Sunday, August 27, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 8/27

 Happy Sunday!  Here we are at the end of another month.  It seems like I just said that!!!!  Geesh!
You realize that in 4 months - Christmas will be over!!!

It is a lovely morning here at the little place I call home.  It is cool - in the 60's - and somewhat cloudy at the moment.  After a horridly hot week, it looks like we will have an utterly pleasing one - with much cooler temps.  0% of rain all week - so it looks like rain barrels will get used.  My windows are open and fresh air is coming in.  Loving it!!!!!

There have been gnats or fruit flies or whatever galore for over a week or two.  Driving my nuts!  Nothing much is working - other than just swatting them and killing them.  UGH
I have butterflies galore - they are just wonderful this year.  So many and different types, all over the flowers.
Refilled both hummy feeders this AM as they were about empty again!  They zoomed right up for fresh eating!  Love watching them, and they have been so active at the flowers as well.

My week:
  • As stated earlier in the week - I paid all bills I had - and dropped at the P.O. up the road
  • Stopped that day at Dollar Tree - got a 2024 calendar, a couple pair of readers, and a nut bar!  Haven't had any candy in a long while
  • I have been trying to use up all the odds and ends that accumulate so easily.  I used up a bit of corned beef from freezer, some chunks of potato and carrot from freezer. a handful of broccoli, a little of cheese dip in a jar, a couple straggler pieces of lunchmeat, 2 indiv. smoked sausage pcs. - just making sure things get used, and using up in new and old ways.
  • Neighbor gave me a bowl of cut up watermelon and cantaloupe - she wanted to thank me for zucchini and bell peppers!
  • Another neighbor brought over zucchini bread - for zucchini she received.  Can't beat that - I get fresh zucchini bread (still warm) and didn't have to heat my oven or house up!!!!!
  • Watered pots with rainwater from barrels
  • CANNING!!!!  Finally got to it!  I did 6 pints of salsa, 6 -1/2 pints and 2 pints of crushed tomatoes and garlic, 6 pints sweet zucchini relish, and 7 pints of pizza sauce.  I also froze 2 quart bags of chunked zucchini for soup this winter and a baggy of crushed tomatoes (not enough for a jar).  I still have tomatoes on the table!!!!!!!  Many green ones in the garden.
  • Glen's Aunt emailed to ask me a question about a place we made a purchase long ago - so I went looking for the info.  Now mind you - my husband kept every business card ever handed to him, and kept paperwork on every important thing we purchased (and unimportant)!!!!!  Well, I still have that stuff!!!!  Hmmm - guess I am not much different.  Anyway, I digress!!!!  I did NOT find what she asked for - BUT I found $1,600 cash he had tucked away!!!!!  I also found the CD of all my family groups of pictures he put together in 2010 (been looking for it).  This has more pics than the zip drive by far.  Family groups, past family ancestry, copies of death certificates and newspaper articles - you name it!!!!!!!!!   All this tucked in amongst paperwork and warranty info!!!!!!!!!   What wonderful surprises - kind of like a BIG OLD hug from Glen.  You just never know - so be careful before throwing things away!!!!!!!!
  • I cut and have more basil drying
  • I did run up to Kroger for one reason this week.  TP stock-up.  They had a digital coupon for 12/dbl. rolls of TP for 3.99  (limit 5).  Kind of like the old days!
  • Just doing all the normal stuff
Meals this past week:
Potato/carrots/corned beef (all from freezer) and zucchini skillet dinner
Cold cut sandwich and fruit
Loaded cheeseburger and a few chips
Sausage/egg on toasted bagel 
Broccoli/cheese/rice, sliced toms, and smoked sausage
Ham sandwich and chips
Chef salad

How was your week?  Are you busy preparing for those days of fall/winter that will be here sooner than later?  Did you get any good deals?  I hope those in excessive heat areas are getting a little cool, and those that are dry - get some rain.  
The birdies were sure loving the swimming hole this week!  They need refreshed and cooled too!!!!

I pray you are well and healthy and safe.  May your week ahead be blessed above and beyond.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home!

Do not be afraid of sudden panic, or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes; for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.
Proverbs 3:25-26

Dear Lord, please help us cope with and understand and accept the mysteries of hardship, suffering and misfortune.  Let us put our trust and faith in You, as bad things happen in our lives.  As You, together with our faith, can get us through.  The power of Your love is everlasting.  Amen


  1. Good morning Cheryl. Love the photo of the bird bath ;). This past week saw me finalize the renovation plans (at least the big parts) and heard last night that the HOA approved the external work, so that ship is now sailing! Weather here in Arizona is still unpleasant, 115 tomorrow, but that too shall end and it keeps the snow birds away ;). Have a good week, Hilogene in Az

    1. Glad your plans are progressing. That is a huge plus. Oh my, that is hot! Try and stay cool.
      Have a lovely week!

