Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A Little More Assistance in the Kitchen - Mastering Your Pantry

 Good morning and happy Wednesday to all.  A little cooler this morning, in the 40's.  Bright and cheery looking outdoors and it will be a lovely day again.
This morning there were 2 red-winged black birds and the newest one to show up had a ton of red on its wings.  I bet it is a male.  Their song is just so neat, very distinct from all the other birds.  Gosh I love the morning songs.  I wish I had a recorder, so I could record and post.  I would love you to hear what I hear every morning and a lot of the day!

Today, just a few more kitchen ideas to maybe saving a little money.  Make it yourself and subbing when there is a need.  We all need new ideas for making yummy things for our kitchens and our families.  Hoping this helps someone save a little and have fun.

Pretty darn simple.  No need to go buy an expensive bottle.  It always seemed I would buy a bottle and use it so rarely, that if would just get funky.  This works for smaller batches.

Great subs. The syrup - I keep a little bottle of maple flavoring on hand to add to the flavor.  These work great to keep you from making that extra run out to the grocery.  Use what you have.
Be a master of your pantry!!!!!

Click on these separately to enlarge for easier reading.  

Just a simple way to make homemade ketchup.  Not like most canning recipes that contain dozens of items and takes hours.  This tastes really good.  Uses normal at home pantry items, doesn't take a lot of time, win-win.

Love me some homemade sloppy Joe.  No need to buy the bottles of sauce.  One of the easiest things to make.  I also add a splash of Worcestershire Sauce - gives it a bit of a zip!

Easy-peasy ideas.  Hope these help someone out a little.  New homemakers need to find easy ideas to stretch those dollars.  There isn't always a mom available to answer questions.  Let us by the mom to them and whomever might need a good idea or two.
If you have an easy tip - drop us a note!

Have a beautiful day my friends.


  1. Good Morning Cheryl! These are great. I saved the steak sauce recipe to try. Have a great day!

    1. Morning Penny. Glad you found one you could use. Thanks and you too!!!

  2. I grew up with the homemade steak sauce. Never really cared for the store bought one.

    I have made ketchup. Even with canned tomatoes it's so much better.

    Mom added diced green pepper and onion to her sloppy joes. I usually skipped the green pepper.

    It's funny but I never thought of my mom as very innovative or frugal. But when I got married I learned not everyone made their own salad dressings or steak sauce! My poor husband. Not only did my homemade taste different to him, he just couldn't understand not just buying the jar of cocktail sauce or Italian dressing!

    It was a loooong adjustment for him! Lol

    1. Peppers and onion would be great in sloppy Joe - I have done that as well.
      Yes, ketchup made at home tastes much better, like you said, even with canned tomatoes. No preservative stuff!
      Your mom most likely grew up when times were lean and everyone did those things. No one thought it any different. I never understood my friends having cookies from the store - I always had homemade ones! Moms were much better.
      It is funny what we get used to. We think nothing of the things we do, but others think we have a problem.

  3. Kitchen made food is so much better than the stuff from the store. Most of the ingredients are unpronounceable. I made ketchup when we lived out at Lizton and had a big garden. I pinned the steak sauce recipe. It does go funky if not used up.

    It is cooler this morning but the sun is shining, so we'll take it! Enjoy your day! Erin and I are going to do some poking around in Goodwill and Costco.

    1. Homemade is always better in taste. Yep, grandma never heard the words and couldn't pronounce if she did - we shouldn't eat it!
      It turned out lovely today - got more yard work done. Even visited with a neighbor. Hope you enjoyed shopping!

  4. I only use about a half teaspoon of steak sauce at a time and end up throwing away the whole bottle.
    Today, two little birds are courting right on the rail of the ramp. We are being entertained up close to the door instead of watching them out in the yard. Other birds are zooming all over the yard. Fun.

    1. Exactly - that is why I no longer buy it.
      The birds are such fun. Sitting here on my couch and can hear such a melody going on out on the porch. I just love listening to them.

  5. Another beautiful day! More work outdoors, for sure. It's never ending. Made me sleep Very Well last night. :)


    1. For some reason I haven't slept well this week. I think it has something to do with the time thing! I am glad you got a good sleep.
      I have been working outside too - taking advantage of each day with sun and warmth. It is lovely after being cooped up all winter.

  6. I have to try that A-1 sauce as it is so expensive!

  7. I've seen some of these before, but the ones I hadn't and will be most useful would be the baking powder options...though I just bought two containers of baking powder in December. Isn't that always the way?

    1. Well at least you know now. It always seem to be the way.

  8. We always used the buttermilk and chocolate substitutions when I was growing up. I've done it since then, too. Sloppy Joes sound so good today!

    1. I have too. I think I have used all those subs. They all work just fine.
      Hope you make you some!
