Thursday, August 10, 2023

Chitty Chat Kind of Day!

 Let us make this a chat day.  Many may have something they need to get off their chest.  Maybe you need prayer.  Maybe you need advice.  Maybe you need a recipe.  Maybe you just need to complain.
Somedays we just need to unload and have a listening ear.  It is normal and we all have those days!

You all know I have a pretty good bunch of neighbors.  This year has been the year we have all gotten closer and just relate better as a little community.  Friendly folks, talking, helping, and visiting when possible.  It is pretty good.

Then there is THE neighbor!!!  I just shake my head.
No new shenanigans since THE talk with the landlord.  That is good.  But I sure ticked someone off - even though the landlord told him he had 'lots' of complaints from various people.  
He talks to NO ONE - especially me.  He will not even look at me!  Seriously.  If I walk outside when he is out - he goes in.  Oh my, could I make life miserable if I chose to!  I could just sit outside all day. LOL
Anyway - I tried to offer an olive branch of sorts.  Since he won't speak or look my way - I walked over the other day after he left, and put a baggy of fresh tomatoes on his patio table.  He loves tomatoes.
I have a security light at night, that shows part of the fence between our yards.  I get up to potty - I look out.  Sometime between 2AM and 6AM - he hangs the baggy of tomatoes on my fence!  REALLY??
Had it been me, I probably would have eaten them and maybe texted 'thanks'.  If nothing else - just thrown them away if I was that cold hearted.
He obviously felt he needed to make a statement of some sort.  Geesh!  No good deed..........
Guess I won't try to be nice again.
His attitude and heart are so cold.  I pray for him every day - he needs it so.  Not sure exactly what changed with him (have ideas) - but something did.  I pray for his spiritual, mental and physical well-being.  He needs it.  He has alienated his siblings (years ago), his boys only show up now when they need something, and he has no friends AT ALL!  He has turned into a worse version of his father (that he hated).  He believes in nothing other than himself!!!!!  What a miserable life it must be - and I now believe something physical might be wrong.  Just a notion from things I notice.
We just never know what goes on in someone's life.  

I am so blessed to have my family and friends, my health and my spiritual life.
Count your blessings!!!!!  
(I think we all have a 'someone' in our lives)

OK - that is my 'let it out' for the week!!!!  LOL!  It isn't important - it just amazed me.

What do you need to talk about???????
Shout out my friends.
We are here to listen and offer kindness.  Maybe it will help someone!

Be blessed!


  1. Oh Cheryl, so sorry about your neighbor. I'll pray for him. You never know what is going on in someone's life.
    Our sunrise was very pretty this morning, just got done looking at it.

    1. Thanks - I KNOW he needs it!!! It is just part of life now - so I will let it go. I have so many GOOD people in my life - I just can't let his antics get to me.
      We had a very cloudy morning - after a big rain last evening. So glad you got that wonderful God moment - I just love sunrises and sunsets. God's artwork!
      Have a wonderful day my friend.

  2. You neighbor apparently has something stuck in his craw. What a shame, as life can be good. You tried tho...

    The Farmer said we got a total of 2.5 inches of rain. That's about all we need for now. We canned 14 pints of green beans yesterday. I'm hoping the tomatoes really start coming on. The Farmer planted romas for me to can and so far they are very slow.

    Need to get busy and put away some things and get some laundry done. Enjoy your day!

    1. Oh - I haven't heard that expression in ages. LOL! Yes he does!!!
      Boy, did it rain!!!! At times hard! I went out when it was sprinkling to feed Blackie his dinner - and got stuck in the greenhouse for almost an hour!!!! LOL! It was just pouring!
      YAY on the beans. I need to can some tomato products soon.
      Have a good one.

  3. Elise, what type of foot surgery is it, if you don't mind my asking.
    The only surgery I've had is a hip replacement. So no comparison there.

  4. Elise, Wishing you a speedy recovery from your foot surgery. If you had asked about shoulder surgery I could have chimed in as the Urban Farmer and my oldest daughter have had that procedure.

  5. Quick explanation: in front of the heel and below the ankle is a socket and the foot bones that lead to the toes are aligned by that socket. Last year, when I (finally) got x-rays, it showed my foot bones aren't in the sockets. In the bad foot, they aren't even near the socket; the top of that foot has moved off to the side, which led to ankle bones collapsing. The "better" foot is starting to do the same. Pins or screws and titanium wedges will be necessary, with a plate (most likely) for this 1st surgery. GOOD news is the doc shouldn't need to break any bones or do any grafting.

  6. Thank you, Laurie and Donna. I hope the explanation helps. The foot surgeon said last year he's amazed I can walk at all.

