Wednesday, August 23, 2023

New Day - the Change is Yours

 Happy midweek to all!  Today is just a little reminder (again I know) that we are OK!!!!  Life is an uphill battle and many are getting tired.  It happens to each of us at some point in time.  Today is a little reminder, that you got this!  Whatever you are facing, you can get through it.

Start new today, if you screwed up yesterday, try to correct it.    Accept help and kindness - that is not a weakness.  Be kind to others.  Stand up for what is right - don't just cower in the background.  Talk to someone at the store, or on the sidewalk, or next door - it may be the boost they need today.  If you need help - it truly is OK to ask.  Share the positive with someone.  Be the kind of person who truly listens to another - and offer a shoulder.  Do good things.  Love with all you have to offer.  Do something positive in this big old word. 
You may not change the world today - but you may change someone's day AND your own!!!!!!

(click on pic to enlarge for easy reading)

I spent some time yesterday going back and reading some things I posted quite a while ago.  I was in a very different place at this point in time.  I still have those crappy moments - but things are improving in my attitude each day. 
 I copied this from a post I did almost exactly 4 years ago.  That was not a good summer or year for me - but I was trying to work through things, as I know my hubby would have expected.
Since this point in time, many of you have gone through so much.  Maybe, just maybe, these words can help you get through some big thing in life or help you understand someone else.

Life takes a lot of turns and we all go down a lot of roads and paths on this journey of life.  There is good and there is bad.  YET, here we are!

Just letting you know that you are not alone.  If you need a kind word or a virtual hug - yep, we are here.  One step at a time is all we can expect from ourselves or anyone else.  This old world throws some crazy stuff at us - every day.  Get up, wash your face, put on your big girl panties and start fresh and new today!  We get another chance my friends!!!!!!!!

I wish you all peace and a blissful day.


  1. This is a beautiful post Cheryl. Thank you for taking what you learned through your pain and helping everyone else. I read a book last week and this quote from the book really struck me. "The fact of the matter is bad things happen to good people. They do. All the time. But it's our choice whether we wallow in them for the rest of our lives, or whether we accept the invitation to begin life's grand second act." It goes right in line with what you've posted. Enjoy your Wednesday.

    1. Lori, will you share the title of that book? I'll have a lot of reading time just ahead. :-)

    2. Love that quote, Lori! Please add the book's title. Sounds like something I'd enjoy reading.

    3. The book is With Love from London by Sarah Jio. A wonderful story, beautifully written.

    4. Thank you. My daddy was reading a book called "Why Bad Things Happen to Good People" when he passed. I have that little book and it is still marked at the page he stopped at. As a matter of fact, the day he passed, I opened it and it just spoke to me. Like daddy was talking to his little girl - saying it happens and it will be ok.
      Some things just speak to us!!!!!!

    5. Thank you, Lori. And YES, Cheryl. --Elise

  2. LOVE this today, Cheryl, and hurray! Google let me sign in!!

    Yes, life is a mixed bag, but friendliness and kindness (and a laugh) are like a salve. At my doctor appointment the other day, folks were so friendly. Of course, I'm pretty friendly myself. A compliment goes a long way towards encouraging friendly conversation. I'm nervous about what's ahead and it was nice to have staff talk to me as they would a neighbor or friend. That makes a difference. 100%

    Yup. There are good days an bad ones for us all. Even a bad day can be improved, though, with a little understanding and support. Odds are good we'll never meet in person on this earth, yet so many here feel like friends... or even family. Like you, Cheryl.

    (((Hug))) --Elise

    1. Elise, it's so true that kindness and understanding go a long way. We sure need more of that in the world today! I, too, often think of the fact that we feel like friends even though we have never met. Praying for peace for you as you wait for your surgery, for the Lord to guide the hands of your doctor and his staff, and for a complete recovery with no problems.

    2. It really does. Just that friendly, conversational style put me at ease. I come here every day for the POSITIVE. Often with my 1st mug of coffee. It's like a coffee group. I appreciate the prayers more than words can express. My hope is when it's all over with, including the healing, it will be worth whatever it takes to get there. I believe it will be! --Elise

    3. I do believe that we ARE friends on here! We will meet one day - maybe just not on this earth!!!!!! But, you never know. I met LaurieS online many years before I started this blog - and we did get to meet. All the way across the country - she and her hubby took a vacation and came to visit. So you never know!!!!!! I just wish they had met Glen, as they both liked his online presence. They would have all gotten along so well.

