Tuesday, March 25, 2025

This and That - Some Fun Ideas

 Happy Tuesday all.  Hope you are all well.  We are still having a chill in the morning hours.  Well, actually we have had a chill all day for a while - the winds!  Oh goodness, it has been windy.  Yesterday was crazy.  This morning seems pretty calm for a change, just cloudy.
Just plodding along here - nothing too exciting.
Thought I might show a couple ideas that help me out, and maybe you as well.

Side door decoration.  Simple and easy.  A big bouquet of silk flowers and a kerchief tied around it.  It is bright and pretty.  Use what you have and make something sweet and colorful.

When buying produce - make sure you keep those fat big blue rubber bands!  Those things are strong and come in handy so very often.  I have even known people that cut them into two pieces - but I like the strength they have as is.

Do you have a hunter in the family?  If so, get the fat that they trim from their harvest, and render it down.  Pure clean tallow - can be used in cooking or in homemade salves.
I always keep bacon grease.  That is pure gold in my opinion.  Not only does it work as grease, but the flavor it adds - oh yum.  I have a jar in the frig as well for the grease I keep from ground beef as well (before seasoning).  Beef grease can be used as cooking aid as well.  With the cost of oils at the store, it is nice to have other options.

I saw this idea on a FB group I follow.  A semi-clear tote can be used as a mini greenhouse.  It helps guard plants from birds, and it also helps keep them warm.  Easy to open.  You can also use plastic milk jugs - cut the bottom out and set over plants/seedlings.

I am a big ChapStick, lip gloss fiend!  I don't waste any, as it is kind of expensive.  I generally get a good brand and not the cheaper ones.  When you can't get more out, keep the tube until you have another the same way.  Use a toothpick and dig out the remainder from one tube and add to the other.
I got a tube of Chapstick as a 'gag' gift in Oct. at one of my luncheons.  The gal that plans them, always has little gift bags of misc.  Well, it has been some of the best I have ever had.  It says 100% organic, but no brand - it was decorated on tube for Halloween.  I asked her about it, and she ordered from Amazon.  Turns out it is coconut oil.  She gifted me a couple more tubes in Feb. - that she had left!  You just never know where you might get something good.  YES, you can use regular coconut oil you have at home.
I also keep some of those near empty tubes and dig it out and add to the contents of a near empty tube of lipstick.  Dig them both out and mix together.  (you may need to microwave for 30 seconds or so to get them to blend).  I keep in a tiny little plastic container and use as lip gloss.  Subtle color and softens too!
I have been making lip gloss this way for years.  Use a lip brush or a Q-tip to apply.

I saw a new site listed that allows you to enter your ingredients you have on hand, and it gives you recipes that you can make.  I have always followed YourFridgeFood, but checked this one out too.  It looks decent.  It is https://www.SuperCook.com/recipes
You might want to give it a look.
It is always kind of neat to "use" someone else's imagination to get new recipes!  List your ingredients and get ideas and even recipes.  How fun!

If all you have is canned soup to serve for a lunch or dinner, add some pasta or rice to extend it and a little more filling.  Heck you can do this to homemade soup as well.  It sure does make it go a little further.  Add crackers or bread and you have a filling meal.

Well, that is it for today.  Just a few fun tips.
What little things do you do the stretch items at home?

Have a beautiful and blessed day all!


  1. March was filled with crazy weather here. It's sunny at 70's are predicted for most of the week finally.
    We have a meat processing place that we get our beef tallow from. It is nice to have. Seed oils are not safe to eat for me so I stick with butter, tallow, bacon grease and olive oil.
    Have a great Tuesday!!

    1. Yes mam, March weather is crazy. Looking to maybe 70 by the weekend here.
      That is a great idea - hadn't thought of getting it from a meat processing plant or meat market. I can use most anything ok, but it is just economical to have those natural goodies on hand.

  2. My current frugal effort is baking bread. I fed my potato flake starter and baked one spelt flour loaf last week which was quite nice. Now I have another, whole wheat & spelt, rising today. We'll see how well it rises. Fun times. :)


    1. Sounds yummy and fun. I really need to get into bread making again. I don't eat a lot - but I do go through spurts. Homemade is so good.

  3. Cheryl, I too am a lip balm fiend. I keep a small jar of Vaseline next to bed, my chair and in the bathroom. I have a tiny one in my purse! In my family I am know for using it....I always used it on the kids, change a diaper .....clean that bottom ...dry and apply vaseline.
    dry skin, apply a light film, etc. Funny story, at Christmas both DD and the grands gave me a jar in my gift bag. Great grand will to this day come and ask if she can have some for her "yips". Before she was potty trained she would toddle over and get the jar before laying down for a change of diaper.
    I also use and recommend Vicks for various things, I told them this year give me Vicks in my gift bags LOL

    I also save fat from cooking, different containers for different drippings.
    Frozen french fries tossed in just a bit of beef fat before baking in the toaster oven is divine! I use a bread bag and gently massage it into the frozen fries...

    1. That is funny. So many people use something on their lips all the time. I love her little saying about for her "yips"! Too cute.
      I have used Vaseline, IF there has been a time when I had no other. I always have Vick's on hand for a stuffy nose. Mom used that religiously on us when we were little, if we got stuffed up. TIP - Vicks works great on pulse points in the summer to keep mosquitos away!!! I always put on ankles, wrists, bend in arm and neck.
      I bet that does make the best fries. May have to try that! Thanks

    2. My dermatologist says the medical term for people who are addicted to lip balm is "lip lickers," LOL. My daughter is a lip licker and she inherited it from my MIL. My MIL always carried a jar of Mentholatum in her purse as an all-purpose cure. She also swore by Luden's menthol cough drops.

