Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Luxury on a Budget?

 Luxury can mean a lot of things to a lot of people.  Indulgence comes to mind.  Comfort, pleasure, or an abundance of things that are NOT essential but desirable.  What is a luxurious thing to one can be something totally different for another.
We all know some believe that huge McMansions are the indulgence of some, or fancy cars, expensive clothes or jewelry, etc. - things that show wealth.  
For me, it is about the simple things.  I don't have 'luxuries' per se, but I do feel some things are just plain luxurious.  I am a simple girl who loves simple things.  Just some of those simple things seem fancy or wonderful to me.
I am curious what you all will have to say.

*A spa night is a special thing for me.  A nice hot soaking bath, a candle, soft lights, soft music and maybe a glass of wine.  It is just so stinking relaxing.
*A fresh made bed - with clean crisp linens
*A fancy homemade coffee drink - my homemade mocha frappe every morning.  It is an indulgence like drinking a milkshake each morning first thing!!!!  
*Nice candles for a soft glow and a soft scent of the season.  I also love the ambiance of my salt lamps - a warm soft glow while helping the air
*Books - especially older books.  The world is at my fingertips, knowledge abounds, and my mind can soar.
                                                  Not my picture - although I wish it were!
*I do enjoy a leisurely breakfast (3-4 hours) with an old friend.  Just chatting one on one
*Growing my own food and sharing it with others
*I love old quilts and feel wrapped in love when under one
                                                                     Not my picture
*Sitting out on the porch and watching the sunrise or sunset - a natural painting in progress
*My pantry and my freezers are luxuries to me
*Lovely cut flowers - whether from the yard or from the store.  My sis is about the frugalist person I have ever met - yet every week at the grocery she buys herself a bouquet of flowers to make her house cheery and lovely.  It brings her joy!
                                                                          Not my picture
*A chilly fall/winter day - laying on the sofa with a soft throw, a good book and a hot beverage
*A soft fluffy robe and socks or slippers on a cold day
*Listening to whatever music lifts my mood at any given time

These are all luxuries to me.  There are so many more - but you can see where I am going.  MY luxuries, cost me nothing and they aren't grand, nor do they make a huge statement.  They are simple and personal - they are the little pleasures I enjoy.

Many people will have many different views on this. Each person has their own things that just bring them happiness.  Things that will make them feel a bit decadent or frivolous or just special.

                                                                 Click on pic to enlarge
This poem says so much to me - I just love it.  The grand and elegant will not be what makes a person happy or to feel special - it is the simple and everyday things that bring joy.
These are the luxuries of my life.

Yes, family and friends and pets and nature bring great joy to our worlds - but the little extras that we enjoy are the icing on the cake - the luxuries - and they need not cost a dime!

I am curious what others do to feel luxurious or frivolous or indulgent. 
Maybe it is traveling, or a pedicure, or donating things/money, or buying new instead of used - it can be anything.

This should be fun!


  1. I also enjoy all of the luxuries that you listed. For years, Sunday evening is my mani, pedi, facial night at home. It is so relaxing and makes me feel like I'm ready to face the new week.
    Other luxuries to me are...
    Being able to pay my bills on time and have an emergency fund.
    Nice shoes. I don't buy a ton of shoes, but I do like good quality cute shoes. My mom always told me that good shoes were important because they make the outfit.
    Good food. I'll pay a bit more for quality because I believe it helps keep me healthy and we save in the long run by not eating out much.
    Being able to buy quality products that will last saves money in the future. I've heard someone say "we're to poor to buy junk" and it makes sense.
    Fun topic. Have a great day Cheryl.

    1. Love these answers. Yes, paying bills and the emergency fund are huge - and truth be known they are a luxury for many!!!!!
      I love having my savings for the future too.
      I don't wear shoes often - unless I go out! But that is a good one.
      Love food!!!!! It always makes sense to pay a little more for most anything, as to get junk.

