Sunday, August 13, 2023

Weekly Wrap - Up 8/13

 Happy Sunday to all - a new week in the making!  Hope this finds everyone well and safe.
It has been warm the past few days.   We have had some rain just about every day, except maybe Friday.
The hummingbirds are eating so much.  It is hard to keep the feeders filled for them.  I keep watching them at the phlox, the butterfly bush and the surprise lilies too.  I know I have 2 and the sure do chase each other and fly around a lot.  It is just so neat to see.

This week there have been hawks around a lot.  Grrrr.  I know they are part of nature, but I wish they would go elsewhere.  There were 3 down the alley way earlier this week.  The birds and the squirrels don't come to feed when they are in the area.  Smart babies!

This week:
  • Went to a 1st birthday party at my nieces on Sunday.  Nice visit with family
  • Harvesting - LOTS!  So many tomatoes, still getting squash, peppers and cukes
  • Cut basil to dry
  • Saw the first signs of squash bugs this year - using soapy water and DE and it seems to be helping A LOT!
  • Letting in fresh air when possible
  • Made a batch of cukes & onions in leftover brine from last week.
  • Rain barrels are both full again
  • Mowed front to back - and trimmed on Friday
  • Had 2 more big limbs blown down from the tree this week.  They were broken and up in the tree from that big storm a month or so ago.  Glad they are now down - a couple more to go.
  • Made hard boiled eggs for snacks.
  • Neighbor brought me brownies made with zucchini I gave her!  YUM
  • NO grocery store - stayed home all week (except party)
  • Pulling weeds and stuff as often as possible - so much
  • Doing all the regulars - cleaning, laundry, cooking, using what I have
Meals this past week.
Pizza at nieces
Beef burger, corn on cob, tomatoes
Veggie frittata (of sorts)
Unstuffed pepper skillet
Leftover pepper skillet, fried zucchini, tomatoes
Homemade Rice a Roni type rice, fried green tomato
Taco salad

Kind of quiet here.  Not a lot going on - just working yard and garden when possible.
How has your week been?  What is going on with your gardens?  Are you preserving anything yet?
Give us a shout out.  Love hearing what everyone is up too.  It is a busy time of the year!

I wish you all a great week ahead.  May you all stay safe and healthy and have lots of good things happen.
Blessings from my humble little home to you and yours.

A son who gathers in summer is prudent, but a son who sleeps in harvest brings shame.
Proverbs 10:5

Lord, I pray for all the farmers and the home gardeners.  May the harvests be good, so all can nourish their bodies and feed their families.  Food and water are necessary for life, and we pray that all people around the world have both.  Please be with us all.  Amen

Holding all being affected by fires in prayer.


  1. Please send your hawks HERE! We don't want mice.

    1. Oh I wish I could!!!!! There are mice out there, but the hawks tend to go after the squirrels and birds.
      Have a good one!

  2. Good morning Cheryl. Last week I got my first real haircut (by a salon not Supercuts) in 7 years. It is nice but will require I do more work than put it in a ponytail…maybe five minutes of work but that is more than I am used to ;). Still not cooking (I do make salad but I think of that more as assembling). Finishing up deciding on new flooring and paint so at some point my condo will be in chaos, don’t have a timeline yet. Have a good week, hilogene in Az

    1. Hilogene, it's been at least a decade since I've been to a regular salon for a haircut. Is it just me, or are there fewer of them around these days? --Elise

    2. Hi, around here in Phoenix there seem to be salons all over the place ;). I googled hair salons near me and got a long list. The jury is out on whether it is worth the price premium, I will see in the next month or two. I just felt like I was looking haggard so decided to work on it a bit. I was at the grocery store a few weeks ago and looked around and most of the older women (I am 67) were wearing old clothes, hair was a mess, and they all looked tired and rumpled. And then I looked at myself and I was the same! Might be like boiling a frog, bit by bit we atrophy? Hilogene in Az.

    3. Cool on the haircut. I have been cutting mine for about 30 years and only went to a shop once in all that time. You are doing good!!! A new look is always a mood lifter. You go girl.
      Salads are cooking in my opinion - it is something you make at home!!!!!
      Have a great one.

