Wednesday, April 5, 2023

I Need This Today - Maybe You do too!

 Happy Wednesday.  Midweek and just feeling all blah.  My mood has been in the crapper lately!!!!  I don't do that often.  I think much of it has to do with seeing so much sadness and destruction in our area.  There has been a lot of damage in so many places.  Many still without power after 5 days with no relief in near sight.  
And here we go AGAIN!  Same story - same line through the state and other states.  Gosh I feel so sorry for so many.
Storms just started here.  It will on and off all day.  The wind gusts are something (just had 50mph). The storms are moving very quickly - 60 - 70 mph.   BUT then we will have several days of lovely calm weather.  PRAISE BE!

We all know the saying "that which does not kill us makes us stronger".   TRUE, but still hard to get through some days.


Sometimes when faith is running low
And I cannot fathom WHY THNGS ARE SO......
I walk alone among the flowers I grow
And learn the "ANSWERS" to ALL I WOULD KNOW!
For among my flowers I have come to see
Life's MIRACLE and its MYSTERY......
And standing in silence and reverie
                                                                Helen Steiner Rice

I do tend to get a revival of spirit when I am out in the yard and amongst nature.  It is just such a wonder to see all things that seemed gone and dead - slowly coming back to life.  The colors and the flowers coming back.  The young and babies of animals peeking out.
Our spirit suffers at times - for various reasons, yet we know that faith can get us through.

May your day and week be safe.  May you all stay healthy.  Keep your faith and know you are always loved.  
Prayers for safety for all.


  1. I try so hard to appreciate every day and celebrate each moment but also get down for a day or a week from time to time. There is just so much going on in the world right now. I love Helen Steiner Rice. Spending time in nature/my back yard always brings me peace as well. Hoping your storms are mild today Cheryl.

    1. I try too! I don't get down often - but yes, the world is a mess right now, and it is all overwhelming. Some days it just happens!
      Yes mam - the yard and nature is always peaceful - even when working out there.
      Thanks - first round just ended as quickly as it started. It is moving east through the state.

    2. Overwhelming is the right word, Cheryl. Sums up what I've been feeling lately. Overwhelmed. Telling myself, this, too, shall pass. Brighter days ARE ahead, just maybe a bit farther down the road than I'd like. Hugs, Elise

    3. You got this. I am sorry you are going through so much right now.

  2. The storm was intense this morning and Riley, who hates thunderstorms and wind, was really upset. He's okay now that the storm moved on. I think we'll go out and cover one of the new beds with the fabric to keep the bugs and moths off the plants. I did see a butterfly yesterday, orange and black but it wasn't a Monarch. Spending time in the Father's creation sure lifts the spirits. You and I both live in neighborhoods where we can garden, keep chickens and no one minds. I wouldn't want to live in a place with a HOA with all its rules and regulations.

    1. My sis and I were talking about that this AM. People keep thinking she and I both need to move - but why?? Houses are paid for and we can pretty much do what we want. Makes no sense to me.
      Yes, that was a doozy - more to come!!! Our wonderous gifts of nature are just glory to God.

  3. Nature is so humbling. This will pass, Cheryl. Hang in there.

    1. It sure is humbling. I feel so bad for those who lost so much. We have a week of lovely days coming up!!!!!!!

  4. Beautiful poem you gifted us with today, Cheryl. Keeping an attitude of gratitude is key for me. I, too, will be out in the garden today. It's supposed to be 82 F degrees here and I will be taking advantage of it. It's too early to plant here still because a cold front will come through tomorrow afternoon and the temp will be dropping at least 30 degrees by day and lower in the evening. Heavy rain and wind tomorrow.But I can amend the soil in our containers and enjoy nature. "Who plants the seed beneath the sod, to watch it grow believes in God" Don't know who the author is but it's something my grandmother used to say when we were out in her garden.
    I pray everyone has a blessed day and stays safe. Cookie

    1. I LOVE that saying, thank you for sharing.

    2. You will receive our weather tomorrow. Stay safe.
      I was out a lot yesterday it was so pretty.
      I love that saying as well. We wouldn't plant if we didn't have HOPE and FAITH. Kind of like making plans for tomorrow - we have faith we will wake!

    3. "Who plants a seed beneath the sod to watch it grow believes in God." I may have to see if I can make a plaque with that saying to hang on a wall in my house! Thank you, Cookie.

