Tuesday, August 1, 2023

First Tuesday - This and That

 Happy August to you all.  WOW!  It sure came around fast.
Here in the northern hemisphere, August is surely HARVEST month!!!!  This is now the time for all the wonderful freshness and farm harvest goodies.  Not just from the gardens, but from farm stands as well.  July was just the start.  August and September seem to be the fruitful months.  Get all that you can get - it is a wonderful time for freshness.
The daylight hours are getting a little shorter.  It is very noticeable around here.  Dark a little earlier and a little later each morning.
The moon has been ginormous and full the past couple of nights.  My goodness, the brightness has been amazing.
I am still seeing lightening bugs and hearing cicadas.  The crops are doing amazingly well for me.  I guess I shouldn't brag - but they have done great.  Tomatoes are finally starting to flourish.

I am looking forward to 'shark week' (or 2 or 3) to be over.  Every year - is that necessary?  Same stuff all the time and it messes up regular programming!!  LOL!  Also tired of seeing Jason Momoa act the fool in the stupid commercials.  OK - just one of those things that bug me!!!!!!!
There are some shows that will be coming on new this month, that I enjoy.  Mainly shows like Maine Cabin Masters, Barnwood Building, Expedition X, Mountain Men, etc.  All filmed before there was a shut down in the filming industry.  I am not big on conventional TV at all - I do like these kinds of shows, however.

I am going to try and behave again this month as far as grocery shopping.  I am good.  I have an abundance of fresh items - that is good for me.  I may visit the farm stand for other fresh goods - but need to buy nothing much for the pantry.  I will watch for good sales come the end of the month, as there will probably be some good things advertised for Labor Day weekend.
I hope to do some canning with my tomatoes and grapes.  This year we have had enough intermittent rain, that the grapes are doing good.

When you have a full belly, it is hot out and you need a nap!!!!!  Been there and done that!!!!

Do you have big plans for August?  I think many take vacations to end the summer - what about you?
I am just ready for the mosquitoes to be gone again, so I can sit back out on my porch in the evenings!  Goodness, going out near dusk gets one eaten alive around here.
It will be nice to be able to have the bedroom window open a little at night again (cooler nights).  I love lying in bed listening to the train whistle!  It is about 3 blocks away, and it takes me back to being a kid.  I listened then as well - as the tracks were just a couple blocks away.  It always soothed me.

Well, I wish you all a good month.  I hope everyone stays fit and healthy and happy.  May your harvests be many.
HAPPY AUGUST to all!!!!!


  1. Hi Cheryl. Happy August to you. I still can't believe it's August. No vacation plans for the month but I plan to continue getting the house organized and spruced before Fall and Winter arrive and bring my hibernation time. It's cooled off a bit here this week so I'm planning on tackling the garage this weekend. It isn't too bad but needs a good cleaning. I hope you have a lovely month.

    1. Thank you. I know, this year is flying by.
      Your plan sounds like a good one. It would be nice to just sit back and enjoy fall in all it's splendor. The humidity has dropped here, so much nicer.

  2. Yes, happy August to you. Time & seasons keep stride. Beans have been canned & mustard beans will be made this morning. The pea crop was poor & I've just been eating them in the garden. I'm anticipating the tomato crop for salsa & canning; also some fried green tomatoes. You're tired of Jason Mamoa (I think he's eye candy) & I'm tired of telecommunication/internet companies that think connectivity is the same every where. I rely on the landline & it's been on the blink. It seems to happen at least once a year. I know that the service company is trying to get away from the old infrastructure. I'm anticipating a w/e at my cousins' lake cabin awa a week away with my son's family. A huge tree fell on their house in a windstorm the other day; no visible holes in the roof. I hope this doesn't interfere with our get away plans. More eye candy - my cleaned perennial bed. Flower gardens are at their prime this time of year.

    1. Thank you.
      Sounds like you have been busy. So much to do with the harvest.
      Oh he is pretty - just tired of him acting the fool on those commercials! There are many commercials that just drive me nuts - and there is NO way I would ever buy the product.
      Oh that sounds like a fun getaway. I sure hope you get to go. Glad they had no damage.
      I bet your flowers are lovely.