  7. Debby in Kansas USAAugust 10, 2023 at 9:37 AM

    Oy, Cheryl. It sounds like your neighbor has truly made a cold and prickly bedfor himself. I think you made a kind effort and that's all anyone can do. You're a good egg!

    Okay, appliances. You were expecting that, right?! This is a multi faceted gripe. In the last week, my friend has had to replace a 4 yr. old freezer, a 6 yr. old dishwasher, and a 4.5 yo. fridge. Seriously??? They buy mid range. All out of warranty. When she spoke with a repair guy, he told her that they all seem to last about 5 years and that it now makes sense to spend an extra hundred for the warranty. He said he never used to recommend them, but that has changed. Same with cars, though I don't know what life expectancy those have. Our *new* car is 10 yo lol. For the price, that seems like complete baloney. 5 years?? I have had underwear last that long! Everyone is so worried about climate change, but what about the garbage and chemicals created by these short lived monsters? Does anyone have suggestions on any long lasters? I read somewhere that some countries is Europe are mandating repair parts because they simply don't have the landfill space for disposable appliances. That makes perfect sense to me. How long before our Grand Canyon becomes a garbage can?? Okay, vent over. I have another friend who now uses her dishwasher as storage until she either replaces it or has a cabinet built in it's place. Another friend uses her dead freezer as a garage pantry since the door seals. Another friend has suggested they make fridges double as caskets to save landfill space. (This wouldn't work for me as I'm going green burial and will just be wrapped in a casket tarp thingy. <---hubs has orders to buy from an outside source to save money. Even Amazon sells them.)

    Happy Thursday, all! I had such a tired Wednesday. We had a loud electrical storm move in at about 3am. Killed the power for several hours and we kept checking to make sure none of our neighbors were hit. I hate when lightning gets that close!!

    1. With you on the appliances and whatnot, Debby. FWIW I bought a (late model used) hybrid vehicle about 6 yrs. ago. No one told me that the batteries only last about 3 yrs. and what it costs to replace them (thousands). The same is true with EVs. Those batteries require lithium. Highly toxic substance. And they can't be refurbished or renewed; they wind up in special landfills.

      About 4 yrs. ago, watching Japanese news on PBS, I learned they'd been working on biodegradable plastics and were ready to start producing it. There was NO Western news coverage of that. When I bought some bedding this past year, it came in biodegradable plastic wrap. Has anyone ever heard of this? No. Of course not. And it's HUGE news for the environment.

      Since my 30s I've told my family I want to be cremated with my ashes used to plant something. Anyway, it drives me bonkers that there's all this supposed focus on climate change, but if you look deeper, it's not serious at all. If it was, there'd be warnings about toxic waste from EVs and celebration for biodegradable plastics. Rant over. --Elise

    2. Yes, Debby - I expected this post!!!! Not sure what to tell you. I have babied my appliances forever, so as to keep them going. There is just no concern it seems to make things last - all are made cheaply and throw away. It just gripes my bum.
      Microwaves, radios (if anyone still buys), recording/player equipment, video games - it is all throw-away.
      There is so much that could be done to prevent it - but then the companies would not make $$$$ on us replacing stuff. Kind of like curing diseases - no profit in that!
      It is aggravating to say the least. I guess the only answer is quit buying - but then what do we do?

    3. Elise, I've heard about those EV batteries. And am now hearing about what happens with the solar panels and wind turbines, etc. It all sounds grand until it ain't! In a world filled with such incredibly talented people, we sure don't utilize brain power much huh?!

      Cheryl, I'm like you with my appliances!! We bought an upright freezer in 20. The fridge was replaced about 4 years ago. Hubs had just lost his job, so we replaced a simple model with an apt. size model. Not always convenient, but it works. The washer, dryer, and dishwasher are all nearly 20yo. I've made it into my 60s without buying a new TV lol. And I'm only on my 3rd cell phone in 20 yrs. and that's only because they literally did not work due to modernization. My fave is still my 1st Tracphone. So simple. I try, but these companies need to work with me lol.

    4. Debby, We get those solar panel guys coming around all the time. I have put No Solicitation signs on my doors, ha but they claim they aren't selling anything. Had one yesterday cause we were out in the yard. I pointed out the sign and he went on his way but mumbling all the way.
      They need to stay away from me, I'm the crazy lady that will follow them down the street with a broom.