    4. You are all very welcome. That would be a beautiful plaque, Elise. You have inspired me and I am going to try to do it as well. Yesterday was a gorgeous day and today we are hunkering down. Stay safe everyone. Cookie

  5. I do hope you miss the worst of the storms, and hope those in the path will make it through.

    1. Thank you. So far so good. I pray for all those who are still in line.

  6. Debby in Kansas USAApril 5, 2023 at 11:40 AM

    I'm zombie woman today! We had several days of beautiful weather. Yesterday was up near 85°, but red flag fire warnings from the hot dry winds. A cold front invaded about 9pm and our weather radio clanged tstorm warnings until midnight. It thundered and lightning kept our bedroom bright for hours. No sleep! Worse? NO RAIN! Just racket. We woke to 21° weather with the winds coming out of Siberia!!! Ugh, I can't believe there was no rain. And I'm exhausted from no sleep. Easter is usually cold so I'm not expecting any changes before then.

    I didn't get to post yesterday, but I agree with preparation 100%. I've been through major earthquakes and several close tornado warnings. It's so important to be prepared.

    1. Sorry to hear there was NO rain with all of that bad weather. Fingers crossed and saying prayers you get rain soon! --Elise

    2. So sorry you got no rain and then NO sleep on top of that!!!!! Geesh, you'd think you would get something. 21 is pretty darn chilly. It looks to be a nice weekend here - next few days are to nice after today.

  7. I think everyone gets the blues from time to time..... and it’s hard not to when the weather is being so difficult. Today I had sunshine, blustery winds and heavy showers. Hopefully some calm days for the next week now, and our spirits can lift. I pray for those who are struggling.

    1. Very true. I hope the next week or so will be pleasant. It is to be dry and sunny!!! Several days in a row - hasn't happened in a long while.
      Thank you!

    2. Yes pleasant days in a row will make a big difference. It will be nice to have a lovely day and then go to bed knowing there will be another one to wake up to tomorrow.
      Today I packed up two big boxes of tinned food and toiletries to put on a truck to go to the worst storm hit areas. I thought what’s the point of me having so much when others have nothing.
      Then I took a bag of jerky to my neighbours for their son who loves it. After that I dropped off some old towels to the local vets to use for bedding in their cages.
      Three small things but improved my mood immensely.
      Enjoy the rest of your week Cheryl, sunny days ahead. Louise

    3. Bless your heart. Giving is a huge part of why we stock In my opinion. What a gift. I talked with my nephew this afternoon, and he lives close to Sullivan that got hit so hard, and he and his wife both cleaned closets - took lots of clothes, socks, and shoes. He said t made him feel better. They have lots of friends in that area as well.
      I love that - going to bed after a lovely day - knowing another will follow!!!!! Sweet!!!!!!

    4. Thank you for the idea, Louise. I think I'll do the same. --Elise

    5. Elise, make sure you let us know what you did won’t you?

  8. All good tips yesterday, Cheryl, no matter where one lives. We have water proof, fire proof small safes that we keep documents and things in for any emergencies that might happen. They're heavy, but transportable. I didn't comment yesterday as I, too, have felt low.

    Some will remember we planted daylilies (a favorite) along both sides of the walkway hubs built when we moved in last summer. All 14 are now showing green sprouts. We also planted 23 flowering shrubs, mostly lilacs. None are showing buds yet. They're all just bare sticks. But we had snow as recently as last week, so in a few months I'll know whether they survived winter. This year I'd like to add something evergreen and am looking forward to being able to seed grass and wildflowers. Spring is a season of hope. New life. Easter is a holiday all about hope and new life. A verse we probably all know is John 16:33. It's a promise and declaration in one.

    Not sure what our Easter dinner will be. I'm planning a coconut cake for dessert. We may go non-traditional for the meal. I've plenty of eggs right now to hard boil, so might make Scotch eggs for breakfast, but oven "fried". Today is senior day at AZ Safeway and Basha's. Safeway has strawberries on sale 2 lbs./$3 so Hubs might make chocolate dipped strawberries for Easter.

    For AZ shoppers, Basha's has Smithfield spiral hams for 99 cents per lb.; Thursday, Friday and Saturday they'll have 2 lb. bags of Opal apples for 99 cents and 5 lb. bags of Idaho potatoes for $2. Asparagus is also 99 cent per lb. there all week. Basha's has the best prices here this week.

    As always, praying for you, Cheryl, and for everyone here.

    1. I am so sorry you are feeling low as well. It must the time of year, the weather, heck I don't know. I hope your lilacs make it. I just have some things just popping out now - and we haven't had your nasty weather! There is still hope.
      You have really good deals at your stores. I haven't even thought about looking at the ads yet. Guess maybe I should.
      Thak you for the prayers.

  9. I know and more storms are coming. It is scary. I too love to be outside and do better in nature and sun shine. I am sorry you are down. Just know what you mean to me and how grateful I am for your friendship. I will say and Easter prayer for you.

    1. The great outdoors helps so much. The warmth of the sun and the fresh air. I am more than ready.
      Thank you my friend. It is just a tough month.

