Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Ramblings of my Mind!

 Oh my gosh - my brain can sure wonder.  I have many things popping in and out this morning!!!
It feels pretty darn nice out this morning - considering.  It is already in the mid 70's early, but the humidity has dropped ever so slightly from yesterday and there is a breeze - and it is good!
We will be over 90+ for the next few days and may set some records.  But you know what?  This isn't our hottest summer for here.  Last year at this time we had over 20 - 90+ days - this year only 10 so far.  So yep, it has been hotter here.

This makes me laugh.  Gosh, if it were that easy!!  I always seem to forget year to year - how tiring canning can be.  It is satisfying but tiring.  It really gets to my back with all the standing and lifting.  But yes, it is worth it!

Sunday, I ran up the street to the post office to mail all the monthly stuff.  There is a newish Dollar Tree across the street from it.  I have only been in it a couple times, and thought why not?  Looky what I got.  I got a cute kitty calendar for the wall for 2024!  $1.25.  They had such pretty ones - kitties, doggies, landscapes, flowers etc.  I don't seem to get free ones anymore, so this is perfect.  I just happen to see them - so there was plenty to choose from.  Now is the time to get them before they get gone!
I also got a couple more pair of 'readers' to have around the house.  You just can't beat the price.  
It sometimes pays to just take a moment and go someplace you haven't been in a while and look around.

Here is some of what I was working with yesterday.  I didn't put much of a dent in them - much more to do.  I have been blessed with lovely tomatoes this year.  Honestly, not a blemish or a crack in even one!  They have been perfect.  The ripening has really slowed to a trickle - but there are so many green ones out there.  They are small at the moment - but I will most definitely get another great round from them.

Anyone have one of these?  No, it isn't just a spoon - it is a grapefruit spoon.  This one is old.  I found it many years ago (with another) at a yard sale for like .25 each.  It works perfectly for getting those sections of grapefruit loose.  I have found other uses for it as well.
It works great on Kiwi too.  I have also used to deseed tomatoes and to remove the center heart of a tomato for stuffing.  I am sure there are other uses too.  Have you ever used one and what ideas do you have?

The birdies and squirrels have been loving the birdbath the past few days.  Drinking and staying hydrated.  The birds are a hoot (no pun) to watch.  They drink and drink - then walk right in an splash around - getting cool and preening.  It is such fun to watch them.  I know they appreciate the water.

Well, I am off to tend to garden duties before the heat of the day hits.  Probably not a lot to pick - but it all counts!  Then maybe canning or resting or cleaning or who knows today!!!!!
You all take care and stay cool and safe.  Hoping you are all in safe zones!
Have a great Tuesday - and I will chat at you later!!!


  1. Good morning Cheryl! It is super wonderful this morning in Phoenix as well. We had rain last night, a perfect evening to lay in bed listening to the rain, this morning it was 75 as I walked my dog around the local park. Hilogene in Az

    1. YAY!!!! So happy you are having a good weather type of day. Listening to rain is so restful.

  2. Good morning, Cheryl. That first, funny picture speaks to me. LOL! Your tomatoes look beautiful!! And good buy on the kitty calendar. I need to stop into Dollar Tree again soon. It's been awhile. Now Dollar General? That's a more frequent stop.

    As mentioned late yesterday, my foot/ankle surgery is scheduled for very early morning on the 31st. New x-rays showed a little more damage since last year. The doc came in, said, "You must be in a lot of pain," then went over what all will be involved with the surgery; it's pretty extensive and will include screws, plates and pins, as well as cutting a tendon. I'm very happy there'll be antibiotics in the IV during surgery, and antibiotics will be part of post-op prescriptions. They use a nerve blocker to numb the leg for 24-48 hours as well to get patients past the worst of the pain.

    I won't do a knee scooter as patients have had accidents with them, undoing some of the surgery and requiring more. I will use crutches and my walker that doubles as a wheelchair and/or borrow a wheelchair from BIL's storage, as well as a shower stool. So glad we bought an adjustable bed when we moved here. It will be handy.

