Sunday, February 17, 2019

Frugal Happenings 2/17

Happy Sunday everyone.  A new week awaits us - we are slowly moving closer to Spring (or fall) depending on where you live.
We had another roller coaster week of weather.  Next week looks to balance out in the 30's and 40's - at least nothing frigid is predicted thus far!  Here's hoping.

Hubs and I finally got my new computer up and running - all by ourselves.  I still haven't figured out some things - but I am getting there.  There are just too many options to choose from!

We did not do anything special for Valentines Day - that just isn't our thing.  We show each other love everyday.  Oh, he did get a nice ice cream sundae for dessert that night!  LOL
I didn't even buy any candy afterwards.  What I saw didn't look inviting to bring home (chocolate was gone).

My frugal week:
  • I forgot to mention last week that I did get my coupon for 9.99 for a bag of cat food!
  • I was given a coupon for 3 Fancy Feast for FREE
  • I saved a parmesan cheese lid, and candle jar lid, and a squirt bottle lid
  • Got the computer running - no outside cost
  • Filled jars and containers from deep pantry supplies
  • Slowly working on spring clean.  I got the ceiling fans and lights all done.  I have also cleaned under and behind furniture.  Moving along with things
  • Friday I made a grocery SALE run - 3 stores all within three blocks of each other.  Aldi, Sav A Lot, and Kroger - just meat!
  • Kroger I got the Jimmy Dean sausage on weekend sale - 5 for 1.99 each.  I also got a gallon of milk marked down to a $1 (not outdated)
  • I ran to Aldi and got bacon for 1.99lb.  I got 5 for the freezer, as I already had some.  Couldn't pass up that price.
  • Next on to Sav A  Lot - I went for the 1.79/lb. ground beef (a good deal).  It was the big rolls - which I am not crazy about, but thought I might get one.  Well I got to looking around and found the deal of the year so far for me!  I put that roll back.  They had fresh ground on 'reduced for sale' for .99/lb.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  EEK!!!!!  I got a total of 36 lbs. (all they had).  I was flying high, then looked over and saw more orange stickers.  Chicken thighs (8 per pack) for .55 lb.!  WOWZA.  I got 5 packs of them.  G loves them - me not as much - but for that price I couldn't pass up.
I wish I had taken a picture of all the packages.  I came home with 20 packages from Sav A  Lot.  I got it all divided up and into freezer.  I also gave a pack a chicken and 2 of beef to our neighbor/friend.  His grands were visiting this weekend.

All total with sausage and bacon I ended up Friday with 63 pounds of meat for a total of $59.90!!!!!!  MY SAVINGS FROM REGULAR PRICE was $80.20!!!!!!!!!!  Happy dance here.  My freezers are full, full, full.
Let's just say I was blessed this week.  I can't believe my luck.  The thing about Sav A Lot - there wasn't a soul in there shopping but me on a Friday afternoon!  Crazy - it is usually swamped.

My meals this past week:
Baked fish and beans and rice
Added beef and more beans to leftovers and made a skillet dinner
Fried fish and shrimp - fries and coleslaw (home canned)
Chili dogs and chips and dip
Homemade Lasagna -  2X

All leftover eaten or reinvented.  Had fried apples and homemade chocolate strawberry sundae for desserts

How was your week?  Any good deals?  Any stocking up on the cheap?

I pray you all have a safe and healthy week ahead.  May the Lord keep us all on track with humility and peace.  Be a good steward and spread peace and love my friends.
Blessings from my humble home to yours.


  1. Oh my gosh, what a great deal on your meat deals at Save-a-Lot. Wow!!! I think I would have bought it all too. How neat!!

    1. I could not believe my luck. Had someone else been there, I would have shared. You can't have too much ground beef, I use it for everything.
      Happy camper here!

  2. Wow, great deals!!!!
    I'm not crazy about those big rolls of hamburger either; I much prefer the fresh ground, and you really scored a great deal.
    I need to check about the bacon at aldi. I missed that, so hope they still have some. Thanks for the tip.
    Have a great week.

    1. I did score didn't I?
      The bacon should be on sale for a few more days. I hope you can get some.

      Have a good one yourself

  3. Wow! Great deals! We went to Dillons yesterday for some of the deals. I did some digital/paper coupon deals. Got 4 lbs. Of pasta for .25 ea., Oreos (grin) for $1 ea., and a couple of more convenience deals. I got Yoplait for .30 each, hash browns for $1, & a new Libman mop for 6.99. I take the Yoplait for all day things at church, Dh loves the hash browns, and the mop is back up as my current one has a rust band where it will break eventually. Each mop itself lasts me about 8 yrs. With a replacement head in between. Ive gotten pretty good at buying them on the cheap. I have to make 4 cheesecakes for a fundraiser next month and thought I'd try 2 with Oreos. That was my favorite flavor some 30 years ago at The Cheesecake Factory!