  2. The cool breeze feels very good this morning. I told the Farmer that I got a kiss from the Father. Sitting at the kitchen table eating my breakfast, a sweet breeze came in the window. Love the devotional. Yes, He is with us.

    Woohoo, that was quite a find! Makes you wonder how much is thrown away because folks didn't look through paperwork and such.

    Need to go to Dollar Tree to check out the calendars. I usually get one from Boys Town but can't always count on that. A lot of people keep their calendar on their phone but I prefer pen and paper. There is something very satisfying about using a nice pen and writing things down.

    The Farmer pulled out a bag of thinly sliced beef pieces (about the size of a piece of bacon) from the freezer and I cut up a piece with some red pepper (Jimmy Nardello) and put my scrambled egg on it. Pretty yummy and something different from what I usually fix. We made the best lasagna for two on Friday and reheated it for the Sabbath. Quite tasty and pretty easy. It uses the no boil lasagna noodles. Got the recipe from Leigh Anne Wilkes. Think I'll do a veg version the next time. The fall zucchini is growing so hopefully we'll have a small harvest. Not sure about the broccoli as it was so hot last week.

    The Farmer harvested our watermelons so we'll cut one today. The chickens will get the leavings and they love it.

    You got some good canning done! Our tomatoes didn't do as well as I'd hoped but we'll take what we are given. Will probably can potatoes. For some reason the Farmer went nuts on planting potatoes. Need to check on the sweet potatoes this morning. Last year we waited too long and they were almost too big. And of course, there is the ever-present weeding to be done.

    Well, I'm off to put the sheets in the dryer, wash the blanket I use on the sofa for naps and tackle a job outdoors. Cheryl, you make the rest of us look like slackers! ha! You do motivate me to move it, move it, move it.

    1. This morning is just wonderfully nice and cool. Yes mam, that breeze is a kiss!!!!
      Your breakfast sounds tasty. I like the no boil noodles for lasagna. Oh fresh watermelon, how tasty. The chicks will be happy too.
      I don't do nearly as much as many people. I do slack a lot. Maybe this week, I can finally get outside and do some much needed yard work!
      You have a wonderful week.

    2. Donna, my grandmother had a root cellar that she kept bins of potatoes in. I'm guessing that won't work for you?

    3. A root cellar would be fabulous or a basement, neither of which we have. My grandparents had a root cellar dug into the side of a hill at their home in Kentucky. Our yard is as flat as a flitter so that's not an option. We'll figure out something when we see how many potatoes we harvest. We have been eating some of the reds and some banana fingerlings.

  3. That was a very nice surprise to find the money and the photos.
    Love the photo of the birds splashing in the bath. I don't see many these days as I've stopped feeding the birds.

    1. Super nice surprise!!!!! Just love watching the birds and squirrels. They are a hoot.
      Have a great week.

  4. Good morning! You've had a busy week and I'm glad your temps are cooling down. Gnats seem to abound when it's hot and humid. What wonderful, surprise gifts to find from Glen!! God knew you needed that this week. Also awesome that your neighbors dropped off the treats.

    My apologies for the other day. Monday set off a chain reaction, emotionally. Yes, I knew I need the surgery, but we weren't expecting it to be scheduled for this Thursday. Doesn't give much time to prepare for what will be life-altering for 3 months!! And as slow as BIL moves, we still don't have wheelchair, shower seat, bedside potty, etc. from his storage units yet. Maybe today? On an Aunt's advice, I did order a sturdy knee scooter from Amazon; she had foot surgery a few years' back and told me what to get/rent, but as the other foot will need surgery, too, figured out I'm cheaper off buying one.

    Shopping this week? Minimal. Meat and produce, mainly, and not much meat. Turns out one of the pkgs. of pork chops was turning. Didn't know that until they were done in the crock pot. 8 chops went into the trash. BUT I took a big bone-in pork shoulder roast from the freezer and taught Hubs how to make Easy Peasy Pulled Pork in the crock pot (I use liners)...
    Large bone in pork shoulder roast--FROZEN
    2 cups plain water
    Seasoned meat tenderizer + ground black pepper
    Put the lid on the crock pot, turn it to low and leave that alone for 12 hours. Turn the crock pot off, remove lid and using tongs, remove fat and bone, transferring the falling apart met to a baking dish and using the ends of the tongs to pull meat chunks into shreds. The liner means when the pot liquid is cool, you can carefully pull it out, hold it over a strainer over a measuring cup, cut the liner and drain out your "broth". It gave 3 cups for soup or beans later.