    3. Oops, that was me.

  4. When I’ve made ramen noodles in the past I like to add a drained can of mixed vegetables to boost the nutritional content. Such great tips here, I like the mini greenhouse idea especially.

    1. Great idea. I have done that - maybe some leftover veggies or even meat. I know I shouldn't, but I do like ramen and just adding things makes me feels better about it. It makes it more filling as well.

  5. We are having typical March weather. Thought it was going to rain this morning but at 3:00 p.m., it is just starting. The sun was out for a while.

    The Farmer uses coconut oil. We also use a lip balm that has silver in it. The girls used Carmex while they were in school. Vicks is recommended for fungal problems on the nails. Have to try the Vicks to keep away mosquitos.

    1. Yep, typical and I am over it! LOL We have had a lot of sprinkles.
      I always have a jar of coconut oil for baking, so might as well use it for lips too when needed. I use the Vicks for mosquitos all summer - it sure does help a bunch for me!

  6. I have used a clear tote as a mini-greenhouse in the past. It worked great! I also have a couple of the really big plastic bottles that are used in office water dispensers. My Dad acquired a couple from somewhere and removed the flat end. He gifted them to me to use as cloches. He has been dead for 8 years and he gave them to me several years previously. They are still going strong and doing an excellent job.
    I have a small bamboo plant in my garden that only grows about 3 feet tall. Whenever I thin it out I keep the canes, strip the leaves from them and put them to use. When nice and fresh they can be twisted to form a base for a decorative wreath. Dried out they are excellent as plant supports. It is a plant that earns its keep.
    BTW Vicks is also a good treatment for thick discoloured toenails, due to fungal infection. Simply massage a small amount into the toenails each night and be patient. It takes a long time to work. That is another one of my Dad's tips.

    1. Good to hear about the big water bottles - never thought of that either. Great idea - and they are strong.
      Cool on the bamboo tip. That is some versatile stuff. And it is very hard to kill it.
      I have heard that about toenail fungus. Glad to hear from someone that may have tried it. Dads - they sure did have some knowledge!!!

  7. I don't use lard for anything though people love it. Grew up with hunters, cooks and bakers. A tin of lard was always on hand. That said, gross. To me, anyway. Blech.

    But I do like the no waste factor to it.

    1. I guess we all have different tastes. I remember mom's biscuits as the best ever.
      We each do what works for us.

    2. Many years ago, my father-in-law shot a bear when he found himself face to face with one (he was deer hunting at the time). Uncle Jack, a character if there ever was one, rendered the fat and used it to make pie crust in his restaurant. Said it was the nicest, white lard he ever used. Nobody complained (and I doubt they ever knew).

    3. Making use of the unexpected windfall. I have heard that it is tasty.

  8. Great tips today !!! I do like the greenhouse idea. I have some basil that I have growing roots in a jar on my windowsill, they need to go out and I will try this idea.
    I have a dripping tin that I keep in the fridge. If I feel it’s getting a bit old the dogs get a spoonful with their dry food, and I start all over again. It’s not something I used regularly but it’s good to have when I need it.
    I ran out of time to comment on Sunday but I am so pleased that your sister is home and doing well. Take care, Louise

    1. Thank you Louise!
      Good, I hope it works well for you, not sure why it wouldn't. I always have jars of drippings in the frig too - you right, it isn't something used often, but when it is, it sure is tasty! Good ideas giving it to the dogs - bet they love it.

  9. I thought I was the only one who saves produce rubber bands, who knew? I quit buying rubber bands because they are flimsy, and I noticed the produce ones are very durable and free.

    1. Those produce bands are the best ever! I always keep them. I have done that for ages. You are right, the ones you buy are so flimsy. I have a few - but try to avoid those. Love the big produce ones!

  10. The post office used to wrap my mail with a rubber band so I never had to buy any. They stopped doing that years ago but I got some free from our free group several years ago. I'm nearly out. Hopefully some free ones will show up here.

    I don't eat meat but I save the fat to cook my husband's meals.

    1. Our post office used to do that too - especially at my work. I had the same postman at work and home! I sure like those heavy ones.
      Good job. I bet he loves it!

  11. Green onions come with the most miniscule elastic band, but I don't recall buying any veg with large bands. I would keep them for certain.
    We've had melting for a couple of days, but more snow expected Thursday and Friday. Up to five or six inches and colder weather. I am so very tired of winter but grateful I was able to skip a couple of months of it this year.

    1. I get the bigger bands on fresh asparagus always, and sometimes on other veggies. They sure are sturdy.
      Oh you poor thing. That is just awful to still be having snow and cold. I am glad you got a break from it as well. I couldn't live where it stayed cold and snowy that long. I need my warm and sun - even if it is just days at a time.

  12. I always save those big rubber bands from broccoli and from asparagus. They come in so handy to tie up cords. I also use the rolls from toilet paper to hold extension cords in the closet.
    Love the mini greenhouse idea.

    God bless.

    1. The bands are wonderful. Good idea for the TP rolls - thanks. It is amazing the things we can come up with, with stuff around the house.