  3. Great post today! It seems that if you look for it, people are becoming friendlier. Everyone at the therapy facility is very friendly and supportive. I've met more friendly people in my neighborhood in the past two months since Husband's stroke and since I started walking around the block regularly than in the previous 20 years I've owned this house.

    Saw a terrific feel-good story on the local news this morning that I want to share. A woman I know here in the trailer park needed a kidney donation. She's a mom, grandma, veteran, and does things like a kids' little free library in her front yard. Her husband is also a veteran, has had a heart transplant and recently overcame cancer, and is a minister. She and her husband used their savings to buy billboards looking for a type-A+ donor. Although ineligible to donate a kidney, we did donate to help fund their billboard campaign. A woman who was stuck in traffic saw one of the billboards and donated a kidney four weeks ago! Both donor and recipient are doing well. What an incredible blessing!

    Not everyone can do something that life-changing for another, but just showing kindness and friendliness can be life-changing for someone going through a rough patch or just having a lousy day. I've been trying to be that person who lifts others up a little, and in doing so have been lifted up myself, too.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Thank you, Frances, for sharing that story. Awesome!! And you are so right. :-)

    2. Thanks for sharing this, Frances.

    3. Yes mam. Some people are changing in spite of what the news tells us. My neighbors (most) are much friendlier now than in the past 37 years here. It is amazing.
      Thank you so much for sharing that story. All by the kindness of a stranger and the grace of God.
      I try to lift others each day - in some way - even just a little. That is why we are put here I believe.
      I do firmly believe that we are ALL friends even though we haven't met in person. We sure do comfort and lift each other. I love that.

  4. P.S. To anyone reading who is dealing with physical pain right now, I'd like to send a (((Hug))) and lift a prayer for you. God knows who you are. When I talked to my mom about my upcoming surgery, she was clearer than normal and she said, "Well, you're used to pain." That was re. post-op warnings. Yes, I am. I've had chronic health issues since I was 16. I'll be 62 at the end of this year. To the best of your ability, just keep going. Know that you aren't alone.

    1. Elise, you are in my daily prayers. I'm glad they moved the surgery up to the 31st, less time to stress in anticipation. It sounds like you have a good plan for recovery. Be sure to accept help when it is offered. That's been a lesson I've had to learn recently; I'm so used to being very independent. You have friends, and the Best Friend of All: God.

    2. Thank you, Frances. You and your husband are in mine as well. --Elise

    3. You got the prayers and so does Frances and all you gals. We sure can get through a lot in our lives, and we are only stronger for it. YES God knows who is in need. He hears our heart.

  5. Shout out to AMELIA: You had written about liking the Nat King Cole album "Love is the Thing (and More)" so much that I bought a copy on Amazon. It arrived the other day, and I really like it! So gentle and relaxing, and the songs are truly love songs. If you like the old love songs, Rod Stewart did a four album collection called "The Great American Songbook". I like the first two albums best.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Thank you for letting me know that Frances! That does my heart good! : )

      I'm so happy you are enjoying that beautiful album, I had a health scare around 20 years ago and when I would take the long trek from the burbs then (I was willing to drive to our old fashioned confidant and friend teacher in little town) to the girls piano lessons I would listen to this in the car and oh how it soothed my soul...I hope it does the same for you and your hsuband too. : ) I have it in my kitchen and I will play it all day on most days.

      Thanks for letting me know about the Rod Stewart album, I'll have to check into that! : )

      God bless you Frances! Thanks again for letting me know. I apppreciate that. ~Amelia

    2. I love when we help each other in some way or another. So kind to let others know that they truly have touched us.
      I need to check out both!

    3. I agree Cheryl, it really is so very important to let others know that. : )

  6. What a beautiful post, Cheryl. I know you know from experience that the meme is truth. I love that meme. The writing is also beautiful, describes things much like the tapestry writing, the back looks messy but the front is a beautiful picture.

