Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Baby Steps.....Bit by Bit

I have been talking about Spring cleaning for what seems to be ages.  I guess it isn't all Spring cleaning, but just normal every day stuff.
We all have those projects that we hate to tackle.  I know I am not the only one!  It is those things that just look overwhelming.  Projects that take a few hours or an afternoon to complete.  I tend to put those off again and again...................then oh what a pile of dust I have.

My house is really never messy, it just is dusty, full of dust bunnies and cob webs.  Where do those bunnies and cobs come from???????  LOL
It is a never ending process.

So I am now working at it a little at a time.  Baby steps.  I find that if I give myself 20 - 30 minutes to work on something, I tend to get a LOT more done.  I have been doing this for the past few days and it is amazing how many projects (that I kept putting off) that have gotten done.
I may go back to an area 2 or 3 times in a day but it isn't overwhelming, because I know I will only do a little at a time.

I have always been one that goes gangbusters!  If I am going to clean all the shelves in the living room - then I am going to clean all the shelves in the living room!  I hate that job.  Now it isn't so bad.

See?  There is a lot of STUFF to dust.  Now I do a shelf and then go off to do something else.  I go back and do another.  It is so much easier for me.
I can clean a shelf when dinner is cooking or while watching TV.

My kitchen is the same way.  I have pretties and small appliances on top of my cabinets (do to such a small kitchen), and it gets dusty and greasy.  It is easier to do a segment at a time.  It gets done in MY time and looks lovely, but I am not stressed.

Yesterday I was downstairs doing laundry, and starting getting canning jars all together.  They were in a few spots - now they are sorted and neat.  I went to place clothes in the drier and went through the bags of clearance pectin and Mrs. Wages mixes I had.  They are all sorted and together.  I am now organized and ready to can!!!

It is amazing what you can accomplish in a few minutes.
You can clean all the pictures/mirrors on a wall.  Later clean off a table or a shelf.  Straighten a hutch.  Clear out that stack of magazines.  Clean and dust that 'hidden' corner.  Work on a shelf or two in the pantry.  Straighten up your home canned goods.  Get your canning supplies organized and together.  Clean a shelf in the closet. 
NONE of it will take very long and you have ACCOMPLISHED a needed task.

Don't get yourself in a huff trying to get your cleaning done.  Take your time and take baby steps and do it bit by bit!
I advise you to attack your house this way for a week...........you will be amazed at what you get done!



  1. I would hate to clean those shelves also, but think of how good you will feel when they are done.

    1. You cant really see the 'dust' until you pick something up!
      I just have so much stuff - I guess it would simplify my life to get rid of things - but odds are that isn't going to happen.

  2. That's how I like to get things done too Cheryl. A little bit at a time and you will have it all done. Perfect!

    1. It makes such a difference. I don't know why it took me so many years to figure it out!
      Slow learner I guess.

    2. Cheryl, those shelves are my current envy! Daughter would like my husband to build some for her library.

    3. They came with the house - original. I can't help but fill them!!!

  3. When I want to get a big project done, like painting a large room, I just tell myself I only have to paint one quarter of a wall that day. Most times once I get started, I do a lot more than I set out to do.

    1. That seems to be the way to go. I often spend longer than I planned, but I give myself permission to stop.
      It really does help!

  4. I agree, we don't really see the dust until we get closer! I was able to get all the dried hot peppers and tomatoes into consolidated jars, now have 30 fewer jars (washed now) and extra lids and rings, and can actually find the peppers when I want them!

    1. Aint that the truth - just don't look too close!!!

      Wow that is a lot of peppers and dried tomatoes! Good job. Ready to do more!

  5. I like doing things in steps like you mention the baby steps, Cheryl. A little bit at a time is much easier than doing a lot of stuff all at once.

    1. It really is easier. I know some people think it just stretches it out - but I get tired of the same thing after a while.

  6. Hi Cheryl, I am that way too. Even with sewing at times. Nancy

    1. Anything gets tiresome after a while. It seems when we break it down into smaller increments it is easier.
