Sunday, August 20, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 8/20

 Good morning to one and all.  Hope you are well and safe of this Sunday!
It is a lovely morning here, but the heat moves back in starting later today.  By the end of the week we are supposed to be close to 100 - and dry.  High humidity too.  Well, YUCK!  We deal with what we are thrown.  It will last the week and then getting a bit cooler again.  Summer isn't over until it decides to be over!!!!!
The cicadas are almost deafening some evenings.  Boy those little buggers make some noise.  Once they hush, the crickets start and they are lovely to listen too.
We had rain several times this past week and lovely temperatures for most of the week.  It does tend to spoil one!!!!!

My week:
  • Last Sunday morning I went to breakfast with one of my bestest high school friends.  We had a leisurely 3 1/2 hour breakfast!!!! (Yes, we left our waitress a good tip)
  • HARVEST - a couple cukes, more zucchini, peppers and tomatoes
  • Got all my stuff out and ready to start my canning sessions!
  • Washed all the throw rugs in the house
  • Deep cleaned the floors and the area rugs and the carpet (bdrm.) with the old and powerful Rainbow vacuum cleaner (water filtration).  I don't use it often, but boy does it work.  No matter how clean you think your floors are - it will PROVE you wrong!!!!!!!  LOL
  • Spot cleaned the bedroom carpet - it looks nice
  • Washed many windows inside and a few outside
  • Doing a lot of cleaning - starting some of the fall stuff
  • Made a gallon if tea
  • Piddled outside some when I could - pulling and trimming
  • Mowed the entire yard and trimmed
  • Had a neighbor call to see if I had zucchini she could have.  She needed to make something for a funeral.  Had plenty - love that she feels comfortable enough to call!
  • Made another double batch of nectar for the hummies.  Those babies are sure drinking.  I so enjoy watching them
  • I did make a run to the store - finally!  Needed milk, bread and stock up on cat food.  I also got eggs super cheap, fresh fruit - bananas, grapefruit (2/.99), grapes and mandarins and furnace filters for the rest of year/winter
  • Fried a big bunch of chicken from freezer.  Most was frozen for a quick meal later on
Meals this past week:
Breakfast out - then ate a sandwich later in the day
Mac n cheese, sauteed zucchini and sliced tomato
Leftover mac, fried breaded pork chop, tomato
Egg salad sandwich, tomato/cuke/radish salad
Fried chicken and salad
BLT !!!!!!! - Mmmmmmmm
Cheesy baked potato and sauteed zucchini in salsa
Snacking on cherry tomatoes and fruit

I have plans to do a lot of canning this week.  It will be hot outside - so I need to keep busy in the house.
How was your week?  Deals?  Gardens and harvests?  Canning, freezing, dehydrating?
Love hearing from each of you.

I pray you are all well, safe and healthy this week.  I hope your families are well also.  Stay safe wherever you are - there is so much 'bad' weather happening.  Fires, hurricane, tornadoes, heat, excessive rain, etc.  BE SAFE!
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love of the brethren, a tender heart and a humble mind. Do not return evil for evil or reviling for reviling; but on the contrary bless, for to this you have been called, that you may obtain a blessing.
1 Peter 3:8-9

Help us Lord, to forgive our offenders, one by one, name by name and offense by offense.  Help us to free our hearts, so that we may flourish and live our best lives.  We pray for those who are so angry and hard and bitter in this world, that they cannot see.  May we have peace amongst ourselves, and amongst countries and nations.  Amen


  1. Good morning, Cheryl. Google isn't letting me sign in again today. Oh, well. It sounds like once again you had a nice and productive week. I'll look forward to hearing about your canning adventures!

    This was a no-shop week here, having picked up dairy and produce the Friday before. I've been making a dent in the chest freezer meats. This week a small, boneless pork roast fed us for a few days. We also had chicken (oven "fried"). Simple sides. Sandwiches one night when it was hot.