    Life does throw some surprises sometimes and it seems rather cruel at times but I'm so thankful to our Father in Heaven who watches us all and helps us, I personally just hang on to Him, even though life can be scary, He helps me so much. I do think it helps us to empathize with others honestly when we've had troubles.

    I'm glad you threw in a reminder to blow the pic up because I know I've probably missed some goodies not remembering to go back and blow things up, recipes, pics etc.

    God bless you Cheryl! : ) ~Amelia

    1. Well said, Amelia. (((Hug))) --Elise

    2. That you. The pic you needed to blow up from Sept. of 2019 - on that original post (my words). It was from the heart. Today it means more to me in my heart, than it did when I wrote it. Sometimes we need to go back and look at our former selves. It is amazing how we grow.

    3. Thank you Elise. (((hugs))) ~Amelia

    4. Cheryl, I'll have to check that post of yours. Life is like an onion isn't it? One layer at a time of our old self coming off.

  7. Fabulous post! All the lovely ladies have chimed in with prayer and good wishes. IMHO I think folks are sick of the strife in this country and are stepping up and reaching out to others in very positive ways. It has been said "don't let the ba****rds get you down". You may never know how much your positive attitude will do for another person. There is a greeter at our local (Avon) Meijer store and she is just a hoot. I had to call to get an appointment for the Farmer this morning and called a number that I thought was the right one for the doctor's office that he needed to see. The lady who answered the phone informed me that she only made appointments for the Fishers office. Well, excuse me...pfttt...finally found the correct number. That lady was most pleasant and helpful.

    When I kvetch, I think of the folks who are in far worse shape. My great-nephew has no kidney function because a doctor prescribed an antibiotic 5 years ago that Jonathan was allergic to. One of the bloggers I follow just had surgery for breast cancer and is due for treatment soon. Her gentleman friend had bladder cancer. Another blogger's son-in-law has an inoperable brain tumor. The list goes on and on.

    However, the sun is shining, the heat is just about to lessen and we know Who is in charge.

    1. Donna, I agree that there are many people reaching out to others and wish we heard more about that in our news media. We live in a senior independent living apt. building, and many are going through difficult health issues, and our little community here is so supportive and kind. And like you said, we know Who is in charge, and we need to keep reminding ourselves that we can trust Him always, no matter what.

    2. It is pretty amazing. Yes, we the people are sick of the nasty sh*t and we want to help each other UP and to move forward.
      My neighbor gals next door knocked on my door this morning. We are cordial - but usually just niceties. She asked if I had a few minutes. She came in and immediately started shaking and crying. She has been diagnosed with double breast cancer. She lives in a house with 2 men and one is from India (and understands little about American culture). She needed a lady to talk to and bounce things off of. I told her whenever she needs a shoulder I am here. My heart hurts for her. It just made me feel so touched, that she came to talk - she said I just seemed like I would be understanding.
      So we never know.

    3. I'll add your neighbor to my prayers, Cheryl. So glad she came to you today. --Elise

    4. I will pray for your neighbor, oh that poor thing...See. You are the dorm mom, the trusted neighbor and friend.

  8. Love this post, Cheryl. Seems like many of us are going through difficult things. As I get older, I find I can easily look back on the past and think of all the mistakes I've made instead of all the blessings, which are so many. I want to be mindful of my blessings and of the fact that the Bible says "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Colossians 3:13-14. It's something I need to work on everyday. Today is another hot one, and we decided to postpone our garage sale. High is to be 96° and the dew point is already 74°. Last night we had dinner with friends, and when we left their home at 9 p.m. it was still 91° and the humidity was very high. It was stifling, to say the least. About all I'm going to be doing outside is watering the plants on my deck. Thursday and Friday temps will be in high 80's, then Saturday temps will drop into 70s. Can't tell you how glad I am because our church is having a picnic on Sunday, and I'm helping with setting up food and serving. Thankful for you Cheryl and all who comment and share here. It's a blessing to be part of this group!

    1. "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Excellent verse, Wanita. Thank you for sharing it. Our mornings and evenings are cooling down, but much of that has to do with altitude. Whatever the reason, I'm grateful for it! I'm like a Ballpark frank in the heat... I plump when you cook me.