    5. Hey EM Griffith, have you heard of human composting? Thought you might be interested.

    6. Bobi, that would require a place to bury my body, and that's an expense I don't want my family to have to deal with. Cremation is far cheaper. --Elise

    7. I didn't pay much attention to the cost, but my understanding is they keep a body until it turns to mulch, then gives the mulch to the family to distribute. I see now that it looks pricey which is kind of ridiculous. In lieu of cremation, you can also donate your body to science. In my state that is completely free. They pick up the body wherever you die and there is zero cost to the family. We had several family members who used this method. Not sure if that is an option for you but I know for sure body donation is cheaper than cremation. I'm with you on the toxic waste issue; it's one of my rants as well. I'm hoping millennials will embrace and solve the problems but I fear it may already be too late.

    8. Bobi, you should look into a company called LifeGem ... they use cremated remains to make lab grown diamonds! I loved the idea. Hubs and sons vetoed that quickly. NOT frugal at all, but the idea is amazing. Hubs wants his body donated to science. I've said he'd best hope I go first, then, because his body is the one I've laid next to in bed for nearly 40 years and I can't bear that idea. --Elise
      P.S. I'm actually quite traditional in most ways, yet the expense of traditional burial has become outrageous, even with pre-paid plans.

    9. Speed Queen washers and dryers are supposed to be made like the old days and will last. Especially if you get the kind without a computerized control panel.

    10. Hi Lisa. Welcome to another Hoosier!
      Thanks for the info. I just like things with no bells and whistles - simple.

  8. Debby in Kansas USAAugust 10, 2023 at 9:40 AM

    Oh, goodness, Elise! That sounds really major. I have no info or advice except that I'll offer you prayers going in.

  9. Elise, Thank you for the explanation. I would be in agreement with the surgeon about how you are able to walk at all. Oh my.
    I hope you have a speedy recovery.

  10. My complaint for the week? Money-sucking SIL decided to "help" the parents with their finances (her words to hub) get a reverse mortgage on the home they have owned for 44 years. They are mid 80s in a trilevel house and MIL has struggled with the stairs for many years. Insert scream and a string of 4 letter words!!!! Us? Debt-free at 49, living below our means, own 2 homes and travel. But yeah, she's great at finances-she owns nothing except the contents of her rented house. (are those contents strung out on CCs? who knows).

    1. Elle, when BIL paid cash for his house 3 months ago, and it ate up nearly all of his inheritance, he said he'll be able to take out a reverse mortgage when he needs money. Too many people know too little about that (IMO). --Elise

    2. Oh my gosh. I don't think people realize what all there is to one of those things - it isn't all good.
      The parents should have just sold and moved if having problems or leave certain levels of the house alone. Are they having trouble with their finances? It almost sounds like maybe she is going to be 'attaching herself' to the funds!?! That was my first thought - when you mentioned her lifestyle.
      You and your hubby should be very proud of yourselves. There are so many people who have no notion how to be financially independent or successful.

  11. How sad for your neighbour to live with such a miserable attitude. I’m sorry you have to share a fence line, but you have your own little patch of heaven there, so try not to let him bother you too much.
    Have a wonderful day. Louise

    1. I know - some people just choose to be miserable and he is one.
      I'm done fretting about it. I love my life and do what I want - he isn't stopping that. I just can't imagine his eternity! Oh my.
      Thank you!!!!

  12. Good morning, All. Chiming in with a praise report. Had the procedure done on my right eye yesterday. Went without a hitch. No restrictions except the drops 4X a day. Still praying that I will not have an adverse reaction to them. Hubby's biopsy came back. Although the lesion came up fast and was really nasty looking, we got the best possible news that it was a basal cell and he will have Mohs surgery to remove it. God is so Good. Cookie

    1. Wonderful news, Cookie! Thanks for the update! --Elise

    2. YAY!!!!!! Did you have cataract surgery or something else? So glad it was successful and over! Drops are a pain - but make sure you use them as directed (if possible).
      Happy for your hubs as well.
      Yes mam. God is good - thank you for a praise report!!!!!!

    3. Cheryl, what I had was an iridotomy. At my regular eye appointment in June the pressure in both my eyes had gone up substantially and it would have been dangerous to dilate my eyes as the dilation drug would cause the pressure to go up even more. My Dad and Grandfather had glaucoma. In order to help prevent it in me and to be able to dilate my eyes at a later date what was needed was an Iridotomy, a surgery that is now done under local with a laser. I will have my other eye done next week. This surgery brings eye pressure back to normal. While I do have cataracts there's enough light getting in that my vision is 20/20 with glasses so far. Cookie

    4. I've done iridotomy on both eyes. It is a remarkable procedure! Far different and easier than when I started working in surgery in 1981! Congrats on a great result. Hopefully they stay open like mine, the 6month check is crucial.