    Also this week, I took ground beef from the freezer, thawed that in the fridge, browned it up and put vacuum sealed batches into the freezer, vacuum sealed. We had Sloppy Joes from some of it one night. I thawed chicken thighs, oven roasted them; had 2 for dinner one night with just salad and re-froze the rest, 2 per pkg. for easy re-heat. I made a beef roast, too, that was served with mashed potatoes and peas, the remaining thin sliced beef going into the freezer for sandwich meat later. Whatever is left of the pulled pork will be frozen. I'll keep doing this until surgery day. It's using what's already in the freezer for easy-to-reheat meals as I recover. There's more ground beef thawing in the fridge now that will become meatballs to refreeze.

    Honestly? I'm scared. Not of the surgery itself, but of the long recovery. I wish they hadn't emphasized post-op pain so much. Yes, I'm used to pain. Thus the surgery. NO ONE looks forward to more of it, though, or more severe (as I've been warned). Also dreading a 3 month recovery. I'm grateful for the many prayers here and for your patience. May you all be blessed in the coming week!

    1. Praying for peace of mind and a speedy recovery for you.

    2. Sounds like you are making plans and getting stuff done. Maybe not having too much advance notice is a good thing. Keeps you from fretting too much.
      As they saying goes, plan for the worst and expect the better. If they didn't tell it COULD be horrible pain, and you had it, then you would think they lied or something was wrong. So you never know - you may be the one who does great!!!! Think positive. New foot healed by the holidays!!!!!!
      Don't do too much this week - you got this!!
      Have a great one.

    3. It sounds like you have been dealing with pain for a very long time and I think you are stronger than you are giving yourself credit for. I wish you a speedy recovery! And keep in mind Cheryl said in 4 months Christmas will be over, your recovery should be done too!!
      Amy in Phx

    4. Thank you Lori. And thank you, Cheryl. YES. I've wondered the same. Hub's Aunts and Uncles are wonderful: knowing BIL isn't great about follow through, they've offered to drive out from Phoenix with their wheelchair, etc. All are near or at 80. How sweet is that??! But Hubs has keys to the storage units, so if BIL doesn't get the stuff, he'll go get it.

      Before we know it the holidays will be here and I'll be walking again. :-)

    5. Thank you, Laurie. ((Hug)) back at you!

    6. Elise, Praying that the Lord will guide the hands of the doctor and medical team as they do the surgery and for a recovery with pain that is well-controlled, and that it's not as bad as you've been told it will be. I've always found that anticipating the surgery and recovery was one of the most difficult things about the whole process. I'm praying, too, for the peace of the Lord for you and your hubby.

    7. Thank you so much, Wanita. And you, too, Amelia.

      Hubs went with BIL and got some things from his storage yesterday. Just having the equipment here has me feeling more prepared. --Elise

    8. Elise, this quote has been helping me get through some rough times lately:
      “Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it.”
      Hugs & prayers,

    9. Forgot to attribute the quote: St. Francis de Sales

    10. Thank you so much, Frances. I'll remember that! --Elise

  5. The cooler weather has arrived here, and it is SO nice. Last week was brutal. It is important to go through things carefully. I found money in a drawer a few months ago that I don't even remember putting there. Good to look at it as a hug from Glen. I'm still working on putting food up for the winter. It is a labor of love. Have a great Sunday.

    1. This weather is so lovely. Yes, last week was awful.
      It is amazing the things that get tucked away!
      That food will be so good this winter.
      Have a lovely week.

  6. Note to P.P ... I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. Prayers for you and for her family, and a (((Hug))).

  7. Morning to you Cheryl, it's just past three in the afternoon here. Wow, great to find a windfall of cash and old photos plus other documents.
    Granddaughter no 2 said Scotland and the wedding went okay. She could not believe the speed of the service and the next bridal party waiting for them to finish. As her Mum is away this weekend, Poppy
    bought all the ingredients for a roast and we cooked it together, there was enough for hubbie who is at a motocross event today and for her to take a plated dinner for lunch at work tomorrow. We are both now stuffed.
    Well done with all your canning, wow you have been busy, but great to have good to eat later in the year. That is a cute picture of the bird bath. We have had lots of butterflies this year too, I love to see them. I had to run to the supermarket early this morning. Our youngest son, wife and little girl are coming to see us tomorrow and requested lasagne for lunch, nice and easy to make with some salad.
    Hope you have a better week weather wise.