  3. Happy August!!
    According to the Oxford Dictionary, August means "respected and impressive"; Merriam-Webster says "majestic dignity or grandeur." Another bit of (fun) info... in a standard year, no other month begins on the same day of the week as August, but in a leap year, August begins on the same day of the week as February. And this is what happens when you get a solid, uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep at night for the 1st time since the puppy arrived. :-D

    It sounds like your garden is going to give you bumper crops this year, Cheryl. Other gardeners here, too. My plans are to have "grow-ceries" next year and I'm already looking at seed catalogs. The challenge here is keeping critters out. We had a full herd of deer in the yard one morning last week.

    Some here are starting the month with grief and/or struggle. Lana, Frances, Kim... and others... you're in my thoughts and prayers. When I called my mom last night, it was shocking to hear she doesn't know who her youngest son is anymore. She thinks big sis is her mother. She still remembers me and my family. I'm dreading the day she doesn't know me. BUT... July ended with a wonderful, whirlwind visit from my oldest son. It was good just to be able to give him a hug. I'm very grateful today. --Elise

    1. LOL - fun facts to know and tell!!!!!
      My garden is great. I am thrilled with what I am getting. I hope you do get a garden next year. You need to devise a plan to keep the critters out.
      Oh dang it. That is so sad about your mom. What an awful disease - probably more for others than the person. Life sure comes at us all differently - and it isn't always kind. Glad she still remembers you.
      So happy you got to spend time with your son. Grateful is the way to be. There are always gifts.

    2. Cheryl, one of my favorite passages of scripture is in Ecclesiastes, and it begins, "To everything there is a season." Some of us are old enough to remember the pop song. It occurred to me this morning I'm part of the old guard now. One of those who'll pass down the stories. It hurts a little, but is a GOOD thing, because I'm still here and can.

      While I'm looking at seed packets and considering the 20-30 ft. wide section of our property the neighbor claimed for a corral for his mule, I'm NOT buying seeds just yet. I'd like to make August a no-spend/low-spend month beyond essentials and produce. Trying to save up for fencing. Even though August is a great month for sales and clearance, I'll do my level best to resist. --Elise
      P.S. That might make a good blog post-resisting the temptation of sales? I'd sure love that discussion.

    3. Elise, my father forgot who I was years before he passed. Out of sight, out of mind. He thought I was his twin sister. It only confused him when I would try to explain.
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

    4. Frances, she doesn't even remember my younger brother. He visited very recently and it just made everything worse, as she couldn't understand who he is. Exactly like your father, she just got more confused when it was explained. On the phone last night she referred to "that man" and I let it go. Which seems best. I need to make a trip out this year, but will make it brief and as stress-free for her, sis and bil as possible. --Elise

  4. Happy August Cheryl! I haven't seen any of the shark week television, because I don't have the speciality channels required for it, though I suspect I wouldn't want to watch it anyway.
    I've no plans to go anywhere this month, except out of the house for showings. Of course, I'm hoping there will only be a few of them.
    It has heated up here again, up to 33C(91F) yesterday and we're expecting a few more days of it. Thankfully, it is cooling off fairly well overnight so the morning starts nicely. It's definitely getting darker earlier so by 10 p.m. last night, it was just 21C(70F). I had the windows open to enjoy the cooler air.

    1. I hope you have great luck with the house. Any idea where you will go when it sells?
      80's here this week, but the humidity is down. You just stay cool and best of luck with the house.

  5. Snoozing little squirrel! My boys would wake him up so they could chase him.

    Happy to have these cooler mornings again. Going to pick more beans this morning. Think we will have enough to make a good vegetable beef soup to can.

    You are right about the mosquitos! The Farmer is very sensitive to bites so he is always suited up.

    We have been watching Country Life Vlog on YouTube and thoroughly enjoying it. It is set in Azerbaijan. They are also on Instagram. She uses a knife/cleaver that the Farmer realized that her husband made from a piece of a saw. It is one of the more fascinating (for us) programs on YouTube. Another favorite of mine is Rachel Cooks With Love.

    No vacay plans for us. We are such homebodies. I like the Laura Ingalls Wilder quote: "Home is the nicest word there is".

    Hope your day is splendid!

    1. Donna, my sentiments exactly. I'm such a homebody.

    2. These mornings are nice. I have already been out and done a lot - then started getting warm.
      Sounds like an interesting Vlog. May check that out. Homebody - oh me too!
      Great quote!!!!!!!