    5. Elle, it is remarkable. I will have a checkup two weeks after the second eye is done at which time they wilil dilate my eyes. I hope and pray mine stay open too. Any suggestions to help facilitate that? Cookie

    6. Cookie that is amazing. I know when I had cataract surgery, I built up a little extra pressure in my eyes, and I had to do special drops to alleviate it. That had to be scary. So happy it went well!!!!!!

  13. There is always one in every community. We have one here, too, that loves stirring the pot and is negative about everything. I, too, just pray for her. Sorry I've not been around. Trying to get back to blogging once again. xo Diana

    1. I do believe you are right - there is always one. We just go on doing good and let them be.
      I hope you are well and all is OK. Life gets busy sometimes, and we all need a break. Take care!!!!

  14. It's such a shame that the neighbour is acting that way - he clearly was making a point when he placed the tomatoes on your fence. I agree, I wouldn't reach out again. There are people in our lives for a season, or a reason, or for life. I suspect he is one of those meant to be there only a short time.
    The house listing goes up on the website this morning, as the photos and paperwork were completed yesterday. I'm feeling excited and a wee bit anxious at the same time. My life is about to change, at least I hope it is.

    1. Crossing fingers and saying prayers for a fast sale, Maebeme!

    2. Thanks. Yes, I do believe the 'season' of him is over in my life. The 'reason' as well. That is OK - there is so much out there and so many good people to be around.
      Oh wishing you fantastic luck on the sale! Hope it all goes quickly and smoothly and you get what you want.
      Do you have a plan in place as to where you will go?
      Change can be good. Best of luck with this!!!!!

  15. Oh my gosh Elise - that sounds terribly painful. It amazes me all that you do. I have never heard of that before. Geesh, how awful. You will surely be in my prayers. I bet they give you one of those little roll around devises. You place your knee on it, as you walk - so the foot gets no pressure at all. Keep us informed as to when!!!!

  16. I very much appreciate (and need) the prayers. I'm a pretty stubborn gal... or as I like to say... determined. ;-) Which is why I still walk. In stores I need a cart. on uneven ground I need a cane. And yes, we're going to ask about a knee scooter. BIL said he has a porta potty for by the bed and a sit-on mobility scooter. Nope on both. I will accept and appreciate a shower seat, but think moving around will be better for healing. The *last* thing I need is a blood clot from being too sedentary. --Elise

  17. Maybe your county has a mental health check officer to see if he is ok and not spiraling.

    1. I talked with a couple Veteran groups when all this mess started (on a friends advice). They said they would reach out. Don't know what happened there. Sometimes I wonder if he goes to meetings or anything - he leaves for a couple hours here and there and comes back with a paper in hand. He is also a 'recovering' alcoholic - so that could be another thing. He is a mess - just hope he is getting some help.

  18. Also on my mind, FREEBIES and a shout out to Clinique users...

    While I don't do makeup 99% of the time, I do use skin care products. Mainly daily serum and moisturizer with sunscreen. Sensitive skin means Clinique is my go-to. My mom also uses Clinique, as does my niece and God-daughter. If you go to Belk dot com and scroll down, there are freebies available with purchase. Depending on how much you spend you can get a gift set *and* full sized products. Free shipping for orders over $50.

    One year at Christmas my sister did gift bags of her favorite things for family. Guys got foods and whatnot. Women got soap/body wash, razors and other girlie things. Imagine collecting free gifts with purchase and doing up gift bags of your favorite things using those items! Does it mean shopping? Yes. Is it frugal? Absolutely.

    1. Put me on your list, Elise!!! Goodie bags sound great. My 2 best friends used to have high falootin' tastes in make up and always seemed to get freebies made for Autumn girls like me. I don't think I bought a single item of make up from my 20sthru my 40s. They supplied me with the very best. It was quite a sweet deal lol.

    2. Great deals. FREE is wonderful. I used to collect a lot of sample products (via mail) years ago and they always went into Christmas baskets as fillers. Great idea. Thanks.

  19. Knee scooter - thanks - that is the name!!! LOL
    Just don't over do - but you are probably right. Movement aids in a lot of situations! Ask for a shower seat and hospital will probably prescribe on so insurance will cover.

  20. Does your neighbor own guns? Anger & mental illness don't mix with guns. He sounds worrisome. I have a nasty neighbor too, thinks he's king of the neighborhood and the only person who matters. We try to ignore him and that mostly works. He's right next door as well. You are much kinder than me, though. Sounds very passive aggressive to return your tomatoes.