    2. What a wonderful verse. Oh don't get me started on the things I did wrong in the past!!! We have all been there and done that! It could drive a person nuts if we let it. I have asked God to forgive my trespasses and I have forgiven myself (the best I can). That is all we can do. Go forward and do good.
      I am glad you skip the sale. Too hot for that stuff. One more hot day after today here - then temps start going the other way (here's hoping). UGH
      I just love this group - such good and wonderful people.

  9. Can someone in Phoenix please come get their heat? It has overstayed its visit lol. It's just punishing. Everyone I talk to thinks that they caught something because they just don't feel well. They're tired, asthma is flared up, nauseated, etc. It's the heat! The heat index has been over 112.

    I put a brisket in the crockpot this morning and that should provide meal bases for the next few days. I have a container of refrigerated salsa that needs to be eaten so I see something yummy tomorrow.

    Otherwise, today will be a quiet one in the AC.

    1. Brisket... YUM! And salsa... double YUM!

    2. LOL - yep it is the heat. It is amazing what it can do to a body.
      I am over it - but it is what it is.
      Brisket sounds wonderful - do enjoy that!

  10. Just so you all know, I didn't ignore all the previous posts. There were none when I typed mine, then I promptly fell asleep for 2 hours lol. It's the heat.

  11. We've walked a similar road, Cheryl, and this post really hits the nail on the head for what we've faced. A good friend gave me a mantra as I was healing. She said, "The good Lord has given you the gift of a new day. Open that gift every day and make it count." (Or, it came from her regularly in various iterations.) If you open your eyes in the morning, you've been given that gift. It is how you utilize that gift that counts. How do you want to be remembered? What gift can you give to others? A nod and a smile go a long way; let someone with a smaller grocery order go ahead of you in the store, especially if older, with a small child, or that it is evident that they are a veteran or first responder. Allow someone to merge into traffic in front of you. Wish the cashier wherever you go "good morning!" with a smile, and maybe ask how their day is going. Take flowers from your yard to a neighbor ... There are infinite ways to brighten someone's day. And it's also a good example for the younger generation. Make today count!

    1. LOVE this, Lori K. Thank you. --Elise

    2. Great post. Yes mam, soooooo many ways to brighten a day or change a life - if just for the moment. Life is full of moments, so being part of that for someone is special. What a wonderful legacy to leave - the person who cared, helped, and tried to make others happy. Doesn't get much better.

  12. Life is seldom easy and sometimes hard to deal with it all...BUT...I have faith that I will get through whatever it is and will not be burdened with more than I can handle. If I am feeling down I only have to look at this little dog with a soul that sits by my side and loves me unconditionally-like God loves me unconditionally...which reminds me that someone said that Dog is just God spelled I think Dog is here for a purpose----at least for me.
    Hang in there sister! You are doing well. Hugs- Diana

    1. You're so right, NanaDiana. Spent some time this morning with my "girlies" on the LR floor. They like to sit by me with their chew toys and get scratched. Poppy makes little happy grunts. Blue licks whatever part of me she can reach. Those are the little, golden moments of the day. --Elise

    2. Yes indeed. Nothing easy - but it is all important in who we are and who we become. Our fur babies are just the essence of innocence and love. If only we could harness and bottle that devotion and love.

  13. Frances,
    I have 1 and II of Rod Stewart's Great American Song Book. I go to sleep to the first one every night. I think I lost the other one in my house.

    1. How cool. I love how so many have things in common. I need to get this!

  14. Great post Cheryl and boy did I need it today. I am so blessed to have you in my life.

    1. Thank you dear. I am the blessed one - I have all you gals in my life!!!!!

  15. Fantastic post Cheryl and wonderful comments afterwards. That was certainly and uplifting read. Louise

    1. Thank you. I just love everyone's contributions! Wise words.

  16. Excellent post today, Cheryl. :) Thanks so much.

  17. I got Rod Stewart's Great American Songbook CDs about 20 years ago from Sam's Club! I so enjoyed it. I grew up listening to my parent's records of singers like Dean Martin, etc so when I saw these CDs I had to buy them. I should go find them as it's been awhile since I listened to them. When I first had them that was pretty much all I listened to for months. I'm not a Rod Stewart fan at all either! Lol

    1. Another recommendation!! How cool. I guess I really need to get these - sounds pretty cool. Thank you.