    Our mornings have cooled off. Fall is hinting at its arrival, though some days are still up there in afternoon temps. We've had some decent rain. Hurray! More coming this week, heading east from the So. Cal. coast. Every day has started with a beautiful sunrise. Hubs finished most of the rock-work; there's a very small pile of rock left that he hasn't decided about. He's started string trimming the acre. I've been super tired, so haven't done much more than the basics. Each day I've spent quality time with Blue and Poppy. They're such smart girls! A joy to my days.

    THIS: "Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love of the brethren, a tender heart and a humble mind."

    Thank you for helping to provide that in a world that needs it, Cheryl.

    1. It was a good week. I look forward to canning and I dread it!!! LOL. That is a lot of work.
      I had been no spend until this past week. First and only time for grocery - I believe for August. I too am working on using bits and bobs from the freezer.
      Get rest when you feel you need it. That is your body telling you something! Your pups need love!
      I figured you would be getting rain from the outer parts of hurricane.
      We do need to be mindful of others and just get on with OUR lives.
      Have a blessed week.

  2. Cheryl, you have a full life with all your homemaking. It was 2C this morning, too close to freezing for me. The tomatoes are producing but nothing ripe yet. I'll have to enjoy some fried green tomatoes this week. Home from my lake holiday on Wed evening. Had spent the 3 days prior at son's house. So busy with everyone's work, ringuette camp & summer job schedules. The old gramma had to come home to rest! Still playing catch-up. Should finish trimming the lawn today. Made the pineapple zucchini recipe posted here previously; very happy with the outcome. DIL sent home ripe tomatoes & potatoes from her garden; I've been enjoying them. In the kitchen: stuffed zucchini, applesauce oatmeal muffins, cheese dip. The frustrating part of the week was time on hold with phone & satellite tv companies. Wrangled a 1-month unlimited pkg on cell phone b/c I've had to bump up the cell ph plan with the landline not working properly for 3 wks now. I rely on the landline. Satellite/cell service isn't all it's cracked up to be in the river valleys of rural AB. Visited with my mama on Thurs; she's at the stage of life where she's not even aware that I've been away for 2 wks. I'll visit with her again today. Have a good week.

    1. It took a while for my tomatoes to start ripening - and then BOOM! I picked a green one this morning - plan on some fried green. Mmmmmm
      Glad you are home - I am sure it was a great time. There is always so much work after a vacation. You need a vaca to rest up from vaca!!!!! All those goodies sound so good.
      Sorry for all the time on phone for your plans. That is on my list this fall.
      Have a good mom visit!!! HUGS!
      Have a wonderful week.

  3. My Mom had a rainbow vacuum, it was a workhorse and the water was always so dirty afterwards. Sounds like you were busy cleaning this week. I enjoy my room so much more after I’ve deep cleaned it.

    I took some chicken breast out of the freezer and make blackened chicken for dinner last night and then turned the leftovers into chicken salad this morning for dinner tonight.

    Sounds like the hot weather is coming back your way. I guess we should enjoy it while we can. It’s not too bad here in the shade, but once you get out into the sun it’s hot.

    I just love that your neighbor called to see if you had any zucchini. 💕

    I hope you have another great week and stay cool!

    1. Oh the water is just nasty after. Dirty and hair and ick! Scary to think all that is on our floors!!!!!! I clean all the time.
      Just like mowing - it all looks so nice right after.
      The chicken sounds good.
      Thanks - you stay cool too.
      Have a great week.

  4. Excellent devotion! Anger and bitterness will eat you from the inside out. Same way with jealousy.

    You have been busy! When I had my cleaning business, one of my ladies had a Rainbow. Loved that vacuum. Felt it did a much better job without throwing dust back into the air. I need to do so much around here. The ribs aren't back to 100% yet so some tasks are either hard to do or just need to be left until later.

    We have BLTEs. Add an egg to the BLT. Tasty. We precook the turkey bacon and then freeze. Ready for whatever dish calls for it.

