

    Stopped at Ollie's to look real quick when in the next town and picked up ketchup with extra veggies blended in for 75% off (best by date end of month but it'll last longer than that and we go through a lot) and Reese's and M&Ms for a treat on the way home. They were marked 25%, but the lady looked at the date (April) and changed them to 75% off.

    Books and DVDs borrowed from the library.

    Used .10 off per gallon of gas with Walmart+.

    The kids had their dentist checkup. We never did when I was young and I have terrible teeth (and have spent way too much money over the years fixing problems), so I'm trying to do better with them. One tiny cavity on the little one (not surprising, it is a battle with him), but it should be fine until he's older and would handle fixing it better. He did great though, no fits like before, but threw up from gagging on the toothpaste.

    My vehicle is throwing error codes. Hopefully new spark plugs will fix it. The husband used his military discount to save 10% on them and will change them himself. And my dryer is also throwing error codes and overheating. At least it's spring now and hopefully the weather will be nicer to hang everything outside.

    1. Sounds like you got some great deals as always. You do find good prices in your area. I noticed a lot of candy on clearance at Ollies as well - but I didn't need any. If I had kiddos that would have been for Easter.
      Good to stay up on the dentist for the littles. I still sometimes gag when I get too far back with the toothbrush, so I can understand your little one.
      Hope hubs can get things fixed quickly and for little money for you. Yes, getting to the time where drying laundry outdoors won't be a problem.
      Have a lovely week.

  3. That's cool you found the thumb drive. It's been waiting for you! Glad Sis is doing well.

    I had sad news yesterday. My 97 year old aunt died. I had a good cry yesterday and now I'm ok. I was beginning to think she'd outlast us! She's the last of my aunts and uncles. So that makes my mom the last of that group although I have 2 cousins the same age as my mom (my grandma was still having kids when her oldest was having kids). My aunt had a distinctive voice and makes me smile just recalling her speak and she loved to talk. Such a nice woman. I'm going to miss her so much.

    I got 2 pints of cherry tomatoes for $1. I'm going to dry them and save them for those recipes that I sometimes see for sundried tomatoes but I never have! I don't usually specifically buy ingredients for a certain recipe. I haven't really done that since I was learning to cook when I got married.

    I hope to make some banana bread and strawberry jam this week. Got a bargain on bananas and strawberries last week.

    1. LOL - yes, it has been waiting on me. Things I thought were gone forever in his old totally defunct computer were on there!
      Thank you.
      So very sorry for your family loss. It is sad when the older generation goes, so many things go away with them. Your grandma sounds like my mom - sis had 3 kids when I was born! OOPS!
      Good price on the cherry toms! Strawberries are selling for a good price around here as well - Florida ones - our come in season in May.
      I think I may make some banana/strawberry ice cream this week. That sounds tasty.
      Have a wonderful week, and again so very sorry for your loss.

  4. So nice to hear good news about your sis, bet she is so happy to be home. ;)

    Poor sleeping nights do show up every now and then, very frustrating. Make me want to nap all day which messes up the next night too! Gotta be careful about that. :) Often mine are related to coffee or strong chocolate too late in the day.

    Poor magnolia trees, they have such a challenge. Obviously they are planted where they really "don't belong" because spring is so very hard on them. Maybe they get one day of beauty and then BOOM, all brown and frosted. I remember them from my childhood up north and even here it is the same problem - 500 miles to the south, but here is mountains.

    Looking at a complicated week ahead, many things to do and places to go. Doctor appointment, family get together, work, along with the regular weekly stuff. Make cookies as a gift to my nephew, make devilled eggs for Saturday singing (4 hours away, ugh), and then Sunday up and out to a wedding 3 hours away. By Monday week I should be a basket case! :D I'm getting kinda old for all this running around. ;)


    1. Thanks. Usually if I eat too late it happens, but didn't do that yesterday. Not sure. All I know is it is frustrating.
      Yes, magnolia trees are so beautiful and they shouldn't be planted here. Every few years we get the pleasure of enjoying them. Hopefully this will be one.
      Sounds like you will be busy and doing a lot of travel as well. Please, have safe travels and hope you enjoy everything!
      Have a fantastic (yet tiring) week.

