Happy Ash Wednesday to all. Hope all are well and safe.
It is raining, it's pouring......no snoring - but it is kind of breezy. Yesterday got to 6o+ degrees, I got up to 50 this morning, and tonight is to be in the 20's. It is windy, but we have been removed from the wind advisory in my area. Predictions say near 70 by next Tuesday! The weather of March - it sure is unpredictable. March brings all sorts of weather and the promise of spring.
I did get out to feed during a break in the rain, and just as I was coming in - it hit again! Soggy for sure. Spring rains are sure good for the growing season.
I am so ready to see colors outside! Something besides white, gray and nasty brown and green. I want color, I want pretty flowers, I want fresh garden veggies, I want warm weather!!I bet most of you feel the same way.
Gardening does not have to cost an arm and a leg. There are many things that can be done on the cheap. MOST garden seeds are not super expensive - considering what you can reap from a plant started from a seed! It always amazes me what a tiny, tiny seed can do. Think of all the zucchini you get from a plant, all the tomatoes from one plant, etc.
Displays like this are popping up everywhere right now. Flowers, veggies - so much to choose from. Sure if you have a small garden like I do, it may be easier to just buy a few plants. I grow some things from seed like zucchini and even cukes and lettuce (they start quickly) - but other things I buy plants. I do NOT spend that much money on the plants.You can make your own hanging baskets and planters - with a few small plants that will grow into lush and beautiful containers.
You can exchange seeds and plants with others. Check with family and friends and check the neighborhood groups - you can get and barter all kinds of things.
Seek out pots and planters the same way.
You can plant things in pots if you cannot have a garden where you live (that is crazy to me). Flowerbeds and big pots, let you extend your growing.
A good representative pic of what you can grow in pots. I did notice the bottom right pot is mismarked!! I think it maybe should be lettuce.You can catch water (if allowed) and use that for your plants. You can easily make a rain barrel - but if not - use buckets or totes under downspouts or in overflow areas. It is amazing the gallons of water that flow off roofs. You can compost and make some of the richest soil ever. IF you can't - find someone who does. You can give your scraps to them to help the pile work and maybe they will share compost.
If you grow heirloom plants - keep seed for next year and to trade. You will always be guaranteed what you will be growing with an heirloom plant. Other plants that have been crossed in breeding, the seed will provide you product, but with no guarantee of what it will be.
I do let volunteer plants come up many times - and just move them to a different area. I figure all veggies are good veggies!!! And a FREE plant if just fine with me.
You can start many of your seeds now or soon, depending on when your growing season starts.
You can make your own fertilizers. Banana peels soaked in water - makes a good nutrient rich water to use on plants. Coffee and tea grounds are good for plants. Crushed eggshells are calcium rich and good for plants as well.
Make your own concentrate that is equivalent to Miracle Gro. Just remember the is a concentrate! It needs to be watered down when using.You can use old canning jar flats as plant markers, instead of throwing out. Clean and write on them with permanent markers. You can also use pull tab lids (like cat food) for markers as well. Use toilet paper rolls or newspaper to make seed starting pots. They can both be planted as is and will dissolve into the soil. You can use newspaper as a weed barrier - or old feed bags or bulk food bags. Use sticks as 'pins' to hold these items down.
I use scalding canning water on weeds. Also mix vinegar and salt on weeds (not desirable plants). Pull out what you can - it is exercise and fresh air - super IF you can physically do it.
I know we all have visions of spring in our heads! I think most of us are so over winter and cold.
Start checking out seeds, onion starts, and ideas for gardening. Make connections with other people who may be a help to you. Check out free groups and neighborhood groups for pots and supplies - even tilling offers might be found.
Now is the time to start the planning!!!!
What ideas do you have to share with others? We can sure use all the fun ideas we can get - it is all so exciting!
Stay safe and have a wonderful day.
There is more sunlight in the perennial flower garden so I often plant veg there - corn, zucchini, kale. It adds visual interest. Tomatoes are planted at the end of the annual flower bed in front of the house b/c of the sun exposure as well. I was eyeing the veg seed display in the store the other day. Soon. And a greenhouse tour is planned with the neighbor little & her mom.
ReplyDeleteLove the idea of mixing up flowers and veggies - you are right it does add visual interest. Why not?
DeleteI was walking through the garden dept. of Menards last week just collecting ideas. No cost - just fun.
That will be a fun adventure!
Lots of good ideas for gardening. Think we are going to buy some onion sets at Cox's and get those out soon. Menards always has better prices on their seed packets. We've been planning what we will plant this year. The DIY Miracle Grow is far superior to the chemical rendition. Just walking past all the chemicals in Lowes gives me a headache. Vinegar and salt with a bit of homemade orange cleaner works pretty good. Yup, catch what water you can. The Farmer will probably set up the water container after he checks the weather forecast.
ReplyDeleteThis is a day to stay in and cuddle under blankets on the sofa.
Thanks. I still have some in a paper bag from last year (in the frig). I will be getting many more. I love green onions.
DeleteMenards is a fun place. I love the homemade fertilizer - YES, no chemicals being put in our food.
