Thursday, April 27, 2023

Let's Talk

 Today is one of those rare days that I am going to be very busy!  I have more lunch plans with old friends - eeekkkk - I am becoming a social butterfly!  LOL - LOL!!!!!!  Twice in one month!
I do joke about the social butterfly - but at least I am finally doing some things with others. 
So today will be another talk day!

Everyone seemed to enjoy that - we did it once before.

So tell us what is on your mind.  
You need to complain - feel free.
You need to share something - feel free.
You sad - maybe we can offer a helping word.
You have happy & good news - share it.

I love that we can talk about anything, and someone always has a kind word to offer.
So, sound off and chat.  I will check in before I leave and then once I am home.


  1. So happy to hear you have lunch plans. It's always good to get out every now and then. Enjoy!!

  2. G'morning! I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and frazzled, kind of that too much to do in too little time, and nothing can give when you have a flight to catch. And to top it off, I woke yesterday with the start of a sinus infection (got doc to call in a prescription following a televisit) and today I awoke with the start of a stye in my eye. Good grief, I need to just breathe in and breathe out. I don't need all this stress!!!!

    1. And, enjoy your lunch date! That human contact is sooooo important to maintain.

    2. Sent up a prayer for you, Lori. Hope you're better soon!

    3. Ah Lori - so sorry you stressed - which may be helping to cause some under lying health issues. Please take care and YES, breathe in and breathe out - slowly and often. HUGS!

  3. Good for you, getting out and socializing with your friends! Looks like it will be a nice day. Rain tomorrow so today is outside work. It never ends.

  4. Enjoy your lunch date!

    I have a doc appointment this morning to go over blood work, which is fine, according to the portal :) But the dreaded weigh-in...ugh!!!

    1. Thanks.
      Glad the blood work report is good. Heck with weight. Be what you are !!!! Was talking about that at lunch - funny how what was important once - is no longer a big deal now!

  5. Today is rainy and stormy, but not tornado stormy. We stay home in the rain. I am watching nature water my plants. Tommy is grateful. I need to clean strawberries, fold clothes, clean off a kitchen counter of clutter, and nap. I can do this. Last night, the Carol Burnett show was so uplifting and fun that the effect should last for days.

    1. Carol Burnett was always a wonderful, laugh-out-loud show, PP. I sure miss it. --Elise

    2. Glad you are getting the plants watered with the natural stuff today.
      She was just always a hoot - good for a good belly laugh. I always enjoyed her shows.

  6. It's been a busy week socializing for me too. It feels good to spend time with others.
    Spring has officially (finally) sprung here! We've had rain overnight for two nights in a row. The snow is almost completely gone and the rain has helped to setttle the dust. With the temps expected to reach into double digits (50-60F) this weekend, I'm looking forward to tidying up the patio and deck.
    My seedlings are growing strong, and while it will be a few weeks before they can go outdoors, it makes me smile to see the green in the window. Today I planted a couple of green onions to see what they will do. Can you tell, that getting my hands in the dirt makes me happy? :)
    Have fun with your friends!

    1. I understand you - my hands are anxious as well. Glad to hear the temps have changed for the positive there. Green is a lovely color! Nature sure has some wonderful hues!

  7. A lunch out with friends... how lovely for you. Enjoy yourself !!!

    I would like to mention that last week I put together a raffle prize for a friend. The day care centre where she works runs a raffle each week, she was a bit pressed for time and I offered to organise it for her. I got the idea to do a Spring Cleaning theme from a past post of yours about Christmas gifts. All I needed to buy was a bucket and had the rest of the stuff in my pantry. I was thrilled when my friend rang me last night to say it had raised the most money ever. So, thanks Cheryl for the idea. Louise

    1. Congrats on the successful raffle, Louise!

    2. Oh how wonderful. What a neat thing to do and congrats on the most money!!!!! Well I will be darn - I guess I am an influencer!!!!! LOL
      I bet they had a great time with it.
      Had a lovely time - thanks.