    1. Funny that the service was so quick - because another was waiting. Glad she went. Sounds like you had a nice and cooking session together.
      How lovely that you get to visit with son's family. That will be nice. Enjoy your time together.
      Have a good week.

    2. It was a civil ceremony, only took about 20 minutes. A bit like getting married in a Las Vegas wedding chapel. It is just over the border from England where couples used to elope, to escape our stricter marriage laws.

  8. You've uncovered some GENUINE TREASURES! Yea for the use-it-ups. I did that 2w ago and cooked up some more black beans and rice for the freezer (quick go-to lunch for hubster with some of our garden canned salsa). Tomorrow I will use up an aging bag of cauliflower rice, slice of ham and bag of peas/carrots to make hub 3 lunches for the week. He loves it and it's healthy fare.

    Finally the garden is ON! I have 25 quarts of Ratatouille in the freezer and will make another 11q tomorrow. And my neighbor is getting freshies every few days as well as I took him 2qts of Rata on Thursday to enjoy. He's single and a health nut being an excellent Tight End on our college FB team. A back injury lost his job on a Pro team as his 1st season was starting. He's a great guy. and he has the sweetest dog.

    Blackberries are on too! We don't need more jam so I guess we'll freeze this year although I may cook up a pot to go on oatmeal buckwheat pancakes this morning.

    Oh how I drival on. Happy Sunday everyone. We're awake and today's a new life we've been gifted.

    1. More than 35 quarts of Ratatouille is impressive, Elle!!! And YUM! I miss my blackberries from another home in another state; I'd make jam from some and freeze pounds of them every year to have over the winter.

    2. I did find treasures!!!!! I does feel good using up those odd ball bits - not wasting stuff. You did good.
      YAY on the garden goods. You did great on the freezing. Nice to share.
      Mmmm blackberries will be great this winter.
      Have a good week.

    3. EM, we still have a LOT of jam from 2022's harvest. So it would just get old. Simmering for pancakes will use them all up this winter.

  9. I love how you used up little bits of food this week. I did the same thing one day with lunch meat. I took a cheese stick and cut it in half, took a slice of chicken lunch meat, lined it with three turkey pepperonis and the cheese stick, rolled it up and ate it. They were really good and help use up little bits of food.

    OMG on the $1600 from Glen! Wow! That is the best story ever! There was a lady who used to post on the old Tightwad boards that went through her mother’s papers individually, checking everything, and found a very big check like that. Had she just thrown it away, she would have never found it. That is so neat!

    I’ve been baking a load of sweet potatoes we were blessed with and storing them in the freezer.

    Sounds like the weather is beautiful there this morning. I hope you have another wonderful week, Cheryl.

    1. Belinda, I'd love your tips for baking and freezing sweet potatoes. Have you ever made sweet potato fries?

    2. It tastes even better that it is odds and ends!!!! LOL. You know you aren't wasting! Nice feeling.
      It has been all this time and I had no reason to go through the files before - it was warranty stuff. Just amazing and a wonderful gift!
      Neat that you got the sweet potatoes all cooked up.
      Oh, enjoying the cooler days.
      Have a great week.

    3. I do the bake and freeze sweet potatoes too and I think they are somehow better than fresh when we thaw and eat them!

      EM Griffith, I bake until done then let them cool completely. Then I either freeze just as they are in meal size amounts or wrap each in plastic wrap and fill gallon freezer bags. They keep for z year

    4. I bake and freeze sweet potatoes as well , but after they're done I cool them wrap in heavy duty foil, freeze and when fully frozen vacuum seal them. Vacuum sealed they will last almost indefinitely. Cookie

  10. Cheryl, That was a wonderful hug from Glen!
    We have unhealthy air quality here today, it's been this way for quite a few days now.

    1. Hoping your air clears up soon, LaurieS. Any rain in the forecast? I always hope/pray for rain in the areas with wildfires or smoke from them.

    2. Laurie - I was stunned. He just keeps giving me little hugs and gifts. He was great at hiding stuff!
      Shoot, hope your air clears soon. You probably have smoke from north and south. Stay in as much as possible - be careful.
      Have a blessed week my friend.

    3. Thank you, Elise. We are hoping the air quality gets better, it's pretty bad across the region. It's supposed to rain later this week and some cooler temps. We will be doing the happy dance when it rains!