    1. Yes he does. I agree with you and that is the main reason I reached out to landlord and to the Veteran groups. It is kind of scary - but I just keep my eyes open. He has known me for many, many years - I believe I am fine. I worry about what he might do to himself. He wasn't seen outside, nor did he open a blind or door for a week a while back - I almost called police for a wellness check - because I thought he might have hurt himself. Geesh - can you imagine his reaction to that!!!!! Glad I didn't.

  21. My friend had leg surgery, not like yours, but she found she could do LOTS with the knee scooter. She got to where she was really booking! And with your determined spirit, I'm sure you will to. There's a whole new life waiting for you after these surgeries. Always wishing you the best, my friend!
    Central Az

  22. I think you made a mistake to offer tomatoes. I'm glad that he returned them intact and without a fuss. In my opinion you did the right thing to report the guy and it had a good effect. Sounds like he was a narcissist and going overboard as 'the man in charge' until you clipped his wings. Narcissists do not like to be checked; you will never be friends with him. And that's okay. Do not worry about his state of mind or try to fix what you perceive as his brokenness. He is different from you; he is entitled to be just as you are entitled to be who you are. I wish that religious folks would stop praying for people who do not believe. It is condescending. Non believers have valid reasons for how they think and feel. It doesn't make them lost or wrong. I know that you have a good heart and good intentions and you were raised to pray a lot and I know that this is your blog and you can darn well pray for whomever you want. I've been commenting here long enough that you should know that I am not a troll or wishing to hurt your feelings. I hope that I haven't done that. How happy you can be without the drama of a meddling neighbor.

    1. Rita, Cheryl is coming from a different perspective. And that's okay, too. You don't have to agree. Is it condescending if the neighbor is unaware that she's praying for him? Would the following be condescending to him?
      "If it is possible, as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men... If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink... do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

      Seems to me that's what Cheryl is all about. She cares. Not everyone does. (shrug) And we don't know the circumstances, because she chose *not* to share them in detail. You say she shouldn't think him wrong, yet suggest somehow she is, which is interesting; her feelings and beliefs harm no one. --Elise

    2. Actually, I don't think Cheryl is wrong. I have a lot of respect for Cheryl. I'm just noting that there are many personality types. The neighbor is not going to miraculously change his stripes. He is an unknown risk and best avoided, in my opinion.

    3. Thanks, Cheryl. You are a peacemaker as well as a fountain of frugal knowledge.

    4. When religious folks pray for unbelievers they are often the ones helped.

  23. Thank you, Ellie. As much as possible, I try to stay "up"; this world isn't kind to helpless people. When all is done it's going to be AMAZING to be able to walk normally w/o all the pain.
    :-) --Elise

  24. Had my Dr. appt. yesterday. She agrees that I am stressed out with caregiving and all I've been through the past few months. Diagnosed GERD as the cause of my stomach problems and prescribed an acid reducer and a very bland diet. Had blood drawn today to rule out various other reasons for extreme fatigue, etc. Should have test results early next week.

    Tried to find out what I can eat with GERD, but there is a lot of contradictory information out there. I'm just going to go with the general guidelines of foods to avoid and listen to my body.

    Unfortunately, this means I cannot eat tomatoes, and I have a bumper crop this year. I am freezing cherry tomatoes for (hopefully) cooking when I am back to normal. I'll be giving away most of the large tomatoes. Husband can eat only so many. My loss is the neighbors' gain!

    Husband is making good progress with PT. I was comfortable leaving him home alone for two hours yesterday while I was at the Dr. I haven't been able to do that in a long time for fear of him falling. He is doing his memory exercises for speech therapy, too, since I finally got him to understand that this will help prevent post-stroke dementia.

    So I have a lot to be thankful for today. We're looking forward to the next three days of not having to go anywhere, getting a little done around the house, and getting some rest.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. A good report all around. Sorry about the GERD, but that is something you can deal with and hopefully get past in the future. I am thankful it was nothing else. It is amazing what stress can do in our lives. We truly underestimate it.
      So happy to hear your hubby is doing so much better as well. hat is fantastic. I know it makes you happy and I am sure he is happy too.
      Bummer on the tomatoes. Maybe you could freeze some of the others as well - for the future!!!!!! I guess someone is getting goodies!
      Enjoy the next 3 days and relax a little and just enjoy your time together. I am so happy for the positive report.

    2. Frances, I found this for you regarding GERD from Harvard Medical School (you'll have to copy, then paste into your browser)

      I'm glad it isn't anything more serious, and also glad to hear your husband continues to improve! Much to be thankful for. Hope you get some rest over the next few days. --Elise
      P.S. I ordered "These High Green Hills" by Jan Karon from a favorite used bookseller. It arrived the other day. I'll think of you while I read it.

