Thursday, March 14, 2024

It Is In The Air

 Happy Thursday!  Spring has sure been in the air this week at my house.  Yesterday was 70F, and it is currently 60F this morning!  We have a big line of storms that is to come through this early afternoon - yuck!  I love spring, but spring storms is my one dread.  We get a lot of tornados in this area and hail.  Nothing fun about either.  It looks like it may go through quickly but covers a lot of area.

I did a walk about this morning after feeding the birds and squirrels.  Flowers are pretty and things are popping up.  There are a couple of big magnolia trees in the neighborhood, and they are just about ready to pop open!!!  Bad news - they better do it quick - as by Sunday evening we will have freezing weather.  Almost every year this happens.  So sad - as they are such beautiful majestic looking trees.

Sunday is St. Patrick's day - do you have plans?  We have a parade, I believe tomorrow downtown.  It is usually pretty chilly and often wet for the parade.  I have Irish in me but will not be doing anything special - EXCEPT I will make myself a Rueban sandwich this weekend!!!!  I have everything here and look forward to that.
                             The forsythia are in full bloom!  Just bright balls of beauty in the yard!
                                                         Daffies are so pretty for now!
                                             All kinds of flowers (and weeds) are popping up.
        Here is Vinca vine, Spider Wart, Ivy (ugh) and there is some Echinacea in there too.
The grass really needs to be cut - it is growing like crazy.  It is still muddy and will be worse after today - so it will have to wait until next week.

Birds of all sorts singing this morning.  Chickens pecking out front (ugh).  My squirrel is in the feed jar again.  It was in there late yesterday afternoon, came out and sunned, went back in, and stayed all night I suppose.  I am wondering if he lost his nest to another or maybe it got destroyed.  Little guy doesn't stir much for me  - so not sure what is going on.  Nature will work things out.

                                                               That is a gallon size jar.
It has been so lovely to have no heat on, windows open and fresh air filling the house.  Guess that ends after today for a while.  Such is life.  Soon we will all be complaining about the heat!!  You know I am right!

Some of you live in warmer areas, some are on vacation in warm places right now and others are experiencing what I am.  Then there are those who are still being bombarded by snow!  
Whatever your day brings - I hope you enjoy it and are safe.!

I plan on being outside while I can today.  Windows open as long as possible.  I plan on experimenting with a couple of cooking ideas I have this weekend.

Have a fantastic day to all!


  1. Cheryl, I can't believe I'm the first comment :) Usually there are at least 20 when I get here :) I'm fascinated by that little squirrel in the jar! I wonder why he feels so safe in there? I didn't realize St. Patrick's day was already upon us. That gave me an idea for Millie Day tomorrow, so I'm glad you mentioned it! I hope you have a great day outdoors and enjoy the warmth. It's hot and humid here already. But that could change tomorrow, so I won't fret too much :) Have a wonderful day!

    1. I understand - the squirrel has me wondering too. He must feel very safe. He is out right now - don't see any around. Weird.
      Yep, already time for the holidays to be upon us. Glad that gave you an idea for the kiddos!
      It is about to rain here and it is a little breezy.
      Thanks - have a good one tomorrow!!!!!

  2. That's really odd about your squirrel. That he may have lost his nest makes sense, but why isn't he trying to build a new one? Plainly he is not as sick as you feared at first. ;) He's living in the local grocery store!

    I need to plant some seeds - spinach and parsley. At least start them somewhere.

    Yesterday was gorgeous and I enjoyed being outdoors cleaning up from the various windstorms we've had. My hostas are poking out of the ground now! Probably too early, as they've been nipped before and we're not done with cold weather.

    1. It is odd. You may be right - just hanging out in the local grocery! He is out right now - no idea where to. They have all disappeared for the moment - it is about to storm.
      Love those pretty days! They get us so motivated! Yes, some things are popping out too early and will get nipped for sure.

  3. The squirrel decided to camp out in the feed jar. That is very odd. It is lovely to have the furnace turned off and the back door open so the boys can go in and out and they please. I hate to see the pretty flowers knocked down by cold weather but it seems to happen every year. Your forsythia looks beautiful!

    If the chickens are going to visit you, the least they can do is lay an egg or two. A person is allowed twelve chickens and one rooster in Marion County. However, I don't think they are meant to run loose in the neighborhood.