  10. Sorry you have had a tough month and are feeling blue. Hope the sun will shine for you soon.

    1. Thank you. Yes the weather will be changing come tomorrow and it should be nice for a week or so. The whole month is just one of those months!

  11. Yes, I saw another line going across, I will sure be praying. We are forcasted rain for the next few days and high winds and flooding. It's already cooler outside and a steady sprinkle. Right now the darker skies contrast against the bright green and flowers.

    What a beautiful poem. Love that! It's so true, we just take a little walk outside and it lifts us up doesn't it? We can feel God's Presence. Today I saw an owl chase a big black crow and then they landed in another tree and the crow started chasing the owl!

    I'm sorry you are feeling blue, when the sun does not peep out it can sure make us feel dull and blue sure enough. I so get that. I'll pray for you Cheryl, I know how that blue feeling is.

    That Charlie Brown cartoon says it well. We will be stronger because of things we have gone through and I think it makes us more compassionate towards others too.

    Special prayers and a big fat hug! ~Amelia over at My Forest Cathedral blog spot.

    1. Yes I heard that Missouri got hit pretty hard in the wee hours this morning, then a couple places in IL. We did have 1 tornado get confirmed today - but it kind of fizzled according to the predictions. Thank the Lord!
      Yes sunlight, colors and fresh air do so much to lift the spirits. I am anxiously awaiting the next few days.
      Thank you dear!!!!!

  12. Also Cheryl, you being around so much suffering, that really does a number on us...I know it does me.

    This morning I was listening to Michael Berry on the radio and he was talking about a very good friend of his, a veterinarian in his 30s who took his life.

    There's a lot going on in this world. Let's pray for each other.

    1. Yes it makes it hard. I know these communities and know people who live there - it is so sad. We just never know what goes on with some folks - it is so sad they feel that helpless. It breaks my heart.
      YES - PRAY as often as we can for ALL!

  13. Hi Elise, thanks for sharing the deals, oh that coconut cake sounds so good! I wish I could have sugar! : ) Our girls are good about bringing low natural sugar deserts with stevia. But I'm good with a cuppa coffee if not.

    I'm making egg pasta for our family meet-up Saturday. I may sautee spinach in olive oil with garlic as an accompaniment, and everyone just brings sides. I just put pasta red gravy in a pan, let it get hot with olive oil in it too...Then gently drop the eggs in little wells. Bake. Serve over pasta. I'm using red lentil pasta so everyone can eat that.

    I'm sorry you aren't feeling great and are blue. We will pray for one another. I've been straightening up things really got out of hand decluttering.

    Things are tumultuous indeed everywhere it seems. God is bigger though and we can do what we can to help others and gently guard ourselves in certain situations.

    Big hugs to you Elise, ~Amelia at My Forest Cathedral

    1. Thank you, Amelia. I'll see how I'm doing in a few days before baking a cake. One of the things I found out years ago is that Stevia is so much better for baking with than Splenda. You can use any recipe and substitute Stevia at about half the amount (since it's so sweet), and your baked goods still rise. Of course, you can't get around some kind of flour, which wouldn't work for your daughter. If berries are in season by you, a big berry salad... maybe with some melon in it... could be a nice sweet ending to a meal? Your egg pasta dish sounds yummy!

      One nice thing about retirement is there's plenty of time each day to PRAY. It can be like Tevia in "Fiddler on the Roof." It doesn't have to be formal or eloquent. Thank goodness! LOL! Hugs back at'cha! --Elise

    2. Thank you Elise! I love stevia too...Our daughter will use apple sugar at times but apple sugar doesn't do well with me! lol

      We use a lot of almond flour too, and our daughters use cassava flour as well.

      A fruit salad sounds so refreshing!

      YES. Many times I am just like Tevia! LOL Exactly!...Yep, that's me! I talk to the Lord and then laugh at myself!

      I don't know what I would do without being able to talk to the good Lord. : )

      Have a great day! Huggeroos! ~Amelia

  14. Oops. That should read: spinach sauteed in olive oil with garlic. Not garlic being the accompaniment! lol

  15. I hope the storms that all my neighbours to the south are getting cause no more damage. I am praying for all those who lost so much.

    God bless.

    1. It has been such a mess for so many in this past week. I do hope nature steps back a little and stays calm for a while.
      Prayer is all we have! God bless them all.

    2. Cheryl, I know you miss G. terribly at times. Just know that you probably have more people who love you than anyone I know. We all pray for you. Keep the faith and the sun will shine. xo Cindy/WV

    3. Ahhhh Cindy, you are so kind. Thank upi so much. Yes, I always miss him, sometimes more than others. As strong as I am, I have those days too. Thank you dear for such sweet words and for prayer.

  16. Replies
    1. Nature seems to be the one healing constant for us all.