  2. Oh, my goodness, Cheryl, your list looks like mine!! :-D
    I don't drink wine anymore, but YES. Old quilts. Old books. Flowers from the garden (which is why all the lilac bushes). Music. Fuzzy socks. Scented candles. I drink my coffee plain, but it's a daily luxury.

    For me, a thrilling treat and decadence is getting the kinds of bargains that are now hard to find... thrift stores, antique shops clearance buys... a pair of pearl earrings for $0 using points/rewards/cash. An indulgence is being able to wrap up those low cost/no cost items as gifts for family and friends. Like the "free with purchase" Clinique.

    My grandmothers and mom were fabulous pastry bakers. I'm hopeless when it comes to fancy pastry. A (rare) indulgence is buying the kind of thing they always made at the bakery. Early Bird dinners (on occasion, like last night) at Cattleman's Steak House, which is always packed with locals.

    Crafting/art has been an indulgence I've enjoyed all my life. Since childhood. Yesterday reminded me of the simple pleasures I'm able to enjoy each day that others can't. Sitting quietly and watching the sunrise every day is a luxury. It's a GOOD way to start the day. And coming here for the friendship that's priceless.

    1. Like minds!!!!!! I remember getting so many freebies back in the day. I guess one still can, it is just harder to find and more work!
      IF I could have one of momma's eclairs today!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, yum. I do love cheesecake and that is my one decadence I make!
      Yes, those simple pleasure are luxuries in my book too.
      Thank you - friendships are a gift not everyone has!

  3. You are so right...everyone has her idea of luxury. Luxury has nothing to do with money IMHO. Everyone has their standards for pleasure and comfort. A cup of good quality tea in the morning in my mug I bought at Home Goods with the scripture "You were born for such a time as this. Esther 4:14". Luxury is using something that just right for you, like my new mug. Luxury is setting a pretty table with some flowers. Luxury is taking time in the afternoon to cuddle up with my dogs and read, a favorite blanket covering us. Luxury is reading the Father's promises to His children and using my sparkly stars to mark special passages. Luxury has nothing to do with a $3000 6-burner stove or stainless appliances. I agree with Miss Lori, luxury is being able to pay your bills and some $$$ stashed back. This may sound strange, but luxury to me is having more than adequate clothing (doesn't have to be new) and a place to store them. Luxury is having the money to buy comfortable and most of all safe shoes. No more heels or floppy shoes without traction that can cause a fall. The Father provides for us and we try to be good stewards of what He has given us. Speaking of provision, the Farmer pulled all the beets this morning so it looks like I'll be canning beets. There are peaches to be used and a fragrant peach crisp with definitely be a luxury today. Actually I think luxury is a mindset.

    Enjoy this beautiful day! Gonna warm up again...

    1. Great list!!!!! Love the scripture. That says it all, doesn't it?
      Having a roof over our heads and a bed to lie in, is a luxury many in the world do not have. We should always be good stewards.
      Busy momma you are. It will all be so tasty this winter!

  4. The one luxury I have now, that wasn't availble to me in the past, is time. Retirement has blessed me with the time to do as little or as much as I choose in a day. A friend once said, when I retire, I'm planning to do nothing all day and if I get half of it done, I'll be happy. Not having to leave the house in the morning for work, being able to relax over a cup of tea before I start my day, is such a treat. It's even better when I can take it outside.

    1. That is a wonderful luxury Maebeme.

    2. That is probably the best luxury! Also having things that actually work is a big luxury in this house.

    3. YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!
      What a wonderful item to list. Time to just be! If I want to be busy, I can be forever. If I choose to be lazy - well, there is that. It is wonderful.

  5. I'm like Elise with craft stuff, as was my mom and grandma. I love to create in all kinds of ways. I always have.

    Too many free luxuries to list. If one is aware, they'll see it or hear it. Even the sound of a flushing toilet might be or seen as a luxury, you never know!