    4. I finally gave up on haircuts. Straight hair means frequent trims to look nice as there are no waves to hide the uneven growth. So I grew my hair out. Now I can wear it up and I love it! So cool in summer, off my neck, out of my way. The growing-out phase was a bit of a pain though! :D I do try to dress in decent clothing and fix up a bit when going to the market. Just because I'm old I don't have to look like a bag-lady or a witch! ;)

    5. Mary you are funny. I keep mine short - I love it. It seemed like so much work when it was longer. I love that gals have longer hair and put it up - mine always looked awful when I did that. I guess I didn't have the hang of it!!

    6. Hilogene, I was thinking about it... at home, I look pretty much tired. When we go out I dress nice and add a little jewelry. My shoes aren't old and scruffy. I'm showered and fluffed. Like Mary, I've decided to grow out my hair again. Many women here who are my age graying hair long enough to put up.

    7. Oops, that was me... Elise. Google won't let me sign in again.

  3. It's been a busy and somewhat stressful week for me. We're only four days into the listing and I'm already tired of gathering up the cat and heading out the door to allow people to view the house. But this too shall pass.
    We've had rain this week, which I greatly appreciate as it means I don't have to water as much. The tomatoes are reaching their end and I'm going to end up with two small green peppers. Our growing season is short, and though it's not in the forecast yet, I won't be surprised to see our first frost before the end of the month.

    1. Hi Maebeme, I sold my house this spring…I agree it is so aggravating to have to bundle up the pet and disappear. I think in the month it was listed I had 20-25 showings, so a lot of chaos. I decided to accept a lower offer than listed price just to end the madness. I am glad I did, when I am 80, I won’t remember the difference in sales price. Do you have a new place already? Hilogene in Az.

    2. That has to be a pain - I feel for you. Main reason I would never want to move - one of them!!! It will be worth it in the long run - so here's hoping it sells quickly.
      Frost - oh my that would be soon. I doubt that happens here until Oct.
      Have a great one.

    3. Debby in Kansas USAAugust 13, 2023 at 5:35 PM

      I dreaded all the people when we sold our L.A. home. But, it was during the real estate bubble and people were literally insane, imo!! We showed it to only 2 people and sold it in 3 days to the first looker, who came again the 3rd morning and made an offer at price. The 2nd looker was a nutbag who asked if we were willing to repaint it all in her colors. Bahahaha!!! While she was grumbling about our unwillingness to work with her, the first person bought it. From listing it to moving, I think it was 5 or 6 weeks. Crazy fast. I would have died over 20-25 showing. Poor you!

  4. Good morning from the Chicago 'burbs. The hummingbirds have been enjoying my red geraniums and the little flowers on my basil plants. Love watching them. It was a busy week here, with some canning and preserving done. Another batch of parsley dried and basil in now. More oregano and chives will be ready for cuting by mid-week I expect. Canned up a batch of peach jam for a paying friend, and another friend got word of it and asked if I'd do a batch for her, too. My chef-friend also wanted to go get more tomatoes. Two weeks ago, we got 10# boxes of romas for $10 each. This week it was $10 for a 25# box. The previous purchase was from some of their first pickings. Now production is ramping up and the price is coming down. I also got red and green peppers (what I'm growing is taking forever to get to a good size) for use in spaghetti sauce, along with another box of peaches for my friend's jam, and added in a bunch of gladiolus, which remind me of the grandmother. So this week will be consumed with spaghetti sauce, stewed tomatoes, peach jam and a peach habanerro spread I'm making for a fundraiser. Add in a desert for our book club luncheon on Tuesday (and, ahemm, I still need to finish the book), and another group dinner, plus an eye exam, and the usual housework and laundry, I think I'm spread too thin. Make it a great week!

    1. You are one busy lady! My word. What great deals you got on the tomatoes!!!! I remember have your kind of energy - not any more!!! LOL
      You have really accomplished a lot of wonderful tasty goodies for later in the year!
      Maybe try to rest a little this week.
      Have a wonderful one.

