Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Some Kitchen Ideas - New and Old

 Happy Fat Tuesday to all!!  Hope this finds all well and safe.  What a difference a day or two makes.  I got up to a temp of 50* this morning!  We do have rain coming in later today and tonight.  Then we cool yet again for a few days and next week there are predictions for the mid 60's.  Such is spring in the Ohio River Valley area.
I have been out to feed and the birds are just singing away.  Licorice was waiting at the back door this morning; he loves the warmer weather too.  I have already walked the alley and picked up odds and ends of trash before the trash truck comes.  Will probably do it again after.

Let us talk about little tricks and ideas for the kitchen today.  There are so many ways to make life a bit easier and tricks one can use.  I think we tend to over complicate things.  It can all be so easy, and just simplifying makes it better and cheaper.  No need to panic about anything - just breathe and carry on.
  • To make self-rising flour - mix 4 cups of flour, 2 Tbsp. salt, and 2 Tbsp baking powder together.  Store tightly covered for future use.  
  • It is easier to slice meat if partially frozen
  • Add tomatoes to a roast when cooking, to naturally tenderize the meat.  Tomatoes contains an acid that works to break down meats
  • REFERENCE - 1 pound of boneless chicken equals about 3 cups of cubed chicken
  • Instant potatoes make a great thickener for soups and stews
  • Adding about 3 stalks of chopped celery to a couple dry cups of beans (before cooking), helps make them a little easier to digest (adds flavor as well)
  • Think about getting a small coffee bean grinder to use for spices and herbs and nuts - makes like so easy.
I have 2 of these grinders.  One is marked spicey and is used for dried peppers and any spicy item.  The other is used for dried tomato skins, nuts, etc.  I got both at different times at yard sales for $1 cash each!
Beats getting out the big old blender or processor.  Easy to clean as well.

1 1/2 C flour
1 C sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
3 Tbsp. cocoa
1 tsp, vanilla
1 Tbsp. vinegar
6 Tbsp. melted butter
1tsp. baking soda
1 C warm water
Stir together flour, sugar, cocoa, and salt directly in a 8" layer pan.  Make 3 depressions in the dry ingredients - put vanilla in one, vinegar in one and butter in 3rd.  Pour water in pan and stir until well mixed.  Bake at 350* for 30 minutes
2/3 C brown sugar
1/2 C melted butter
small pack of coconut 
1/4 C milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Thoroughly combine and pour over warm cake.  Place under broiler until lightly browned

If you have a couple apples, pears, peaches or whatever fruit you may want to use - make an equivalent to an easy-peasy pie!  Make a galette.
Cut up your fruit and season the way you want - and you use one pie crust!
It truly gets no easier than this rustic dessert.  I have made these more times than I can count.  Place your pie ingredients in the center of your 9" pie dough and then wrap up the edges around it.  I like to brush with a dab of milk and sprinkle a little sugar for a sweet crunchy exterior!  Bake until crust is golden.

(Mom made this often and I sure did love it)
1 C uncooked oats
1 1/2 C boiling water
1 C white sugar
1 C brown sugar
1 1/2 C flour
1/2 C butter (1 1/2 sticks)
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
Mix oatmeal in to boiling water and let it stand about 20 minutes.  Add sugars and butter and mix until smooth.  Add all other ingredients.   Bake in a greased and floured 9 x 13 pan at 350* for 30 minutes.
6 -8 Tbsp. butter
1/2 brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 C coconut
1/2 C chopped pecans
Place in a pan on low heat until all is blended together.  Spread on warm top of cake

YUMMO is all I can say.  The topping is also good on top of spice cake or applesauce cake.
Another NO EGG cake!
  • Add a few grains of rice (raw) to your saltshaker - to keep moisture from salt.  I have done this for years
  • Fresh lemon juice will remove onion scent on hands when slicing or chopping.  I use a stainless butter knife myself.  I rub my fingers over the blade under water and the smell is gone.  ALSO - if you slice them under running water, it helps prevent tears!  OR try placing the onion in the freezer for a few minutes before cutting - that helps too
  • A few drops of lemon juice in cooking rice, helps it to not stick together
  • Save your store-bought bread bags - great to reuse if baking your own bread or rolls.  Also wash and dry and use to collect ice cubes for upcoming events - so you don't have to buy ice
  • When needing fresh juice - one lemon yields about 1/4 C juice and one orange yields about 1/3 cup
  • When shredding cheese - I want the block of cheese to be very cold - it shreds so much easily and doesn't stick to grater
  • Throw a lemon drop or a hard peppermint candy into a cup of hot tea to jazz up the flavor (it helps calm a cough as well)
Feed yourself or feed your flock with things you have on hand.  Have fun and try some new things.
Use the items from your larder and your freezer and make some yummy desserts and meals.  There truly is no limitation to what you can do - just your imagination!

What are some of your favorite TIPS for simplifying your cooking and kitchen?  Stretching supplies and making something creative and yummy?
Look forward to hearing from you!

Have a blessed and beautiful day!


  1. My biggest time saver is to wash all veggies as soon as they come in the house. The ones that get stored in the refrigerator are kept in glass jars. They last longer and I can see exactly what I have. It makes cooking a lot quicker to have this step done. It's supposed to be a windy and rainy couple of days here. Have a great day.

    1. I love that idea. I have seen many others do that as well. Anything that makes it last longer is a win!
      Yep, wind and rain - sounds like spring weather to me.

  2. Good ideas...I love the instand potato one..that would help a lot with soups. Have a great deay!

    1. I always have instant potatoes on hand - makes a great thickener for sure.

  3. Lots of good tips and recipes! I used to make wacky cake on a regular basis. The batter can be baked in a muffin pan also, for cupcakes.

    Windy today, but sunny. Going to do a little yard cleanup after while.

    1. Good idea for cupcakes as well. Such an easy recipe.
      Sun is in and out here - but it sure is warmer!

  4. Great recipes, I make a lot of eggless cakes cookies and a great eggless potato bread. No egg is worth that price. I'm overseas now and eggs are dirt cheap in the entire region (Gulf) going to put my tin foil hat on and ask, why just the US?
