Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Some Wednesday Words

 Happy first full day of spring.  May your spring and summer be joyful and full of gifts of all sorts.  Life is such a gift and should be enjoyed every day.  We need to reach out and grab life and hold on for a fun ride.  Granted, some days it is not fun or even happy - but it is another day.  When bad things happen - we may never really recover - but we do transform!  Transformation is a part of life - everything does it.  A seed, a sprout, a plant, a flower, a fruit or veggie - beauty and/or nourishment!  Transformation!

We are all so different and so are our lives.  Don't expect everyone to agree with you - it will never happen.  That doesn't mean they don't care or love you - it just means that they have a different opinion.  We all do.
If we were all given a basket of material that was exactly the same and told to make a patchwork - each one would be different.  Yep.  If we each were told to make a gift basket with the same items - they would all look different.  We can be given the same opportunities and the same lessons - and each life will be different.  We see things and hear things differently.  THAT is what makes the world go round!
We each try our best.  All we can do is try our best - do you.
Stop following the crowd - be an individual.

If you are working on having a simple life - remember it doesn't have to be fancy or perfect.  Odds are it won't be.  It can be small and calm.  It can be very selective - whatever you choose.
If you have needs or questions, just ask.  All someone can do is say no!  They may say yes and offer help.  You never know until you try.

It seems everyone in life is in a hurry today.  Why?  They aren't getting anyplace any quicker - they just fill their lives with stress!
Life is beautiful - it really is.  Old fashioned ways and things can be joyful.  I'd rather have them than all the new-fangled ideas and things.
Like Rita encouraged yesterday - get outside.  Walk, stroll, work, breath - just get out in the fresh air and sunshine every single day - regardless of the weather.  Fresh air and sunshine can't be substituted - don't care how you try.
Enjoy each day.  Make each day the best.  Get things done and have a little fun as well.

REMEMBER - for all the things you don't have - you sure do have a lot!

Happy spring - may all things in your life renew and grow as the spring does.
Have a wonderful day.


  1. Happy Spring, Cheryl! What a wonderful post to wake up to ... thank you !

  2. Spring is most welcome! Such a beautiful sunshiny day! Another quote for my collection. I follow a blogger whose dad was related to the Wilder family.

    Enjoy your day! We are off to run errands.

    1. Spring is indeed most welcome. A beautiful day in all aspects!

  3. Happy Spring Cheryl! The world would be a very boring place if we were all alike. I've never been one that enjoyed hustle. I like my slow paced, laid back life. Have a great day.

    1. Much to be said for slow paced and laid back! It sure would be boring. Too much of anything makes me stress! Happy, happy!

  4. Such an uplifting post today, Cheryl. Aren't we the lucky ones. We can complain about the cost of living or a dozen things but compared to so many in the world living in situations out of their control, we have got it made.
    I got out for my walk despite a cold breeze but was rewarded with deer tracks along the driveway. It's been an easy winter for them and they should be in good shape for the birthing season. A mink is very active on the lakeshore; nice to see it. There are places where there is open water so it can dive in to fish.
    I hope you and the kitties are having a happy, cosy day!

    1. Thank you. We are the lucky ones. I watched a You Tube video yesterday and all she did was complain. How everything is done to make us do things we shouldn't. How people are out to screw us. On and on. It just made me heartsick. There is so much good out there if we just pay attention. YES, we need to pay attention - but then we should. This world is pretty great.
      Glad you got out to enjoy the beauty!

  5. There are videos that certainly caution us about things we need to hear. Not sure why that was so bad. But, I did not see the video.
    Spring is sure lovely. We drove about 50 miles and back to get my mail and do other things. All along the interstate redbud trees bloomed at the edge of the line of trees. It was spectacular. Several churches and businesses had Yoshino cherry trees in bloom along with redbuds. All this made for a happy trip. I love cherry trees and redbuds in bloom.

    1. There may videos like that - but I have a brain and mind and find some of these doomsdayers and negative Nellies quite off putting. I don't need that.

      Your area seems to be ahead of ours quite a bit. Not that much blooming here, and probably none after a hard freeze tonight! Spring is such a lovely time of the year. I just love seeing everything come back to life.

  6. "... may all things in your life renew and grow as the spring does." I love that! And the same for you as well!

    1. Thanks. Our lives are ever changing and we should continue to grow and change as well. The best to you.