    2. My hummers have been loving the pink phlox as well. They are so funny, chasing each other away from the flowers and the feeder, zoom zoom.
      Gracious you sound so busy, I don't know, I'd not be able to keep that up. :)

    3. Love those hummers. They are the neatest things to watch and hear! That little squeaky chirp.
      Not that busy really.

    4. Mary - maybe you were talking to Lori - NOW YES she was busy!!!!!!!!!

  5. Timely devotional! We are in harvest mode here. The Farmer will plant some fall crops and hope we are able to harvest them also before really cold weather.

    Too bad the hawks can't follow orders and go after the mice only.

    Aww, a first birthday party! That is more for the family than the child, you know...ha! I have an 11x14 framed picture of Zoe on her first birthday, wearing her Birthday Princess crown. She is a senior now. Time flies...

    Tomorrow morning I go for my infusion for my bones. I had taken Fozomax previously but there needs to be a dormant time of two years. However, since I broke the ribs, the consensus is to provide the medication intravenously. Supposedly it is no big deal and only once a year. The Farmer's 74th birthday is tomorrow and then he goes to the chiropractor in the afternoon.

    Going to can diced tomatoes today. Hopefully I can get at least two more canners full before the plants stop producing.

    You can see the signs of fall coming. Shorter days and cool mornings.

    I was just reading your profile. It's sad to realize that three of the four kitties are gone. Unless you are going to get three more kitties...ha!

    1. Happy Birthday to the Farmer! I go through a LOT of diced tomatoes in my house. Wish I could grow healthy plants; mine always seem to flower, set little fruits, and then shrivel up and die. Hope all goes well tomorrow. --Elise

    2. I will pass along your good wishes! One daughter lives down the road so she will join us for lunch between her two jobs.

    3. My tomatoes are slowing a little now - so many up to this point!
      Hope the infusion helps and isn't painful to receive. Happy birthday to the Farmer!!!! Sounds like a busy day for you both.
      Oh yes, those parties are for mommy and daddy for sure. I always tell them - you know ??? won't remember this?
      At least I get to see the family - so that is good.
      Good luck tomorrow and have a wonderful week.

    4. I think I'm seeing first signs of fall also. Not only is goldenrod blooming, but the Virginia Creeper has some red and orange leaves on it now. And the sunrise comes later, sunset comes earlier. The other day coming home I noticed some of the dogwood trees were showing reddish tint to the leaves, not much, just a dusting. Seems like a short summer to me.

    5. Mary - our sunrise and sunset have changed a lot too. I guess since it is so hot here, I try not to think about fall weather!

  6. Good morning, Cheryl! Sounds like you had a GOOD week. :-)
    Your hummingbirds remind me of the few that have declared our yard as theirs. I think they nested in a juniper near the side door. Saw one of their offspring at the Russian sage a few days ago. We've had several rainstorms move through, but it's sunny this morning and cool. The past few mornings have had a chill to remind us fall is on the way.

    This week there was a small beef roast from the freezer that gave us meals of roast beef sandwiches with mayo and tomato for meals. Also chicken thighs from the freezer with rice and veggies. We had bowls of cereal one night. Last night, son and BIL came over for a whole roast chicken (97 cents lb.), baby potatoes and mixed veg. Leftovers of that will be used in the next day or two. Bone broth is simmering on my stove.

    Grocery deals were bought: the 97 cent lb. chicken, $2.97 lb. sirloin steak, 18 count lg. eggs at $2.47 ea., breakfast sausage, blueberries, cantaloupe, peaches, nectarines, organic baby spinach, coffee creamer (for son) and a few other things. Savings of over 60% on the receipts. Split up and some sent home with son and BIL last night. He asked what he could get/do for us in return. I told him we'll have him help out during 6 weeks of post-op recovery. Son picks up stuff for us now and again at a little market near where he lives. It's an informal co-op.

    Have an awesome August week ahead! --Elise

    1. We had some cooler days - now the humidity is back as well as the heat. I saw that your area of country is finally getting some rains. That is great.
      You meals sound very yummy. It is nice to have a network of family that helps each other out.
      You got some nice deals. I 'MAY' go tomorrow before a couple items go off sale.
      Have a blessed week.

