Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Follow the Nudge

Somedays we are all put in a spot that we weren't expecting.  Somedays we all get a feeling to go, call, write, etc.  Some days we DON'T listen!  We all do it.  Those are called gentle nudges - and we need to listen.  If you don't listen - you may get a SMACK and then you have to listen.

I have mentioned that many times, I think about going out and about - then don't.  I don't listen to my inner self.  I do it here on the blog as well.  Some days I have a post all planned, and as I start typing, something different appears.  THAT is what I am 'supposed' to write.  I think I have been nudged to testify or message in a way someone needs to hear (and many say so).  
Our Supreme Being guides us - and we need to listen.

I mentioned last week I went out shopping one day.  I tried to talk myself out of it again, but gave in decided to go.  I planned on only Kroger and at the last minute also decided to go to Big Lots.  There were no cars in the lot, as it was pretty early and only a couple employees.  I did my shopping/looking and went to the checkout.  The cashier looked so sad - she had been crying.
I asked if she was OK, and she was hesitant.  We talked and talked.  Her Mom had recently passed due to cancer.  She was just broken hearted.  I shared my experiences, especially with Glen, and talked about how her Mom was no longer suffering and was in a beautiful place.  I asked her if I could pray with her - and we did.  Upon saying Amen - someone behind me said Amen as well.  I looked up in surprise (as no one had been there), and there was a smiling lady who said "I needed to see and hear this today".  She thanked us both!!!!!!
The cashier was feeling better, I felt good, and another stranger was aided as well.  WIN - WIN - WIN!
I had decided at the last minute to turn into BL's - or maybe I was guided there!

Saturday I got another chance.  At the house warming, my nephew in-laws Mom came.  I have only met her a handful of times over the years.  For a reason I didn't realize at the moment, I got up and went to sit with her and chat.  
She had a really bad stroke about 2 1/2 years ago (sadly runs in their family).  After much rehab, she moved into an assisted living apartment the end of last January (2020).  Covid hit and she could have no visitors, nor could they have resident events any more.  ALL alone and isolated.
She lost her husband 16 years ago and lived a pretty full life, until all this stuff happened.
She hadn't remembered/realized about Glen, and we sat and talked about losing a spouse.  She is lonely  and said no one she personally knows really understood.  Her kids and grands know somewhat - but she hadn't had someone close that had actually lost a spouse to talk with.  She really appreciated having someone who could TOTALLY sympathize. 
We talked and talked and we prayed.  It helped us both.

SO when you get the nudge  to call, write, visit, chat, etc.  DO IT!  You have no idea what it may mean to someone - even a stranger.
God works in mysterious ways - and I DO believe He guides us where we need to be.  We just need to pay attention.
So make that call, or visit that place, or help that stranger, or listen instead of talking, or be a kind neighbor.........  It could mean everything to someone.  
Trust me - you will benefit as well.

Blessings to you all.


  1. What a beautiful post! How awesome for you to see these opportunities and act on them. We all need to be reminded to do that.

    1. I think everything happens for a reason. I was put there for something.
      It blessed me too.

  2. Oh my, yes! I have had those nudges and the person even tells me that this was an answered prayer. Also, makes me ponder how many times I've ignored them. However, I have been the recipient of someone answering the nudge. We are put here to help each other and be there for one another. I feel God is providing lots of our needs this way. Thank you to anyone and everyone that has answered the Nudge and took care of me! Praying that I will be responsive to all nudges I have in the future.
    Thanks, Cheryl....I needed the nudge reminder!

    1. Yes, we are all here to help each other, especially in these times.
      I agree - I think I received many a blessing that way. Who knows, maybe I was the one needing the benefits of those nudges. We all benefit.
      Love your comments.
      Thank you!

  3. Lovely post, thank you for sharing.XXXXX

  4. Oh, I'm so glad you were both able to talk about your shared experiences. :)

  5. My wife encounters people like you did above. She must seem approachable to people and I'm amazed at what they will share with her in line at the grocery store and other places and she shows them so much compassion. I've had a few nudges that I actually did something about and probably a lot that were dismissed by me as nothing. My latest nudge happened as I was driving in town and saw a man waiting on a city bus on a bench. I felt a strong calling to make a U-turn and give the man $20. I just told him that god had whispered to me to do it and that I hope it helps him in some way. I jumped back in my truck and left not ever knowing why I was put there to do it but glad I followed through on the nudge.

    1. Bless your heart. Those whispers can sometimes be heard loud and clear. I am sure you made his day and you improved yours. It made my day to hear that!!!!
      Some people just look approachable. I think you can tell who is kind and who isn't. Animals have an instinct about people - why can't people?
      Thank you for sharing and for being here.

  6. You are truly a blessing, in ways you couldn't begin to know. Huge hugs!

  7. you get the good egg award for being there for people!!!
    take care
    Barb in PA

  8. I remember many years ago, a lady who had lived across the road from us when our kids were growing up, had a teenage son who had gotten in trouble with a group of boys. The whole town was talking about it. I felt so terribly sorry for my friend. If only I could talk to her and support her. I didn’t know what I would say to her! I kept feeling that nudge to call her. A few days went by and I did call her. She cried and I cried. She just couldn’t understand why he would do something like that and thanked me for supporting her when she thought the whole world was against her. We always hug now if our paths ever cross! Pat/Central Texas

    1. Those nudges! Just a simple gesture can change everything. You had a huge impact on her and her life. You were given the gift of understanding and empathy.
      Bless you!

  9. Love this, Cheryl! People need a listening, understanding ear and prayer - right now, not later! What wonderful opportunities and how greatly you were used by the Lord to speak truth and encouragement. Bless you!

    1. Thank you. I agree - the Lord was in charge.
      We all need to be better listeners and givers.

  10. What a wonderful post - simple kindness that only cost you time but must have been appreciated tenfold!

    1. We all need to do a little more when we can.
      Thank you

  11. It costs nothing to be kind and you may be helping someone far more than you could imagine.

  12. How wonderful of you to see and move forward with this young woman. My mother suffered terribly with the death of my step father, and so did Hubs grandmother. I visited her every day with my eldest who was 4 at the time. She just needed company so bad.

    1. I am sure you and your little made the world of difference to her. Everyone handles death differently and we just need to be there to comfort.

  13. Darlin', you were put in those situations by the Ruach HaKodesh (Hebrew for the Holy Spirit). It is a true blessing to be able to bless someone in need. We are admonished to love our neighbors and you were doing that as you prayed with the young woman at the store. Also spending time listening to the sweet lady who desperately needed someone to understand what she was going through. Our lives are enriched by having our Creator in our hearts.

    1. I am sure I got much more than either of them. The Lord takes care of me in every way every day. I love to be able to spread His Glory around.

  14. Thank you for your post, Cheryl. I've had similar things happen. We never know when the Lord is going to use use to encourage others, and I think that it maybe blesses me just as much as the other person, maybe more.

    1. AMEN - just said the same thing above to Donna. I am blessed beyond measure - and I believe we were all put on earth to help one another.

  15. Wow! What wonderful blessings/experiences you've been used in lately, Cheryl. I especially love that there was a 3rd person you didn't even know was there, getting blessed. How like the Lord. "Little becomes much when we yield it to the Master's touch." Thank you for sharing~

    1. Those unexpected blessings are always lovely. I love getting them and I like helping in some way if I can.
      The Lord moves us where we need to be.

  16. Your blog is a blessing to me and I'm sure it is to many others too. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

    1. How kind of you. Thank you for being here and listening to my rambling.

  17. God's timing is perfect...if we just let it be!