    I consider my doggy a luxury! I'm so grateful I can trade a few bucks (okay, a lot LOL), but what a return!! A new family member that I can love on and vice versa. Best deal ever!

    1. As I laid on the living room floor with our pups today, I thought the exact same thing, Debby. Worth every penny of food, vets, meds, grooming, etc. --Elise

    2. Our fur babies are worth every penny spent and more.
      You are right - the things we take for granted every day would surely be a luxury to some.

  6. I agree that many luxuries cost little or no money. I love a good cup of coffee in the morning in a pretty mug, a good meal that I make from scratch, my box of veggies that come every week. Spending time with family and friends is priceless, having money to pay for all my needs and, sometimes what I want. I love our fireplace on a cold winter day, soft lights in the evening before bed, hearing the birds sing. It is so true that the most important things are not things.

    1. Yes mam. The important things in life are not 'things'. They are people and pets and experiences. Little moments that take our breath. Things that make us smile!!!!

  7. In no particular order:

    Having a well stocked kitchen/pantry. Especially since a good part is the result of bargain shopping--thrifting, buy-nothing groups, or clearance shopping at the grocery. My 2 splurges came in the last 5 years when I bought a kitchen aid stand mixer and a Vitamix on sale. I use them often and I do get such pleasure from using them. They are luxuries in that I got on without them for decades but I sure appreciate them.

    Having a well-supplied craft room. Yes! I have a craft room. I had to wait until all the kids moved out to repurpose a bedroom. A luxury to me is to go into the room and be able to lay my hands on something and not have to go out to get it. Last weekend a local organization had a craft swap but you actually didn't have to donate to pick up anything. The organizers were so nice and I came home with 4 grocery bags of supplies! To me it felt luxurious to put all that away knowing it's all stuff I will use.

    I like the feeling of having my own craft store and grocery store! Lol I actually don't like running errands and shopping so it's a luxury not to have to do that!

    Another luxury is when my husband says the car needs a minor or major repair (they all seem major now...are there any cheap repairs?lol) and I know we can pay the repair bill.

    I like to travel or go off and see sights but I prefer the free or inexpensive destinations! I can go to the local park and spend hours. I love a picnic. I visit historic areas not from home and enjoy being a "tourist" for the day.As someone else mentioned having time is a luxury. And I have that now to indulge in a fun, relaxing day.

    I do enjoy many of the things already mentioned. The way I see it anyone can have the typical luxuries a lot of people would mention because anyone can go into debt to have them. I know many who have. To me luxury is having the joy and pleasure of things that won't cause worry,stress and regret. Luxury is having peace, joy, contentment and not having to try to buy it.

    1. You last line states it all and quite precisely!!!!!!
      It is wonderful to have all the great things we have, and to be able to go in and eat whatever, or create whatever and not go out. Staying home in my little piece of heaven on earth is just fine for me - and it is a joy.
      I got invited to a class get together earlier in the month and didn't go - my friend asked why. I said the location would have just been a brag fest for the person hosting - and I didn't care to hear it. She said she understood. I am totally happy in my little humble dwelling - and don't need to show others up. Some just have to show off - and that is sad. I can be happy for them for what they have, and not be involved.
      Loving your life is important.

    2. Margaret, I also love your last line. May I have your permission to make a sign for my home with your quote? It is a wonderful reminder! Judy in West Tennessee

    3. Margaret, I love your last sentence! Wanita

    4. Glad you all liked it! Yes, Judy please do. I think that would be lovely.

  8. It's a luxury to have people who love me looking after me in the coming weeks.

    It's a luxury to be able to buy a knee scooter, delivered today; I have a walker that doubles as a wheelchair, and crutches, etc.

    It's a luxury to have bought an adjustable bed last year.

    It's a serious luxury to have access to good medical care.