    In prep, then, for the next several days I'll be batch cooking from the freezer and re-freezing cooked leftovers. Last night I roasted 8 chicken thighs in the oven in a brown and bag. I'll freeze 2 per vacuum seal bag + the fat skimmed "broth". I also want to make sure we have foods on hand the doc recommended, although we generally always do. There's a big benefit--he said--in from scratch cooking over convenience foods when healing.

    Okay... nuff' about that. Have a great day everyone! --Elise

    1. Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery Elise, good you have a date so you can make preparations mentally and around the house etc.

    2. Thank you, Heather. My main project is to have homemade food ready for Hubs to just heat up for us. Not sure what to expect post-op (other than pain, which I'm used to), but if all goes well, I'll get surgery on the other foot/ankle next year. It's thrilling to think about having normal feet and walking normally! Think of all I'll be able to do again! --Elise

    3. I am glad it is all scheduled and soon - but my goodness, that sounds painful. So much to be done. Is it hereditary or did this just develop over time? If so, you have been hard on those feet kiddo!
      Sounds like you have a good plan for preparing and post op. I am glad to hear you will have plenty of meds to keep you comfortable. The bed thing - you were moved to buy that for a reason!!!
      Have a good week.

    4. Prayers for you, Miss Elise!

    5. God bless and be with you Elise, I'll be sure to keep early on the 31st in special prayers for you. : ) (((hugs)))

      P.S. You might want to consider getting a good probiotic to keep your gut health in check with all the antibiotics you will need. My husband likes pb8 and it's shelf stable too. I take a one daily probiotic for women from Sam's. (((more hugs!)))

    6. A new life awaits you. It's exciting to think of it. I know, you have to get PAST the surgeries and recover. I'll be praying for you!
      Central Az

    7. Thank you, everyone! Cheryl, it's a combination genetic and being hard on my feet w/o supportive footwear for decades. I went barefoot a lot through my 30s. Flip flops and crocks in my 40s. The reason for the rush now is it's effecting my knee and hip.

      Amelia, I'll keep that in mind, thank you. My plan now is plenty of yogurt when the antibiotics are finished; dairy is recommended for bone healing (he said), along with lean meats, plenty of greens, fresh veg. & fruit, and whole grains. Calcium & vitamin D supplements (that we already have each day) and extra vitamin C.

      And yes, Ellie, National Parks have been on our retirement bucket list for years. It will be nice to be able to hike!

      Again, I appreciate the prayers more than you all know.

    8. Praying all goes well with your surgery and recovery, Elise. I always found the the waiting and anticipation for having surgery were difficult, and was always so glad when the day finally came and it was done. Take good care of yourself.

    9. Thank you, Wanita. Me, too. They originally said Sept. 7th, then a few hours later moved it back. I'm grateful Less time to fret about it. ;-)

    10. Wishing you the very best, Elise. Plenty of protein to rebuild bones. :)

    11. Elise,
      I've heard that a lot of senior centers will loan out durable medical equipment.

    12. Thank you, MaryB, Anon and Cookie. Much appreciated!

  3. Excellent uses for a grapefruit spoon! I wish I had used it on the tomatoes I canned last week.

    We are going out to clean out one of the round beds. The Farmer would like to plant some lettuces but will probably have to wait a week or two. Looks like the first week of September will be pretty warm. We will kvetch when the snow flies too! ha!

    Have you pickled beets? We have some still in the garden but I don't know if we have enough for a canner. Having okra for lunch. A plate full of fried okra is a meal in itself.

    The birds had a pool party in the birdbath in the backyard. They are fun to watch.

    1. I need to pull a couple plants out - but not much yet. Fall crops - it is about time!
      I have never done beets - my brother does - but I never have. I love fried okra!!!!! I am envious. Sounds so good.
      Oh the birdies do love the water!

  4. The sun is out here, not too hot though. I made more tomato soup for the freezer this morning. The little children are playing with their Mum in the garden next door, lots of chatter and giggles. Hope you have a good day Cheryl.