    3. Thanks both of you, I may become a raffle prize creator. I think it was just picking a current need, cleaning stuff is so pricey, so maybe it was a prize people actually wanted to win, instead of someone’s unwanted Christmas gifts.
      Glad you had a nice time. Louise

  8. Cheryl, embrace being a social butterfly. I do believe that IRL connection is so important to our wellbeing. I, on the other hand, hope to spend the day in solitude. I've been out & about for the past 6 days with one thing & another - helping a friend move into her new apartment, an overnight visit 2 hrs away to celebrate my young cousin's BD, appointments for my 90 yr old mom & me, company & an evening cemetery association meeting. I actually stayed in bed 2 hrs past the usual time. I will give myself permission to have a quiet day puttering in the home I love. Have a great day!

    1. Enjoy your quiet day after a week of busy-ness, Mona.

    2. Good golly miss Mona - you have been busy!!!! That is a lot to do in 6 days. YES, stay home a rest and relax. That is what this doctor orders!!! Somedays those relaxing days are just the best ever. ENJOY!!!
      I did have fun.

  9. Someday I hope to have a social life again. SO glad you're out with friends for lunch today. Hope by the time you read this you've laughed out loud more than once. :-)

    On my mind today:
    *A benefit of buying a Champion home is one full year warranty on everything and the chance to extend that warranty for 10 years at a low price. We'll go today to fill out the paperwork and submit a check for $1600... $160 per year is GREAT for coverage from structural to appliances. The roof has a separate no-cost 30 yr. warranty. There's a scant $50 deductible per year.

    *Hubs finished the French drain, using about half of the 15 tons of gravel. I can hardly wait for the workers to come tomorrow to fix the poor grading in the front and along one side of the house. Having a mostly-level "yard" will be much easier on my feet and enable me to do more in it.

    *I've splurged on some embroidered and sequined tees (on clearance) from Quacker Factory brand. I just need a little sparkle and FUN in my life right now. Never before have I spent $20 on any tee, but it feels worth it. Easy enough to cut back in other areas.

    *Speaking of which, I'm actively avoiding news this week. Just don't want to know. Hands over ears. La, la, la, la la!!!

    *There are fresh deer tracks in the dusty clay. It's sunny and hot already this morning. Nights are still chilly, but the days are feeling like summer.

    Many blessings to you, Cheryl, and to all. --Elise
    "They say laughter is the best medicine. They lie. It's brownies."

    1. First I laughed so many times today!!! It was a hoot reconnecting with these gals. Oh my, the stories.
      That is great on the extended warranty and very cheap.
      Your hubs has surely been the task master - getting so much done. He deserves an extra hug!
      Heck sometimes a splurge is just what is needed. I do it very rarely - but eating out twice this month was a splurge to me. It was yummy - and the fun was worth every penny. I bought some new sandals last week at the Super Kroger - on sale for $29.99. Never do I do that - but other than flip-flops I haven't bought new shoes in years. I thought I deserved them!!
      Laughter is pretty good - but yeah brownies aren't bad either.

  10. As I write this the new stove is being installed. It's been quite a year with having to replace the furnace and air conditioning, washer and dryer. All were over 20 years old. You might say we certainly got good use out of everything, Cookie

    1. YAY - glad the stove is there. How neat. Some years just seems like everything goes. But heck - you have new and are good for years to come. I hate thought of replacing some of those things. Good day for you!

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    1. Oh hon - that is a mess. Hope mom gets to doing better - I guess at her age she feels she will do what she wants, when she wants. I probably will too at some point.
      Dang on your daughter moving out. If she is moving in with someone just recently single - it may not last long. Hopefully she will see just how good she has it with you all - and come back home.
      Sometimes life just seemed to suck lemons! I get it. You definitely have my prayers - it will all work out. I am sorry you are having to deal with all this. Prayers and deep breathes. All part of God's plan - have faith.

    2. Prayers and hugs for you, Amelia. Ditto to everything Cheryl said. Just hang in there. --Elise

    3. Prayers and hugs for you Amelia. LaurieS

    4. Praying for you Amelia, praying as one mother to another. It’s a hard, mostly thankless, never ending job. I think mothering adults is even harder than when they were little. Hang in there, things will get better. Louise.