  7. Oh my, I love watching the hawks, great horned owls and magnificent bald eagles hunting over our neighborhood. We live just a 15m walk from the river that runs through town and many live there in the trees along the banks. Recently we've had a juvenile hawk learning to hunt. The cycle of nature.

    1. They are beautiful creatures - I just wish they hunted else where. I think I have a family maybe - one is much smaller than the other two. You can hear them off in the distance sometimes, and the birds all hide in my bushes.
      Have a great one.

  8. I love family birthday parties! Your prayer is so true. People are seriously starving in drought stricken areas of the world.

    We are right in the middle of the lake getaway. Our oldest son's family came for a few days and I think we got those teenagers filled up with good food before they went home. They had a blast swimming in the lake!

    1. I bet you and the family are having the best time. I am so glad you get to do these things together. Makes for great memories. Fall will be here soon, and trips will be fewer.
      Have a wonderful week and ENJOY!

  9. That's how I feel about squirrels and wild cats. I want them elsewhere. Brownies for zukes. I love that trade. So fun. I scored some lovely organic blueberries yesterday that are the best I've tasted in a long time. Got two packs. May dry out some or, might just gobble them up. No garden this year. When we move though, we'll have a nice little garden. Happy Sunday. Cheers, Ivy.

    1. FOUND IT!
      She used the zukes in the brownies and I have to say it was the best brownies I have ever tasted. They were so moist and yummy.
      Yay on the blueberries. If they are that good - I vote gobble.
      When you get moved and all settled a garden will be fun. You still buy all those fresh goodies.
      Have a lovely week.

  10. Hi Cheryl. The lightning last night was spectacular! Glad I picked all the ripe tomatoes. They would have split from the rain. I pulled out my beans because we didn't like them much. LIfe is too short to be picking beans you don't even like. Ha! They were being swallowed by the butternut squash anyway which made it very hard for me to pick them. (I have a bad wrist just now). I love my garden but in the future I am going to plant fewer things in terms of quantity and variety. Our yard is very small, so I will concentrate on things we most enjoy and that are better homegrown. Berries, tomatoes, cukes and herbs. Flowers of
    course. Garlic and onions because they look so cool in the garden. and I can store them rather easily. That should do it. I love watching hawks circling. They are so graceful. I wouldn't want them bothering my critters though.
    We'll be minding our granddaughter twice this week. She is at that adorable stage just before babies learn to walk, where they take the giant steps whlle you support them. She'll be running soon. (I say running because she is a turbo crawler and a daredevil climber already. How will we keep up with her?) Don't you just love a full rainbarrel? Have a great week! Dee/NY

    1. I agree with you - if you don't like something no since messing with it. I keep things pretty simple with toms, zucchini,, cukes and peppers. Early on lettuce and onions. It is just me - and of course I give it away, so I grow what I like.
      Those rain barrels have sure saved me money this year!

      Oh what a cute age. They are starting to get curious about things. They can go from crawling to 'running' in no time. I was talking about that this morning - I don't know that I could keep after a little one anymore. Picking them up is a job and a half!!!! Have fun with her!
      Have a lovely week

  11. Happy Sunday Cheryl! It sounds like you had a pretty nice week! Love all of your meals as always. We're expecting two rounds of storms this afternoon and overnight. I hope they're mild. Have a great week!

    1. Hello and thank you. I like kind of quiet.
      We have storms coming overnight. Like you - hope nothing bad.
      Stay safe and have a great one.

  12. My comments keep vanishing. Wonder if Blogger thinks my new tablet is spam? Wishing you a hawk-free week.

    1. I will check the Spam stuff and see if it made it's way there. Dang it.
      Thanks. You have a good one

    2. I wonder if it's my new tablet causing the issues?

    3. Some of the other gals have that problem too from time to time. I have no idea what causes it - it is aggravating.

  13. Debby in Kansas USAAugust 13, 2023 at 6:05 PM

    Hello, all!
    I'm hoping this week is better than last. We had loud t'storms a couple of nights and they woke us repeatedly. Ever since I had mono (as an adult - lasted about 11 months), 7 hours is my minimum to sleep. And even that is only a night or two. I pretty much need 9 to do my best. If not? I'm a mess. I think I'm a bit dangerous. I'd never drive and I've run into door jambs pretty hard! That was most of last week so I gave in and slept several hours each day. I hate that. It throws off my whole life and that makes me cranky. I've slept well this weekend and have felt good so I hope it continues on.

