Tuesday, March 12, 2024

What's Up? and Another Question

 Happy Tuesday to all.  Hope you and yours are all well.  It is going to be a sunny day here and it is currently 45F this morning.  We are going up to upper or mid 60's.  It appears it will be a lovely week for the most part - then Monday it gets pretty darn chilly again and maybe flurries!  Nope winter isn't over - except in our minds!
The birds are just all singing their songs this morning - it sure sounds like spring.  I just love it.  Had to shoosh the chickens off - I don't mind them, except when they get on the porch!  They CAN be messy - if you know what I mean!  UGH!!

The sun is shining, we will warm up today, there are some spring flowers budding, the birds are singing, and my kitties and I are well.
Bitsy is not sure what to think about the chickens!  He watches and watches and then when they get close (on porch), he runs and hides under my comforter!  LOL.  Such a brave boy - haha.

What are your plans for the week?  Give us a shout out as to what you are up to.  It helps us all get ideas.  Are you going to spring clean - indoors or outdoors?   Are you crafting anything fun for the upcoming holiday?  Are you starting your garden things?

This (the picture) is my week!  All of these things.  I started yesterday outside.  I managed to put a couple things at the curb for heavy trash.  They were so bad, there was no re-use or upcycle left in them - or so I thought.  Someone stopped and took one item last night.  Must have a good imagination!
I just have so many things I want to go through, and donate, and fix, and even some trashing.  
The nicer weather and the sunshine, gets me motivated.
By the time fall comes, I want my house in order, and I want a lot of bigger things done to improve my home.  THIS is going to be my year!

My other question.  WHAT do you WANT to read about here?  
I know I ask this every so often - but I want to keep things fresh and fun.  I want to give posts that are relevant to us all.  I want to give you what you need and want to read.
Any ideas will be considered.  I have my pen and notebook ready to write down your ideas!!

I hope you each enjoy your day and get some sunshine!
Enjoy the simple things in life - they are what makes life a joy!


  1. Dear Cheryl, I’ve never commented before, but I enjoy your blog so much! You have such a lovely, positive outlook on life that is a pleasure to read. Laurie in Mississippi

    1. Hello Laurie! Nice to see you. We have a lot of Laurie's and Lori's here! I love it. I hope all is well in Mississippi! I noticed there were storms down that way. Stay safe.
      Thank you for your kind words - I appreciate it!
      Hoping you chime in from time to time.

  2. Good Morning! I am cleaning and getting ready to have some tile work done this week. It will take 2 days. It is touching up of some grout and a seal. In addition, I am preparing to host an 89th birthday party for my mother in law on Sunday. It will be a pot luck. I am suppling a ham, potato salad, rolls, drinks and birthday cake. We will also be meeting a new great niece on Sunday. She is 6 weeks old!

    Paula in the Blue Ridge Mountains

    1. Hi Paula! How lovely to see new people today. Glad to have you here.
      Tile work will make the area so nice. It is always nice to have things all freshly grouted!
      How fun and lovely on the birthday party. Those are such special days to get to be together. Good idea doing a potluck - it shares the expense, the work, and there is always something new and fun to eat. Oh my heart, a sweet new baby! Get lots of cuddle time.
      Have a lovely week and wishing your MIL a happy birthday.
      Please stop by anytime!

  3. Hi Cheryl! Isn't this taste of Spring wonderful? Seems it will be short lived, but still wonderful. I have been working on every drawer, cabinet, closet before I do my Spring cleaning. If it hasn't been used in the last couple of years, it needs to find a new home. I have the 6th load to drop off for donations. Isn't it funny what you can put out by the road that someone will pick up? I always wonder what they do with the items. Have a great day!!

    1. Yes mam, loving this little sampler platter of spring.
      That sounds like spring cleaning to me! It is amazing what we accumulate. I have clothes I am going through this week that haven't been worn in ages - someone else needs to be blessed.
      6 loads is a lot! Yep, you can put most anything out, and someone will take it. We do have a lot of older guys that scrap metal to supplement incomes - so I gladly put those things out.