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    6. Dear Elise and Laurie, I so covet and appreciate your prayers and hugs! They mean the world! (((hugs)))

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    8. I really hope the remediation goes well. What a mess.
      I know this isn't something you or anyone wants to hear - but maybe mom is just ready to 'go home'. My mom was ready for a while before she left. Some people just get that feeling. She may feel she has seen and done what she needs to. HUGS

    9. Amelia, I understand completely, more than you know. My mom is 90 and has recently stopped wanting to eat. Not helped, of course, by this week's news about my brother. God alone knows their time to join Him in heaven, so maybe we just love them unconditionally (as I know you do) and find comfort in prayer. You're in my prayers every day. As for your daughter, well, they do have to test their wings, especially when they've arrived at adulthood. Praying that everything works out the way it's meant to. --Elise

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    12. Good for your mom living to be 93. She must have done something right! My mom died at 50; my dad at 72. If I could give them more days and have the pleasure of their presence, they could eat bonbons and watch bad t.v. all day if they wanted to. Each person knows what is right for them. When it's time to be engaged or alone. Your daughter's wish to move out sounds like a healthy decision. It's hard to let go but it needs to happen for healthy relationships.

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    15. Thanks for your reply. I know you want the best for everyone and you're willing to do everything to protect your mom and daughter. I don't know how old your daughter is and perhaps she is better off at home; it can be a dangerous world. If she is over 21 and can swing it financially, I think she should fly the nest; at least give it try and feel the freedom of being on her own. But you know your daughter best. Good luck to you all.

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  12. Hi Cheryl. Glad you had a good time out at lunch and enjoyed some laughs. This week has been a good one. I am now on the list for a knee replacement, hopefully in the next three months. Our granddaughter started her first full time job yesterday after waiting sometime for references from her last two part time ones, both large companies. Several of the tomato plants on my window sill are now ready to plant in the poly tunnel and we have peas and broad beans coming up in the garden at last. We gave our little rescue dog an anti sickness pill and managed a longer drive and walk round a large park (well I hobbled) Father in law who is 88 was not feeling too great but he drove out for a cake and coffee at his niece's cafe which cheered him up, think a bit of sunshine helped too.
    Hope you enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thank you.
      Sounds like a good week for you. SO happy you will be able to get your knee surgery - that should help you so much.
      How exciting on the first full time job! Wishing her great luck and success.
      Sweet doggy - glad you found a way to help with longer outings.
      Sunshine and fresh air can sure help with the way one feels. Glad FIL got out a bit.
      Sounds like you are ready to garden.

  13. I hope you have a fantastic time on your lunch date!

    1. I did! it was really fun and lots of laughs and good food. Thank you!

  14. I am a long time reader…always tentative to leave a comment….I just wanted to say not only do I love your blog…the community of people who comment are so kind and helpful…it’s uplifting to know spaces like this exist ..Ann

    1. Welcome, Ann; hope to hear more from you! Cheryl's blog and all who are here are such a blessing. You're a part of that. Sounds kind of corny, but it's true. --Elise

    2. Hi Ann. Glad you are here and have been reading along for a while. It is nice to see new people speak up. This is a really good group of people and I think everyone genuinely cares for each other.
      We try to keep it civil and fun. None of the icky stuff you can find other places here!!!! LOL
      Please feel free to jump in the conversation any time.

  15. Sis and I have a phone call every Friday. Today she told me our big brother died on the 14th and gave specific instructions that no family should be called. A Vietnam Vet, he requested a cremation and burial in Arlington National Cemetery. There'll be no funeral or memorial service. Apparently he was active at his Catholic church, so that's good to know at least. Sis had a micro-stroke w/Bells Palsy (from the stress), but is okay. Mom is hanging in there and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for her. Because of the Alzheimer's, she sometimes confuses her oldest child (my brother) for her younger brother (who passed years ago with similar secrecy), but maybe that's a blessing? I choose to see it as one.

    Saw this today and thought I'd share: "If you don't come from a healthy family, make sure a healthy family comes from you."

    1. My goodness. Kind makes you wonder if maybe there was some effects from the war or PTSD or something going on. I hope your sister will be fine. Glen had Bells Palsy when he was in his late teens with no lasting effect.
      Yes, I would say it is a blessing that your mom may not be getting this correct - that is OK. She will know someday.
      I do hope that means your brother took care of his eternity in life.
      Prayers for you all. I know this is a hard time for each. What about his son?
      LOVE the quote!!!!!! TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I've no doubt that was part of it, Cheryl, although I'm equally sure his PTSD began before he was in Vietnam. Our natural father was an abusive alcoholic. Big brother got the brunt of his abuse. When he joined the army at 17, he kind of jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. And he came back from the war he had a substance abuse problem himself that lasted his whole life in one form or other. Word is my brother was drinking heavily in the years before he died. It's very common coming from backgrounds like ours. Sadly. Some of us make it out of that, which can lead to deep resentments, anger and bitterness of those still trapped in it. At least that's how it has seemed to me. His son followed in his own dad's footprints. If I dwelled on it... well... I've learned it's best NOT to. I'm at least grateful big brother was active in his church. That gives me hope.