    Your zucchini are still producing but ours quit a few weeks ago.
    The Farmer planted a bush zuke so I hope we have some more before cold weather hits. Our tomatoes have been slow coming on but I'm sure with the heat coming up they'll turn red pretty quick. We harvested some potatoes. I dug some French Fingerlings which are a new variety to us. My neighbor said they are good. We fried some of the red potatoes to go with soup beans, cornbread and fresh corn fritters. Had enough to warm up for the Sabbath meal. The icebox watermelons are just about ready to harvest. I cut some of the sunflower heads for the chickens to pick out the seeds. Need to check on the sweet potatoes. We had a good crop last year and they lasted well.

    Enjoy this beautiful day! We had to turn our a/c back on in anticipation of the hot weather coming. It is what it is...

    1. It sure is pretty out.
      Thanks. Make sure you do not do too much too quickly!
      Everything is slowing down here too - but re-flowering and starting again - and still plenty of smaller green tomatoes.
      Sounds like you are getting good harvests.
      Soup beans sounds yummy - I am ready for fall dishes!
      Have a good week.

  5. What a full week you had Cheryl. Isn't it wonderful to be able to take time and have a leisurely meal with an old friend? One of my favorite things. It is HOT and humid here and will be until Friday. I'm not really looking forward to it but it is still summer. I'm going to plant a bit this week for the fall garden and I'm working on canning and dehydrating still. Wishing you a wonderful week my friend.

    1. It was a nice week. I do enjoy meals with friends. It was a good time to catch up one on one.
      Yep - hot!!!!! Summer it is and summer it will feel like! Try and stay cool.
      Have a great week.

  6. Good morning, I would love it if my neighbor's would ask for zucchini! We do have an outlet to give away though. I have 4 more growing big, will pick them on Wednesday so Husband can take them to a friend.
    I used up a half a head of cabbage and other veggies for soup. We just love soup! Meals for several days.
    We went to the Grower's Market in town yesterday and made a deposit on a half a beef. I hope that doesn't gross anyone out by saying so. But my freezer is going to be happy. I need to make room.
    We have high temps here in the 90's and 100's, smokey skies from all the fires around too. My SIL/BIL live in Crescent City CA and they have a fire going on. HWY 199 to Crescent City down the canyon; the power co. shut off the power to the county until further notice , they don't want any live power lines to catch on fire. Praying they get it contained pretty soon. We could use some of that rain that's coming to So. CA from Hurricane Hillary.
    Probably going to be another quiet week here, picking produce and just piddling around the house. Just staying in so not to breathe the smoke.

    1. Laurie, we're looking into splitting a whole beef cow between 4 of us. It's commonly done around here. We even know someone who raises Angus beef. --Elise

    2. I still have a bunch of zucchini in the frig - she got a fresh picked one. I plan on making sweet relish this week with some of it. That is a good use!!!!
      Soup sounds good. I forgot I got a small cabbage this week too. I sure do like it. Smart cooking for several days.
      How neat on the beef - that will last you all winter.
      Gosh, I can't imagine that kind of heat and then no electricity!! Oh man. I sure hope you and all your family is safe. That smoke is awful - and you are surrounded! I hope you get some rain - they much of the west coast will get some.
      Stay in and stay safe. Keep me informed!
      Have a blessed week my friend!

  7. It was a wild week for us. On Aug. 11, I had been casually informed by a med. asst. from my dr.'s office that I had diabetes (based on one non-fasting blood test). That sent my anxiety into the stratosphere for a very rough few days. Did a fasting blood test on the 14th and the results came back as barely "pre-diabetic". Results were within the margin of error. I had a normal age adjusted A1C, and with the amount of weight I've lost (down to 106.4 lbs.) and the amount of stress I've been under, I have decided to eat what I need to to gain weight and not worry about carbs.

    During this time, I was also having dangerous side effects from the proton pump inhibitor my Dr. had prescribed for my GERD. Quit the medication after four days and told the Dr. I will NOT take it again! Avoiding certain foods and elevating the head of the bed (and reducing stress) seem to be working, and I'm feeling much better.