  4. Hi Cheryl. I am also getting rid of things no longer needed. Six bags are leaving today. We hit 10C yesterday, so now is time for me to decide what all to plant food wise in 10 gallon containers. I have room for 20 x30 and room for 10-20 smaller ones. I live in a place with a large balcony and just the right amount of sun each day. Jean

    1. Hi Jean = nice to have you post.
      6 bags leaving is a lot. 6 must be the number this week - Lori has 6 containers gone too.
      Planting time will be here soon. Can't wait. Sounds like your plan is already starting - good luck. I love that you use your balcony. That reiterates to readers, that gardening can be done in most any place! Love it.

  5. I am always interested in what you write! Even the cream puffs on your porch. ha! I think our chickens poop with just about every step. Sure makes good compost.

    I cleaned out a shelf in the bathroom linen closet. Things were such a jumble and of course, there were things that should have been tossed years ago. Found some Sudafed-type products that had expired in 2011. Took all the pills out of the blister packs and put them in a contain with water, bleach and soap and them put it in the trash. The hospice ladies taught us that process for disposing of old meds. If someone is searching in your trash for drugs, they are unusable.

    It feels good to sort through and either donate or toss. It seems lots of ladies are doing that in this springtime.

    It's nice to have new readers! Have you heard from Frances? I wonder if something happened to her husband. Still pray for them.

    1. Well, I am sure it is good fertilizer, but not on my porch!!
      It is amazing the stuff we can find when really digging in. I like hearing that idea on destroying meds - I forgot I got something Sat. at the shred event I mean to show for the same thing.
      It does feel good to release!
      I have and they are ok.
      It is great to see new people. I guess they have been here all along - just quiet! It is fun to hear new ideas!
      Enjoy this pretty day!

    2. Thanks for the idea on how to destroy expired meds, that's a keeper!

      I love that cat poster at the top of the page. :) A cat is the perfect one for it.

      Today I worked a bit in the garden, picking up twigs and blown down branches.. We've had a lot of wind lately. Only need another 6 months of steady work to make it look really nice... ;)


    3. I thought the kitty was so appropriate! It takes a lot of time and work to get gardens ready and looking nice. Wind has been a big thing for a lot of people this year. By the time we get things looking good, it will be time to put it all to bed!! Such is life - LOL.

  6. P.S. I added the quote at the beginning of your post to my saved quotes book. There are several from your blog.

    1. I love that. It is nice they bring joy to others.

  7. Good morning, Cheryl. Always good to read whatever you write as I always learn something new. Yesterday we had wild 50 mph winds and power outages and fridged temps. Today and for the next 3 days into the high 60s and low 70s, then it's back to the cold weather. Daffodils are blooming here and birds are back. We have a robin that comes back every year and perches on our low weeping cedar at the very top and surveys his kingdom. He's fun to watch. The ducks will be back soon to find their nesting place.
    For the next few warm days we will be taking a walk in the sunshine, digging in some compost in the raised bed, as well as watering it with some fish emulsion that needs to be used up and improve the nutrients in the soil before planting in May. I'm slowly but surely finishing up Easter cards. Hubs likes to have an orange with his breakfast so I thinly slice the peel off before he gets it and use it to make my own orange extract for myself and gift baskets. Just started a new batch this morning. I never buy extracts, making my own from lemon rind, orange rind, and purchased on sale vanilla beans and vodka. I found some organic bananas reduced to 10 cents a pound last week and got 7 pounds. There are now 3 dozen GF banana chocolate chip muffins inthe freezer and the peels are also frozen to turn into banana water fertilizer in a few weeks. Handyman will be coming later this week to do some things that hubs is not able to do, like getting on a tall ladder, which is really to dangerous for him. Have a blessed day. Cookie

    1. Thanks. Sounds similar to our weather - except our wind wasn't that bad. It is always fun to see all the flowers and birds returning. I have this one red-winged black bird (there are surely 2) and it has been here that past few year. I assume it is the same one - or you'd think I'd see more.
      Sounds like you have big plans. I love making extracts. Easy to do. You always have so many goodies made.
      Yes, those ladders are scary.

  8. Good morning, Cheryl (and to all the Laurie's and Lori's and others that are following your page). I woke up to 52* but will take full responsibility for the snow in Monday's forecast. This weekend is St. Patrick's Day and, having lived on Chicago's south side for 35+ years, it's party time. Since I'll be having family and friends over on Sunday, I took a risk and stowed my boots and the shovel. I DID leave the salt container by the front door, so I'm hopeful that we won't get much, if any, snow. Love what you write. It often reminds me that, as a widow, I'm not alone in how I'm approaching the again-single life. Thanks for your online friendship and encouragement.