Hmmm - will add some orange cleaner this year - I have plenty. Once the freezes and snows are done - I set up my rain barrels. I need to put a new hand spout on one this spring first!
Dreary day for sure. AT least the rain stopped for a minute!
Only use salt where you want the land to be barren.
ReplyDeleteI like the mix of salt and vinegar - extra strength and works fantastic for me. Thanks
DeleteWe have the wind and we have snow right now. It won't stick as it's been so warm but yes it is snowing.
ReplyDeleteI have already been saving egg shells and coffee grounds to mix in with certain plants this year.
This weekend is the yearly Herb and Garden show and I know that will put me in Spring mode.
Have a great day!!
Oh yuck. They say flurries here later tonight. UGH
DeleteGood for you - it sure will help the plants. That sounds like a fun way to get in the spring spirit. Have fun!
I wonder what the blue food coloring offers in the Miracle Grow Concentrate.
ReplyDeleteHave saved eggshells all winter. They're great when broken up and put in the tomato soil, adds calcium. Also, sprinkled on top of the soil they deter slugs.
Unfortunately I don't really have enough sun here to grow veggies well, but I can grow some flowers in pots and I will try some pole beans and summer squash. Tomatoes I don't plant as I have blight in the soil and am letting it age out for a few years.
Bought seeds for Nasturtiums, Four-o-clocks, and Annual Vinca. Maybe I have some older parsley seed, and I'll top the pots with new soil.
It is now in the 50s, but we are to have snow tonight! Spring, gotta love it. ;)
I think the food color is just so you know what it is (like Miracle Gro is blue). You don't have to add it - just mark the bottle.
DeleteGood for you on the eggshells. Maybe look to veggies that don't need as much sun.
Oh, the flowers will be beautiful. I use older seed all the time.
Sounds like here - 50 this morning and flurries tonight.
I am a little envious of your weather - we were at a chilly -11C/19F this morning. However, I was looking at seed packets yesterday at Dollarama (didn't buy just yet). I prefer to purchase tomato plants as our growing season is so short, but will plant a small garden again this spring. My daughter talked about planting potatoes in bags last year, but I left that to her and she didn't get to it. This year, I'll make sure we do. She'll just have to water for the month of June as I plan to be in the city.
ReplyDeleteWell, we were envious of you on your trip and the weather you got to experience! It is getting cold tonight and maybe flurries! Then warming again.
DeleteI like a tomato plant with a head start as well. That sounds like a fun project with the potatoes.
You are a mover and shaker!
Wow thanks for the Miricle grow recipe!
ReplyDeleteYou betcha!!!! It works great
DeleteDown here we are coming to the end of summer but my one tomato plant is still going. It has been prolific for over three months - in one bit pot. I have made lots of tomato sauce in the freezer that will see me though winter when it comes. So a very good investment back in November!
ReplyDeleteI am thinking of planting lettuce soon. It only grows well in the winter.
It is so amazing to me that one seed made that one plant - and you got a summers worth of eating from it and the freezer has good food as well! Yep, pretty good investment.
DeleteLettuce should do you well.
I also make the homemade Miracle Grow. One thing I do is save veggie scraps in the fridge and when I have a bag full I put it in the high speed blender with lots of water and a tablespoon of epsom salts and blend until everything is liquified. I do this starting from the end of the growing season. As long as the soil isn't frozen the mixture gets dug into the soil to decompose and becomes instant compost without having a compost pile and enriches the soil greatly. Just saw something on youtube where a gardener grows his potatoes in a recycled cardboard box. He puts in a layer of leaves, about 4 inches of soil and then puts in the sprouted potatoes. He covers them with about 10 inches of soil and some "potato fertilizer" and keeps it well watered on his patio. He had quite a large harvest. I'm going to try that this year with potatoes which will free up some of my containers for other things. We have a small raised bed and lots of containers to grow things in. I also make my own seed tape using toilet paper and homemade flour and water glue to keep the seeds stuck to the paper. It works really well and speeds up the planting process of really small seeds.Cookie
ReplyDeleteThat is a neat idea on the veggie scraps. Thanks.
DeleteMy brother does his potatoes in straw bales sometimes. I grew them one year in a barrel and made a tube in the center of wire - kept adding dirt as they grew. It worked!
Love the seed tape idea. Have done that in the past too. It is a very smart idea.
I just love all the creative ideas you all have. Our ancestors would be so proud! They sure knew about getting creative.
Guess what, we are getting a light snowfall now and more to come next week if the forecast is correct. Like Maebeme, we purchase starter plants for tomatoes, and our youngest son usually starts peppers and eggplants for us. Even my flowers are purchased already started as I don't have the room to grow them inside. I giggled when you said you move volunteer plants around your garden as we do that as well.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
It is flurrying here right now - after almost 65 yesterday. Mother Nature needs an attitude change!!! LOL
DeleteOh my - I guess it is common in March and April - but yuck.
With a shorter season - it is wise to get the plants with a little head start. I figure a volunteer is a freebie plant - I don't turn down free!