    3. Donna, the older I get, the more I love just being home.

    4. Husband and I are definitely homebodies. I can take the outside world in small doses only.
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

  6. Cheryl, One of my favorite things is listening to the train going down the track. It runs through town at about 5:30 every morning.
    Our garden is still producing, I'm so over the zucchini at this point just trying to give it away.
    It's still pretty hot here, our temps are to climb to the triple digits again.
    We have no immediate plans to go anywhere this month. Maybe the coast for a bit.
    I am looking forward to Fall!

    1. The train is just such a relaxing sound to me. We just keep proving we are sisters from other mothers!!!!!! LOL
      My zucchini is slowing a bit and so are the cukes. I think the heat and intense sun. They have blooms though.
      Triple digits - ick!!!!!! We got close a couple days - but none yet. That is just too hot.
      The coast sounds lovely - I know you love it so.
      Keep those kitties in and cool!!!!!

  7. Happy August to you too, Cheryl. I'm enjoying the cooler nights too. I love being able to turn the air conditioner off. I've not watched any television recently, although I do like to watch reruns to fall asleep at night. That is my guilty pleasure. LOL

    1. Thanks. The cooler evenings are divine.
      LOL - I can only fall asleep to the quiet noise of the TV too! Oldies, are on then - so I miss nothing!

  8. I have 9 really ripe apricots on the counter (got a big bag of them from CSA last Thursday). I'm trying to decide what happens if I eat only those today until they are gone? And then I have 2 pounds of cherries in the fridge that need to be eaten by Thursday afternoon. Oh girl, first world problems ;-)

    Yesterday morning, I steamed all the chard, kale and green beans that came in CSA. These have been frozen and vacuum sealed for winter consumption. This morning it's 7# of squash. Diced, sprinkled with EVOO, garlic salt and fresh ground pepper and roasting in a 425* oven for 20 minutes. This will be frozen for a future pot of ratatouille when I have tomatoes to harvest.

    I do this early morning (it's just 0800 here) when the house is still open and it's still under 70F outside. We're headed to 100F today and will warm quickly.

    Happy Tuesday ya'll! If you woke up this morning, it's a Blessed day!

    1. Blessed day indeed!!!!
      Hey, sounds like a plan to me. Only problems is - you MAY end up on the potty more than normal!!!!! LOL
      Yep, such problems to have!
      It sounds like you are really preparing goodies for those miserable days this winter. It will all taste so good.
      Stay cool - Dang heat!

  9. I love hearing the train whistle, too. My grandma lived by the railroad tracks, so good memories of hearing the train whistle and waving to the engineer and conductor as the trains went by. Yes, Grandma and Grampy lived right by the tracks on one side of the cabin and a creek on the other. Mom said when Grandma couldn't find one of the kids (8 in all), she checked the creek first. As an interesting side note, my husband's grandfather was an engineer, and he was one of the engineers we waved to when the train went by. Oh, such sweet memories. Back to the present, I have celery leaves, onion tops, and parsley in the dehydrator. Parsley came from the planter on our deck, and the others from our CSA box. I want to make a batch of granola, and not sure what else I'm going to do today. We've gotten so many carrots in our CSA box, so yesterday I shredded a bunch and froze them in 1 C. portions to use in muffins. I also cooked and froze a few beets that I knew we wouldn't be using soon. I really try to focus on our CSA box to use in meals every week. We get a "small" box, but there's always plenty for us and some to share with our neighbors in our building. We put what we can't use in the mailroom of our building, and it disappears pretty quickly. Enjoy your day, everyone. Love reading all the comments here. Wanita

    1. I love that the mention of the train whistle brought back such sweet memories for you this morning. Nice way to start the month.
      You are making great use of that CSA box. Good job. It sounds like you do all you can with it and love that you share. I bet the others enjoy getting fresh items - especially for free.
      Good idea on the carrots! Enjoy your day.