    1. It sounds like a lovely day at your house! I bet the house smells wonderful. Don't you just love hearing the kiddos laughing and having fun? Such innocence and pleasure.

  5. Good morning!
    Love the "canned" soup!! hahaha.

    Here in Southern Florida it will get to 96* and 91% humidity. Another hot one. Not sure what the "feels like" will be.

    I have a set of grapefruit spoons. We used to have a grapefruit tree in the yard so used them often. It finally bit the dust, and I rarely buy grapefruit now...worry about interactions with Rx's. Great idea to use the spoon for seeding tomatoes and kiwi...altho I eat the kiwi seeds, and the skin, too...just slice em up! yum!

    Sounds like your critters are loving the birdbath! How is your new front yard and plantings doing? We need an updated picture!

    Your tomatoes look fabulous! If you don't want to can them, you can always freeze in baggies. I do them skin-on and no blanching required. Great for casseroles and spaghetti sauce.

    Have a great day! Jane in Florida

    1. That is hot!!!! Sounds miserable with that much humidity. That is the thing that gets me more than the heat.
      I don't eat the skin of kiwi - but everything else.
      The front is doing good - not a lot of change. Yes, I have frozen tomatoes before - sure makes them easy to peel!!!!
      Have a good one!

  6. Dollar Tree calendars are my favorite because you can write on them easily. I do need to get one soon! When I work on canning I set myself up at the table and sit for as much as I can of the prep work. It really helps! Somehow I have a whole fist full of grapefruit spoons and I am the only one here who likes grapefruit.

    1. Yes! they have nice big squares for each day - easy to keep reminders on.
      I just don't have a lot of room for a table - so I stand. Hmmm - maybe one of these days!
      I very seldom get grapefruit - but the little spoons sure are handy. I love it, especially the pink ones. The 2 I got this week were on mark down!

    2. I also have a 22 inch kitchen stool and that really helps with a lot of prep at the counter too.

  7. Good morning Cheryl! Oh Dollar Tree how I love thee! lol It really gives me a boost to go into a nice Dollar Tree! They have got the cutest craft kits, I had gotten those scarecrow faces in felt, and they were big too. We could never buy the different colors and even size of felt for $1.25, and they were just cute as anything, our grandbabies had fun with their mommies putting those together and I even bought one for 'big baby' (our nickname for our youngest daughter) lol ...Even her big sisters call her that! It started when she was a little girl and had a cough...her big sister told her she was over there coughing like a big baby! lol I'll never forget that, that day in the kitchen. The felt scarecrow faces are over a foot long, just darling if anyone wants to know. Love their fall colored mums too. Yes, those calendars are adorable! Love your kitty-calendar! I always try to get a couple of kitty or doggy ones there too. When the calendar is used up you can use the photos to decorate gift packages too, it looks really nice on brown paper. The little thumbnails are nice decopaged or mod modged or even coating in elmers glue on a painted altoid tin for vitamins and such as a gift.

    It's been so hot here, up to 103 here in our rural area, 105 in the city. It's very dangerous for pets, 40 cows were found dead yesterday that could not get to water in our county. So horrible, I just can't imagine abandoning God's creatures like that. Hubs tried to get an abandoned little dog yesterday but when he went back with water someone had gotten the little fella. Of course I told him he should have grabbed the doggy up! But at least he went back with water and I'm sure was prepared to scoop him up. I told him to please get that dog if he sees him again! : )

    Keeping my birdbath refreshed every day, they are so adorable bathing in the bath, even our chickens like it! : )

    Yes, I remember those grapefruit spoons! We had those but the handle is black. My mom still has them, I love grapefruit spoons! It's good you found that!

    I think that the next time you are dancing around, you should play the song: Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison, that one really is a fun song to dance around too! : ) Once they were playing that at the 99 cent store and I had the best time trotting around with my cart! Too bad the stores don't do a better job of playing fun songs like that!