    Meals this week were:
    Beef & bean burritos
    Fettuccini Alfredo with broccoli
    Mexican chicken soup
    Green chili & bacon quiche
    Breakfast for dinner (why does this always taste so good?!)
    Skipped one cuz of a late lunch & had a bowl of applesauce!
    Leftovers for me when Dh had a church mtg. with dinner (lil smokies from our non Super Bowl dinner.)

    1. Wow, you got some great deals as well. Good job. Mmmm the cheesecake sounds yummy with an Oreo crust.
      I don't often use a mop (my kitchen/bath floors are pretty small) so mine last forever too. I usually do it on hands and knees.

      Your meals sound wonderful. Love getting new ideas! I love breakfast for dinner as well.

    2. My kitchen/dining room is big (that open concept thing) and the laundry room is also attached. My knees would die! I'm not fond of the mopping, but it works. I tried to make a t-shirt mop years ago but it fell apart before it was half done!

    3. Yep, that would be too much to do on hands and knees. I wouldn't do that either. I'd say you made a good investment!

  4. Oh, I also made DH a cream cheese pecan pie for Valentine's Day. I think he inhaled it lol.

    1. Yuuuuummmmmm. I love cream cheese and I love pecan pie. I bet he inhaled it! Sounds sinfully wonderful

  5. That is fabulous, I need to find a sale like that, but we have no kroger or Aldi here, I just have to start going to Albertsons around 8 pm every evening.

    1. I never find that great of sale either. It sure was a treasure of a find. I guess it was supposed to be for me!
      Good luck

  6. Wow you did well on your meat sales Cheryl and the $1 for the gallon of milk was a great deal too! You get as excited as I do about great deals. Fried apples in your menu sound so delicious! Have a great week!

    1. I am like a kid at Christmas when I get a such a great deal.
      I couldn't believe the milk was marked down.
      Fried apples are one of our favorite dishes.
      Have a good one!

  7. Those were WOW! deals you got, Cheryl! I had my first outing last Friday after being snowbound for 10 days. I went to the Senior Center for lunch. Met a friend there and she had been snowbound, too, as her husband had to take her AWD to and from work. At the senior center on their giveaway table I found a gorgeous purple (my favorite) print with subtle silver sparkly detail and fringed shawl and a pair of very new-looking Sketchers slip on shoes that fit perfectly. Also, on Fridays the volunteers go over to the food bank and bring back perishables so they don't lose them over the weekend. Wasn't much this time but I did get a bag of 8 bagels. Tomorrow I'm going grocery shopping. I am still good but do need fresh produce and I took the last of the milk out of the freezer. I'll look for meat specials, too. From the snowy Pacific Northwest

    1. Glad you were able to finally get out and about. It sounds like a good time. The shawl sounds lovely, and how nice on the Sketchers.
      That is ice that they bring the perishables for others to use. I hate to see things go to the trash.
      Stay safe and enjoy your outing!

  8. I would have bought it all too. That is an amazing price. It has been 20 years since I have seen ground beef for 99¢. I get excited when it is $1.99. That will really help with your grocery budget for the year. The thigh prices were great too. And $1 for a gallon of milk is crazy. Milk isn't marked down by me ever. I had asked about it once to the manager and he said they aren't allowed. Everything else can be . Makes no sense. I got chicken marked down this week. My freezers are full too. Makes me happy when I see my freezers and pantry full. Have a great week. We are getting snow this week so I will be staying home. No school this week so it works out good.

    1. We use ground beef so much, in all kinds of things. This sure will help. .99 is unheard of any more. First time I had seen milk marked down, and they only had the one (left). It must have been chicken deal week!

      Oh I am so very happy. Both freezers are full. I have choices and lots of good eating ahead of us.
      Stay safe and have a good week.

  9. Wow! Your meat averaged out to less than $1 /lb. awesome!!! We bought a new laptop recently and are still teaching ourselves how to use it. It's amazing how everything changes from computer to computer.

    1. I know - it sure was a good day!
      I keep being told - the news ones are just like the old ones. NO THEY AREN'T!
      So much is different. A lot to learn for sure.

  10. Congrat's on that great meat deal. I would have been doing the happy dance too.

    I usually Summer clean. Buying a new bed made me want to Spring clean. I am having so much fun. I love to clean. It is a creative time for me every day. I tell everyone I get to start off with a fresh new canvas.

    I was blown away about you got your computer running with no outside cost. It never occurred to me that people need others to set up a computer. I guess that's why DH & I had such a good side job when we fixed computers, lol. We were usually fixing mistakes though. I am telling you a lot of those mistakes were avoidable. This is why we don't fix computer any more because we got tired of fixing avoidable mistakes.

    1. I hope you like your new bed. You can come to my house to clean! You have a wonderful attitude about it. You do have a point about a fresh new canvas.

      I am not very computer literate - I can work on one - but no idea how the background stuff works. That is neat that you both know the ins and outs of computers. AT least you have something you could fall back on if necessary.