  11. Yesterday I worried - No Cheryl? - then realized it was Saturday. Does that happen to anyone else? What a find, that cash. Like Christmas. The phone issue is still not fixed even tho techs have come out 6 times in the past month. Connection seems to be affected by ambient temps, working in the cooler temps of the morning but not later in the day. Ho Hum. Yard work done, even some puttering when the neighbor little was here - deadheading, dig up dandelions. Her dad tried to be happy about the rocks she painted for him! Scored peaches at $2/lb so canned 6 qts, made 2 peach pies & froze a quart of filling. I shared the pie with neighbors - we had pie for supper. In the kitchen: hamburger/penne casserole, broccoli salad, watermelon salad, birthday supper bbq for my cousin & batch of cookies for the freezer. Got the lawn tractor serviced; it always takes me longer than it should; I can't recognize the right wrench size without first trying every one. A neighbor brought cucumbers so will make some refrigerator pickles & a few qts of dills. Have a good week.

    1. Yes, Mona, I'm the same some weekends. :-)
      Peaches were on sale at one store here for $1.67 lb. and we got a big bag. I'm thinking when we can reclaim part of the neighbor's corral (lots of manure in there), it might be good to plant a line of fruit trees there next spring.

    2. I even catch myself thinking I need to post on my days off!!! LOL
      I MAY use some of that money FOR Christmas and then maybe do a good stock up with some. He still has a way of surprising me and taking care of me!
      I sure wish you could get your phone all taken care of. I need to get things changed on my Internet and worry it will be that way. My system and equipment is out of date - but I worry about not having Internet for days!
      All your cooking sounds wonderful. Have fun making pickles!!!
      Have a great week.

    3. Cheryl, we just had to update our internet because our equipment was outdated, and it actually went very smoothly. They sent the equipment and a box to send old equipment back with no charge. The big guy had one small issue and with one call they helped him take care of it in less than 5 minutes. We were only without internet for about 15 minutes. We have Spectrum.

    4. Thanks Lori - I need to go from my regular Internet to 5G stuff, (I guess). I know there is something on the pole they will need to do - but inside I should be able to handle. I just need to call!!!

  12. Buy yourself a treat with that money! A gift from Glen!

  13. Good morning, Cheryl! What a great gift from your dear hubs. I think our guys must have been very much alike. I find stuff every so often, too, though not as much as you just found! I wrapped up my canning early in the week (yes, when it was 105* out) -- 5 pints of peaches and 7 jars of sweet pickles. Thought I'd get more peaches, but about a half dozen or so would not slip skin. So those I just blended up and froze in 1/2 c. packages, for se in smoothies and extra flavoring in muffins and such. Not sure if they were a different variety or just not ripe enough, but that skin wasn't budging. I also cleaned out and organized the pantry, jotted my inventory and made a list of items to "stock up". Refrig was also thoroughly cleaned out, and the freezer is on the docket for this afternoon. Thought about putting away my canner, but found that I'm down to 2 @ 4 oz jars of my pepper relish that gets used for appetizer spread at every holiday. When I'm next out at the farm stands, I'll need to grab some red peppers and make a batch. Other than that, I'm done until apples, squash, and pumpkin come on. Temps are once again comfortable, almost to where I feel the ened to put on a pair of socks!

    1. To say I was surprised is mild - I have found cash before, but not that much.
      I don't blame you on the canning. I somehow managed to stretch it out all week! LOL
      Oh, can't forget the relish! You kept very busy. Way to go.
      Mine canner is tucked away for a week or two until grapes are ready - then it will be jelly making time.
      Glad you have better temps as well.!
      Have a good week.

  14. Hi Cheryl, I don't know if this will help, but around here we use homemade fruit fly traps. Just take a small jar that holds around a cup of liquid (I like to use the little jelly jars that have kind of domed out sides, they seem to work best, but any little jar will work) and fill it about 1/3 full with apple cider vinegar. Then, get a small piece of plastic wrap and cover the mouth of the jar and secure it with a rubber band. Next, get a pen and remove the cap, poke several holes in the plastic wrap - say 5 holes. Placement of the jars is key - for us it is in the pantry near fruit, on the kitchen counter, and in bathrooms that are in use, that is, where there are bits of water remaining in the sink or tub, as these bug need water. The insects are attracted to the vinegar, go in through the holes, can't find their way out, and then drown. You should see dead bugs within a few hours. If not, get your pen and enlarge the holes a little. Hope this help you. We once came home from a trip to house full of fruit flies and this got rid of them in 3 days. Cheap and easy! Take care, Marie

    1. I have had my vinegar jars out all week - it only got a few. Usually works well for me. They are finally getting fewer, but what a pain!
      Thanks. Have a great one.