    Your tomatoes are gorgeous! Our plants are hardly producing at all these days in this drought.

    Have a fun day Cheryl! (That canning sounds hard!)

    1. Oh how awful on the cows! Glad the pup was gone - hoping someone got it. Dollar stores do have the best calendars - the pictures are great and yes, you can use those pics for lots of projects. The dollar stores have a lot of really cute holiday themed things. I usually get some paints, kits, markers, etc. for my gr.gr. nephew for Christmas. He loves doing little craft projects with his mommy and grandma.
      Keeping water out and fresh for 'whomever' shows up is so important on these hot days.

  8. I also wanted to share on 'dollar stores', I had found the nice stones for Coffee girl, our late fur angel, the stones I put on her grave.. I found two of those at Dollar General on clearance for under a dollar a piece, and the one on angels at Dollar Tree in the garden section.

    1. Aahhh - that sounds lovely. You just never know what you mind find!

    2. One of the biggest perks of dollar stores is you never know what you'll find. ;-)

    3. I went by our Dollar store today and they had $1 Thanksgiving and Halloween cards. I bought for the grands, but will have to go another day for older relatives - ran out of cash! Need to carry a bit more with me - inflation .... ;)

    4. They have the best deal on cards Mary. Whenever I need one - that is where I go. No need to spend a fortune on a card.

  9. What happened to the rest of my post yesterday lol?! I guess the Internet goblins didn't like me talking about my eating plan to heal myself lol. I guess it would be called 'clean eating ' today. Essentially, it was real food, no preservatives, sugar, etc. 2 weeks after starting it, I felt dramatically better and the mono titers went down about 2 mos. later. Doc said it was a coincidence. I said Baloney!

    Cheryl, I love grapefruit so I have both a grapefruit spoon and knife. They work on all citrus. I've used the spoon to remove strawberry greens. I've used the knife to get the fruit out of cantaloupe slices. It's curved and wicked sharp. Great kitchen tools.

    I made bacon this morning for dinner BLTs. Yum. Perfect dinner for this horrible heat. It was 111 on Saturday and has been over 105 every day since then. It has completely drained me since Sunday after I donated a Power red to the Red Cross. Lots of naps and I feel much better today. I'm sure I've drunk 50 gals of water since then lol.
    It's not often that we joke about going to Phoenix to cool off lol.

    1. I wondered where the rest of the post was too! I do believe we are what we put in our bodies.
      I love grapefruit too. I have seen the knives as well.
      BLT's - yum! That is hot. I sure hope you get a cooler snap soon!!!!! Sometimes naps and fluids is what it takes.

  10. Debby in Kansas USAAugust 22, 2023 at 1:12 PM

    I just finished reading comments. Elise, I wish you a successful surgery and I hope your recovery is quick! Can you work on your beading during recovery? My college roommate just had knee surgery and she said the best part was all the crocheting she got to do between exercises lol. Gotta find that silver lining lol. Try and work out a lipped tray in case your foot needs elevation.

    1. I'm hoping so, Debby. I could work at the kitchen table once at a stage where that's do-able. They really emphasized the first few weeks--and especially the 1st week--will be gnarly. Kind of like my foot is on the x-rays. LOL!

    2. Good idea Debby. I sure hope there is some hobby you can do to keep your mind occupied. I can only imagine how gnarly the first week or so will be. Just do everything they tell you to do and take those meds. Don't be brave!!!!!

  11. OT... Shout Out to AZ Shoppers

    If there's a Safeway store near you, and you have a member card, be there EARLY tomorrow morning. There are digital coupons for the following:
    All natural pork sirloin chops 67 cents lb., limit 2 value packs
    Lucerne Cage Free large A eggs (doz.) 97 cents ea., limit 2 doz.
    Lucerne milk 1/2 gallon (all) 87 cents ea., limit 2
    Challenge butter quarters 16 oz., $2.47 ea., limit 2

