Wednesday, April 26, 2023

My Head is Thinking Garden!!!!!

 Yes, my head is thinking about it - SO MUCH!  Still really soon here - as we are still having frosty morns!  I am ready to get out and plant.  I love walking out to the yard and getting 'grow-ceries'!!!!  There is nothing that tastes better to me than a fresh tomato!!!!!!!!!!  My mouth drools just thinking about it.

I know some have started planting - others will be planting after I can.  Just depends on where you live.  Here are a few guides that might help.  WHERE you plant can make a difference.  Some plants just don't get 'along' (kind of like people) - and shouldn't be next to each other.

These come from The Old Farmer's Almanac - for reference.

Also remember, even if you have no yard or live in a place that says no gardening (shame on them) - you can still plant something.
Anything can be used as a planter - it doesn't have to go in the ground and be permanent.  You can use your door stoop - your patio - your veranda - in some cases, even a windowsill!  Herbs grow lovely in a windowsill.
Just try and grow something!  It will taste better and it will save on the grocery budget.

Things to remember for containers:
Make sure it has good drainage!  Holes in the bottom and maybe rocks or gravel in the bottom (I have even used crush cans at the bottom of a pot).
A pot that gives them room to grow and develop roots
Good soil
Feed the plants - since they have limited soil to leach minerals from
Good light
Keep them watered
Make sure they like the plant next to them!!!!!

YES - it will be time sometime SOON!!!!!!  Get your thoughts and plans together.
I hope each of your grow something.  Not only is it tasty and healthy - it is FUN!  We all need a little fun in life.
Have a beautiful day!


  1. Pinned all of the companion planting information! We are really itching to plant everything but it is definitely too early. I think the Farmer is going to plant potatoes today. He ordered some and they just arrived (about two weeks late in our opinion). Won't deal with those folks again.

    The sun is brightly shining and beckoning us outdoors. Enjoy your day!

    1. Good - hope they help. Dad always planted potatoes on Good Friday - but heck, that date changes every year - so you are ok.
      I will be out there as soon as the dew dries!!!!!!

  2. It's been on my mind, too. But I know it's too early. We had frost last night and I know the farmers in SW Michigan where I grew up were running their fans in the cherry orchards for the past couple of nights. Will be away from the internet for a couple of weeks in early May, so don't be alarmed if I'm not posting. Will be planning my deck garden while I'm away dealing with some memories and making new ones. Planting will occur here sometime between Mother's Day and Memorial Day, when I know the weather will be warm enough. Appreciate the hints on planting and what goes best next to what. Maybe that's why my pepper and tomato yields have been so minimal. Maybe their pots are too close together and they don't want to play nice! Hmmmm ... food for thought.

    1. I do want to get out and dig and plant - but still having frost here as well. It will be when it will be!!!!!
      I am glad you will be able to get away for a bit - that is always nice. I think sometimes we all need a bit of time for reflection and hope.
      Could be why the plants didn't lay nice!!!! Maybe do it different this year! Hope we hear from you again before you leave - if not - ENJOY

  3. I'll be window growing for a few weeks yet, but the seedlings that sprouted are doing very well. I've got several tomatoes, about 4-5 marigolds (who also do well as a companion plant to tomatoes), two peppers, and a cucumber. It doesn't sound like much but I don't have the space or need for much more. I'll grow potatoes again this year, along with lettuce and green onions. Everything here is grown in containers. I've added something new every year - this year is the cucumber.
    Hopefully we'll all be digging in the dirt soon!

    1. Yes mam - hopefully!!!!!
      Sounds like you are ready to go. It is cool that you add a new item each year - it sure diversifies and give a much tastier salad and menu!
      Here's to soon!!!!!!!

  4. We are waiting until blackberry winter at the first of May before we plant anything outside, but we are excited!

    1. Gotcha! I think we are all ready to go - just waiting on Momma Nature to settle down!

  5. Like Lori, Maebeme and others, it's still a bit too early here; we had frost the past few mornings. Nevertheless I have my thinking cap on! Workers will be here on Friday (weather permitting) to re-grade the front and side "yards". Hubs should have the French drain done by then. The front "yard" is really a large septic leach field, but it's closest to the outdoor spigot. Would raised beds work there, do you think? The septic drain pipes are buried 6 ft. deep. Would it be safe, then?

    Although produce prices continue to rise, this week AZ shoppers can get all sorts for 99 cents per lb., including apples, oranges, summer squash, baby carrots, bell peppers (all types), onions, red, yellow or baking potatoes, tomatoes, melon and 6 oz. pkgs. of berries. Sanderson Farm whole chickens or chicken leg quarters are 87 cents per lb., no limit. On Friday, Safeway will have their 1 lb. containers of strawberries at 2/$5 (also no limit). Basha's has tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers on sale (88 cents per lb. or 88 cents each), seedless watermelons are 4 lbs./$1, 2 lbs./$1 on cabbage and yellow onions, and 3/99 cents on limes; this weekend red or yellow potatoes will be 2/$3 per 3 lb. bag there. Gasoline is up here again. It's almost 50 cents more per gallon in a month. I'm thinking some of the sales take the edge off a bit.

    Can't wait to read everyone's garden plans! --Elise

    1. I would think you would be OK. Pipes 6' down and raising the beds. Does it flood a lot there? I mean there is no raw sewage in the area is there?
      What great prices on produce. That is wonderful. I would sure be stocking up.
      Gas has been going up here as well - they keep blaming it on changing to summer blend. I am not believing that story!

  6. My cousin was weeding her garden bed and saved me a pot full of Muscari (grape hyacinth) bulbs! I just need to figure out where to put them - I have many choices, and they will spread. :) Parsley seedlings are now in their outdoor containers. Nothing else, it's still too chilly.


    1. I have a batch of the grape hyacinths that has been here since before we bought the house over 35 years ago! I love them.
      Still too chilly here as well. SOON!

  7. This year I'm thinking it's gonna be herbs here. Maybe some small leafy greens too. Now when we move though, that'll be a whole different can of worms. Plants, plants, plants EVERYWHERE! So excited for that!

    1. Herbs are fun to grow. Leafy greens are too - and really easy. There are so many to choose from. Have some fun with it.
      Don't blame you - get settled and go for it!!!!!!

    2. I agree, Cheryl! They are easy to grow. I also like to play around with carrots and grow the greens to nibble on too!

  8. I am currently removing grass to put in a garden, that’s a thankless job, but hopefully worth it in the long run. Planting seems a long way off, as the soil is dreadful, very sandy and full of rubbish. Today I found 75 cents, a plastic Coke bottle top and a Barbie arm, I’m counting that as a win. I’ll put the money towards some nice hand cream. Louise

    1. Oh what a job. I feel for you! That is really hard work. I hate removing sod. LOL - what a treasure trove of items!!! It is always amazing what you can find digging in the dirt. Hopefully you find a priceless artifact - now that would be cool! LOL Don't over do it!

  9. Too early yet to plant outside here too. My indoor seedlings are doing well, and the celery finally germinated and is doing well. Checked the squashes and 2 zucchinis have broken the surface of the soil in their pot. I save all used food containers like ones from cottage cheese, sour cream, cocoa boxes milk cartons -- anything that is food safe and use them for starting my seeds. This week I'll put a sweet potato in water and start slips. Cookie

    1. Glad to hear your seedlings are doing good. I love how so many of you gals have things started. You guys are on the ball. Using old containers is a great recycle. Win-win!!