  15. What a lovely gift you found from you husband! I like the picture of the bird bath, so fun to watch. Our heat wave ended yesterday, and I'm so glad. Today we had an outdoor church service followed by a picnic, and I helped set up and serve food. It was so nice to have temps in the mid-60's this morning and wearing jeans. I like using up all this bits and bobs from the fridge, too. In fact, we had a meal like that last night. I found a good buy on blueberries, so I froze a bunch yesterday. I love having them in the winter on oatmeal and in yogurt especially.

    1. I like to think of it as a gift!!!!!
      Glad your heatwave ended too. I bet that made the service and picnic very enjoyable.
      Just fun to get creative with the odds and ends. Blueberries will be tasty come winter.
      Have a fantastic week.

  16. The sweetest find I made was earlier this year. One of my daughters when she was a teenager would make me a card for Mother's day or birthday and include a note like "good for one lunch with me" or she'd make a "coupon" good for xy or z. I found 3 or 4 while decluttering. Often I never made her "pay up" as I would forget (it was the thought that counted anyway)and sometimes she did include an "expiration date" which I always missed. But this time I showed her one that had not expired! Lol It was "good for $25"(must have been when she'd gotten a part time job). She wrote me a check for it! Had a good laugh over it not being expired!

    1. Oh how cute is that! What a funny girl - covering herself with an expiration date!!!!! That is funny.
      What a great find and a wonderful moment for you both.
      Have a great week.

  17. Just processing as much of the garden as I possibly can. I usually make enough relish and dill pickles to last two years so I won't have to do that this year. Things still have to be frozen, or dehydrated and that keeps me busy.

    Your week went very well. Good for you getting all that canning completed.

    God bless.

    1. You go girl. It is nice to not have to do so much each year. I made 6 new salsa - for gifts. I still have a bunch from last year for myself. I understand.
      Thanks! Have a wonderful week.

  18. Wow Cheryl I’d consider that a great week. I hope you spoiled yourself a little with your money find and consider it as a gift from Glen. How lovely for you.
    This week has been a busy one for me, I am looking forward tomorrow to a day at home to get everything straightened out, caught up on the washing and ironing and a sit down visit with my friend Linda.

    I got some very good vegetarian bargains this week. It was the same store I picked up some great deals a while ago, obviously not many vegetarian shoppers visit that store.
    They are great options to keep in the freezer.
    Have a great week. Louise

    1. I hope you get some rest - all you listed doesn't sound like rest! Please send Linda my best wishes!!!!!
      I may do something for me - I just never thought of that until you all mentioned it.
      Yay on good deals - those deals are there just for you!!!!
      Have a wonderful and restful week.

  19. You really had a great week, Cheryl. How wonderful to find the gift from Glen.
    The past week started off a little wonky as I was on the phone and all of a sudden there was a big pop and then a loud buzz then all the phones started ringing and wouldn't stop. We have a land line because it's hard to get cell service in our home. Anyway we disconnected all the phones and had to go out to get cell service and called our carrier. Fortunately they could get to us by 5 pm the next day. I have to say it was blessedly quiet with no robo calls (lol).
    Watched craft day on HSN and got some really great ideas for cards. Continued to harvest the garden and freeze lots of groceries. Our sweet potatoe plants are looking great and I'm looking forward to a good harvest with them come the end of October. We planted white sweet potatoes this year. Stopped at the farm to pick up some onions. Baked hubs about 5 dozen cookies using some trail mix that needed to be used up instead of all chocolate chips in the recipe. We had much needed rain and lower temps which will continue this week. Worked on birthday card for fall birthdays and came up with a design for this year's Halloween cards. I love sending funny cards for Halloween. Have a good week. Cookie

    1. Goodness, I hope you got the phone problem taken care of. That had to be frustrating. I have set my home phone to ring 4X - then go to machine. I do not answer calls of numbers I don't recognize. So once they get the machine a few times - they quit calling. I did no call list - but that did no good.
      Hope you get a good sweet potato crop. Glad you got some rain - the cooler temps are sure nice for now.
      Your cards sound fun.
      Have a great week.

  20. Debby in Kansas USAAugust 28, 2023 at 9:35 AM

    Good Morning on this cool Monday! It won't last, but I'm thrilled to be airing out the house after a week 8n the kiln. I mean, it was 100° at 9pm! It's supposed to be hot again next week so I need to get a few things done. I just wiped out last week. I was tired and nauseated. Too hot.