  10. Good morning, Cheryl. No vacation plans for us. We did all of the traveling abroad and the US that we wanted to do when we were young and still working. Now we're homebodies and content to stay home. We do keep busy and are in the midst of harvesting and preserving our little gardens. Never did get the rest I was thinking about this weekend. Things needed to be picked and preserved, so that's how we spent the weekend.
    I made more scones as well, as my daughter's family will be visiting us this weekend. The grands are 5 and 3 year olds, both boys. We went a little crazy at the Dollar Tree getting bubble, slinkys, harmonicas, a little golf game, and some story books. My neighbor is kind enough to let us use the swing set, slide and trampoline that his kids have outgrown. Next week I will be having some eye surgery called an iridotomy, which is laser and will lessen the pressure in my eyes. One eye next week and one eye the following week. My prayer is that I have no negative reaction to the eyedrops I will have to use for 5 days after each eye is done. Haven't gotten the results yet on hubby's biopsy and pray that it is nothing of concern. Cookie

    1. Praying for your eye surgery and that you get GOOD news from your husband's biopsy, Cookie.

    2. You can't go overboard on bubbles and slinkys and such!!!! LOL The kiddos will have a ball. Sounds like a good fun weekend - I am sure you will love having them there.

    3. Didn't finish my thought!! Hope the laser surgery goes well for you and that you have no side effects from the drops. Hope all turns out well for hubs biopsy as well.

    4. Praying for a successful eye surgery and negative biopsy, Cookie.
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

    5. Praying your eye surgery goes well. Wanita

    6. Thank you so much for your prayers. Cookie

  11. Decided to add this separately. Most here know when we moved last year, after years of me resisting, we opted NOT to get cable. I honestly haven't missed it. I sure haven't missed the commercials (or the bill). There are so many ways to be able to watch what you want, when you want, and many are free. Then again, I wasn't into most popular network or cable shows to begin with. Amelia tickled me recently by sharing how to watch old movies for free. Love it!

    If you drop cable for a few months and decide you miss it too much, you can always sign up again at a new customer discount.

    1. Good thought. I keep threatening. One day I will make the big cut. I do not watch regular TV at all - except my local news - which I NOW have to watch on the computer any way.
      Going back - would probably allow for a deal as well!

    2. Nope, we don't miss cable either, not a bit. Now with all of the old movie stations and such on regular antenna....No big deal. There is even conservative news on antenna now...We have the Tevo you can buy on Channel Master website. It goes on sale at holidays. Yep, you can tape and fast forward through pesky commercials. : ) Also, we discovered a nice youtube station for old movies, It's called DK Classics III. (no commercials either). Good pic too!

  12. Seems like May, June and July just went "poof" and disappeared this year. August has come in with much cooler temps and more smoke (ugh!) Yesterday was beautiful with crystal clear skies, low humidity and nice temps. One of those days that makes you glad to be alive. I spent two hours mowing and weed-whacking, and hung out four loads of laundry. In the evening, Husband walked with his walker down the street, and we sat out and talked with the neighbors. I went to Home Depot this morning to get a few replacement pickets for the back fence and a vinyl flooring remnant to patch the bathroom floor. I'm finally trying to get to some of my summer to-do list.

    Cheryl, your comments about TV make me glad we don't watch. Other than the occasional old movie or cartoons on DVD, we just don't bother. Too many other things to do and read. We even like just sitting in the evenings in companionable silence.

    It looks like the squirrel in the picture may be splooting. They will lay down on their bellies spread-eagled on a cool surface to cool themselves when it it too hot. He sure looks comfortable!
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Oh, if only I had your energy some days of the week, Frances! So glad your husband got a walk and you both got to visit with neighbors. That put a smile on my face this morning. --Elise

    2. You got a lot done girl! Those cooler days sure do get our energy levels going. I am just thrilled to hear that you both got to take a walk down the street and visit.
      I only like certain programs - nothing regular TV viewers probably watch. I do like the History channel and animal planet for the most part.
      I know it had to be a hot little squirrel - that was our hottest day last week. They lay on the handrail that way too some days. Can't say I blame them.
      Hope you continue to have a good week.

    3. I paid for that burst of energy with a crash this afternoon when we got home from PT. Still feeling lousy. Just not normal for me and why I'm seeing the Dr next week.

    4. Really am hoping the doc can help you, Frances, but dare I say it's been a very stressful few months for you! I'd think anyone would start running out of steam. Hugs to you.

    5. Frances I believe you have worn yourself to a frazzle. I sure hope that is all it is. Glad you are seeing the doctor.

  13. Hello Dear Cheryl, Oh yes, when we lived in the burbs I loved the train sound at night. Around 3am sometimes I would be up briefly and I loved hearing the whistle, it truly was so very soothing to me too.

