Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Gardening on my Mind

 Oh goodness, with the sun shining and temperatures warming - I have gardening on my mind.  How about you?  Do you have your plans made?  What are you planning on growing?

I know it is early yet for many of us to plant most anything.  Cold weather crops could probably go outside and be OK.  Here in my area of the country, the saying is nothing outside in the garden until after Mother's Day.  Daddy always said the earth wasn't warm enough until the end of May.  Dad always put his garden out in mid to late May, and it was so abundant!!!!!  I can't remember there being a bad year.

Anyway, I am keeping this short today, as I have a lot to do, places to go and people to see!  So I am asking what you are planning and to share with us all.
Are you doing a big garden?  Are you doing a container garden?  Or are you having a few simple little pots on the patio or porch, or a plant or two amongst the flowers?

I have lots of plans for this spring.  Not just veggie garden but doing a bit of landscaping as well.  There is always something to do.

I plan on doing another garden post this week on how to re-grow items that you think may be garbage!  It can be done.  Waste not want not.  We will discuss more gardening ideas in that post - different options and ideas.

I am in a complete allergy rage at the moment!!!!  UGH!  My nose is like a faucet!  The only time it feels normal is when I lay down.  Now to figure how to mow, garden, and weed all while lying down!!!!!  LOL
Tree and grass pollen numbers are super high here and mold is in the medium range.  Happy spring!

So what are you in the midst of doing to get the garden projects ready?  Do you have plans on what you are going to grow?  Give us a shout out.
Have a lovely day!


  1. Happy Tuesday! It's been quite warm here on the plains. Hubs is gonna stop by Sam's and pick up some salad fixings. Which reminds me... Romaine lettuce. What's the story? It's hard to find. Is this a drought thing or a recall thing? I haven't heard either, but there's clearly something going on.

    I also saw that gas shot up again. I was expecting that in May, but it's a little soon. I doubt we'll see a reduction before fall.

    Now to our yard....it's in a terrible state due to such a dry winter. We have 3 areas where the grass didn't even come back. No point in overseeing with it being so dry. I doubt it would survive spring, let alone summer. Instead we plan to have it all aerated so that when we do water, it'll sink down deep and hopefully keep more from dying.
    April 15 is usually our last freeze date so we might be heading to the nursery for some pretty flowers. Our petunias didn't do well last year so we might change to something more drought tolerant. I'm considering taking one dead patch and planting a butterfly bush there. Our church has a couple and they are gorgeous all summer. And filled with Monarchs during migration in fall.

    Cheryl, my allergies have mellowed, but I was like a faucet last month.
    I was taking an allergy pill every afternoon and using my inhaler regularly. I hope yours pass soon. I hated feeling sleepy all the time!

    1. Debby in Kansas USAApril 11, 2023 at 9:07 AM

      There it is! I didn't get a name option before. That was me!

    2. Plenty of Romaine in our stores - not sure what the problem is there. Yes, gas is going up again - they are saying $4 or more soon. Go figure - it is spring break and soon summer vacation.
      We will get frost after 4/15 for sure. We had a freeze the past couple years in early May.
      I am sorry it is so dang dry there - that is just amazing how different areas of the country are so drastically different.
      My meds don't make me sleepy - just not helping a lot!

  2. Spring time allergies are not our friends! Hope you can keep the symptoms at bay and feel better.

    We watched a YouTube video on re-growing plants from scraps. Some was very successful and some not so much. The Farmer has planted cool weather crops and some potatoes. We haven't received the French fingerlings and some of the sweet potatoes yet. Green beans won't go in the ground until sometime next month. Still planning where certain veg will go in the gardens.

    Enjoy your day! It certainly is a gorgeous one!

    1. Nope - not my friend for sure!
      I have regrown a few things with success. I have no plans to put out much until in May. I remember dad always planted potatoes on good Friday!
      It is lovely today!!!!!!

  3. I've got a lot growing in my window...I'm excited for the end of May!
    I'm sorry to hear about your allergies and hope you feel better soon. It's just getting warm here so allergy season is coming.