    I love that you found a gift to surprise you! Many years ago, I was visiting a friend home from college. His mom and their maid were sitting on the sofa feathering through book pages. Piles of books everywhere. If I recall, she inherited the books from her parents and the maid was dusting them to put them on the bookshelf. Out dropped a hundred dollar bill. And more and more. It seems her depression era parents tucked several thousand dollars in those books and never told anyone! I tell everyone to go through every single thing. The backs of pictures, old purse lining, etc. So many people hide stuff. Another friend found a roll of bills stuffed into Granny's old rain boots!

    So, Labor Day is next Monday and January will be a week later lol. At least that's how it feels for me lol. Events have started cropping up on our calendar and that's how it starts. We went to a bingo fundraiser and had a great time. Sloppy joes, chips, cookie, and a drink were included in the price so I didn't even have to cook!
    We didn't win, but just the socializing was a good time.

    Elise, I wish you the best this week. I hope all the hype turns out to be be just that. I have a high pain threshold, so I tend to do better than expected. The bad part of that is that I underestimate the danger of my situation, thus a ruptured appendix and then the doctor's thinking it wasn't my appendix because I wasn't in enough pain....added to the abnormal symptoms. It's always fun to have the doc tell you later that your situation was unusual enough that it became a big topic for discussion in the medical center lol. And, as someone who is always dreading the worst, my imagination is usually worse than reality lol.
    Go with God.

    I love that my toes are cold lol.

    1. It sure is a nice break from the heat. I agree. Yep, they say next week will be hot again - oh boy! Well, we need to get jiggy with it this week and get things done.
      I would like to find a 'roll' of money!!!!!! I tend to hide things too. Safe keeping - you know. Sometimes I forget about it too. It sure does pay to check everything!!!!!!!
      Sounds like you had a nice time. Always nice to socialize and not cook at the same place!
      Have a great week.

    2. Thank you, Debby. I'm similar. Once when in the hospital for U.C., steroids in my I.V., a medical student came through to do an exam and declared I was "in perfect health". I asked if he'd please, then, sign my release papers. LOL! Truth is, I always let fear get the best of me, then it goes better than expected. --Elise

    3. This reminded me of something, I used to hide Christmas presents all over the house when the kids were little. It was 3 months after Christmas once when I actually found a couple of them! LOL We had a good laugh.

    4. LaurieS mom always did that with Christmas cookies and candy. She started making it right after Thanksgiving and would hide it. Sometimes we would find a container about Easter!!!!!! LOL

  21. Wow Cheryl, that is amazing! (an understatement!) God allows such sweet things from our loved ones! : ) A special hug from Glen for sure. Love that. Please always feel free to share stories about Glen, what he would have said etc. I think it's so nice to hear about.

    Love the birdbath and gazing ball, so pretty! The birds are beautiful and so fun to watch too. More Gifts! : )

    Yesterday went to Dollar Tree and bought some very large containers of liquid handsoap I use in my bathrooms and kitchen, a great buy for $1.25, I also found large bottles of bubble baths too, tucked those away for little somethings in my gift box. I found a craft using brown paper plates and accessories, like eyes and tail to make adorable squirrel faces for the littles. And *six* kits come in a pack! Six cute little squirrel face kits for $1.25. I found a natural moisturizing lipstick made in the USA too. If I like it I'll go back and get a few more. There are so many nice buys there, I went in with a list and hubs was happy because we didn't stay too long. I even got two large canister shaped lidded glass jars for my coffee and whatever else for $1.25 each.

    Hot here, around 107 to 108 yesterday.

    You take care now, so happy for you about the Gift! ~Amelia

    1. We do get gifts in many forms! I love it. I love talking about Glen - I always figure others might get bored. But I figure as long as I keep talking, it is kind of keeping him alive (in spirit).
      Good deals at the Dollar Tree. You can find some deals and some not so deals. It is fun looking.
      That is hot. My goodness. Stay in and try to stay cool. We are having a beautiful day here.
      Have a blessed week.

    2. GREAT deals at Dollar Tree, Amelia. I 2nd Cheryl... be careful in that heat. ((Hug)) --Elise

    3. Thank ya'll, It is scary outside, I try to stay in the shade when I walk, but it is concerning for sure. I stay close to our house and keep my phone on me. Thanks again, it's a huge concern for many reasons, animals, water, growing crops ...

    4. Cheryl, you can talk about Glen anytime...We want to know him too. : )

  22. Sheezam!! My mother called yesterday. She was 100% clear! She knew me, what all is going on, my husband, sons--spoke to son that's here and remembered about him, his job, his house--it was amazing!! She reassured me about the surgery this week. I can't begin to express how grateful I am for that GIFT. She was, for that call, the mother I've always known. We haven't had a conversation like that in a year or more. Priceless! --Elise

    1. Elise, that is wonderful to hear about your Mother! God's blessings.
      I thought you lived in AZ? I thought we were in the same time zone. I'm in PTZ. But you seem to be 2 hours ahead of me, does AZ have 2 time zones?