    So, I had quite the surprise this afternoon. Hubs showed me the freezer. It's in the garage and I don't go out there alone because there are stairs and my knee is trashed. It is absolutely packed to the gills! I asked him why he didn't say anything. What a shock! He seems to think I remember everything lol. I was discussing a meat buy at the local store. 30 lbs. Hubs was going to get it on Monday... until I saw the freezer!!! Completely out of control and chicken seems to be multiplying again! I see a lot of chicken dishes in our fall! Buying anything aside from fresh produce, milk, and cooking needs like vinegar, spices, etc. is insane!! Oy vey, I can't believe it!!!

    I went to an art class on Saturday. Haven't been to one in about 5 years. I had such a nice time. It was a small class so we had a little more time to socialize! Met a lady from my church!! The garden at the place was the most serene and beautiful little oasis. I could've curled right up under a tree and taken a nap! The bubbling fountain was lullaby music.

    Here's to good sleep and a productive week!

    1. Sorry you have had trouble sleeping. Oh, 7 hours sounds like bliss to me. I never sleep more than 2 hours without waking - usually get about 5 or 6 a night. I know some need a lot more.
      You mean running into door jambs and tripping mover ones own feet isn't normal?? LOL
      What a windfall!!!!!!! YAY on the freezer. That is fantastic. You need him to bring in so much each week for you so you don't have to do steps.
      How neat on the art class. What was it - painting, sculpting, or what? Sounds like a lovely setting.
      Hope you continue to sleep well. Have a great one.

  14. Quiet Sunday here, which is really lovely. I know next week I will be back to processing the bounty from our garden.

    God bless.

  15. I enjoy hearing about everyone's harvests and what they are putting up for winter. It is great that we can basically eat from the pantry and garden during August and September.
    We got out for a three hour pick in the wild blueberry patch and got 15 quarts (cleaned). We made pies and delivered to our summer friends; ( we are in cottage country). It has been at least 10 years since we've had good blueberry picking so we're loving the chance to load up. We've picked several times and I've made 3 batches of jam and and 15 quarts of preserves. Lots in the freezer too. We'll go again as it is our form of entertainment!
    I've been giving the garden some attention and watering. Plenty of lettuce, beans, onions, potatoes and enough tomatoes but no squash yet. See some butternuts and musquee forming so hopeful for a warm fall.
    Just a heads up...we have friends who have the new Covid and it whacked them good along with a terrible cough. I intent to be masked henceforth when in public.
    I would gladly take those hawks, Cheryl. We have such predation from birds and rodents starting with strawberry season and onward. We do have a pair of bald eagles that live somewhere near the lake but they don't hunt near our yard. Occasionally other hawks and owls do though.
    If you have clear skies tonight, check out the meteorite showers that are forecast. possibly one a minute.

    1. I try to do the same for Aug. and Sept. Don't buy much - using all the fresh goodies.
      How wonderful on all those blueberries!!! That will be some great eating come winter. Sounds like you have hit the jackpot this year with them. Sounds like the garden is doing well.
      I wish I could give you the hawks. I would love to see an eagle - but that probably won't happen here. My brother has owls - but he still has critters in his garden.
      Thanks for the heads up!
      Have a great week.

  16. Hi Cheryl, It sounds like you had a nice week gal! That skillet stuffed pepper sounds so good! I think I might try that with lentil substitute since I'm a veggie. : ) I love stuffed bell peppers! I made "boiled eggs" in my instant pot last week, a whole dozen, love those. Sometimes I pop the eggs in shell in the oven at 350 for 30 to 35 minutes when our youngest is using the instant pot.