    1. Good for you. It won't be long.
      Better some this afternoon. Our pollen counts are so high right now. Thanks

  4. I decided this year to just grow the items that I can't usually get at the farmers market. Poblano peppers, Thai chili peppers, tons of herbs, salad mix, arugula, edible flowers, etc. I'm excited. I am planting some of the salad mix and arugula this weekend and started all of the pepper seeds inside. The rest will be started around the first of May. Hope you're feeling better soon!

    1. I am feeling a little better thanks.
      Good for you = that sounds like a good plan.

  5. I'll be growing in my containers this year. The potatoes were so successful last year, those are a certainty. I have tomato, pepper, marigold, and cucumber seedlings potted up. They won't go out until the third week in May but now that it is (finally) warming up, they can be happy in the sun room during most of the day.
    I've never grown cucumbers before so this will be an experiment, much like the potatoes were last year.
    I've lettuce seed but that will straight into the container next month.
    I do you get some relief from the allergies soon.

    1. They will love the sun room! Cucumbers have always been easy for me. Sounds like a plan.
      Doing better - thanks

  6. We are planning our garden, tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers maybe an acorn squash. I have an herb garden going, a few things wintered over: parsley, sage, thyme, peppermint, spearmint, oregano and lavender. I've tried growing lettuces but not much luck. I don't have much luck with container gardening although I may try again.
    It's still rainy here and we are still going to have some snow yet. We got a few days of nice weather and the allergies kicked up and now back to rain. Okay by me! Our last frost date is May 19th.

    1. You plant much of what I do. Only did potatoes once. Lettuce can be picky - depending on the heat.
      Yuck mid May seems late.

  7. Container gardening on my deck only, since I live in a townhome and have restrictions. Planting will wait until mid-May, due to spring freezes and overnight low temps until then. Although we're in the 70s this week, I know (from experience) that we can still get heavy snow in April. When I was teaching, we were snowed in at my in-laws in Michigan over Easter weekend -- twice. The principal (a nun) was NOT happy with me!!!! But this warm weather has me dreaming. I'll plant a couple pots of tomatoes and a couple peppers -- at least one green, and another one or two red, or maybe mini's if I can find some. I also have snap peas which will get planted later this month. Chives will come back (or, they should). Lettuces and herbs will go on the inside of the deck rail boxes, with flowers on the public-facing side of the boxes. My big plans are to dump the soil from each planter (one at a time) into a bin and amend it with some compost and perlite. I've not amended the planter soil since I first started planting them 5 years ago. They maybe got some Miracle Grow in the watering can, if I remembered. Hoping this amended soil helps pump up the yield to make an impact on my produce budget.

    1. I hear that - remember freezes in recent past in May.
      You sound like you will have a nice assortment. My chives are pretty tall. I cut some the other day. Good thinking on amending the soil - I need to do some of that too. Great reminder - it surely will help.

  8. Glad that someone is able to start gardening. We are weeks away from the garden baring off. So much snow this past winter and spring! There were honey bees in the yard today; the sunshine must have awakened them. There is not a flower to be had. I hope they can go dormant again for a few weeks. My garden starts are getting big and the geraniums are all flowering madly. Can't wait for the snow to go.

    1. Yucko on the snow. At least the dandelions are up here for the bees.
      Hope you get to do something sort of soon. Sounds like you started plants too. Neat.

  9. It's a lovely warm day here today but all that will change again over the weekend and go back to "seasonal temperatures" says the weatherman. Got some bell pepper and celery seeds started today in the greenhouse window in my kitchen. Tomorrow I hope to do more and get the seed tape started. My gardens consist of 1 large raised bed and lots of containers. I've had excellent luck and high yields, especially growing sweet potatoes in containers. The majority of veggies that we plant are ones that can be frozen for the winter: Chard, Beets(greens too) celery, bell peppers, carrots, zucchini, butternut and acorn squash, green beans and sweet potatoes. We also plant arugula, heat resistant lettuce, radishes, mini cantalopes, basil. I'd love to plant broccoli and cabbage but the last time I did the cabbage moths got them both.

    1. Lovely and warm here as well - with cooler coming back over the weekend'
      You are really getting ready! That is a nice list. All those items do freeze well. That is cool.
      I usually do one or the other on the cool weather crops. Have had great luck with both - but broccoli did get worms. Cabbage was pretty easy.
      Good plan.