    1. LOL - it is lovely here as well today - but soon it won't be!
      I never did party much on St. Pat Day - but why not?? Hoping you don't get a lot of snow, your guests need to be safe traveling.
      Yes, we are in this journey together. It is nice to have others that understand. Just wish it were for a different reason.
      Thank you for being here.

  9. Hi Cheryl, happy Tuesday. It is a busy week for me, annual eye exam yesterday (all good slight change in prescription), am hanging mirrors and pictures in my condo finally, lunch with friends on two days, and enjoying the Arizona weather. So looks like a good week. I laughed at your chickens on the porch visual and the comment by someone that chickens may poop with every step ;). I don’t have chickens here but since I put new tile on my back patio, two doves are determined to leave hourly/daily deposits, and so it is a Bill Murray Caddyshack time for me, I see them, jump up, run outside and they fly off. Idiotic but it is good exercise ;). Surely they will eventually find a new sitting location…Hilogene in Az

    1. Sounds like a busy and good week. Glad the eye exam went well. Nice to have warm and beautiful weather.
      Oh the chickens are really pretty birds - but yep, they poo a LOT, and some of it on my porch!
      LOL - that is a funny visualization of you running after the birds. I bang the door whenever I see them, off they go, and shortly after they come back. Funny thing, I almost watched that movie again this weekend. Turned it on, and then got busy. Such a funny show.
      Hope your birds find a new roosting spot!!
      Enjoy your luncheons out!

  10. Cheryl, I like to read about all the frugal ways & homemade items from you & your readers. I'm having a "playdate" with the neighbor little, a break from the long term care experience of the last 5 days. I still have to wipe a bum but it's on a 2 yr old vs a 91 yr old! So we'll play, make a mess, go outside this afternoon to see about a snowman; then I'll clean up after her & collapse into bed. Mom's assisted living room has been emptied so there's another pile of her things to sort through in the middle of my basement. Each moves results in fewer things in her immediate surroundings. I will get the humidifier emptied, cleaned & put away until next winter. Have a good day.

    1. Thanks. Oh what an experience you have been having. Oh my.
      Hope you and the little have a grand time together.
      That is such a job - and not a fun one. Life sure throws some curves, doesn't it? HUGS
      Sounds like a night to collapse in bed.
      Enjoy that sweet pea today!

  11. Hi Cheryl. My husband volunteers at a local nature reserve and has gone 'chipping wood' today. Several years ago I was contacted by a guy searching for his relation, related to someone on my family tree (on Ancestry) His daughter gave him a subscription for Christmas and he has been in touch again. In the UK we had a period where children in (care) Homes, many orphans or illegitimate were sent to Canada and Australia, many were treated badly, little better than servants and so young. Together we were able to find the family of a young lad who was sent to Canada aged only 10, they were delighted to learn their father's history. Through papers sent from Barnado's there was another brother I have 'found' records for this morning. More research is needed.
    Last weekend was my husband's and his twin sister's birthday so tomorrow we are taking her out for lunch. Her son is SEN and is out with a career tomorrow, so that should be fun. We are going to a local garden centre that cooks fresh yummy food. My sister in law loves her garden, so I imagine we will come back with plants.
    Enjoy your day.

    1. Oh what a story. How wonderful to have connected with that person and helped them find their ancestorial roots. And to have found a brother too. That is sure something. He will be so eternally grateful for that. Gosh, we just take it for granted to know some of our history - so many have no clue.
      What a delightful luncheon that will be. Happy birthday to the both of them. I would love to visit a place like that, where the garden center has lunch. Lovely.

  12. Hi! I enjoy your in blog so much. I especially like to see your quick and easy recipes, meal plans, and household hints (I'm still cheerleading for you to publish a book! Hint, hint! LOL) More subjects? I guess I'd say more "Inspiration for Living" such as in your Sunday posts.
    I'm not so interested in reports of current grocery prices, but that's just me. Thanks for all your do!