    Had to add those things. ;-)

    1. Love this Elise. We are blessed with our medical care. It's great that you can look on the positive side of this. That's not always easy to do! Wanita

    2. Had a bit of a divine "wake up call" yesterday, Wanita, when I realized there are others going through so much worse than this, and that I still *have* feet. I try hard not to take anything good for granted, but it seems I still do. --Elise

    3. Elise, prayers and good thoughts to you and yours. Hoping you have a successful surgery and speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 Judy in Anaheim, CA 😊

    4. Thank you, Judy!

    5. Yes, Elise, we are so blessed. You are in my prayers. Let us know how you are doing even today! : )

  9. --Not having to be employed at this time in my life.
    --Books: from an excellent countywide library system, e-books on my tablet, and all the books I own. Can't get enough books!
    --Bins and bins of beautiful (and rather expensive) quilting fabric for Project Linus quilts. All donated directly or purchased by the chapter with donated money.
    --Music: my CD collection and streaming online.
    --Feeding the birds and watching "Bird TV" out the window.
    --Flowers: from the earliest Spring bulbs to the pollinator garden in my front flower bed and the gigantic sunflowers in the backyard.

    All these things are little luxuries that please me very much.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. You got it girl. Those give me joy as well. You and your fabrics bring a great 'luxury' to someone in need - that is so wonderful. A feeling of being loved and special.

    2. Sounds wonderful, Frances! --Elise

    3. Oh that fabric sounds wonderful. It truly is more blessed to give than receive, I make the Little Dresses for Africa sometimes. So neat to be able to pray for poor children all over as the little dresses will be brought to poor children everywhere. Tell us more about the Linus Project, sounds very neat.

  10. My luxuries are very similar to the ones you have listed Cheryl. Fresh sheets in the bed. Books to read and the latest ones new as a treat for birthdays or Christmas. Cuddly blankets on the sofa when the weather gets cold. The occasional bottle of wine and gin as birthday and Christmas gifts. Our back garden, it's small and now we have time to look after it being retired and with no children or large dogs, it's just the way I always wished it would be.
    Our small house which is paid for and enough money to pay the bills and help out our children and grandchildren in an emergency.
    Due to medical issues and our rescue dog we have not had a holiday away for a year, but it's great revisiting places locally, having a coffee or a picnic and watching the world go by. Living close enough to various beaches.
    Our animals have really always been a luxury and to have a cuddle from our dog who is still nervous is wonderful.
    Having my husband home all the time, as a service wife for 30 years, I had the luxury of not having to do everything that needs doing myself.
    As Elise said above, access to good medical care and not having to wait too long for free treatment.
    Being happy with the life I have.

    1. "Being happy with the life I have." That is a huge luxury to me. The little things sure do add up. I didn't even think about the fact the having a home paid for and the money for the bills to be paid - isn't that grand?
      You are doing great by helping the rescue pup.
      How wonderful that you have your hubby at home with you now - that has to be joyful.

    2. Our treatment (in the U.S.) isn't free, Heather, but I remember when Hubs' foster brother was working as a missionary in Cameroon and was shot in the leg. Theirs is a vastly different medical system than anything we might imagine. The hospitals require family members to act as nurses. Food must be provided from outside. There's no choice of doctor or specialist, etc. I never realized it's that way in many parts of the world. We're blessed.

  11. Luxury? The ability, without a 2nd thought, to give $150 to a Mom who needs new shoes for 3 kids (Daddy dumped them and left the state). Insert mad/sad face.

    Flying 1500 miles to surprise my niece at her baby shower on Saturday.

    Farmer's Market, CSA food. YUM!
    I'm downright stingy in things many consider important-I wear clothes perhaps a bit beyond their "use by date". Drive cars a long time, same home purchased in '91. These things are not priorities in my life.

    1. What neat things. How lovely. Helping another and having that ability is a true gift to both them and the giver. I bet your niece loved the surprise.
      Yep, same house since '86 here - same car since 2001 - and clothes - he he - don't get me started! My house clothes leave a bit to be desired!!! You are not alone!!!!!!!