    Husband had a 'hypertensive event' on Wednesday. The physical therapist always takes his blood pressure before the start of each session, and it was sky high. He was also having a very mild worsening of his stroke deficits. So he ended up going to the hospital by ambulance and spending the night. Fortunately, an MRI showed no new stroke damage, and he was released Thursday. One of his BP meds was increased and seems to be working.

    We sat down together and brainstormed some real ways to reduce our stress and greatly simplify our chaotic lives and have already implemented some changes. I bought a carpet cleaner to clean his bedroom carpet (too many accidents), and he is now wearing an adult incontinence product at night (and sleeping better). He will be showered on an as-needed basis instead of only every Sunday afternoon. (He'll be cleaner that way, too.) Laundry will be put in the dryer and can be done on a much more relaxed schedule than trying to find the right weather to hang it outside. His follow-up appt. with the PCP will be over the phone instead of having to drive 50 miles round trip. We'll 'forget' to schedule the follow-up with the neurologist whose office in at the hospital and who sees patients only very early in the morning (very stressful for both of us). I turned responsibility for his therapy homework over to him. Both of us are becoming more flexible about meal times and bedtime. I'm taking today off and doing only what I feel like doing.

    Friday and Saturday were beautiful days here with temps in the 70sF, moderate humidity, and crystal clear skies, so I took advantage of feeling good and got the lawn mowed and whacked and the garden cleaned up. Two of the zucchini plants had succumbed to squash bugs. The green bean and pea plants came out, as did the oversized, woody beets. Next year's garden will be much more manageable. Temps will be in the upper 80sF with high humidity this week.

    Since most of my pants are literally falling down on my skinny body, I decided I needed some new winter clothes. I like Kohl's Tek Gear brand of sweatpants, but balked at paying over $30/ea. In the ladies' dept. Husband suggested the boys' department. I braved the back-to-school crowd and found two pair of boys' size 18-20 sweatpants for $15.99/ea. I'll go to the thrift stores after school starts for the rest of my winter clothing needs.

    I bought a gently used Bible from ABEbooks. I finally decided on a large print NIV Study Bible, 1995 edition. I'm looking forward to making time to begin reading and study. Many thanks to everyone who gave advice to my query a few weeks ago.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Yay! I could sign in! Frances, your plans to reduce stress sound solid. Good for you! And hurray on the fasting blood test for A1C. Not sure why, but having (Lactaid) milk in the evening seems to keep my numbers in line. Do you have a retail outlet nearby? Probably not, but you can find great deals sometimes on the clearance racks in those stores.

      I think you'll like the NIV. The one I read every day is a large print NIV. Keeping you two in my daily prayers.
      May things get a little easier from here! --Elise

    2. I'm about to pull out sqush and bean plants as well, they're pretty much done for the season, alas. I'll miss 'em.
      Glad you got a Bible. Hope it is as satisfying to your soul as mine is to me. Isn't ABEbooks wonderful? :)
      Good news about the diabetes - that would absolutely be the last thing you need right now, gracious! Yes, get your weight stable and at a resonable place. I have bought many things from the Boys Department. Mostly better made and cheaper. Remember for GERD, eating lightly earlier in the evening can help - no late night snacks!
      Sounds to me like you're taking control of the stress. Well done!

    3. MaryB, I don't eat after about 5:30, so late night snacks are not a problem. I'm trying to get most of my calories for breakfast, mid-morning snack, and lunch, with a Glucerna around 2:30 pm and a lighter supper.
      We watched a movie (The Quiet Man) this afternoon and generally relaxed. It's hot and smoky today, so I'm not even taking my usual evening walk. Tomorrow he is back to PT and the usual routine.
      I used to read the Bible a lot in high school and college but got away from it in past years. I just feel a need to get back to the basics and look at the scriptures with a more mature eye to glean lessons relevant to my current stage in life.