    3. Elise, thanks for the link. It pretty much sums up what I'm doing about the GERD. Got the head of my bed up on risers today, and that will help. I'll be on the meds for no more than 3 mos, according to the Dr. Too many side effects to take it long-term.
      I would like to own the entire Mitford series and bought one of the books today from the library's sale shelf. I checked out books 5-8 and purchased #9.
      Planning to mow tomorrow with near perfect weather forecast. I need the exercise, though I will pace myself. Otherwise, I will just do whatever I feel like on Saturday. Sunday is Husband's shower and calling my mother for a nice long chat.

    4. Debby in Kansas USAAugust 10, 2023 at 8:02 PM

      Frances, GERD doesn't sound like much fun. I can't say I'm surprised that you'd get something like it from caregiving. It's a tough job. The risers are great and I'm glad you're using them. My mom had good luck with them, though she had something a bit different. I hope they work. My best friend the mule doesn't think they'll make much of a difference. I just heehaw at her when she complains after a dinner with anything tomato. Then I tell her that I can't get it because salsa is my birthright lol.

  25. Elise, please keep us posted as things progress. I can't offer any advice except to echo the above about listening to your doctors. I'd also add to do the physical therapy. You are in my prayers.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

  26. If I need to make a gripe it is this: These darn "triggers" that so many young people have. One has to watch every word in case one inadvertantly uses a word that "triggers" a bad/sad/fearful reaction from someone. Not even necessarily the person you are speaking to, maybe someone overhears a conversation! My opinion: grow a thicker skin. How do you expect to live in this world if everyone has to cater to your "sensitivities". Gee whiz.

    Cookie - so glad to read that your eye surgery went so well. :) Sounds like a magic fix to me!

    Frances - about GERD: I eat my main meal mid-day and a *very light* supper in late afternoon or early evening. Nothing within an hour of bedtime. As you say, listen to your body. You may find you can eat tomatoes at lunch - I can, and also red grapes!

    Elise - I hope your surgery goes well. Glad they don't have to break bones to fix you. :) I think you're wise to keep moving, even if it is a knee-scooter thingy. Sitting down in a recliner for 6 weeks would be a Kiss of Death. Would you ever be able to get up again??? :(

    Cheryl, you've done what you could with/for the neighbor. I agree, hold him in prayer that he will find his way out of the gloom his is in. It must be horrid to live in a cloud of anger. I hope his little 2-hour jaunts are helpful for him. I have a friend in AA who is either online all day and all night at AA online meetings or going out to in-person meetings. He's getting a bit better, thank heaven. The online thing really took off during Covid.

    Yes, today I am thankful for my good night's sleep last night, some pleasant dreams, a good day at work with a nice little paycheck and a pleasant visit with neighbors in the later afternoon.

    1. I had to chuckle at your first paragraph. INDEED!!! Shoot, it can be anything - a book, a color, an object, a song, or like you said just a word. People get offended and demand it stop. I get offended at them!!!!!! Works both ways. This world has become nuts. Can't we all just get along?
      I would seem not. Crazy!

      Yes, I am done. His life is his however he wants to spend his remaining days - he aint a kid (in his 70's).
      I plan on spending mine happy!

      What a lovely thankful list. Those are the little things that are bliss!

  27. I will sure be praying Elise. It sounds like so much is involved! Oh my. But God knows allllllll about it. (((hugs))) And I know it must be very difficult at times. Very wearing even thinking about what to do I know.

  28. He really is a miserable sort - but that is his life. I was uncomfortable a lot when things were happening - but not now. I just go out and do what I want. I have a great group around here, and we keep an eye on each other.
    Parents can sure be a pip at times. It sounds like you are used to how your mom is, but that doesn't make each new incident any better. HUGS
    6 cans of tuna - oh my!
    Keeping our hands and minds active, sure does help.
    Glad Missy is doing so much better. Oh the days of our lives!!!!!!!!

  29. I, too, have that "someone" in my life. More than one, unfortunately. It took ALONG time for me to arrive at a place that no longer let them constantly drag me down. I pray for them. I am thankful for all the blessings I have and it is my hope and prayer that they will someday see the blessings in their lives. It is a tenant of my Christian faith that I do so.

    We've lived in our home over 25 years and if you count the appliances that were here when we bought the house we're on our 4th (or maybe 5th) refrigerator,
    2nd dish washer (I went 7 years without when it 1st broke),
    3rd stove. I think we've had 3 washers and 3 dryers. Microwaves a bunch of times. TV 4 or 5 times (my husband insists on those large flatscreens- I could do without).My husband also read somewhere as was mentioned refrigerators aren't meant to last longer than 5 years. There's a man on YouTube who scavenges junk yards for recent model fridges and fixes them and then sells them. So apparently many are repairable but the companies don't want to bother. Or it's easier & cheaper to replace.

