Wednesday, January 13, 2021

You Have a Choice

 There are many things in this old world that we can't  get away from.  BUT there are so many things that we have a choice in and on.  
The biggest choice we have - is choosing JOY and HAPPINESS!

I am sure there are many who say "it isn't that easy".  It kind of is.  No matter what our circumstances are - we have the right to choose how we RESPOND!!!!!

I got a HUGE wake-up call in 2019.  I could have stayed down and out.  I could have stayed bitter and angry.  I could have stayed miserable.  After a while I realized that those things did not help me in any way and they sure didn't represent the memory of my beloved.  He always said if something happened - go forward and do all you can to be happy and do good for others.   I am trying.
It doesn't mean you aren't lonely, it doesn't mean you don't get sad, it doesn't mean you don't miss someone - it means you are showing respect for the life they lived and the one you are living.

Today so many things bring people down.  Health, politics, social media, news, joblessness, prices, etc.. NOW is the time to change your outlook - don't let this year bring you down.  Find joy where you can.

Live within your means
Turn things off
Try to prepare and stay ahead of the 'game'
Simplify everything about your life
Get rid of relationships that make you angry
Forgive - this is HUGE
Do what makes YOU happy
Quit trying to please everyone else
Find joy in the little things - you will soon be more aware
Work on inner peace - without that you can't expect to have peace anywhere else
Develop a relationship with nature
Create the world you want to see

You can let anything and everything going on get you down.  WHY would you?  That sure isn't enjoyable.

I have decided to remove people from my world that I deem toxic and hateful.  I don't need that negativity.  You know them too - those people who just can't shut-up and let things go.  They go out of their way to push buttons - it seems to be their mission.  My life is worth more than to continue with this negativity.
You sometimes just outgrow people and that is OK.  Change is often essential for your well being.
I have decided to simplify even more things in life.  
I have decided to share more good to the world.
I have decided to count and not be oppressed and I am moving forward in baby steps - but moving forward.

Stand up for YOU and your beliefs.  Don't compromise.  You have a right to feel as you wish.  You do and I do.  We don't have to agree and we sure don't have to explain it to anyone!!!!!
Stop trying to please everyone.  You and your home/family is your little world.  Make it happy first.  If EVERYONE worked on their little world and made it the best - the world would be a better place.

Slow down and simplify life.  Seek out the simple life.  Be more humble.  Stop the hate.  Spread more love and joy.
A smile, a kind word, a kind act can change the world for someone - maybe for just a moment - but moments make days.  Be the change you want to see amongst the world.  Lead by example.

You create your own HAPPINESS.
Wishing you all much joy and happiness.  
Go GRAB the best of life - it is out there.   And TOSS about a little joy while you are at it!


  1. What a great post! A lot of gems to digest and take to heart; one to re-read for sure. I need that kitchen towel!

    1. Thank you. It was just in my heart today.
      I got the towel for a gift at Christmas - wish I could tell you where it came from!

  2. Your words are so needed at this time. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are welcome. I had something else planned for today and I then let my heart talk.

  3. That is a lovely post giving very good ideas to go forward. Hope I can take note of it and get my husband to do so as well. thank you for this and God bless you.

    1. Thank you - we all just need some peace.

  4. You are so, so right, Cheryl. Thank you for sharing. Regardless of our circumstances (and I'm right there with you since Mother's Day 2014), we control our own level of happiness. Baby steps, at first, then learn to walk and eventually run. Hugs and smiles!

    1. I like that. Nice way to put it - "baby steps.... then learn to walk and eventually run". I needed that!
      No matter what we need to find happiness and joy!

  5. Absolutely! My oldest sister widowed unexpectedly 14y ago at age 57. It took about 3y to move through the deep grief chapter and start truly enjoying life again. Each of us has our grief process. Yes, life goes on!

    1. I am sorry for your sis. Not just grief, but everything takes a tole on us. You put all the other stuff on top of grief and it could be overwhelming.
      We just need to slow a bit and reflect - then smile.

  6. Wonderful wise words...I especially focused on the ones about letting go of toxic people who push your buttons. I have such a brother. That makes it very difficult, but I am working on it.

    1. It is really hard, especially when it is family and friends. I have a couple too. Just have to quite listening and walk away.
      Some things just have to be off limits!
      Thank you.

  7. Lovely thoughts and words to live by, thank you

  8. Wonderful advice! I have been working on all of the above for the past few years. Ditched all of the toxic relationships, leaving me with only my husband and phone calls with my mother (over 1000 miles away). Fortunately, I'm an introvert. I loved my walks on the local trail, but even though I can't leave Husband alone at home for very long, I still get out of the house to walk to the mail station nearly every day. I have met more neighbors in the past year than in the preceding 17 years that I had lived here. My pantry and vegetable gardens have grown. I have found a small cyber-community of similarly minded people here and on other blogs. I've gotten rid of a lot of physical items and replaced some with things that better meet our needs. I'm even working on forgiving my abusive father, though that will probably take the rest of my life. Life is good!!

    1. Good for you. You have made great strides! Baby steps - we all start small and move forward.
      Little things make such a difference.
      It may take you years to forgive him - but at least you are trying. Holding grudges and hurt messes with you the most. Prayers for peace my friend.

  9. So inspiring, thank you! Trying to find happiness and joy in small every day things.

  10. What a better world it would be if everyone had your attitude. You are a good person. It is hard sometimes, but I will try. Stay safe!

    1. Oh I have my days. I get so angry and frustrated sometimes. But it just doesn't help a thing.
      A little peace goes a long way.

  11. I think of you often, especially when I get so frustrated with Hubs. Then I feel guilty with my impatience. You are so positive and I know that you get lonely, But you always come back fighting with a smile. You make me a better person.

    1. Thank you dear. I try hard - life isn't easy. I just want to be what G would have wanted.
      Got to keep up the fight!

  12. Such a wonderful post, such great words to live by.

    1. Thank you so much. We all need to just work a little harder to be kind.

  13. This is a fabulous post! Life is too short not to make the best of it.

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you - hope everyone tries harder all over the world.

  15. YES! All so true. Something I am concentrating on more is putting pen to paper (or greeting card) and reaching out to extended family members, and friends, to let them know that if they should need me, I am here. Or just to let them know that someone was thinking of them. Who doesn't need that? No one. xoxo

    1. Love it. No one much does snail mail any more and it is always nice to get a card or letter. I get a letter every now and then and it is such a nice surprise.

  16. So good! "You sometimes just outgrow people and that is OK. Change is often essential for your well being." Boy, isn't this true?!

    1. Thanks. I believe those things are very true, especially today. With social media we really get a chance to see what people are like - it isn't always pretty.