    2. Wow, Elise! I've never heard of that happening before except for a couple of seconds. That is wonderful.

    3. We're in the eastern part of the state, Laurie, about an hour south of Holbrook. AZ doesn't do daylight savings time, except in some of the tribal nations. This time of year makes it tricky re. remembering what the time difference is for relatives in other states. It's 8:25 a.m. here as I type this. --Elise

    4. I was curious cause it shows a 2 hour difference when you post. Maybe it has something to so with Cheryl's time zone.

    5. What a wonderful gift! I'm so happy for you!

    6. I am so happy for you Elise. Seems to be the time for "God gifts". what a wonderful thing to have happen right before your surgery and to have her clearly state you will be fine! Such a lovely blessing.

    7. Oh my goodness Elise! That is a GIFT!!! : D So happy for you, that must give you a HUGE boost!!! Thank God, thank God, thank God!!! (((super tight hugs!)))

  23. Yes, Debby, she's had some clear moments, but they usually pass very quickly. Just recently she hasn't remembered my name, or fully remembered me, but as a teen, etc. It was incredible!! --Elise

  24. Cheryl, what a priceless find in that CD of family info & photos! And finding $1600, too! Glen is still very much taking care of you.
    Love the photo of the birds. My birdbath attracted only yellow jackets, so I put it away. The adult hummingbirds are gone, and only the juveniles are left. I wouldn't be surprised to see most of them leave before the upcoming hurricane hits FL. Still have my feeder out.
    Had some nice weather over the weekend and got some outdoor chores done before the horrid heat and humidity come back later in the week.
    Been giving away slicing tomatoes to all the neighbors and the gals at PT. Froze some cherry tomatoes, green peppers and the last zucchini.
    My stomach is still giving me pain, but I started on OTC Pepcid AC per my Dr.'s recommendation. Am seeing some improvement after a couple of days, but it will take time. Still waking up in the wee hours, so I'm spending the rest of the night in my recliner.
    Husband is walking in the house without his cane, though he still uses a walker when we go out and he has to walk any distance. He is making great progress with PT. Memory therapy is progressing very slowly, but that is to be expected.
    Hope everyone has a great week!
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. I still have very hugary hummies. It is getting about that time - usually sometime early Sept. they go. That always makes me sad.
      Yes, I think he is still watching over me and guiding me.
      We are having some great weather here too - Got a lot done in the yard today. Heat comes back by the weekend. Yuck!
      Pepcid is good stuff. I am glad it is helping you some. Sorry you have to sleep in the recliner. I wake several times a night - but usually go back to sleep.
      How wonderful on your hubs doing so well. That is just a joy to hear. Memory therapy is a slower process - but it is a process he is working on. That is just wonderful. Makes my heart happy.
      Have a blessed week.

  25. Mom was the queen of "tucking it away." Many times we have found money she had to buy carpet, for Christmas, and go on vacation. So when a friend gave me a box of cookbooks and I starting finding money in them. I tried to give it back and she wouldn't take it. I found over $400 and she still didn't take it back because her grandma said whoever found the money really needed it. So apparently I really needed the money.

    1. I have always had little stashed around the house. I have told the niece and nephew to make sure they go through everything some day!!!!!!
      How cool on having you keep the money from the cookbooks. What a generous lady. That is a tidy sum to just give away. Glad you were the recipient!
      Have a great week.

  26. Monday's Lesson/correction/reminder... the surgeon wanted a sonogram of the arteries in my leg pre-op. On the way to have that done yesterday, traffic was gridlocked. Unusual for here. It was a terrible accident and it looked like one person might not have survived. Then, as we walked into the building, there was a woman in a specialized, extended wheelchair in the lobby; she had no feet. During the sonogram, the tech needed to talk about her own struggles. Eight years ago, with 2 young sons and a baby boy (she was 27 then), they discovered her husband has a leukemia-type auto immune disease that's rare, genetic and life threatening. He's had 18 blood transfusions. It's treated with chemo. My upcoming surgery is nothing in comparison to what others are going through. --Elise

    1. What an incredible timely reminder. Sometimes we get smacked with reality - to understand our own situations a little better.
      Life gives us lemons - make lemonade!!!!!!
      Thank you!!!!!!!!
      You got this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Cheryl, I'm grateful to God for that quiet, understated (yet pointed) scolding. Absolutely timely. And YES. --Elise