    The yellow peonies that I bought on clearance last year at Costco are up. We need to get the straw away from Philip, the fig tree. The Farmer replanted two bunches of overwintered chives in the new herb table. There is some thyme that overwintered also. The rain looks like it will hold off until after noon so I'll try to get some weeding done. The chickens go nuts over the things we throw in their run.

    See you Sunday!

    1. I find the little fellow odd as well. Not in there right now - none to be seen as the rain approaches.
      I THINK these are both roosters - that is how they look. The owners could care less about them - and no they aren't supposed to be free ranging here. It may be time to complain to the city. I am not going to appreciate them come summer.
      YAY on the peonies. I bet they will be pretty. Hope you get bloom this year - may be a couple years.
      My chives are up and going too.
      It sure looks like it is about to open up here! Stay dry!

  4. It's bright and sunny here too, just perfect spring weather! That little squirrel must be so confused. You're right, nature will sort it all out. Maybe he likes the view from in there, lol.

    1. Well, our sun left and it looks like rain any moment. I am glad you have lovely weather.
      A room with a view - safe from rain, and food! Sounds like maybe he has a plan!! Silly squirrel.

  5. Good morning. The first line of storms came through around 2:35 AM. I was woken by the hail thumping on the roof. I looked out and it looked like a heavy snow coming down. But snow doesn't make that noise, so I knew it was hail. There was still a pile of hail on the lawn, at the gutter washout, at 7:45 AM, when I let the pup out. So there must have been a lot of if it was still there after 5 hours. We also had lots of close thunder and lightning around 4:30 AM, enough to make my place shudder. It's stopped raining for now, but there's more in the forecast for this afternoon. Luckily, most of the more severe stuff is staying south of I-80; I'm about 10 mins. north of I-80).

    St. Patrick's Day is big here. I lived on Chicago's southwest side for more than 35 years, where there is a HUGE parade on the Sunday before St. Pat's (on ON St. Pat's Day, if it falls on a Suday). My brother-in-law lived just a few doors off the parade route; we lived about 6 blocks from him and 2 blocks off the main street. So there was always a big party at my brother-in-law's house and, after they moved, we hosted every year. After my husband passed, I still hosted until I moved, and then I started the Annual Far South Side Gathering of the Clan. While there is no parade here, we take the pups for their afternoon walk dressed in our green. This is kind of a rite of Spring for us. So, I'll have a household full of family and friends on Sunday afternoon. I'm providing the main dish of corned beef, swiss cheese, and rye breads for sandwiches, as well as potato salad and coleslaw. Others will bring an appetizer, other sides, and desserts, and we'll enjoy each other's company (along with a few toasts, I'm sure).

    The trees here are starting to bud, and my hyacinths are in full bloom. And my tax preparer saw the first huge locust -- it's supposed to be bad this year, with to different broods hatching. But something tells me that Mother Nature is not yet done with us.

    Stay safe during the bad weather, and have a wonderful weekend, if I don't get back here.

    1. That sounds like a scary morning. I hate hail. The storm came through and was dark and windy and pouring for maybe a half hour - now the sun is shining. Thank goodness no hail - that can sure do some damage.
      Sounds like a fun time for St. Patty's Day around your area. That is cool with the doggie walk/parade. I have corned beef in freezer (cooked), kraut and Swiss and rye - for my Rueban! One of my favorite sandwiches ever.
      Have fun with all your company.
      I was just looking at the maps talking about the double scourge of locusts - and IN is in the path of both - oh boy. NOT
      No Mother Nature probably still has a bit for us to savor.
      Have fun!

  6. Forsythia is the first to bloom here can't wait.

    1. They are so pretty. This year is a great year for them here - last year got hardly any blooms.

  7. Our grass/ weeds were cut for the first time today and I LOVE that smell. Fresh cut grass is one of my favourite smells.
    Enjoy your weekend. Take care, Louise

    1. Lucky you. I love that smell too - I never get tired of it. It reminds me of childhood. Our school of course had no AC back in the day - and the windows would be open. The maintenance would cut the grass and we could smell it in class. Just a fun memory I get every time!!!!
      I wonder if they have candles with that scent????

    2. I am sure they would but it could never be as good as the real thing.
      Having said that I do love a nice scented candle. And a nice smelling bar of soap. Sheesh! Don’t I sound like an old lady!!!!

    3. No it wouldn't be as good as the fresh smell. No - not an old lady in my opinion. I have candles going all the time in favorite scents when the windows are shut.