    It's not like we beat on them. Our neighbor said it's cheap, foreign parts that are breaking down. Many times it's been the computerized parts like the motherboard. A motherboard replacement is upwards of $500 on a major appliance. We always get the extended service plans. So we get repairs and then when they no longer want to do that we get a replacement. So maybe instead of all these appliance regulations supposedly to help the environment we make products that last and are repairable so we don't have to keep filling junk yards and landfills!

    One of the neighbors (who I really like) insisted on contracting for a separate service to pick up her recyclables despite the other neighbors pointing out the damage a large garbage truck would cause our private country road. She could not see how having an additional truck using additional resources, damaging our road that we then have to repair was not environmentally friendly. She's an international consultant who flies around the world and owns at least 3 homes but by golly she recycles! I, on the other hand, usually just reuse my jars, cans, plastics (which I try to avoid buying) and boxes. I'm at home so I guess I have time to do that.The county now mandates we recycle. I put out my bin out maybe 3 to 6 times a year usually for boxes that came in the mail or gifts. Every time someone wants to lecture me about recycling and the environment think of her.

    1. I hear you. I feel the need to pray for others as well. That is just me. He isn't dragging me down anymore - I took back my power.
      WOW that is a lot of appliances. I will NOT brag on mine and the number we have had. Something goes wrong any time I do!!!! LOL!!!!!
      Now I have had several computers it seems. Not sure why.
      That is a hoot - flies around and has 3 homes - BUT recycles. Hey, got to start somewhere!
      I re-use so much that I don't have much to recycle.

  30. Thank you, Frances and Amelia. Appreciate the prayers. And yes, I'll need (and do) PT afterwards. --Elise

  31. Our immediate neighbours are lovely people.... However they both do not keep/take care of their yards. It is so hard to look in one direction and see the lovey yard our old neighbour worked so hard on turn into a dust bowl from 3 dogs. Still they are young and perhaps will get better with age.

    The other side neighbour has a dog as well, and while she doesn't always mow her lawn, the dog is picked up after and she always offers to help us out whenever we need it.

    Now down the street is the neighbour from you know where. I find myself avoiding her at all costs as all she does is complain.

    God bless.

    1. I guess we all have one!!!!!!! I don't feel so bad.
      Most folks here take care of their yards. Now behind me on the other side of the alley - that is a different story. I just pretend it is the woods I am looking at!! LOL

  32. I had a neighbor directly behind me that hated everyone! One day, I saw a utility man looking around in the back corner of my yard. I stepped out back and said hello and asked him what was happening. There was a telephone in her yard that he was going to relocate to mine as they were replacing it.
    He said she would not let him put a telephone pole in "her" yard. She was a renter! I merely asked him why he was allowing her to tell him how to do his job. She was a renter! He did not know that. She had a name that was an old family in town and very well-respected.

    When I looked out the next day, a freshly installed pole was in her yard.
    She tried to entice my boyfriend! I was not worried about him at She finally left and went to public housing and food stamps. I imagine she tried to make rules there.

    1. Some people try to make their own rules. Seems that her old family name didn't aid her! Again, seems we all have one!

  33. Cheryl, YOU ARE THE NICEST, KINDEST PERSON. You rank right up there with my mother-in-law. Yes, I won the mother-in-law lottery!

    I've learned a lot from her. And now you.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much. I just behave the way I feel is right.
      So happy you have/had a good mother in law. That is wonderful.
      Your words mean a lot!

  34. lab test results came in with everything normal except a non-fasting blood sugar of 200. YIKES! The Dr. ordered a fasting blood sugar and A1C test which I will have done on Monday. I don't have the usual risk factors for diabetes, and it does not run in the family. Prayers are again requested.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Glad all the other tests were good. Hoping the new test has better results. Yes, stress can affect blood sugar levels as well. Found that out with Glen. When he was dealing with his mom's situation, his changed a lot - not from what he was eating. Best of luck and prayers!

    2. As Cheryl said, and I know from experience, stress can cause blood sugar to rise. If you can tolerate even lactose free milk, have an 8 oz. glass the night before your test. I had gestational diabetes twice. With our youngest son, the Doc wanted to put me on insulin, but it really wasn't high enough for that. The milk before bed worked. Fingers crossed and praying it was just a blip. --Elise

    3. I do drink lactose free milk (2%), so I'll try that. I'm praying that it was an anomaly, too. I'd had a peanut butter & jam sandwich on two large slices of whole wheat bread and 6 cherries for lunch about an hour before the test.