  5. Wonderful timely devotional Cheryl, Thank you!
    Haven't grocery shopped for a while...I don't need anything and since I live rural I don't shop if not needed.
    We are getting an Ollies, should be opening soon. We have to travel 25 minutes to the closest one and don't go often so it will be nice to have. Especially since we just lost our Big Lots.
    Anxiously awaiting better weather so I can get some garden planted, cold weather tolerating crops.
    Having to set live traps every night because it is varmint season and they will kill my chickens given the chance.
    Chickens are laying well and some spring plants are up.
    The wind has been unrelenting here also and I have to say I am over it.

    1. You are welcome.
      I think we all need that reminder from time to time - God has this!
      Yes, Ollies kind of feels like another version of Big Lots - they do have some fun stuff. Always new finds. Glad you are getting one closer. Good for you on not having to shop - it sure is a relief.
      The wind is just crazy - like you, done with it! My neighbor has chickens and he keeps them in his garage at night - that is his coop! I am glad he does, as we have possum and racoon around, and wouldn't want to see them hurt. The hawk has started showing up again, yet the ones here, must eat good, as they bother nothing but tiny birds. Not even the pigeons or doves. Hope you keep them safe. The eggs must be lovely to have.
      Have a wonderful week.

  6. Wonderful devotional! "Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have". Words to live by!

    It is definitely a curl up with a blanket and maybe an pet or two, and nap kind if day. It is raining and 37* here. The Farmer nor I slept well last night. He is napping right now and I closed the door so the dogs don't decide to pay him a visit.

    So glad to hear that your sister is doing much better! Home is the best place to be if at all possible.

    We started keto in October 2023, not '24. Not that makes a lot of difference in the conversation we had on Thursday, but that's a lot of money saved by not eating in restaurants or getting a coffee while out and about.

    Today is a soup day, I think. Definitely not a salad day. I think we have some seasoned hamburger in the freezer which would make a dandy rainy-day soup.

    We have green onions up! The squirrels have been digging in the asparagus bed, hope they don't destroy it. The Farmer has started the Mr. Stripey tomatoes. This is an up and down time of year. At least we shouldn't get any more snow. Almost everyone around here remembers the big snowstorm during boys' tourney in the '60's. I remember some kids got stuck at the game because of the snow. And they weren't supposed to go to the game so they were in big trouble. So long ago!

    Enjoy your day! I'm off to "shop" in the freezer.

    1. Thanks, I think so too.
      It is 43 here and raining. Just so dreary. I have been vacuuming and doing laundry - so no nap yet. Maybe shortly.
      It is amazing how much restaurant food costs. Soup does sound good on a day like this.
      I got sets when at the feed store the other day - wow, you have some up already!
      Tourney time always brings nasty weather. Weather guy said March will go out like a lion - in my book that is how it started too!
      Love it - have fun 'shopping'. Have a super week.

  7. Glad to read that your sis is home and doing well. But for one day , which was Wednesday, it has been cold here and very windy with rain expected tonight. We took advantage of Wednesday's good weather and did the first tilling of our raised bed garden, laid down compost and will till again at the end of April. It was mostly indoor activities this week. I got my Easter cards finished and am now working on Passover cards. I've started doing some deep cleaning in my craft room by going through one bin and drawer each day. That way I can get two things done, one work and one fun. I made 3 dz. no knead English muffins for hubs this week and 4 dz almond flour chocolate chip cookies. Made a huge pot of hot and sour soup, some of which we had for dinner last night topped with shredded chicken from earlier this week. Also made another large pot of pasta e. fagioli soup. We went to the farm and picked up eggs and fresh vegetables. Returned books to the library. I ordered a new to me book called "The Forgotten Apothecary" which has all manner of recipes for homeopathic medications to make from your kitchen. Have a blessed week. Cookie

    1. Thank you.
      Mainly indoors here as well. Won't you be glad when it stays warm?
      Gosh, you are on the ball with the cards. Good plan on the drawers. Small steps are still steps.
      Num on the English muffins. Sounds like a lot of good food coming from your kitchen.
      That sounds like a fun book - I am all about natural and homeopathic medicines. There are so many things people don't have a clue about.
      Have a blessed week.

    2. I'm interested in this book. I looked up this title and there are several with similar titles, all by different authors. Can you please post the author. Thank you.