  10. It”s 36° with a rain/snow mix falling today in the PNW! Crazy April weather for us!! It’s been 10° below normal temps for the last two months! But it should be in the low 60’s by now, so we’re way below normal today!! I started lettuce seeds a couple weeks ago and was hoping to get them transplanted to the raised bed this weekend! I planted onion sets in one raised bed last week! Waiting for the Hubs to till the big garden to plant potatoes and then squash and pumpkins the end of May. We have the in-ground garden, two raised beds and large whiskey barrel type planters on the south side of the garage for tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers. They get more heat and sunshine there and do better than in the ground. I plant carrots in the raised bed with the lettuce, but we have to cover the beds with chicken wire cages Hubby made, to keep the wild bunnies out! (Peter Rabbit’s cousins!) It’s all a lot of work, but home-grown fresh veggies taste So much better than store-bought!
    Happy Gardening!
    Nana C.

    1. Home grown in by far the best!!!!!!
      Wow didn't realize it was still that chilly in that area. My friend lives in OR and I know she said they are still predicting snow - but dang!
      You sound like you have a great garden. Lots of variety. That is great. It sure will be tasty this summer and into the fall - well, heck even the winter if you can or freeze.
      Sounds like a great plan. Hope it warms soon!!!!!!

  11. Cheryl, can you get your hands on any locally produced honey? Years ago I was visiting a doctor casually mentioned my kids all had hay fever symptoms since moving to a new state. He advised to buy some local honey and give them a tablespoon a day before trying any medications. I can’t explain why it works, but it has worked for all six of us over the years in many different parts of the country. One of your other readers might have some thoughts ???? Louise

    1. Duh - didn't even think of that! I have locally grown pure honey I got last year. I also have local bee pollen. I used to take bee pollen all the time and haven't in ages.
      It has a lot of the local pollens in it - and helps build your system.
      Thanks for that reminder!!!!!!!!

  12. Here in Southern Ontario it is said that we shouldn't plant until our long weekend in May (which is the weekend before Memorial Day). We have been known to have frost and even snow flurries in May. Our house is up for sale so no big gardens here. Once we get settled I'd like to have a small garden - even if it's just tomatoes and some beans and peas. I'd love to plant some raspberries too.

    1. Dang - it sure is amazing the difference in temperatures amongst area. Maybe you could plant in a couple big pots or something that you could take with you. Hopefully you will sell and move quickly so you can just start something at your new place. Good luck

  13. I learned never to put out flowering plants around the house until after Memorial Day. Last time I did it hailed a few days later! I also have learned not to start anything in my vegetable garden until June 1st. I get it all in by the 15th and have plenty of produce by the end of summer. I buy discounted outdoor plants at Lowes around July 1 and with some water and fertilizer I have lovely flowering plants until September/October. then I buy the discounted mums.

    1. Smart gal! Yes, planting later does seem to work well for growing. Still get lots of goodies. Smart - to get the markdown plants! You go gal!

  14. Very warm here today.... But snow and rain is forecast later in the week. Today is making me long for the garden.

    God bless.

    1. The sun and warmth does that doesn't it? Crazy. I know it is just April and there will be more nastiness to come - I am just ready to be done with it!!!!! Hope you are feeling better.

  15. Some of the things I tried to save during the winter did not come back! The Romaine died as we did not tend it at all when we had covid. I have my seeds out and am thinking about what I will raise. I will try to harvest all the things some critter got two years ago when I gave up and just raised flowers. Today, I will be going to Lowe's for dirt on sale and the white cover cloth. Maybe I will get another hanging basket since none came back from last year.

  16. I hear you about the allergies. We had rain Friday and Saturday so it's much better today (Sunday). I have my garden planned but first it was too cold, then too hot, lots of wind and then too cold again. It should be nicer this week, so my brassicas will go in the ground soon. My seed potatoes are slow to wake up. If the wind isn't too bad, I will be planting greens, carrots and beets in the raised bed. We are also planning to renovate some of our edging around the garage and sides of the house and around the new generator. I'm eager to get out in the gardens but oh how my house will suffer. :)
    I did plant up my front stoop geranium pots. I hope to find some pansies yet for spring color.
    Stay safe!