    4. Frances, I forgot to mention that my favorite used book seller is on Amazon... Jenson Books. I was (slowly) able to get the whole Leephorn and Chee (Tony Hillerman) set of hardcover books, one at a time: Hubs loves that series. Like you, I'll try to get the whole Mitford series (Jan Karon) the same way. There are some series we can read over and over again. Bookshelf space is now dedicated to those only. --Elise

  35. It was a stormy night. Thunder. Lightening. Fierce rain. Guess what? All of Hubs' hard work paid off... there was NO mud flow! Woo-hoo!! It amazes me how much green growth appears so quickly when it's rain vs. watering from a hose. We had rain early in the week, too, and nearly all of the lilac bushes have new growth, even though they'd been watered regularly. Wild grasses are greening up again. We should have more rain today.

    My thought for today is that rain brings growth. My grandmother used to say, "Into each life some rain must fall." I'm just glad it didn't bring a river of mud with it this time!
    :-) --Elise

    1. Yay! on rain with no mud flow. I know my gardens definitely prefer rain water to city water. City water barely keeps them alive, so I keep the rain barrels for the dry times.

    2. Wonderful on the rain and NO mud!!!!! Rain makes such a transformation of growing things - including weeds. Ask me how I know!!!! I have an abundance of those!

  36. Sending prayer to you, Frances. Cookie

  37. Saturday Thought About (Gently) Used...

    Debby mentioned the short lifespan of appliances nowadays. They're not built like they used to be. In almost 39 years since our wedding, Hubs and I have only bought brand new appliances once; we always opt for no bells & whistles basics that have been refurbished. I don't know if new laws will prevent that. I hope not.

    In our 1st year, Hubs bought a brand new Toyota. In 2008 he bought a new Jetta. Every other car (or truck) we've owned has been bought has been late model used with low mileage. Once you sign the papers and drive off the lot with a new one, it loses value.

    Cookware/bakeware/kitchen stuff has always gotten a workout in my kitchens. I'd been cooking for 10 years when we got married. Later, I became a food writer and recipe developer. After many years of having cookware (especially) wear out, I began scouring antique shops and thrift stores for Wagner Ware by Magnalite: most of the set I collected is older than I am and still holds up. My Food processor and most bakeware was also bought used. Still going.

    Books, especially, are something I buy used. I like hardcover books because they hold up much longer than paperbacks. I don't like retail hardcover prices. I'm also not keen on the vast majority of novels published over the last 10-15 years. Instead, I've collected series of hardcovers via used booksellers, and to treat myself for post-op recovery this fall, was able to get all 14 books in the Jan Karon Mitford series (plus freebies) for $152.18, which includes tax and shipping.

    Much of my jewelry is also pre-owned. Yes, jewelry. Often items are returned, but aren't "new". I've been able to get Akoya, South Sea and Tahitian pearl jewelry for as little as $25. You read that correctly. 20 years ago at an estate sale, Hubs bought me a vintage (art deco) diamond ring for $200 that appraised just after for $2500.

    Many here buy clothes from Thrift Shops/garage sales, and if I were a "normal" size, I'd do the same. Alas, I'm a potato dumpling. Short & full figured. Which is why I *donate* clothes regularly.

    What about you? What are your favorite or best buys that are gently used? What will you only buy new? --Elise

    1. I buy used when I can. Undies is a no go, otherwise I am pretty open. My appliances are all no frills. Again, I hate to brag and tell their ages, as it always seems something goes wrong when I do. Let us just say I have done.
      One time in life we bought a new vehicle - first and only for either of us. It is a 2002 and I am still driving it.
      I will let others spend high end dollars on many things, then I will buy them cheap when they get bored with them.
      Even the diamond in my 'engagement' ring is second hand from an older couple - we had it re-set.
      I live by the K.I.S.S. principal. Keep it simple stu...!!!!!

  38. Wow, he just left then on your fence. Sounds like there's no making up with that one.

  39. I am really enjoying the chat this evening.
    First, would you all pray for my teeth. I have a front lower tooth that has been causing a little discomfort. Nothing bad with hot or cold or pressure. Just a constant nudge. I go to the dentist in September so will have them look at it then. I just am so afraid of the pain. I've already had 2 root canals and having one in the front with my crooked teeth will not be fun. Thanks so much.
    Other than that, we are good here. All the canning and garden harvest going on. Painting my bathroom and then next month I'll start on the board fence along the driveway. We've had to paint it every year or 2 since we installed the new boards. They have some kind of coating or were soaked in something that the paint will not stick. Neither of us want the expense or work involved to replace them, so we keep painting.
    Keep smiling all!