    3. Sorry, I left out a word. It's "The Forgotten Home Apothecary by Dr. Nicole Apelian. Cookie

  8. Winter is hanging on for dear life here, with more snow in the forecast for next weekend. But the snow is melting a little each day.

    1. I am sorry! At least you get a little melting each day. I sure hope you get warmer and maybe 'just' rain sometime soon!
      Have a good week.

  9. I'm glad to hear that your sister is doing well. We do worry about them, don't we? I think I worry about mine more than I do my kids. (Shhh, don't tell them!)

    The weather has been all over the place here. I managed to get out in the garden a little bit when the sun shone, but on other days I have been huddled indoors attempting to do a little more Spring cleaning. I also bought some wood treatment to use on my garage. It has needed doing for the past couple of years, but we had such wet Summer's, interspersed with real heatwaves, that it never seemed a good time to do it. I am determined that it will get done this year as soon as the time is right.

    1. yes, we do worry about them. Heck sis is old enough to be my mom - she is the patriarch of the family. I just hope all continues to go well for her.
      All the place here as well. I have done nothing in the actual garden, just been piddling in flower beds. You are on it! That sounds like a big project - hope you can get things done when not wet or too hot.
      Have a wonderful week.

  10. Sounds like a good week for you, Cheryl. Fresh flowers are so delightful! Like you, I can’t believe the end of the month is upon us again. It goes by too fast the older we get. Your meals sound so good and I love to have sausage with dinner. 😋 I’m taking it easy and icing and elevating my leg, so nothing too crazy. 😂 I hope you have another good week!

    1. I am glad you have your surgeries behind you and are now healing. Taking it easy and do what the doctor ordered are the biggies now.
      I love fresh flowers - they just make me smile. And daffodils do smell pretty!
      I like patty sausage too - I don't fix it real often, but it sure is good when I eat it!
      Take good care and have a lovely week.

  11. I had my third night of not good sleep. I am hoping that I am so tired tonight that my aches and pains will not bother me and I can sleep without the weird dreams the pains bring on.
    Lovely daffodils, so lucky that yours are blooming so nicely.

    God bless.

    1. I am so sorry - 3 nights is too much to not sleep well. I finally slept well last night, and actually laid in bed longer than normal this morning. It just felt good. I sure do hope you slept well.
      Have a good week.

  12. Glad Sis is doing better! Have a great week!

  13. My daughters neighborhood is having a garage sale in April so I have been going through my house and gathering things I will sell. It has actually been kind of fun as I have been able to take my time and really go through. I am excited and hope someone buys these things. Some of them are brand new! Oh lord, thay type of spending has stopped.
    I didn't go anywhere last week, did not even start my car until yesterday, and then I just went and got a bag of ice.
    Meals were a lot of leftovers, as usual. I just have no mastered the art of cooking for one. yet.
    Today is doctors appt and babysit my little 9 month old powerhouse granddaughter! she is a pistol! lol
    Have a great week ladies!

    1. That will be a great way to get rid of unneeded items and earn a little cash too. It is amazing what we 'thought' we needed over the years!
      Staying home is a good thing in my book. I prefer it. It gets kind of peopley out there! LOL!!
      It takes time to readjust to cooking for one. I can sometimes and do fine, other things, I just see no way to fix it for one - so have leftovers for the freezer.
      Oh have fun with the little one!
      Have a super week.

  14. Good morning, Love the daffodils! I have some in the yard not sure if enough to pick though. I'm going to plant more this fall.
    We are going to get 3 warm days this week starting today them it will go back down to the fifties for a while.
    I am reading when you post and have been enjoying them even though I don't respond much. Have a Blessed Day!

    1. Hi sweetie! Good to see you here. Thanks I have several bunches of daffodils out back and they sure are just a bit of sunshine. I need to plant more as well.
      Glad you are getting a break from all the rain and getting some warmer temps. We warm up at the end of the week (your weather coming in). I guess we shouldn't complain about 50's, it is normal. I am just so ready for warm and less wind. The wind today is just stupid crazy!!!!
      Have a beautiful week my friend.

  15. I do believe most of us slept terrible recently. Must be in the air!

    1. Could be. Weird how that has happened.
      Have a fantastic week!

  16. You had me at daffodils and fresh asparagus!!!

    1. They sure are springtime favorites!
      Have a special week.