      Did you see Ann's comment (above)?

      I feel a bit like I've dominated conversation with my family's dramas and ask your forgiveness. That's for everyone reading here. I do appreciate any/all prayers. --Elise

    3. Just want to say that I think it is good to share personal stories as we can all relate to one or another. PTSD, addiction and other issues are widespread and one person can help another who is facing similar issues. Learning to let go of a loved one who is lost can sometimes bring them back to you or at least spare you watching their degradation. Sorry for your loss, Elise.

    4. Thank you, Rita. Where my brother was concerned, I let go years ago and prayed he could let go of the past. The abuse was a terrible thing. No one denies it. But it's possible to leave it in the past and build a better life. I told him that decades ago. He stopped talking to me. All I feel now is sadness, because he didn't have to let our father ruin his whole life, and from my view, that's what happened. It isn't easy by any means, but we can choose, and with God's help, we can build better. Therapy helps, too. --Elise

  16. Elise…please don’t feel as though you dominated the conversation….my prayers have been with you since I’ve read your comments…sometimes things are very heavy on your heart and expressing it can help in a small way…Ann

    1. Absolutely. Sometimes this is the only SAFE place a person may have to get things out.

    2. Thank you, Ann. I so appreciate the prayers. For the past handful of months my life feels all topsy turvy. --Elise

    3. Elise - FAITH. It will all soon work out and calm down. In God's time sweety.

    4. Elise, it's good to be able to express your feelings in a non judgement zone. : ) I know I really appreciate being understood by ladies who have been there or maybe not, but maybe they will pray and give a (((hug))). Golly, if you can't express yourself when you're going through various crisis and are feeling like a wadded piece of paper in the wind then that's not a good thing right? We will all pray for one another. <3 I look forward to a praise report Elise! : )

    5. Elise, that same thing happened to my sil's brother. He went to Viet Nam and came back on drugs. PTSD is a very real thing, even Jimmy Stewart, the actor came back with it from WWII. It just wasn't talked about much, and then throw in how the soldiers were treated after Nam, how could that have made them feel?

    6. Thank you all so very much. --Elise

  17. We finally got some rain (Florida). I can't tell you how badly we needed it. So happy
    My little summer job at the pool came through and I start tomorrow.
    Sold a piece of property and I can't wait to get settled in a new place!
    God is good for sure!

    1. Congratulations on your new job! And also on the sale of your property! Woo-Hoo!!! --Elise

    2. Glad you got rain. How neat on the summer job!! Just a little extra coming in - can make a big difference. That is great.
      WOW - you are on a roll. Glad your property sold and you will be moving. Lots to be excited about. Congrats!!!
      YES God is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Whining ahead...................we are now going into week 2 over the contractor's finish date. The tile guy broke something in the wall and now they say the only solution is to cut a big hole in the dining room wall to fix it. Just yesterday I put together the dining room, cleaned EVERYTHING and the console is loaded with fragile dishes. 😡😡 I can't use my actual words for they are inappropriate. Grrrrrrrrr will have to suffice

    1. Oh, Elle... so sorry to read this. Sending up prayers it's all resolved SOON. --Elise

    2. Well crap Elle. That stinks to heaven and back. I would be so upset. I think I would have very inappropriate words too kiddo!
      Man - sure hope it gets fixed quickly and there is no more damage to ANYTHING! HUGS


  19. hey, Cheryl: glad you had time out with friends. I had a nice visit with my best friend from high school last week and it IS such fun to catch up and share gossip about old friends. We're talking 60 years ago friends! Mostly enjoy being alone and gardening but the onions frown on one laughing out loud while alone!

    1. I am usually alone as well - but this was fun. We all were in grade school together - so 60+ years here as well! We had a hoot talking crushes and 'trouble' we made. Oh my, nothing to todays standards for sure!!!!!
      I am soooo glad you got to go out and have some fun too. How neat!!!! It makes life a bit sunnier!
