Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ordinary and Humble

Living an ordinary and humble life is wonderful in my opinion.  Ordinary and humble has meaning!  Many people think that life has to be over the top.  Some people think that you have to do BIG things to be special.  They feel like they aren't doing their part - especially in this 'different' time, that perhaps they should do more.
EVERY life is important - as is every action.

You can journal or blog, you can sit quietly and listen to nature, you can cook good meals, you can care for pets and nature, you can garden, you can be a good neighbor, you can be a kind hearted person...…………..and you know what?  THAT'S ENOUGH!
You don't have to find a cure, or run into a burning building to be ENOUGH. You are special just the way you are.
We tend to be our own worst enemy.  We are more critical of ourselves than any one.  STOP IT!

There is good and bad in life - that is what it is all about.
There are weeds and sticker bushes and there are roses and pansies.
There are days that are a breeze and there are those that are a bi*ch.
Stuff happens.
Stop the drama and remove those that are full of drama from your every day life.  Some people seem to not be happy unless there is drama.  OH MY, we all know them.  That drama is just a waste of time and energy.  We can all do without that!
Life is a gift and it is special - enjoy it.

There will be bad days.  There will be days of crying and heartbreak.  There will be days that we hurt inside and out.  We all have them.  Yet here we are - we woke up this morning!  We have to go forward and keep moving.  Remember the sun will rise and the birds will sing again tomorrow.
You can't change yesterday - there are days that we would all love to change (trust me) - but that is impossible.  So onward and forward.

I think living ordinary and humbly is blissful.  It is healthy and it is normal!!!!
I know some people are afraid.  Be courageous and keep faith.  FAITH IS PEACE.
Remember:   Courage is not the absence of fear - it is about having the fear and doing it any way.

I just wanted to reassure everyone that living an ordinary and humble life is good enough!!
Do the little things.  Live the 'right' life.  Be kind.  Be patient.  Be neighborly.  Be happy.  Be humble and be a faithful servant.

Being YOU is enough.  Someone much greater has this covered!
Have faith my friends.
Blessings to all.


  1. Cheryl--What a perfectly beautiful message here. That is so true. There is order in the world when we lead normal, ordinary lives. love to you-Diana

    1. Thank you so much.
      I like that - order in the world!

  2. Lovely post Cheryl. I think it's the ordinary and humble people that make the world go round.

  3. I think this is the nicest blog post I have read. Thank you for your wonderful words.

  4. Very true. I feel especially sorry for young people now as they seem to have such high expectations. When I was young, it was enough to be clean and decent and go to work at an ordinary job. I feel this is the cause of so much mental illness especially among the young.

    1. I kind of have to agree with you.
      I started with an ordinary sales clerk job and worked my way up to office administrator. It took a lot of years - but it was good clean and hard work.
      I had quite a bit of college - but life just got in the way!

  5. What a reassuring and uplifting message! Sometimes we forget that even the little things are often big things to those we encounter....I know I do! I always told my kids to plant good seeds...I have tried to also. Seeds are little but that can be speaking life into others days. Again, thank you so very much! You are indeed a very big blessing in my life!!

    1. Thank you so much. Yes mam, little things to you may be huge to someone else. Just like actual seeds - you gain so much planting them.
      Thanks so much and go forth and spread those seeds!!!

  6. I truly think God made so many humble ordinary men because he himself is humble and ordinary, Great message.

    1. Thank you. I think of Jesus and you don't get more humble than that.

  7. Most of us will never know the impact our lives have had on others. A chance comment, being in the right place at the right time, a seemingly small act of kindness - all can have a profound impact on another person's life. We're all here for a reason, even if that reason doesn't seem clear to us.

    1. Amen!!!!! A kind word or smile or conversation MAY just save a life one day. We just never know.
      God bless

  8. Ordinary is great for me. I've always been a simple person. I think one of my friends is always feeling sorry for me because I'm such a homebody and so low key. I love being a housewife, doing the Tightwad thing, etc. She reads this as "Debby is broke and depressed." After I'm done laughing, I get a little annoyed that she tells this lie to our old friends. I know this because I get Christmas cards with notes that don't make sense to me lol.
    Then my cousin will call and ask what's wrong!! (They're best friends). I can't seem to convince them that I won the husband jackpot, I have no desire to spend every Saturday at Target buying crap I don't need, my church activities keep me happy and fulfilled... And if you wanna see me clap with giddiness, bring me something from the roadside to paint and fix up.
    My fellow *depressed* buddy from church got excited today because I left her a bag of homemade toilet bombs hanging on her screen door!!

    1. Perception can sure be different from reality. In all likelihood SHE is the one feeling down and depressed. I am like you - just a plain old homebody. Very low maintenance in all ways! I will always be.

      We need to stick with like minded people! They are OUR people!!!

    2. Cheryl, no need to reply but as another backyard artiste, please read some ideas from my post in your last blognote. You might see something that tickles you.

    3. LOVE THE IDEAS! Such inspiration! Got me thinking!

  9. Cheryl, great post. We all need to just live our own lives and not compare or compete with others, easy said then done. As the song says always stay humble and kind.

    1. Absolutely. Don't worry borrow worry about trying to keep up with the Jones's - be yourself.
      Thank you.

  10. Being kind is one of the greatest things...and I am not always that. But still, I always think Kindness Never Hurts.

    Sometimes I have to make myself count my blessings...when frustration mounts.

    Like you, ordinary is good...

    1. Sometimes we just give in to frustrations. It is aggravating - but we all do it.
      I try to thank God every morning and every evening for all my blessings.