    Those will sell out FAST, but some no coupon needed items will, too:
    80% lean ground beef $2.97 lb.
    B/S chicken breasts $1.97 lb.
    Broccoli crowns or cauliflower 97 cents lb.
    Red or green seedless grapes $1.27 lb.
    Signature Select ice cream(s) or O Organic fruit bars $2.47 ea.
    Family Meal Deal, pick any 4 pkgs. chicken, steaks, sausage or stuffed mushrooms/veg for $19.99

    There are other sales and the $5 Friday items, but I'm pretty sure the above sales will sell out before Friday. --Elise

    1. You sure have some good sales out your way. I haven't even thought to look at ads yet.

    2. I don't need milk or butter, we're good on meat (although the price on the pork chops is amazing!!), but eggs and produce will be purchased. :-)

  12. Not able to sign in via Google today. Again. Just posted the shockingly good Safeway digital coupon and other deals that starts tomorrow. Cheryl, could you see if that went into blogland jail? The prices are so low (starting tomorrow) that they'll sell out in a day or less. Thanks! --Elise

  13. Your tomatoes are beautiful, Cheryl. Isn't it so much fun to watch the birds in the bird bath? Since we're in an apt, we not longer have a birdbath, and I miss watching them. It's 89° here in MN right now with humidity of 67% (dew point of 76°). High is to be 98°. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 95°. Daughters and I are to set up for a garage sale tomorrow. Oh boy! At least Thursday's temp is to drop to 87°. We'll see how it all works out. We've postponed it twice already because of some unforeseen circumstances, nothing bad, just life. So I think we all hate to think of putting it off again. Like I said,we'll see.

    1. Thanks. I do love watching the birds, they are just so fun. I like the squirrels too. If you have a balcony or patio - maybe you could put out a small birdbath.
      It is hot for sure. Not as bad feeling today - but humidity and temps going up more next 2 days.
      Oh I do not envy you having a yard sale - good weather or bad!! I used to do them - but so much work. I hope you get to have it and have much success!!!!!

  14. It's been cool here for a few days and we got rain overnight and throughout this morning. I'm quite happy to see it. No watering of the containers or the lawn needed. My pocketbook says thank you.

    1. Glad you cooled some and got rain. We are dry this week as well. Enjoy it - is sure is lovely for the grass and plants.

  15. I feel your pain on the tomatoes, but they just taste so good!

    1. Oh they are marvelous!!!!!! It is a lot of work - but worth it.

  16. Wow Cheryl, the colour in those tomatoes, they must surely be full of flavour. Well done you!!!! I’m jealous, my tomato crop this year was very lean.
    I also have a set of grapefruit spoons, I mostly use them for hulling strawberries.
    That’s a super cute calendar, sure to bring a smile to your face everyday.

    1. Thanks - they are quite good! I have had a good year.
      You guys have given me a new idea with the strawberries. I never thought of that.
      I love kitty calendars!

  17. The tomatoes look soooo good. I have some bacon we can pair them with. 😂

    I get my readers at the Dollar Tree too. You just can’t beat the price!

    1. Hey come on over - we can make some sammies!!!!!! LOL
      I know - and they have some really cute ones! I don't feel bad if something happens to them either!

  18. What a great tomato harvest. I wish I could still use readers, but I can't so I don't really look at the ones at Dollar Tree. But I think I will check out our two Dollar stores to see if they have a cute calendar.

    God bless.

  19. I have astigmatism, plus, I need different strengths. So, readers make my vision worse. Those are pretty tomatoes. I wish I were your neighbor or friend. I trade sewing for things. I traded eggs for things I wanted or needed. I had grapefruit spoons and used them for everything.

    1. I have an astigmatism as well - but the readers seem to work great now. Before surgery - it wouldn't have worked at all.
      I love trading with the neighbors - it is nice.

  20. It has been an excellent year for the garden so far. It's so time consuming and draining to can/dehydrate but you'll be so happy you did this fall and winter when you have a taste of summer.

    1. I have also had one of my better years. Yes indeed, it is a lot of work - but oh so worth it in the long run. Nothing beats the taste.