    4. Elise, thank you for your continued prayers. I also pray for you and your family. You have a lot on your plate right now.

    5. Frances, I don't know if you would like this, but Dr Ken Berry on YT has a great channel on eating carnivore and it's health benefits (all the things you mentioned.) I am doing ketovore for my T2D. I'm down 23lbs in 4.5 months doing that and intermittent fasting.
      Glad to read you are looking toward God right now. **prayers**

    6. Frances, Oh my goodness, you poor thing. I'm so sorry. Sometimes the establishment can be worse than the cure!

      There is also testimony of diabetes type conditions and diabetes itself and other conditions healed by veganism. Dr. Fuhrman on pbs is very good on things like this, they have been showing his specials at night here. I'm a vegetarian, I do eat free range butter, eggs and a little goat cheese counting sodium, and lots of green veggies! : ) Forks over Knives has some great free info too including recipes, they have a site and book etc. The Chinese mission in the medical center here in Tx we volunteered at was led by a Chinese doctor from China. He recommended we all watch Forks over Knives.

      I'm not pushing just putting info out there if anyone is interested and finds this info valuable, it could save a life. : ) My bil is having a horrible time getting off of bp meds that are making him dizzy, they want him on more! He may have to go back to his original doctor who warned him. It would be worth every cent for him to do that in my opinion, these system type plans are throwing him through like he's nothing.

      I'm sorry you had to go through all of that this week, frightening!

      Praying for the situation Frances and divine guidance. Glad you got a Bible you like, Abe books is great. I love Psalms 23 and Psalms 91 as daily psalms. : )

      God bless and be with you! I so get the anxiety this can cause. I'm reading a book on anxiety by John McArthur, I think it's free right now. So far it's very good, just starting it.


    7. You never cease to amaze me Frances. You're so innovative, and don't just complain about your problems, but actually solve them. I wish I were more like you. Prayers and best wishes for all you need to come true. xo Cindy/WV

  8. Last week was a busy week of canning here, too -- spaghetti sauce, plain stewed tomatoes, peach habanero jam, and 2 batches of regular peach jam. I had to be in Mich. for my class reunion this weekend, and came home with a 10# box of romas for making stewed romas (for use in making sauce) and a 10# box of regular round tomatoes (for use in making soups, stews, and chili) -- mostly for my daughter, but I'll stake claim on a few of each. I also bought a quart of blueberries for the freezer, and a quart of peaches for slicing and canning in a light syrup. Got additional banana peppers (huge) for making italian stuffed banana peppers, and some corn for grilling and also stripping fro the cob and freezing. Nothing better than fresh-picked peaches and cream sweet corn. I found a recipe for canned cole slaw, where you put the cabbage in a brine, then drain it slightly and add mayo before serving. Got a small cabbage for 0.79, so will give it a try and see if it passes my coleslaw taste test. Add to all of this, I may have a houseguest tomorrow night. A classmate from California flew in for the reunion and is concerned that her flight may be significantly delayed or cancelled altogether, since she's in the tropical storm weather pattern. Told her if she finds herself in that situation to give me a call and I'd pick her up at Midway, and she'd have a place to rest her head and trasnportaiton back o the airport. No sense in her having the additional expence when I've got a spare guest room that's currently unoccupied. Will be another hot one here, too. If you're in that weather pattern, stay safe and hydrated!

    1. WOW what a busy week you had. I am hungry now - reading about all your goodies!!! Little Betty Crocker there!!!!!
      Mmmm fresh peaches - sweet and juicy! I have done canned slaw before and love it just the way it comes out of the jar. You could drain and add mayo - but I like it as is.
      Nice of you to have your fellow classmate stay at your place. I am sure that is appreciated.
      You sure have a lot of energy! Hope I get a little of it this week!
      Stay cool and have a great week.

  9. As always you have had a super productive week, energy abounds with you.
    Our work has been put on hold this week as we help an elderly neighbour clean out a rural property that been overtaken by a group of homeless people. He was unaware of the situation until notified by authorities. Anyway, they did a midnight flit to avoid prosecution but left an absolute mess behind. So sad for this gent to be taken advantage of, it makes me cranky. Anyway, that’s my rant. I’m sick and tired of people that just take, take, take.