    2. It sure IS a luxury to be able to help others. Farmer's Markets, too. I'm going to have to look into a CSA here. --Elise

    3. Elise, I love love love our farmers. Our CSA subscription runs mid-May through early December. We take the same risk as the farmers. Some years are scare and some years there is immense bounty. We pick up on Thursdays. I decide what can be prepped/frozen/vac sealed for winter consumption and what we can eat fresh. Last season was such a bounty I didn't buy veg until March!!!!!! It was amazing. This year, bugs got the peas 1 week before harvest-wiped out. We've been with our farmers for 25y I think. Josie says we are their "oldest" member :-)

  12. That cat with the book; too cute. No luxuries here. Just contentment with simple living and continuously trying to do more with less.

    1. Rita, I think contentment is a great luxury. Many people are not and never will be content. It is a blessing. Wanita

    2. Rita I have to agree - I think contentment and simple living are 2 of the greatest luxuries out there!!!!!!!!!! Love it.

  13. My first thought was nice clean comfy cotton pajamas recently from the dryer...Yes.

    Having our fur angels in our home, I was never allowed to have dogs or cats in the house so I'm so thankful for all of my fur babies in the house with me.

    Just taking a drive to the city or maybe the historical strand listening to oldies, eating at a restaurant in those places, people watching, so fun.

    Waking up and smelling my coffee...Sitting and looking outside in the dark of the early morning as I sip on my coffee and talk to the Lord, as I can see the beautiful old trees out the window with the outside lights on.

    Gazing out when our little four year old grandchildren, are playing in the golden glow if the evening sun with our youngest adult daughter being so sweet pushing them on their flying saucer swing together... You could make a painting out of the scene.

    A well stocked pantry. It wasn't always like that with hubs being in his own business.

    Being able to talk to the Father about anything at all.

    Sweet little birds that come to visit me.

    Iced hibiscus tea to sip on....Nice.

    Enjoyed your luxuries Cheryl! The three hour breakfast with a friend sounds so fun! That's a good friend there! : )

    Enjoying reading everyone's luxuries.


    1. Yes, indeed, Amelia... being able to talk to God anytime about anything, and also the freedom to express our faith openly. (((Hug))) --Elise
      P.S. Your girls and grandchildren are beautiful. Pictures on your blog look like they belong in a magazine.

    2. You have a way of putting words into a picture. I can just see those things!
      Yes, she is a great friend and ONE of my most long time ones. We love to catch up and tell our tales!
      I agree - talking with the Lord about anything, anytime. A gift.

    3. Thank you Elise! You made my day! : D

    4. Thank you Cheryl! You have given much needed encouragement! Bless you! : )

  14. P.S. Sewing my own simple and fun clothing.

    1. Amelia, you make such lovely and FUN clothes. Not to be found in stores anywhere! Custom designed and made.

    2. Awww....Thanks Elise! I value your encouragement! They really are FUN. : D

  15. This is such a lovely post, Cheryl. I've enjoyed reading every bit of it.
    Thinking about luxuries today, one of the things that came to mind is how my view of what is a luxury has changed over the years and I wonder if anyone else feels that way.
    One of the things I feel is a luxury is our home. To begin with the way it is sited, I can sit in the living room and look to my right early in the morning and watch the sky breaking, the sun coming up, but if I look straight ahead it's still pitch dark out. I can actually see the earth rotating from my living room. After 20 years I'm still in awe every morning. At night, there's a sky full of stars with no city lights to block them out. To me, this is a luxury.
    Having breakfast on the deck and watching the birds, squirrels, and bunnies. I love watching the little gold finches eating our the cone flower seeds. Having the time to enjoy this is pure heaven
    There are so many other things that have been mentioned that I can say "ditto" to that I won't repeat them. Cookie

    1. YES, Cookie, my definition has changed as well. Quite a bit. Our home is a luxury, even though it's very basic, simple, and just under 1500 sq. ft.