    Those squirrels are a mess aren't they? Haha, they love to try to get the bird seed out of my teacup bird feeders, it's funny to watch.

    August? I think we will be hunkering down, it's so hot here. So excited for fall to be coming soon now, I bought some of the orange mums at Dollar Tree, I love putting those around in pots to make things "fallish".

    Staying home hearts are the best as the old poem goes...

    I hope you are having a sweet rest of the day, my lasagna turned out good and enough for leftovers tonight, loving that.

    Just put up a new blog on our sweet Coffee Belle.

    Hugs, ~Amelia

    1. It just lulls me to sleep at night - I guess it makes me feel safe.
      The squirrels are a hoot for sure.
      I think actually July may be our hottest - you never know though. Humidity coming back later in the week.
      Yep, staying close to home suits me well. It is my safe place.
      Glad the lasagna was good enough for leftovers!!!!
      I will go check it out. HUGS

    2. Beautiful blog about Coffee Belle, Amelia. HUGS

    3. Thank you so very much Elise. ((((Hugs to you))))

  14. I have to get as much as possible done this month as the beginning of September we are heading out on that Alaska cruise. This means processing as much of the garden that I can. Tomorrow I will be dehydrating peppers, and making lotion bars. Then I will harvest more lavender to dry.

    God bless.

    1. An Alaskan cruise sounds wonderful, Jackie! Wave towards Anchorage and shout out a "hi" to my cousin, Bonnie.
      :-D --Elise

    2. That is a dream vacation. I know people who have gone and say it was sure something. Get busy girl!!! You won't be gone the whole month of Sept. though - right?

  15. OT, Attention AZ Shoppers:
    Tomorrow is 10% off for Senior Day. Good thing, because prices have really gone up since June!!! Sale and coupon items are remarkably high, but there are some good prices on a few things. Lucerne Large Cage Free eggs are $1.47 doz. using digital coupon, limit of 2. Peaches, nectarines and black plums are $1.27 lb. Clip or click for Lucerne milk at $1.47 ea. half gallon, limit 2.

    I'd say Sargento cheese products are a good price at $2.77 ea., but nope... shrinkflation; that's 5-8 oz. pkgs. Lucerne cheeses aren't any better at $2.99 for 6-8 oz. pkgs. Produce is mind-blowing at $3.50 for a cantaloupe or personal watermelon, $1.99 for tomatoes or green beans, and $1.69 lb. for zucchini or yellow squash. Thank goodness I decided to eat down the pantry and freezers this month. --Elise

    1. Good golly your prices are much higher there. It sure is amazing how different it can be place to place.

  16. There are harvests now, but we will be harvesting things here in the South until October. I listened to trains about a mile away across a field as a child through open windows.

    1. Oh I am harvesting now too - I just think about the great fall foods!

  17. How funny you should mention trains, our newly purchased home backs onto a train track and it’s just lovely. So many others have rolled their eyes and said “ too noisy” or “ too dirty”, but the sound is different to what I expected. We have been reminded of the Bruce Springsteen song, Land of Hope and Dreams. That’s a great train song.
    Hopefully August will be better for us after our Covid bout, I think we are on the road to recovery now. Or maybe the train to recovery....toot toot. Louise

    1. Oh how neat. One of my neighbors can't stand the train here. Talks about how loud it is. Yeah, that is to warn folks. I just love it.
      Hopefully you are all recovering and health awaits!

  18. I love to watch the squirrels when they get full and lay around :) And yes! The mosquitoes are all of a sudden ridiculous! I even had a dream about them the other night. It makes watering the plants in the evening very tough.

    1. They love to just lay around and digest!!!! Too cute. Oh, the mosquitoes are horrible here. You just get swarmed. The moisture and humidity makes it worse. Won't miss them when they are gone.

  19. I am moving this month! Nt really excited about it but feeling very blessed that we got a great price and wonderful buyers. But moving? Ywah, no. I am buying my daughters little rental house though and can't wait to get in there and make it mine. It will be a while though as they do have renters in until at least the end of the year.
    Until then I will enjoy my grandbabies and help out where I can. Also going to travel for a but to see sisters and cousins.

    1. Sounds like you have big plans for the rest of the year. How exciting getting to make the place all yours and to be close to your family!!!! JOY!!!!
      Good luck. the thought of moving would terrify me!!!!! Oh the stuff!!!!!
      Have fun visiting with all your family.