    Hawks. Hmmm.... We are missing one of our chickens. I spied what looked like a large hawk on the front of our property. ? I notice they are staying very close to our home, under the old golf cart etc. The next day after one went missing I told hubs to make sure the sun is really out before letting them out of their fenced, roofed, electrified hen house and yard! It seems it's usually early or at dusk that we have had problems. The man we bought our property from actually had a hawk try to carry their little dog away! They screamed and yelled and the hawk released the little dog thank God. Our little white cat was found as a tiny kitten hobbling down the middle of a busy country farm road by Joycie, our second born prolly ten years ago. He actually had horrible talon marks on his little back! He's safe here, blue eyes and all. A hawk must have dropped that baby, thank God once again. When we lived in the burbs we watched the birdhouse in the yard behind us, there were little birds all in the house. A hawk perched his self on top of the house and was jumping up and down on the roof of the birdhouse like a cartoon character trying to get the little birds to come out!

    Very nice meme Cheryl. I'm in the middle of watching Frank Capra's 'Meet John Doe'...Oh my gosh, this movie says so very much. Highly recommend. Capra's movies are so wonderful, his family was neighbors with my grandpa's family in Bisaquino, Sicily. He kind of looked like my grandpa actually...the same time frame. My grandpa's fam is mentioned in one of the Capra biographies. The movie has Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck...Wow.

    Our poor little garden is so dry, it's so sad. We're just watering from our big rain container thing and doing the best we can til fall. Love hearing your neighbor brought brownies...Love neighbors doing neighborly things. Hubs called our neighbor to come look at some wood to see if his mill can cut it, it sure was good to have that neighbor come over to chat at least with hubs. We also have two orphan junior fawns all of us neighbors are trying to feed and water and that is so wonderful.

    Ate Chinese food today at the most darling little restaurant in USO town, a 40 year old establishment. This town has such class and sweetness, even the vet there is reasonable but such a nice building, very unusual these days. Hubs was saying how foolish it was for the vet to not call (if he got the message) because word gets around. Went in Dollar Tree and picked up four low power reading glasses to lay in strategic places. It was heartwarming to see hubs go to a man that had been inside the store seeking employment from people needing car work, give the man some money when we left, hubs is a friendly guy and we both love people and love the Lord. It was the Jesus thing to do and blessed our hearts as well as the man's heart.

    Lifting our country up in prayers, prayer is a beautiful thing, communing with our Father. He listens. have a blessed Sunday Cheryl.

    1. The stuffed pepper skillet is just all the same ingredients - just in a pan. I cut up the peppers, so there are plenty of bites. It is so easy and no heating the oven.
      I had an all white kitty years ago with blue eyes, and he was deaf. He was such a precious boy. So glad you look after all the animals.
      Hoe cool is that about your family being mentioned in the biography!
      It is always nice to reach out and help someone. I think many times I get out of it, that the receiver.
      Have a lovely week.

  17. Allow me to clarify on the vet, the vet from our nearby little town never called not the one from USO town. ...And that is the only reason why I'm not leaving any kind of review etc. is because if I have an emergency again, the nearby town vet is 15 minutes away verses 40 so I may not have a choice so I'm going to be gentle but wise for our fur babies' sake.

    1. That is probably a smart idea. No sense burning bridges you may need.

  18. I'm so sorry but I forgot to tell of good deals at Dollar Tree. It pays to look there; Hubs found a very good shampoo there, free of parabens etc. not tested on animals, hydrating too. Charcoal name-brand toothpaste that really naturally whitens teeth! Don't let the black charcoal put you off. They have very good natural soaps as well in bar form too. Super good deals, oh and since I keep my hair longer (It's easier for me I have found)....I found a package of 3 black scuncies. Plus four pair of reading glasses in 1.00 strength. I would say we are saving at least 75% on these items alone. Have a nice evening all!

    1. I love the dollar stores, Amelia. You really CAN find a lot of good things there for less. The readers I have on as I'm typing were from Dollar Tree. --Elise

    2. Funny, I keep some of the dollar store reading glasses around the house too. My regular glasses are prescription, but basically for reading. Not distance - and I don't wear them all the time. It is nice to have glasses around when you need them.
      Sounds like some deals.
      I remember my daddy saying when he was little - there were times he cleaned his teeth with actual charcoal. They were very poor and lived in the middle of nowhere - and he said that worked!