    In brighter news this week, I found a massive zucchini that had been hiding away at the back of the bed. I sliced it open down the middle and the chickens had a buffet lunch, even the duck got involved and he usually won’t eat with the poultry as he thinks he is a dog.

    Have a great week everyone, prayers and thoughts for those who need them.

    1. Oh how sad for your neighbor. That is just so aggravating and happens more and more every day. I hear about it a lot - see a house they think is empty - just take it over. Grrrrrr - that pushes all kinds of buttons for me. So kind of you to help him.
      Now I would have grated the Huge zucchini for relish or bread - you were more generous and fed the flock!!!!!! What a treat.
      Don't over work this week and stay cool and hydrated.
      Many blessings to you.

  10. I managed to get more tinfoil trays from our Dollarama and so used up the final 4 eggplant that I harvested midweek. However there are lots more on the plants.

    God bless.

    1. Good going. That will all be so tasty and comforting this winter. Guess you could share in the yumminess. My brother breads and flash freezes to have for fried later in the year.
      Have a wonderful week.

  11. You were busy with household chores this week. Glad you are still harvesting fresh goodies from the garden. This morning we did some gardening at our allotment. I brought back some pretty good carrots. I found some raspberries yeh and picked some rhubarb and came home and made two crumbles, one we have just eaten for lunch (it is almost one in the afternoon here)
    We have a large chest freezer which I had almost emptied, using up the food and saving money for a new dining room and stair carpet. It did prove a blessing as Father in Law wanted to defrost his almost full freezer, so I had room for his food. We have plenty of green beans, zucchini and tomatoes growing so will be adding the the freezer soon.
    Our daughter and eldest Grandaughter had a great weeks cruise but their flight home was delayed three hours so only a couple of hours sleep before work this morning. Daughter's ex husband is getting married on Friday at Gretna Green in Scotland, a seven hour drive away on a good day. Neither of his two children really want to go. (He is not dad to our eldest brand daughter) Your devotions seem quite apt this week, in the past we have all been angry and bitter about the situation but Poppy and I talked about it yesterday and we both tried to be positive about the whole situation which neither of us may have done several years ago.

    1. Glad you got goodies from the allotment. Sounds tasty.
      That was great having the freezer space while fil wanted to defrost. It is paying off for you to use and save as well. mart thinking.
      The cruise sounds nice, but not returning to work on so little sleep. It is hard when an ex remarries and there are children involved. They should make their own decision.
      I am finding that being angry and bitter, isn't helping a thing, and I feel so much better when I send up good thoughts and forgive. It makes my life easier. The others can stay miserable. Good growth!
      Have a great week.

    2. I have no prob!end at all with divorce, people remarrying or living together. The kids are 19 and 21 and were told you will go or else. It's hard for my grandson as he lives with his dad and partner and works with him but his long time girlfriend is not invited or allowed at the house anymore and a sweeter, quieter young lady you would be hard pressed to find. I have said in the past, ex son in law and siblings did not have the easiest up bringing but he is really not a nice person who has few morals ( and I know I'm not perfect) Put it like this, Grandaughter works on a phone line and face to face with victims of domestic abuse and understands all about coercive control.

  12. Wow, Kay you have been busy. Sounds like everything is really coming along and you are very well prepared for the upcoming winter. You should be very proud. So much accomplished. I like the idea of dehydrating the potatoes for hash browns.
    I do hope the corn, soy beans and bales of feed turn out to be productive. August has been our wettest month up until now. It sure is amazing how the weather differs in different areas.
    Yes mam, we all need to be thankful for what we have and to be vigilant and prayerful as well.
    Have a wonderful week. Nice to see you post!