      It faces east, so there are spectacular sunrise views every day. And we're so very rural now that I'm not sure when (before) I ever saw so many stars in the sky. We have deer and elk walking through the property periodically, too. So many birds... this summer hummingbirds have come right up in front of me, occasionally startling me, but we have robins, blue jays, various hawks, and once in awhile a bald eagle will fly by. There've been butterflies in abundance this year, too. Baby lizards and horny toads. Fewer bunnies than last year, but I'm guessing that's because we have two dogs now.

      Then there's the quiet. What a luxury that is! --Elise

    2. It sounds wonderful Cookie. I do wish I were farther out, so there are no city lights - but I can see the sunrise and the sunset. There are so many mosquitoes out now that before dawn or right at dusk is bad. Last night the moon was just beautiful. So bright and full. I suppose tonight will be the same.
      We get such lovely things in nature to enjoy - I could never be bored.
      My home is my sanctuary - all little bit of it!

    3. We can't beat God's Handiwork right? It truly is a luxury and blessing. : )

  16. Although I grew up without much in the way of "extras", and I knew we were poor, my dad had a great phrase that I use to this day. Whenever he felt contented or even "pampered" by a circumstance (it could be a cool soak in a lake on a hot day, a delicious meal, or a time of relaxing around a campfire instead of the usual farm work) he would pause and say, "I wonder what the poor folk are doing." When I say it to my kids, I add the phrase, "'cause I sure feel rich." as an explanation.

    1. What a wonderful sentiment!!!!!!!!! I may just use that one day soon!!! I love it. Thank you for sharing!

    2. Carla, I love that phrase! It is soooo true!

  17. I have read this blog for 3+ years now, and suffered with those of you who lost a loving spouse. It has made me look at my special time with my husband as a luxury and a gift. We go to bed every night, turn on HGTV and watch it and talk for an hour. It's my favorite time of each day. I have also renewed my faith in God since following this blog. Thank you all. I am 77, and consider each new day a luxury. xxoo Cindy/WV

    1. Cindy - those are just the best words!!!! Having your hubby by your side is a gift indeed. What a testimony to our Father as well. That makes me so happy to hear.
      Thank you so much for sharing those thoughts and kind words.
      You are a blessing!

  18. I agree with you on so many things here...for me, health is the one after I recovered from breast cancer..we tend to take things for granted. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. YES. That is huge, and I do believe that we do take it for granted. So happy for your recover and for that reminder!

  19. Right now this instant, sleep is a luxury to me. Since I had Covid it seems I cannot sleep for more than four hours, it’s debilitating. But as many have said, at least I get to have those four hours in clean sheets, in a bed, with a full tummy and a roof over my head.
    I think my greatest luxury is being able to afford my wants, not just my needs.
    Once again, a very thought provoking post Cheryl and lots of great comments to consider. Louise

    1. I do hope that things improve for you as for the sleep. I have never slept more than a couple hours without waking, so I am used to it. For someone used to sleeping through the night, it has to be very frustrating.
      We take so much for granted and all those little things make life so much nicer.

  20. What a lovely post and comments. Reading this has filled me with peace.
    My own luxuries are as follows:
    My Bible to mark up as I wish.
    Time to spend with God and pray with out having to hurry.
    Coffee in the morning.
    Plenty of food, the kind we like, without need or lack.
    Plenty of hot, soft water for showers and laundry.
    Clean sheets on my oh, so comfortable bed.
    Plenty of reading material (real books and ebooks)
    Means to buy new clothes as needed and gifts for our grands (within reason.)
    I grew up in a family of seven with a father who drank much of his paycheck. Money was always tight. I remember getting a new outfit 3 times a year. Easter, start of summer and start of school. The rest were hand-me-downs.
    We were not allowed to just eat whatever, whenever. Mom baked a lot but we had to ask for one cookie. Most of our suppers were casseroles. Yet we never went hungry.
    Our house was not great, but we were sheltered.
    All of these hardships make me oh so thankful for the blessings I have now, no matter how simple.