  8. Snow this morning here, but it is melted now and the sun is beginning to peek through the cloud cover. Too late for me to take advantage of and work on the cross stitch, but the sun made the walk to get the mail very enjoyable. Love the flowers that are blooming for you.

    God bless.

    1. Glad it has melted. I have friends in CO that got 3' of snow since last night and are expecting at least another foot by tomorrow's end. I cannot imagine. I have seen pics and boy oh boy is it snowy! They live on top of a mountain. Not going anywhere for a while!
      Glad you had a lovely walk. I just love spring flowers.

  9. Watching the weather in your area on the weather channel - whoa! Praying for everyone to stay safe.
    I’m not a squirrel expert, but I think he’s pretty savvy, stayin’ safe in Hotel Cheryl. Your forsythia bush is fabulous! Our little bushes have lost their blossoms and are soft green in color now.
    It’s been in the 70s here yesterday and today. Sat/Sun down to 30s at night. O well, such is Spring in OK.
    Made Tuna Tarragon salad and tuna salad today since the weather8s nice and warm. Saturday planning Mac ‘n Cheese with broccoli and Sunday a roast (for the cooler temps).
    Enjoy your Reuben - sounds so good!
    Mary in OK

    1. It was rainy this morning then we got sun. Tonight some nasty stuff supposed to come through after dark - ick! Looks like it could get rough for some.
      Yes, you may be right - he has been out and gone all day - so maybe the wife kicked him out and he was in the 'doghouse'. LOL
      You are getting weather like us - supposed to get cold this weekend - guess it just travels here after hitting you.
      Someday the warm weather will stay.
      Roast sounds yummy!

  10. Our forsythia bush has just started to show yellow and we have tulips in the back garden and miniature daffodils out front. Still very wet here. The local farmers on 'the levels' are having an emergency meeting soon as a whole area their land has been under water now for months. Ditches (called rhynes locally) need to be dredged and water pumped off the area which is just not happening.
    We had a great visit to the garden centre with my husband's twin sister, lunch was really good. We both bought packets of seeds and yes, she bought some plants. Their late mum was born in Dublin and every year St Patrick's Day fell on a school day, the six children went to school wearing a shamrock. There was a large number of Irish people came over to our part of the UK in the 50s to work in the local leather and sheepskin factories. I know in many larger cities in the US there are St Patrick Day parades, another sister in law and her daughter were in New York this time last year and they were amazed by the parade. We don't actually have anything like that locally. I will make colcannon as that was a favourite dish of MIL.
    Hope you have a good weekend Cheryl.

    1. Those poor farmers. That is sad to hear that they are not getting the help they need. Hope the meetings help.
      How nice on your visit and luncheon at the garden center. That sounds like a lovey thing.
      Yes, the US tends to do parades every year. Big parades. So many times it seems it is cold and rainy. I have never been to one of the parades in my life.
      I have never had colcannon - but have heard of it for years. It sounds like all things I like, just mixed together! Enjoy it and your pretty flowers!

  11. I think the squirrel is incredibly smart. He just lives in the kitchen. Why do the chickens in your yard bother you so much? My hens destroyed the grubs that were destroying the grass roots. My neighbor threatened to destroy my hens is they got in her yard. The never did!
    The smell of freshly cut grass is something that sends my allergies into overdrive.
    I have a huge patch of clover, tall clover and huge clovers. I looked for about 30 seconds to see if there were any four-leaf clovers. Nope

    1. Yeah, the squirrel may be the smart one!
      I don't mind the chickens so much in the yard, but they want to spend a lot of time on my porch and they poop all over it!! That is NOT ok with me. I like to spend time on my porch when it is nice, and chicken crap is not appealing. Plus it is not cool for the owners to not take care of them and keep them enclosed as required. We have a lot of traffic on our street, can't believe they haven't been hit yet.
      Sorry the grass cutting bothers you - I know not everyone can handle it. I sure do love that smell.

  12. Praying that you got through the storms unscathed.

    1. I did - my immediate area was spared any damage. Thank you so much. So many around the state sure suffered damage. It was sad.

  13. Nothing much spring-y going on here yet but at least we don't have a blanket of snow this year. We often have snow right up into April. Too bad about the cut grass smell. I love it-it reminds me of home and haying on the farm when I was young. Thanks for popping by my blog. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend. xo Diana

    1. It will be getting chilly after today for a few days here. Nights will be cold. I love the grass smell as well - just brings back memories.
      Hoping your weather gets better and spring starts to pop.
      Glad to see you post.
      Have a good weekend.