  13. Hi Cheryl- I appreciate your prayers and scriptures on your posts.

    1. Hi Rhonda. Thank you - they sure help me!
      Have a great week.

  14. Good morning, Cheryl.
    Sounds like you had a lovely productive week. Your meals look delish.
    My week just flew by. Last Tuesday we did a big shop and added things to our medical pantry, stocked up on butter, which had previously been $5.99 for a pound and was down to $2 per pound,
    Wednesday the second eye laser surgery was done and yesterday I finished the last of the drops. I am so thankful to God that there were no adverse reactions.
    I made two meat loaves this week, made 3 1/2 quarts of bone broth in the instant pot,harvested more green beans, basil, zucchini , peppers and celery from the garden, made some no roll crackers. We recently got a stuffed waffle maker and made cheese cake and fresh peach stuffed waffles using gluten free flour and coconut milk in place of the wheat flour and butter milk called for. They were decadently delicious. Cookie

    1. Very happy to hear that the surgeries were both done and successful!!! That is huge!
      My you kept busy. Great deal on butter!
      The peach stuffed waffles sound like an incredibly yummy adventure!!!!! Mmmmm. My mouth s watering.
      You did very well providing for the pantry and freezer.
      Have a wonderful week.

  15. Hi Cheryl, it was a busy week for me too. So glad you got to visit and have a fun time with your classmate!

    Love that your neighbor asked for zucchini!

    It's grueling hot here...Grueling. Drought conditions.

    The scripture and writing on that subject is very good!

    Going to try a casserole with a squash, little potato blend with skins on of course, (potassium!) :) yay! Bell peppers, onions and tomatoes. I have one link of veggie tofurkey I will chop up fine and put that in the tomatoes. Olive oil, maybe a little free range happy butter.

    Have a great day! ~Amelia

    1. Busy minds and bodies, keep us out of trouble!!!!
      Your casserole sounds very good indeed. No reason why it wouldn't be delish!
      Have a lovely week.

  16. You've had a very busy and productive week. Hope the heat doesn't last too long. Enjoy your canning!

  17. I did get a good deal....Sam's Wholesale. I found a 6 ft. high blow up fire hydrant sprinkler for the littles to play in! $12.81. Normally 29.99. We can water our yard at the same time! The little ones will love it!

    1. That is a deal! They will enjoy that and so will the grass and plants!!!!!

  18. Debby in Kansas USAAugust 21, 2023 at 1:50 PM

    I'm sorry to those of you dealing with stuff. It's so exhausting. I'm a firm believer that a diet change can solve most conditions or at least reduce problems. I got mono as an adult. While it's hard 8n teens, as an adult, it was horrendous. And there's nothing in medicine that can be done. My friend also got it...I still blame the mozzarella sauce we shared lol. 9 months later, we both were still sick. We scoured health magazines and books and finally determined that a strong immune system was what we needed. So we both start

    1. Good health and a strong immune system help with a whole lot of things. I just do as much natural as possible. - I am not a fan of doctors whatsoever.
      Have a great week.

  19. Thank you Cheryl! I come over from Harvest Lane & Laura to visit you too. I have been doing that since 2012 I think. I just wanted to say I loved your post and the devotionl also. Thank you! Annie

    1. Hi Annie - so happy to have you here. Glad to have you as a member of our 'family'.
      Have a blessed week.

  20. Just popping in before a nap. My foot/ankle surgery is scheduled for September 7th. It's going to be more involved than we'd thought, but recovery is about the same... 6 weeks no weight bearing on that foot + 6 weeks of wearing a special boot and rehab if needed. He did say it can take quite awhile to heal.

    1. Glad things are moving forward. Take good care of yourself. Know that God's got this.

    2. Glad you have a date and you have some time to prepare things.

    3. UPDATE: While I was napping, the Dr,'s office called. Surgery has been moved to Aug. 31st. Thank you both (Frances and Cheryl) for your thoughts and prayers. I'm excited for when it's all over and I've healed up.

    4. You better get the house and pantry arranged!!!! Good that you get it over with sooner!