    1. What lovely thoughts. Yes mam, our pasts sure do shape who we become and often times help us to appreciate so much more. You have grown in a good woman, and the love of your faith and your family shows. What a blessing that is. True gifts.

  21. Cheryl, what a great post. I agree with all the others and feel so lucky that simple things make me happy. There was a time when I was young and just got married and wanted all the luxuries but I realized that doesn't make you happy at all. I'm more content now living a very simple life and have always felt like I was an "old soul". I love reading, crafting, taking care of my home and yard and doing projects around the house. My friends at work always ask me what I did over the weekend and I'm sure they think I'm the most boring person ever because it's usually the same thing every weekend! Except I do get together with a friend for a lunch or early dinner about once a month and talk for hours. Thanks for sharing and love reading all the comments!

    1. Elaine - I like the 'old soul' comment. I think that is it! It is a different way of seeing the world and looking at things. We appreciate the little things and to us they are big. That is cool.
      I think as young folks we probably all had visions of grandeur, then we saw reality and learned to love it.

  22. Many of the things you listed are definitely simple luxuries to me as well! We are so blessed!

    1. Oh yes mam - we are blessed indeed. The simple treasures in life!!!!!!!

  23. Great post fodder, Cheryl. A decided luxury to me is a slow morning over the first cup of coffee reading blogs like yours. The only thing that would make it better is if the "house boy" would bring it to the beside! I also experience the luxury of "enough" with a roof over my head that's paid for, food to eat, clothes, a car to drive, peace, good health. It was a luxury to design my own home & have it built 22 yrs ago. It was a luxury to work until retirement 10 yrs ago. I have the luxury of living in a peaceful rural area where I can see wildlife, the northern lights & grow some of my own food. I have the luxury of family & friends whom I love & who love me in return. So much.

    1. Well good gosh - I am sorry the 'house boy' is slacking!!!! LOL
      Those are all wonderful luxuries and so true. We just are so blessed with so many wonderful things and people in our lives. I feel so sorry for those who do not know this bliss!

  24. I’d say time is my main luxury. In retirement I can choose how to spend it. Beekeeping is a luxury as is having my own local honey for tea made from plants and flowers I have grown.
    Pets are a luxury and a joy.
    Having chickens is a luxury and joy.
    A flexible schedule. Time to listen to cacophony of birds and singing insects is a luxury.
    Reading! Wearing comfortable clothes. Canning! Baking. Having time to do all these things I enjoy that are a lifestyle I’ve always dreamed of.

  25. I love sharing extras with friends or when you can pass on something you don't use any longer to someone who will cherish it that just thrills me! I love having a stocked pantry and freezer. I am grateful for my health... 4 years back I had foot surgery and was out of work for almost a full year. That sure was a challenge as a single mom with a mortgage! Had to sell everything that wasn't nailed down and saw God's hand in so many things. Made me reassess my life and decided then to sell the single family house and buy a 2 family to have a cheaper mortgage and tenants helping to pay the mortgage... My simple pleasures are some nice dark roast coffee, herbal teas for the evenings, I love to have good, local honey. For some reason having enough stamps and underwear always makes me feel good! :) Nice cotton sheets year round, and cotton night shirts and PJs! I just found a lovely flannel 100% cotton nightshirt for fall at a thrift shop for $1.99! I'm so thankful for my health and that of my kids. I am blessed to still have my parents, both 89 years old. I don't earn a lot but I get by. God takes care of all of our needs and a good deal of our wants as well! I love to see the cardinals, butterflies, hummingbirds... The occasional rainbow thrills me to no end! <3