    1. Thank you! Oh, I can do the quick recipes for sure - that is about all I cook! And I think they are yummy!
      LOL - I keep think about publishing something - I guess I need to think harder - I am not getting any younger!
      Thanks for your input and support!

  13. I just love hearing about you. Your kitties, your doins.

  14. A lot of appointments this week then hopefully some fun on Saturday. Too busy until next Monday! Get tired of rushing around. How about some recommendations on good books to read. Just finished It Starts with Us and It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover. Loved both books and her writing style…. Would like some other enjoyablecreads like that!

    1. It has been a while since I have done a lot of reading - but others may have some good ideas. Love the suggestion.
      Hope you get some down time!

  15. Glad to hear Frances is okay, I was concerned for her. I hope her husband and mother are both well.
    Your chicken story is funny but that’s real gold they are leaving you.
    I would just like more of the same. I love the recipes, the new tips, being reminded of stuff I knew but had forgotten. Sometimes it’s even as simple as someone writing in the comments that they had such and such for dinner and I think “ yeah I’ll cook that tonight”. That’s a godsend to me because I do struggle to think up new meals.
    Next week I begin spring cleaning, so I’ll take any advice on that!!!!!!
    Have a great week everyone. Louise

    1. Yes funny - just wish it wasn't my porch!!! LOL
      Recipes I can do. I love hearing others menus too - it always nice to get new ideas.
      Spring cleaning - always a lot to do. I wonder why we wait to do it all at once? LOL - but we do.

  16. Me, well I am working as much as possible on organizing, and shopping at home first. I hope to get all organizing and cleaning done before I actually can get out and work in the yard.
    As far as what I would want to see on your blog, I think what you post is just perfect. Your posts remind me that there are people out in the real world that think the same way I do. I have a family of consumers and they can not for the life of them understand why I do some of the things I do.

    God bless.

    1. I think organizing and decluttering is on a lot of minds. Summer will soon be here - and we will all want to be outside!
      Thank you - it is nice to see there are so many of us who care about what we spend, and what we save, and what we do. I understand, I have those family members too.

  17. Your posts are just fine. Of course, some interest me more than others, but that does not mean you should change up anything. I told Tommy to call mower and guy to spray for fleas. That is what I am doing--prodding him...lol.
    I am also considering drip irrigation for flowers on porch. Thinking about a new front door, rather a storm door. And, still need to find us two cars. That is all I am doing. Well, does throwing up count?

    1. Thanks. I think this may be the year of 'doing' for some of us. I just want this refreshed both inside and out.
      You have some good goals there - hope you get them all done.
      Feel better soon!!!!!


  18. i think you're doing just fine with the topics that you share. Upbeat and inspirational are words to describe you. You understand that people are not all alike.
    A shared recipe, a cat story, what's in the garden and on the table, all are pleasant things that we can all relate to. We all have unpleasant experiences and sorrows and challenges. These I do not share nor do I enjoy hearing an endless litany of woes. I get it that sharing these things and asking for prayers eases sorrow and hey, I'm a guest here, I can read it and continue on. I'm 76 years old; I'm not expecting any miracles; just deal with it. I'm grateful for my long and healthy life. So, yes, I think that is what you have captured here, Cheryl.. a celebration of life. That's why you're a nice place to visit. Just keep doing your thing!

    1. Thank you Rita. I am glad people feel this is a nice place to visit and want to be here. I try. I am above pleased with your wordage. "A celebration of life". WOW - thank you. That means a lot.
      I try to keep it friendly and relatable. There are just so many things in life we all share.

  19. Hi Cheryl, I agree with others, I love all the things you share and recipes are always great. Also, love the family stories about your parents and childhood. I'm excited about retiring in only 3 weeks! And spring is the perfect time because I'll get to spend time outside planting flowers for the patio, etc. I had my house repainted this week too and that sure makes me happy. Also looking forward to getting cataract surgery next month and having good eyesight again! Have a good week and thanks for all your inspiring posts!

    1. Oh happy news - retirement. That is wonderful - congratulations! Nice on getting the house painted. I bet that looks so nice - I know just having my shutters painted last year made mine look different.
      You will love having GREAT sight again. I was terrified to do it, but it sure was a blessing. I am still love with it. You will be happy you had it done.
      Spring is about to pop and there is much to look forward to. Hope you have a wonderful spring!