    3. Elise and Cheryl, Yes! I was told by an eye doctor probably 15 years ago to just buy the dollar store glasses and put them everywhere like her parents do! : )

      Cheryl, that makes sense your dad doing that, now people take activated charcoal for food poisoning and other things too. He was right! : )

  19. Sounds like another good week, Cheryl. I love that you are getting so much produce from your garden. Your nieces birthday party sounds fun. I love visiting with family like that. Glad those big tree limbs are down now. They can be hazardous. I hope you have another great week.

    1. Thanks - it was a nice week. I have a couple more branches that broke and are hung up in the tree - a wind will bring them down at some point.
      Visiting family is always nice.
      Have a great week.

  20. Glad you still have a productive garden. We are eating lots of great veg and tomatoes too. Saturday Hubbie brought home so much veg I knew we would not use it all so took 2 bags to my sister. They were at work at their garage, one customer had brought them a sack full of cooking apples, so we had a swap.
    I hate hawks, a couple of years ago I was at the kitchen window and one swooped down and grabbed a bird from our garden.
    Our daughter is on two weeks leave from work, last week she was looking after her sister in law's two small dogs as the family were on holiday we had a doggie play date with Freddie, they were all from the same lady who does the pet rescue locally. This week she has gone on a Mediterranean cruise for a week with her eldest daughter. Our other granddaughter is home alone, she sent me a photo yesterday of her grocery shopping and told me her meal plan for the week, sounds very yummy. We are taking her out on Wednesday night and going for a carvery on Sunday while Hubble is at a motocross event. Might have to have a look at the state of the house before her Mum gets home :-)
    Glad you were able to get the branches of the tree down, save any damage when it's windy. Bet it was fun having a family get together. Hope the weather is kind to you this week, we had so much rain last night it woke me up but this week is supposed to be sunny, hope so for all the children still on school holidays, they don't go back to school until the beginning of September.

    1. Oh how nice on getting so much produce and being able to share and trade. That is neat. Hawks are pretty - but I am not a fan either.
      Glad the doggies got to visit and play - that has to be fun for them. Going on a cruise will be a wonderful experience. Hope they enjoy their trip. Nice that you will be taking out the grand daughter for dinner. Enjoy.
      I woke to rain this morning as well - more to come today (so they say). The plants love it.
      Have a great week.

  21. I wish I could have your hawks, we are already seeing nice in the dry grass at the edge of our yard, so hate to think what it will be like in a few months time.
    I got some great marked down prices on meat this week. It’s felt like an age since I got anything decently priced. This should keep me out of the stores for a while.
    Have a great week, Louise

    1. I sure wish I could share the hawks! It is getting to be mouse time. I see them in the flower beds at times.
      How wonderful on the meat sales. Glad you got to stock up.
      Have a lovely week.

  22. Week at "the lake" bookended by a 9hr drive with my son & his family. Hanging at the beach, visiting, axe throwing, multiple card games, walks, good meals, tubing, swimming. AAAHHH. I'm concentrating on being present & not thinking of what needs doing at home. It will all be there when I return. Just shelled peas & ate a ripe tomato from my DIL's garden. Sweet. The grandkids went from beach/lake play to ringette camp on the ice. And summer winds down.

    1. It sounds wonderful!!!! Good tomes with family. Much relaxation. ENJOY every moment. Yep, stuff at home will be there later.
      Have a wonderful week.

  23. Cheryl. We found our missing chicken! She was under a delivery box! Poor thing was right under a cardboard box not uttering a peep! It's a wonder she survived! Thank the Lord we found the poor thing! It was right under the carport and hubs picked the box up for trash and their she was! Thirsty as anything and I'm sure hungry too. Thank God!

    1. So glad she is OK and nothing got her. Sneaky little things can be good at hiding!!! Something must have been after her.
      I bet she rests good tonight!

  24. We are suppossed to have up to 2 inches of rain tonight...gosh I hope they are wrong. We harvested all the white half runner beans last night and today before all that rain..been busy canning.
    Isn't it nice to have tomatoes with dinner? I love this time of year.
    I don't like hawks either especially with the chickens.

    1. Gosh I hope you didn't get that much rain. Good job on the beans and the canning. I can't say how much I love tomatoes!!!!! Just a summer favorite.
